television guide MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 800 NEWS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 um 630 Mac NEws MARY TYLER MOORE snow ces NEws Aec NEws NEws RHODA JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA 240RanRT PM MAGAZINE WHY SHOULD ICARE ThIsyear is the Year of the Child and this program looks into the ainularities between children of world TIC TAC DOUGH DIFFRENT STROKES STREET TALK BOTANIC MAN FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 6x 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME JOKERS WILD CIRCUS OCEANS ALIVE MAGIC SHADOWS Green For gei Part 808 NEWHART SHow MAsH 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE MUPPETs GO To HOLLYWOOD ITS THE GREAT PUMPKIN CHARLIE BROWN Rabroadcast ol the 1968 Emmy winning Peanuts CIaSSIC about Linua staunch stand on the Great Pumpkins 10 lanca and benevolence 240ROBE RT Trap has no problems dealing with lion running wild in the streets or disarming an underwater time bomb in matter of seconds but is scared to death of female sergeant and requests to be starred ROADS TO CONFLICT The history of the Mandatory Palestine from ratification of the British mandate by the League of Nations until the beginning of the revolt in 1936 CHARLIES ANGELS The Angola are retained by an opera star to protect her diamond from jewel thiel But when Jill becomes romantically involved with the thief the Angels become suspicious of her 60 CAPTAINS AND KINGS PART VI 830 HEADLINE HUNTERS THE REAL STORY 900 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES And Baby Makes Slx 1979 Stars ï¬lm hurst Warren Oates MASH Radar is back home and Klingar whos now the 4077ths new clerk us getting sick about all the complaints up against him I5 MONDAY NIGHT FOOT BALL Denver Broncos vs Pittsburgh stars MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES And Baby Makes Six 1979 Stars teen Dewhurst Warren Oates EIGHT Is ENOUGH ID WUTHERING HEIGHTS CAGED WOMEN momma Karen on the stairs and an arguamenl ensues Brother Gary VIsIts Fanky and she promises to behave 60 mins 930 WKRP IN CINCINNATI Herb starts selling insurance on the job and ropes depressed Lea into buying enough coverage six men WKRP IN CINCINNATI Herb starts selling insurance on the iob and ropes depressed Lee into buving enough coverage for six men 1000 NEWSMAGAZINE III LOU GRANT Billie does series of stories questioning large companys clean air standards and they wind up bringing suit inst the Tribune 60 mins BEHIND THE SHIELD ea GLOBAL NEws UPDATE 1001 FAMILY beautiful young lawyer falls in love with Doug and the flattery she provides is difficult for him to resist 60 Inins 1030 THE WATSON REPORT 11 Patrick Watson ROLE CALL 1100 NEWS cec NEWS 19 THE REAL STORY 1120 crv NEws 1125 NEWS NEws 1130 THE TONIGHT snow Guest host David Letterman Guest Shirley Jones mina CBS LATE MOVIE HARRY Book Of Changes An owner of gambling club is murdered and Harry has to lind his ledger book which contains damaging information Repeal MCMILLAN AND WIFE Freefall To Terror Stars Rock Hudson Susan Saint es Repeat PARTY GAME QUESTION PERIOD MONEY TALKS 1140 1127 NEWS 145 THE TWO RONNIES NEWS 1200 MOVIE SPECTACULAR ercules 11159 KOJAK MERV GRIFFIN Guest Kate Jackson Captain and Tennille and the Arthur ray dancers 90 mins NEWS TIME TENTATIVE 1215 STRUCK BY LIGHTNING MOVIE ADVENTURE min To The Ends of the Earth MOVIE WESTERN Wild Bunch 1969 100 TOMORROW Host Torn Snyder Guests TV documentary producers Alan and an Ra mond 60 mlne DICAL CENTER 130 EB GONG snow historically speaking barries stOIV 123 INST lho Kiwanis tlull of ltuirii cclcllruloil yours tlI strvici to tho community with Indios night dinnor Il ommunity llouso Attonding lho mooting canadas story Klondike Pioneers Died When CP Liner Sank On October 22 1918 the CP liner Sophia sailed from Ska gway for Victoria and Vancouver The passengers included number of colourful pioneers of the Klondide gold rush going outside for the winter All were enjoying the voyage singing Klondike songs in the ships lounge when suddenly there was terridble crash that knocked everyone off their feet The ship keeled over The Sophia had struck hidden rock on Vanderbilt Reef Captain Louis Locke Nova Scotian who was