01property forrsale 91929erttlor sale THIS WEEKEND OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY AND MONDAY IN BARRIE SUPER BEDROOM HOME WITH ATTACHED GARAGE $36000 Close to shopping schools and transportation Extras include separate dining room baths fully carpeted and more SUNDAY AND MONDAY 12 TO PM For directions cal 2701279 QUALITY BUILT BY SANDBURY illRNONBROWNE Realton REAL ES TE 37CHIEFTAIN CRESCENT IE ONTARIO L4N 4L4 7057265551 Member Barrie and District Real Estate Board RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE AUTO FIRE LIFE MORTGAGES ARRANGED HIS DREAM CAN BE YOURS An army officer purchased this home last year and now he has been posted He has spent over $6000 making it his dream home new custom brick fireplace with heatilators new broadloom over hardwood new paved drive and patio 12 garage with workshop fenced lot 66 230 with mature pines fenced garden area with sheds Two bedroom bungalow separate dining room and eatin kitchen triple windows extra insulation Must be seen Asking low 405 Its in Angus and its terrific Phone Derek VernonBrowne 7265551 Au31SI JUST OPENED c014 AND SEE CUSTOM BUILT HOMES from $65000 and up in lovely COOKSTOWN 15 minutes from Barrie ACRE LOTS for your dream home GOOD FINANCING MODELS now ready for viewing NUDAC PROTECTED Tie 400 south to 89 mos West to King St Cookstown ltd one block South to our Subdivision COOKSLANE DEVELOPMENT Sales Office Open 10 AM to PM Daily OPEN HOUSE DAILY For more information call 4589431 or 416 8627365 BARRY COLE 7287631 AL BEACOCKnO toll 4873090 JOHN KUIPERS 7286724 ED WISMER 7261120 JOHN COLE 7288017 JACK WALL 7289850 MARIA EVANS 7261740 DICK RICHARDS 7285478 ELSIE WALL 7289850 BERNIE ROTH 7373664 LAKEFRONT Private sale City location Large lot 65 327 Excellent beach area Double bay boathouse with living area above homes on property Double car garage $114900 Phone726 7215after5 00 PRIVATE BEDROOM House double lot garage large screened sun porch near lake Very reasonable Telephone 436 2295 PRIVATE SALE New split entry bedroom large rooms attached double garage Choose rugs and colors Beau tiful corner treed lot Anlen Mills 72670056 PRIVATE Baycrest Dr Large four bedroom sidesplit Lshaped livingdin ing room baths Family room fireplace Two walkouts car garage Lol100x 2007261636 Pratt Homes New home under construction in the Midnurst area large level side split with oversized double garage on well treed lot choice of interior colors and flooring available For further informa tion telephone 728 1259 BAYFIELD MALL AREA $49900 bedroom split level brick bungalow Large corner lot baths red acorn gas fireplace nice looking home outside cozy inside After or weekends 737 1841 PRIVATE SALE City of Barrie Two bedroom bungalow with garage on lot 43 130 Needs remodelling Asking $26500 Telephone 728 4563 PRIVATE Owner transferred Tall Trees sidesplit bathrooms bedrooms den family room with fireplace finished laundry room 726 3728 $520001irm Barrie FERRIS PARK $35014IDaphne Cres bedrooms Telephone 17416 533 16790r 737 2296 15 MINUTES NORTH of Barrie stone side split on large 107 154 corner lot with single garage extra car garage paved driveways fully finished base ment with Franklin fireplace and launderette lully broadloomed beautifully landscapped with large trees and fence Backs onto bush property 352900 Private sale 835 3023 Immediate PosseSSIon acre lot in the country with bedroom bungalow garage broadloomed an pliances taxes $350 Telephone 737 3627 ESTATE SALE bedroom brick bungalow on approximately one acre land 12th concession Innislil Broadloom oil heat drapes and tour ap pliances included $48000 Telephone 737 3627 alter 5pm or weekends PROPERTIES TO be sold for unpaid taxes Official Ontario Lists Dept Ex Box 5380 Station Ottawa Ont k2C 3J1 PRIVATE SALE 30 LAY ST room house white brick split level lm maculate condition fireplace in living finished rec room Call 726 8053 for ap pointmentonly FOUR BEDROOM townhouse end unit completely fenced deck canopy and many extras Call anytime 726 9296 252 YONGE sr BARRI 722291 OLE 55 COLLIER ST BARBIE 7372101 AGENTS FOR PANCOL CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ALLISTON MONTREAL TRUST RELOCATION SERVICES LEO PROCEE