it Communists protest PetroCanada RCMP officers keep watchful eye on about 150 demonstrators of the Communist Party of Canada who marched on Parliament Hill Saturday after noon The demonstrators were marching in pro Law Society seeks increase in malpractice insurance rates TORONTO CP The Law Society of Upper Canada says it WIII raise lawyers mandatory malpractice insurance rates in an effort to reduce the number of mistakes lawyers make letter sent to Ontario lawyers this week said the rates wrll increase to $665 from $450 for lawyers who have had claim against them Lawyers who have gone three years without claim against them Will be granted $50 discount The soc1ety says it also is planning series of seminars outlining the mistakes most commonly made by lawyers and warns that members who do not attend the seminars will befined $50 JA Brule chairman of the societys practice and in surance committee said Sun day the new malpractice fees will allow the society to raise coverage to maximum $250000 per previous limit was $100000 Brule said he did not know how much malpractice in surance was paid out last year Radio workers facing dismissal TORONTO CP Six strik The radio operators who claim The test of the plans to dismantle PetraCanada by the government of Prime Minister Joe Clark CP Laserphoto but the number of claims is in creasing The letter says Loss records indicate that about half the number of losses have oc JACKPOT $83996130 GROWING Saturday Oct 27th 1979 curred in the real estate field and approximately half of those involve matters in which the lawyer has acted for more than one interest BONUS Pierre Trudeau charges Clark playing down Quebec referendum OTTAWA CP Prime Minister Clark is playing down the importance of the commg Quebec referendum on sovereignty association to protect himself politically 0pposrtion Leader Pierre Trudeau says Trudeau said in an inter View broadcast Sunday on the CTV program Question Period that Clark feels he cant glay much of role in the de ate Therefore it is in Clarks political interest to claim the referendum is not an impor tant issue the Liberal leader sai cards he said If you dont play for keeps if you think youre going to lose its bet ter not to play for keeps or for big stakes Trudeau said it is the right tactical choice for the prime minister because Clark thinks in his heart that he 919 examiner Monday Oct 29 1679 participating in it hintself or by having it lost generally because the government of Canada hasnt taken the right positions DOESNT SHARE VIEW cant quarrel with his position tactically but ob viously its not one that Clark said Saturday he will not participate in the referendum because he is not citizen of Quebec but he wanted Quebec Progressive Conservatives to be active Trudeau said Quebec Liberal Leader Claude Ryan has asked him to take part in Its like playing at may well lose it either bv not share NEW the referendum debate BONDS NOW INCREASED RATE OF RETURN The rate of interest on the new Series of Canada Savin Bonds Compound Interest Bond that reinvests yOur interest automaticall earning interest on interest Wit the new rates $100 Compound on T7 ing radio operators at Toronto hagdihradéo trafICvCWEdéller NUMBER has been mereaSEd to for the Interest Bond will grow to $20237 ï¬fmamm Airport SUSpend faiinrpditserhauetzletfe1t 8at in ï¬rSt Year and 10120 for eaCh Of at maturity in just years or eight days for refusing to ABOVE REG perrom designated duties for We leeks AR NUMBERS WIN IN ANY ORDER have been threatened with lggweverv tam gafegfligg OF average annual yield to maturity raors ar ir diErLililsgsalebalgpignutï¬gï¬iggssylsd under Pceomract to perform pRIZES WINNERS pRIZE VALUE on the Bonds 15 1059 Every To at Toronto Infernational said designated duties which in JACKPOT one who has already bought 01 EASY Saturday that since the radio elude some emergency Ssr cute $83996130 Who buys new Canada Savmgs New Canada savings Bonds are 11 operators were suSpended YCesi Sgnflcal weather Bonds will et these hjgher rates now wherever ou bank or Thurway their jObS have been tormadleon pdmmg 0m poSSlble 2nd PRIZE $42 231 00 even thou the bond certificates on 58 performed by management hazar communcmms Soutot6plus bonus invest You can buy them in various personnel 9r search and rescue 099 3rd PRIZE have the rate printed on them amounts to total purchase limit lte 1h 20 1015 radgogpgrantorrsla sliltnaof Elem Th 1th Few OUI 12 $1 50880 of 25XO Buy yours today classified as essential workers Across Canada 32 airport radio stations have been closed designated services on Thurs day to protest the state of