in command sent out an SOS which broght the US steamer Cedar and number of smal boats to the scene Unfor tunaton there was gale force wind and passengers and crew could not be taken off They made the best of the situation and kept singing their songs even though the ship was in great danger It was hoped that the wind would moderate and Cedar Stood by At five oclock the following afternoon Sophia began to founder Captain Locke sent Gods sake come and save us out wireless signal For Cedar tried to come close but could not make it because of the high seas and snowstorm that recuced visibility to nil The last message from Sophia was Just in time to say goodbye We are foundering The ship sank with all hands 343 passengers and crew Some of the bodies were recovered One women had $80000 in bills sewn into hor lothing Another had rubies and diamonds in bag tied to her neck The only survivor was brown and white English setter that somehow swan to shore and landed at Tedck Harbor two days later OTHER EVENTS 0N OCT 22 1685Louis XIV revoked Edict of Nantes with the results that Protestants could not emigrate to Canada 1692 Madeleine dc Vercheres began defence of the fort against Iroquois 1814US force invaded Thames River area from Detroit 1844 Louis Riel was born at St Boniface 1875 Normal School opened at Ottawa I908 Famous Indian runner Tom Longboat won race at Montreal 1958Mrs Blanche Meagher was the first Canadian woman to be appoi Israel nted an ambassador to woro IiICk Rutlcr vIoo prosidcnl Irosidont ioorgc Caldwoll past presidont ltoy Kightloy and Bill Craig anothor past prosidont Ill his rogulur roport to tho collogiato board Hamilton principal of Barrio North ollogiuto stutod that tho past wook was tho first wcok sinco Sopl 23 that thoro had boon no pupils away with tho flu On pozik day 40 por cont it tho studonts woro ill llo also montionod that mombors of tho stuff wcro vcry plozisod with tho olticiul oponing ooIomonios hold on Oct ll Somo mombors of tho Ilurrio District ollogizitos Board v1 ro not oortuin that jujitsu tho Japuncso illI ol solf dcfonco should ho taught at night school lho couisc inlondod for womon only was introducod in to tho curriculum for tho first timo and was aimod at young businoss girls who may havo to dotond thomsolvos Empko mombor of tho board said think cooking and motor mcchunics ziro cxccllont sub jocts but this will just givo women falso confidcnco Thoyll ho going out at night whcn thoy should bo staying homo William Shakospouro caught and hold tho attontion of crowd of 550 thoalrogoors in tho Canadian promioro of thollo in tho auditorium of North ollogiato Eloctrifying porlormunoos by Tony van Bridgo and Max Ilclpmann mado the play stimulating ox poricncc for all present canvass budgol undor tho Simooo Scctor Inn of $70000 was sol for ontrzil United Church Barrio Tho budgcl was prosonlod at it canvass dinnor hold at ollior St Unitod Church which was attended by 375 pcoplo Barrio cntral ollcgiato junior football loam doloalod Barrio North by scoro of 201 at tho Control grounds Night out for boys ended in disaster JORDAN tint lfll It was it boys night out that ondod in disustci Six tccnagod boys from Ham ilton one of them borrowing his futhcrs oar packed 2Ibottlc casc of beer and headed into wildornoss park for latt Thursday night bonfiro Whon polioc arrivod panicked Four of thcm scuttorod jumpod ovcr barbodwirc fonco and plungod 30 mctros the equivalent of nine storoys to the bottom of rockstrewn ravino near this town 40 kilo metros southeast of Hamilton Thrcc of thom died and the fourth Robert Peters 17 of Hamilton is in serious condition with chest injuries and severe blood loss in Hamilton General Hospital where doctors are waiting for him to regain enough strength for them to op crate Police say Peters Sur vived because he landed on tho body of one of his friends Clarence Peters 50 Roberts father said his son has had muscular dystrophy for 15 they yoars is blind in one eye and has only 20porccnl vision in tho othcr DIED INSTANTLY oroncr Dr David Lorenzcn said Michael Slywka 17 Emile Jerman 16 and Peter Shkimba 17 all died instantly Slywktl of broken neck lorman of internal injuries and Shkimba of head injuries Allistor Greg Forbes 17 and Frank