CONSTRUCTION LIMITED FOREST HILL ESTATES ANTEN MILLS PINEVIEW ESTATES OF MIDHURST FSTF LTD REALTOR ART MAW 7281346 RICK HAMILTON 7288698 DAN HENDERSON 7286065 STEVE VANDRICK 4364413 RANDY FORBES 4873550 ED BOWMAN 7267000 QUEENIE LITTLE 4361992 CHARLES TONNA 4563483 MURRAY STOVELL 4362306 BERNIE BLUM 4875540 PRIVATE 265 Nelson Cres Stroud bedroom home broadloomed through out rec room laundry room workshop 4th bedroom in basement $46500 Call 436 4589 $43900 PRIVATE SALE Recently redecorated older storey solid brick home conveniently located in Barrie bedrooms finished rec room fireplace in living room double paved drive mature treed lot fenced yard Telephone 726 2474 04lots for sale A1 ACRE LOTS in new subdivision fully serviced Permits to build homes 416 862 7365 or 705 458 9431 ANTEN MILLS Second Phase 20 large well treed lots Underground services protected building restrictions 19000 each 15 minutes to Barrie hospital Phone 728 0851 MIDHURST 13 and 23 acrerlots $5000 Toronto 961 2745 nights BUILDING LOT 16000 squarE feet located in Alcona Beach miles south of Barrie Near Lake Simcoe $16000 Call 5141 458 4195 ACRE TREED LOT with creek on 9th of Oro near lake Has septic approval Telephone726 4620 06farms for rent FARM FOR rent one hour from Toron to 10 acre plus bedroom home $500 monthly Available immediately Telephone 705 689 5663 o7Abusiness opportunities EARN UP TO $15000 PER YEAR Raise large bait worms in your basement or garage Com pleter odorless Small inj vestment required Nationalj Green Proiect Ltd 1703 Mattowa Avenue Mississaugal Ontario L4X 1K5 Telephone 11 4162764560 TsTrj BODY SHOP clean up centre bays1 set up for paint with fan and lights rent by month or lease Oil heated Barrie limits 32229618 mi trom Barrie limits BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise TF ITbusiness opportunities MANUFACTURERS AGENT We have exclusive territory available including Simcoe County the Bracebridge Kawartha Haliburton Cdlingwood and Midland areas for QUALIFIED MANUFACTURERS AGENT to carry our line of very high quality building components Knowledge of renovation home improvement con struction and retail lumber yard markets definite asset No house accounts Existing accounts and leads or inquiries are yours No in vestment required Him MR NIVEN 416 4414104 am to pm or 4144419425 after prn sr 09fcommerciarlfindétrial FOR LEASE in CENTRAL BARRIE 1300 sq ft in new building Doityourself oriented business preferred REASONABLE RENT Immediate Occupancy Please 7261439 ThFSTF BllIlSlll um um Industrial Commercial for sale or lease 7243422 TF Rate Ever Barrie nmortï¬gages Contact our office 35 Dunlop Street East 7371411 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation l4mobile homestrailers RUSSELL CHURCH Moble Homes Ltd SALERENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF lsnursing homes APPLICATIONS NOW being accepted for residents in need of rest home care 24 hours supervision Contact the JAY HARO Nursing Home Coldwater 6863307 litapartmentsfor rent THE MAYFAIR Nicest apartments in Barrie Two bedrooms available with many features Bernick Dr 7372519 MODERN LUXURY TF VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HQGATE Apt 102 TThSTF WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St Spacious 123 bedroom suites Convenient Clean building To view call 7263827 or 7267153 TF FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment overlooking the lake suitable for one working person First and last months required $180 monthly includes parking Telephone 7268420 FBEDROOM APARTMENT ms First and last months rent Available September 15th Call Mr Warner 7373484 11 nancial Highest Savings Account lZmortgages IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements any wunh reason 10 pay all existing or maturing mortgage Caisuuction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mongagas MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 DUNLOP ST EAST IARRIE ONT 7260931 24 New Phone Service 347 BAY ST TORONTO ONT 3633421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 13money toï¬loan AND UP AT EXCELLENT RATES FOR ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE Business loans for existing and new businesses