con tract talks with the federal 4th PRIZE out of 4430 $3810 SAFE SECURE AND SIMPLE TO CASH because of the strike lreasury board 5th pRZE New Canada Savings Bonds are safe secure At least eight striking radio 33353815353335153313 out of6 61471 5500 investment that earns you good interest year after RETURN 0N PAST SERIES INCREASED operators have been sent let ters of suspension for refusing tract with the federal govern year They re backed by all the resources of Canada The rate of return on all outstanding Series of Canada Savings to perform designated duties at met and dismissed the threat TOTAL 66 015 $1 And the re eas to cash when theres need Bonds has been increased to 11 for the year beginning airports in Alberta British Col of élrlflgs as ridficulgtiest Cd 69546994 November 1979 and to 102 for each remaining yea7r7ulntil the PO esmen or use umbia the Yukon and the Nor board and the Public Servicé bonds mature For Senes dated beio ovember Alliance of Canada which increased retum will be aid through an increase in the value CANADA SAVINGS thwest Territories The suspen sions for periods of up to three days are to be served at time designated by management date of the bonds For the last two Series the higher rates Will be payable for each remaining car until the bonds mature Complete details are available ere you bank or invest CHOICE OF BONDS Canada Savin Bonds also offer you great choice Theres Re Interest Bond which pays interest represents the radio operators of the cash bonus payab on the maturi have said negotiations have reached stalemate and no talks were held during the Saturday Nov 3rd 1979 Telesat seeks reduced rates OTTAWA CP Officials of Telesat Canadas satellite agency have asked the Cana dian Radiotclevision and Telecommunications Commis sion for permission to slash their channelleasing costs to broadcasters It costs about $160000 year to lease channel on the Cana dian satellite and because of that high cost many channels are unused However Telesat officials say they hope to reduce lease fees by up to 50 per cent to at tract new business Under the new fee schedule in Telesats application there would be graduated scale of channel fees so that the more channels that were leased by single client the lower the rate would become Earlier this month Ontario Communications Minister James Snow said Telesat was pricing itself out of the market because of channellease rates THE BEST BOOTS COME FROM From your little to to the top at your tibia you are gently swathod in gleaming rich wade loathr You are ripped demand and sure Iootod on nonskid nbbad sole Block brown suede Mall Walkwel Shoes HTMthOIM DUNlOP ST EAST 7282397 weekend The union told the treasury board on Friday it Would resume services for 48 hours on the condition that the board resume negotiations and drop the disciplinarv susriensions each Novem lst at the new higher rates And CANADA SAVINGS BONDS BETTER CHOICE THAN EVER AT 9g OUR LUBE OIL AND FILTER IS ME CHANGE AVAILABLE ONLY WHERE YOU SEE THIS SIGN LUBE OIL ORIESS NOSTCARS lndudes oUpto7500nnmstWeen changes Chassas lubrication Up to litres of £550 Extra 10W 30 motoroil New Oil tiller mi 1h LESS JCSICARS Includes Up to 15000 miles between changes fuel economy Chases lubrication Atlas High Mileage Filteri 57 00 extra lot 1975 ai2197367f CARSONS ESSO SERVICE Comer Dunlop Ann St Barrie 7260792 FILTER SPECIAL Contains friction reducer for Up to litres of Uniflo motor oil New oul filter $4300 extra for an COOLING SYSTEM SERVICE fv LESS Price IS for most cars parts and antifreeze extra Heres what we do Drain and flush radiator Install new antifreeze Presswe test cooling system and check for leaks Test radiator cap Inspect coolant overflow lanl Inspect condition of radiator healer and bypass hoses Inspect engine drive bells Inspect water pump seal and bearing Visually inspect condition of radiator shroud and Ian blades Check operation of temperature gauge or warm light Check aulon olnle heater for elllLIEfl operation tel are with 350 and 10 gives SUN VALLEY E550 Hwy II ml no of Bard in Gasoline Aloy ï¬ve bit Mot your my and Save Save Saul 7236807 WINTER TIRE CHANGEOVER PLUS WHEEL BALANCE OR LESS MOST CARS Change two of your summer tires to your winter tires Balance two wheels weights included Our dealers guarantee their work for 90 days or 4000 miles You pay no more than prices quoted on most cars for Checkpoint Service offers at partICIpating Dealers Put your purchase on your Esso credit card Or at most Esso stations you can use your Visa or Master Charge Card OFFERS VALID FROM OCT to NOV 10 REOS BSOISERVICE LTD no IayfloldSt uni 79885