FACTS ABOUT THE STRIKE AT Radlo hack DIVISION TANDY ELECTRONICS LIMITED On August 91979 Radio Shack Barrie was struck by the United Steel Workers of America and minority of its employees During this period Radio Shack has continued to function and provide merchandise and services to our 766 stores in Canada Here are some facts on the strike There are approxi mately 190 nonbargaining unit employees at Radio Shack These 190 employees do not support the strike There are 180 employees in the bargaining unit at Radio Shack Of this number 29 employees are on the picket line and an additional 14 employees refuse to cross the picketline This is total of 43 employees out of 180 who are supporting the strike action The balance of the employees are either on holidays out sick or crossing the picketline and are working daily FACT The United Steel Workers of America have pro posed national boycott of Radio Shack products ITEM During sale at our warehouse store on August 27 Radio Shack picketers crossed the picketline to make purchases in the store ITEM person identified as local union leader crossed the picketline to make purchase and when asked why he responded strike is strike but bargain is bargain Because of lack of employee support labour leaders have asked other unions and other locals to support their cause on the picketline These outsiders have caused problems and unrest resulting in eight arrests All of those arrested were non Radio Shack employees FACT Going into the fifth week of the strike Radio Shack has not replaced any strikers with new employees