Venture or risk capital Complete loan packaging service bl cingfactoring Commercial solidation Financing for acquisitions Lease financing Mortgage loans CANADIAN AND US FUNDS Loan guarantees over US 2mil only For information call OFFSHORE INVESTMENTS LIMITED 01 finan debt C071 mergers LEPTA FINANCIAL SERVICES It404 2992626 416 9245000 14mobile homes and trailers MOBILE HOME 60x12 on lot 70 100 bedrooms large sunroom 20 furnished air conditioned oil and forced air heat cable TV shed and contents extra chairs and tables new condition $14000 Apply Rev Davies 3250504 or the Pinders next door 326 6375 or call at 30 Montgreenan Drive Fergus Hil Estates Orilia lTapartm forrent BACHELOR APARTMENT SELFCONTAINED modern in high rise building Sauna exercise room all utilities included in rent $189 mthly Suit one person Central location 7280776 LETS FIGHT INFLATION RENT REDUCED or bedroom luxury townhouses Choose location near shopping centre schools churches marina From $299 mthly NO dogs References to pm 7262361 or 7287798 TF BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlop St suites available Spacious Utilities included convenient location 7265771 TF COOKSTOWN Three bedroom apart merit Available October Isl Call 416 775 6398evenings to pm LARGE TWO BEDROOM basement apartment in home for rent $215 per month includes all utilities and heat Located on bus route near Georgian Col lege No pets One child only Available September lst Phone 737 1828 ATTRACTIVE THREE BEDROOM apartment main floor of bungalow residential area Refrigerator stove all utilities plus parking near schools and transportation Immediate occupancy S325 4873819 16apartments for rent 1M 21roomandboard litapartments for rent PERIAI IZRS btKANEFF SPACIOUS and BEDROOM ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM OBILLIARD ROOM °TENNIS COURT CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB year lease available IDEAL FOR RETIRED PEOPLE RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12to pm weekdays 11 to pm weekends 7269580 37 JOHNSON ST MODERN TWO bedroom refrigerator stove heat and cable $255 monthly Call 7371130after6 pm BEDROOM neWIy décorated Angus Utopia area $230 monthly plus hydro Telephone 726 6271 BEDROOM basement apartment heat hydro fridge stove included Toronto Wellington St area 3200 month y7280997 FU SHE ONE bedroom apartment suit couple laundry room parking cen tral S225 monthly Available September Telephone 7280755 FURNISHED ONE and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 7260988 weekdays and BEDROOM APARTMENTS Mulcaster St fridge stove all utilities in cluded S200 $245 monthly Telephone 7289609 234 BEDROOM APARTMENT main level of duplex garage basement yard Heat hydro included Available October lst $300 monthly 7269994 after 600 pm AVAILABLE OCTOBER Ist Spacious storey duplex apartment located miles west of Barrie Tastefully design ed with oak beams in private CCUm setting Adults only no pets $260 per month includes utilities 728 4568 EAST END bedroom apartment full basement available immediately S275 month plus hydro Also bedroom living room and kitchen $175 month This is duplex on Blake St 4872412 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 l7housesto rent WOODS Little Bayvlew Drive COUNTRY LIVING In BEDROOM TOWNHOMES WITH EARLY OCCUPANCY Gas fired forced air heating Some with ravine settings Tennis Court Adiacent Molson Park Rents from $300 per month HEADWAY CORPORATION 7373992 ThFSTF NOW AVAILABLE NEW BEDROOM HOME $325 monthly Convenient location Cal DEL REALTY 7370500 TF BEDROOM detached houses Maple Grove Road Township of Innislil option to purchase with rent to be credited against purchase price 7054362887 IT 15 POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For information call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 Hour Service TWO BEDROOM homes Downtown 5375 plus utilities includes garage full backyard and appliances Available im mediately and September Isl Call Toronto 416 4850697 or 416 249 0241 Inquiries to OPTIONT0 out 56913 mi sémis from $325 Fridgestove First month re quired VirgodRealty 737 1211 TWO BEDROOM house on Orr Lake lust 15 miles north of Barrie Close to shopping all conveniences Immediate possession $200 monthly 322 1063 NEW LAKEFRONT HOME bedroom near Shanty Bay Lots of privacy No pets Available immediately Telephone 726 5037 TOWNHOUSE to rent bedroomsfssro monthly Garage Tamarack Woods Telephone 737 1376 BEDROOM well kept home in Allan dale Garage fridge stove 12 baths finished basement No pets Available September lst $425 month Call 7371403 after pm FOUR BEDROOM house for rent with garage Available September lst Highway 90 between Barrie and Angus $235 monthly plus utilities First and last 416659 3448 FOUR BEDROOM WATERFRONT EXECUTIVE Oro Station baths main floor family room with fireplace seperate dining room eatin kitchen 5550 month Available immediately Call Don Allan 737 2880 EXECUTIVE BUNGALOW iaFnin room with fireplace garage S400 mon thly Close to school and college Available immedrately Telephone 4562540 BEDROOM HOUSE fully broadloorn ed attached garage appliances includ ed Large lot pay own utilities Alcona Beach area Rent $250 monthly Call 416 4814904 after pm MAIN FLOOR of modern bungalow3 bedrooms attached garage on large wooded lot minutes from Barrie all utilities included 5365 monthly Available September 15 Call7371284 NEW BUNGALOW available for rent Close to everything bright decor suitable as bedroom or 34 bedroom stove and fridge to good tenants Telephonel 416 2261335 BEDROOM BUNGALOW for rent miles from city limits Located on paved road For further information telephone 728 7857 MlNESING One bedroom stove fridge carpeted drapes Newly decorated September 1st June lst 1980 $225 monthly plus security deposit 7287175 atterop AVAILABLE September 1st unior ex ecutive bedroom brick bungalow S350 monthly poy own heat and hydro stove and fridge miles south of Barrie Cell Joan 416 636 2278 or 416 630 9421 BEDROOM HOME for rent on large lot close to Highway 27 South $350 monthly plus Utilities Many extras Available October Telephone 737 1712 ONE BEDROOM basement apartment private entrance minutes from Barie free utilities $180 per month Available September BEDROOM HOUSE Central area fridge stove and freezer $280 month plus heat and hydro Only responsible couples need inquire 726 5149 REET BARRIE MwsT laapts wanted to rent APARTMENT WANTED or bedrooms for quiet middle aged lady non smoker non drinker in or near Bar rie Reply Box 833 The Examiner Bar rie l9houses wanted to rent FURNISHED2OR bedroom cottage or house Barrie area for months Premium rent will be paid for sufficient lodging Credentials Call Rouse Willson Real Estate 7261938 or 726 5407 FARMHOUSE Would like to rent good brick farmhouse or country home South of Barrie starting October ist Telephone 4362435 20Arroomsto let CLEAN FURNISHED room downtown location kitchen facilities Abstainers only apply 77 Mary Street LOVELY CLEAN HOME large bright furnished bedroom with sink Rooms cleaned linen changed weekly Kitchen facilities free parking Central gentleman preferred 728 0598 FURNISHED BEDROOM use ofAkit chen Central telephone 77377 3106 ROOMFOR RENT centrally located parking facilities kitchen privileges person only Apply 30 Mary St 7142 LARGE CLEANBrigm FUrniEhed Foam parking and kitchen facilities available Central location Telephone 7371386 LARGE FURNISHED housekeeping room $150 monthly everything includ ed Suit single person Telephone 7280755 LARGE FURNISHED hOUSekEeping room fridge and stove Central location Rearsoniabrlerrent Telephone726 9806 728241 ROOM AND BOARD square meals day laundry done close to bus route 728 6182 AVAILABLE SEPT 1st single room and double room Males preferred Good meals Friendly atmosphere No mothering Near bus stop and downtown 726 3670 22rooms wanted FURNISHED ROOM in quiet neigh borhood with private bath and toilet and separate entrance and parking if possi ble Reply Box B46 The Examiner 23offices stores for rent RENTANOFFICE DOWNTOWN BY THE DAY WEEK OR MONTH OR YEAR OR TWO MAIN FLOOR EXECUTIVE OFFICE RENTALS Fully Staffed Equipped Furnished STORAGE SPACE Basement Area 1240944 513 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 7281743 till pm 728 6899 after pm MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloft 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned office space for rent with parking spots available immediately Telephone 7267130 OFFICE SHOWROOM Space 2000 sq ft Brock at Lorena Good parking Sprinklered Stew Emms or Bud Thomas 726 0661 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 sq ft Bell Farm Rd by Georgian College Duckworth Cloverleaf 726 0231 COOKSTOWN Office in storespace for rent Approximately 500 square feet Call 416 775 6098 evenings pm to pm 25 DUNLOP ST EAST second floor modern Office space for rent Available immediately Was rented at S450 month Reduced to $275 month Call Ray Bubel 7263871 Rep Ed Lowe Ltd Realtor 24space for rent FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloff WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included 5475 men thly Apply StewartWholesale 7283051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 tt18 ft clear part of large ex panding industrial mall 7267130 1500 SQ FT STORAGE space for lease truck entrance 178 Tiffin St Telephone Mr Angeloft T7M71industrial sbaéétdr Ground level steel building lease highway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change 18 feet clear drive in door 550 available Contact Omar Morrow ad Barrie0ntario 705 726 26817 BUILDING 3000 sq fl doors loft entrance Present use body shop Available September 15th 5400 per month 435 4962 726 4115 STORE FOR RENT Allandale area parking and utilities included Air condi tioned 726 8712 after pm 26accom modations to share HOUSE TO SHARE facing Lake Simcoe own room share other facilities 11 miles south of Barrie Available lm mediately Reply Box 246 Aurora YOUNG WORKING man or student wanted to share luxury bedroom apart ment with young male Must be neat $145 monthly Bayfield Candles 7263155 evenings PERSON TO SHARE two bedroom apartment in modern security building Baytield and Cundles area 5150 mon thly includes hydro 728 7646 evenings CLEAN CHRISTIAN female to share townhouse telephone 7371439 before 830am 28cottages for sale ISOLATED COTTAGE surrounded by unpolluted lakes Excellent fishing hun ting Access by plane train road 52 miles west of CapreoL Millsap Ruel Ontario Phone 800 32 Sudbury exchange or 435 7935 112cars for sale 1977 PLYMOUTH VOLARE V8 automatic power steering power brakes rear window defogger new radials never winter driven Asking 54500 Certified 737 0676 or 728 7133 1974 MOB execllentconditiOn stereo Will certify $2700 firm Telephone 7281856alter400pm ANT IQU 1951 Ford low mileage runs well new brakes shocks complete tuneup needs some mark in trunk Best offer over $1700 726 4057 1974 PONTIAC passenger wagon full power including factory air recently certified New shocks and front end Price includes new paint $2895 Telephone 436 5309 1977FORD LTD2 302 engine 006 ex cellent condition certified Telephone 456 2306 or 456 3421 after pm 1974 PINTO speed radio certified Elflj°°9 55 1976 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME va auto PS PB AMFM radio Certified Phone 424 meet 424 5156 137s OLDS OMEGA 42000 miles ex cellent condition $2900 Telephone 7370195 tm MALIBU Hardtop cyl automatic excellent Condition as is 51600 Telephoneï¬728 9277 after pm 1673 CADILLAC SEDAN de Ville fully loaded tilt steering wheel perma shined Iconditicn 705 549 7866 1973 CADILLAC ELDORADO with all options Only 62000 miles certified will accept reasonable Offer 705 429 4828 1971 V8 VEGA 350 228 engine turbo 350 transmission headers and highrise 750 Holley carburettor $2000 Telephone 8352099 1972 CORVETTE white 425 hp power steering power brakes power windows AMFM cassette custom exterior and interior Telephone 726 2380 ask for Doug 1976 MONTE CARLO power steering power brakes air conditioning 307 four barrel in very good condition 53400 cer tilled Telephone 322 1499 1966 MUSTANG 789 automatic im maculale condition Certified $2000 or will swap for small pickup at equal value 726 0874 Superb family sedan 73 Silver metallic MERCURY Black vinyl roof ZIEBART Power steering and breakes Air conditioned Tinted glass AMFM stereo tape New radials Michelin snows 416 433 6917 1974 OLDS CUSTOM Cruiser passenger wagon air conditioned full power cruise control AMFM stereo owner car in top condition $1895 Telephone 737 1298 1969 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN door as is 5150 Telephone 728 8534 OLDS DELTA 1970 CUSTOM mechaniccally body real good ex cellent second car 5500 Telephone 728 6572 ï¬t the examiner Aaturday Sept 197911 112cars for sale 1976 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS 350 V8 automatic power steering brakes air conditioning Extra snows and summer tires Included Certified amalgam42213 1975 TR6 red radial tires AMFM stereo overdrive 44000 miles Cell bet ween pm to pm weekdays 728 4118 1977 BUICK SKYHAWK hatchback five speed radial tires and snows on rims adio great gas mileage Excellent conditionCertified 7260440 MECHANICS SPECIAL 1971 2402 Looks and drives like new Over $699 spent on complete brake iob new ex haust and new radial tiresbut lutch has gone and other work needed to certify To be sold this weekend as is Best offer over $1100 or trade for driveable car 737 3234 75 DODGE ROYAL Monaco air conditioned powu door locks steering and brakes 52495 Will certify Phone 487 2828 iiynii T976 CORDOBA for sale loaded in ex cellent condition Certified Telephone 4245335 7AW 1974 AUSTIN MARINA economical automatic carefully maintained will certify $850 or nearest offer Telephone 7269425 1965 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN door V8 automatic power steering power brakes new battery and starter radio body fair Sl25firm 726 6420 after pm 1965 M68 Collectors item Both hardtop and convertible Original spoke tires Excellent condition Must sell $1200 certified Telephone 726 0370 1971 CHEVROLET IMPALAfasD mechanically and body wise in good shape Asking S350 728 0157 76 TOYOTA CORONA wagon showroom condition woodsides roof rack on the floor See it at 112 Cundles Rite 4004 AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 728 95719 9pm 1973 CHEVY VEGA Hatchback automatic AI condition 45000 miles Certified 737 1247 aftei7p 1973 PONTIAC door hardtop for sale A1 condition Certified Telephone 728 9430 1973 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE Seabring plus door hardtop automatic power steering power brakes console runs good as is 5600 Phone 456 2016 or 17 1968 OLOSMOBILE DELTA as power steering windows body in good shape $225 or trade two 1977 Oldsmobile bucket seats 43674133 gt 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA 1600 Deluxe Price S795 Radio Certified good condi nr 728 7267 1976 CAMERO power steering power brakes 305 cu inches 29000 miles keystone mags excellent condition Ask irtg s4700 424 0611 1974 DODGE DART SWINGER run ning condition Telephone 728 18217 33cars wantedto buy SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pick up any tirne 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED for wrecking Fast pickup Phone £15 6322 days 424 5949 evenings JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Mdtors Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 728 8111 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 MgtgtNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you Of thefinest iob possible FRALICK ALUMINUM IMII spruce up your home with Our new line of DAYMOND vinyl siding with 40 year guarantee or KAISER aluminum siding SOFFIT FASCIA TROUGH WINDOWS DOORS SHUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES 4361830 TThSTF DIAMOND VINYL ALUMINIUM soffit fascia shutters doors windows awnings eovestroughs 40 year guarantee 4365645 siding D26 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Sales and Service Free Home Demonstra tions 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 7283392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dish washers freezers lrid es ranges micro ovens any make any oy 7371195 ALUET CHIMNEY SWEEPS NO MESS NO FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 TThS CHIMNEY REPA Leithwood CHIMNEY SERVICE Repair Specialists POINTING LINING BUILDING CLEANING STROUD 4364590 TThSTF mm DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 TThSTF BEAU DISCO music for all occasiOns wed dings banquets parties etc Telephone 4246648 MANIERI PAVING PATIOS SIDEWALKS STEPS PCURBS GARAGE FLOORS Workmanship Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 RUBBISH and junk removed Attics garages basements cleaned Cash for used appliances furniture 4362429 4365414 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQU IO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and alt ra tions 42 Eugenia St Phone 7266000 EAVESTROUGHING SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS rooIing and roofing repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verstrbten New Lowell 21956 LICENCED ELECTRICIAN looking for small iobs around homes Telephone 7265997 LICENCED ELECTRICIAN Repairs rewiring 24 hour service Free estimates Call 73739040nytime FIIREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Low winter rates Workmanship guaranteed 4245802 FIREPLACES PETER HENSTRA 7372871 Custom built fireplaces patios home fronts in stone porches chimney repair Free estimates VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry FOr free estimates phone 7281599 rmwooo 100 DRY HARD WOOD SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 FIREWOOD Manta hardwood and birch Sunnidale Road between 9th and 10111 Vespra Phone 7389367 FIREWOOD for sole Seasoned hardwood $1 per lace cord Delivered Phone 7262548 FURNAC ROSS DINSMORE HEATING Furnace Sales Service Combination Wood Oil Furnaces Oil Forced Air Furnaces FURNACES CLEANED SERVICED 7286841 515 HOME IMPROVEMENTS 11 CONSTRUCTION Hausa raising loun dafions renovations odditions Phone 4362955after pm NORTHERN CARPENTRY Specialixing In in terior work Rec rooms kitchens bath rooms panelling finish work 7269M2 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovatIons cedar decks bathroom tiling rec foams etc Telephone 7261271 SUMMER FALL CLEANUP Lawn shrub care Trees trimmed and cut Basement garages cleaned Trash iunk removed Small moving iobs PROMPT SERVICE 4873141 TF N650 TOO SMALL MCIportion 63 for free estimate call John 7281996 FONGDICHJWORKING MEN to do fall clean up unwanted iunk garages yards basements attics 7373M FERTILIZING weed spraying mowing sod ding seedlg etc Vic Triemstra WEED SPRAYING Iertilizing Results gtoranteed THE WEEPMAN 7372721 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney re air Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 7054245158 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studior72614B9 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin her and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Musiclgtl2l BayIIeld 7281799 PRGESSIONAL GUITARIST givtng lessons in classical popular and rock Call Gary 7269098 BARRIE scuoofor BRASS Professional Iri struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur Burgin7261064 PlANO ACCORISIANTtHeIiinEigaii Nbdern and conservatory exam prepara tion DebragOlther 7379977 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating IFt terior exterior Work guaranleed Es tablished 30 years 7262225 72691X PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 1311295 TF DCN SlESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266808 PATTTING PAPER hanging experienCDd Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7268341 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior References available Free reasonable esti rnotes Telephone 7371087 PAVING ODRIVEWATS OCOMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL OmNCRETE WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates BARRIE 7370179 ST PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL Oparlting lots tennis courts asphalt sealing ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK FREE ESTIMATES 7261451mwil MANIERI PA VIN LTD Irircuays olarkrng Lots Tennis nurfs uncrelo Work FREE ES TIMA TES WRITTEN 14 RA NTEE 7260081 TF INTERLOCKING PAVING We unfy and bustl UNISTONE for PATIOS DRIVEWAYS SIDEWALKS POOL DECK for free minutes cal 9104474550 PICTURE ING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes Phone 270 BATHTUBS REGLAZED In The Home Without Removal ANY COLOR GUARANTEED Metal Office Patio Furniture Sinks Appliances ACE REFINISHERS 7282811 TThSS29 SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Simcoe Small Engine and Marine Repairs to all makes Prompt Service ALL WORK GUARANTEED 7313395 TvsItADIo REYNOLDS Tv SERVICE R490 to mien black and white TV stereos etc All makes qdmodels 424 6181 ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commeroal aIdResidenlial Free estimates Tole ho norm