Tisiot 16 who hid from polioo behind bushes at tho lip of the gorge were left to mourn their friends In the dark my goodness they just didnt have chance said Daniel Kaine conservation officer who lives in the Balls Falls park southwest of St Catharines where the tragedy occurred Probably its miracle we didnt have all six down there They ran along the edge of the gorgo short distance maybe 20 or 30 feet and then it seems they got mixed up in their directions and took left off into the gorge Niagara Regional Police said Friday the youths had tried to hide from two policeman and from Kaine when the men ap proached with flashlights to in vestigate the bonfire and the sound of breaking beer bottles SAW FIRE Kaine had called police when he spotted fire at lookout point at the edge of the falls It all happened so fast said Kaine We were just walking over there and they spotted us Then it happened When police saw Forbes and Tisiot hidden behind the bushes the two admitted four friends had run in the other direction toward the edge of the gorge Firefighters scaled the rocky cliffs to remove the victims Fog made the ground slip pery and there was nothing to hold on to where the boys fell said Lincoln Fire Chief Douglas MacNinch One body was found floating in water Peter Shkimbas father Mi chael said Friday have no idea what he was doing there The Doctor Says Sometimes drug behind problem By PAUL DONOHUE MD Dear Dr Donohue Ive had this problem of too much sali vation for about five years Ive been to three different doctors for my trouble Two of them gave me the tablet Polaramine and the other gave me ProBan thine These helped but were not cure Over the year they became expensive Now Id like to know what kind of doctor to go to who might help find cause of my problem and cure it Mrs RHB Do you mind if use the technical term for excess salivation Its ptyalism TIEalism like those words that begin with that is not pronounced Sometimes drugs lie behind this problem especially those containing iodides or potassium Infections of the mouth as pyorrhea or tooth abscess can cause it You might consult an earnose throat specialist oto laryngologistl Those folks should really do something about that name The Polaramine is an anti histamine one effect of which is to cause drying of the mouth The ProBanthine is different class of drug It also causes the mouth to become dry Dear Dr Donohuc How long does it take for an ulcer to grow to maturity Iam talking about duodenal ulcer Does it take month year five years or what Please write something about ulcers PJ An ulcer is an ulcer no matter how mature it is If one is not treated it gets worse Thus ulcers may get bigger or smaller but unlike boils they are not said to mature duodenal ulcer is the same as an ulcer anywhere else An ulcer is simi the loss of cov ering tissue Laymen usually associate the Some things never change NORTH 0Q973 VK864 073 +842 EAST 9104 VQ 103 1022A WEST OJ VJ975 OAss OQJ54 +KJ953 +AQ76 SOUTH ¢AK8652 A2 0K1062 10 Vulnerable EastWest Dealer South West North East South 19 Pass 40 Pass Pass 20 Pass Pass nin leadz+5 Oswald The single raise of partners major suit opening id has changed very little in the fifty years of contract play It shows weakish hand with to or maybe 10 or 11 supporting points Alan The raise is weak bid that is also encouraging since ener can usually revalue to the potential fit Oswald The simple way to revalue your hand after part is hand upward due word ulcer exclusively with the problem in the stomach or the duodenum the first part of the small intestine just beyond the stomach But ulcers can de velop in the skin the eye or the urinary bladder to give few examples Ulcer of the duodenum means that some of the lining in that part of the intestine has eroded How long this erosion goes on before it creates obvious trouble varies But once the lining is gone its an ulcer no matter how big or small duodenal ulcer heals much like one on the skin does scab forms and new surface lining grows back small scar remains just as on the skin The time involved in healing also varies on how soon an ulcer is detected and how effective treatment is Dear Dr Donohue What can you tell young man of 80 about slowbeating heart Mine varies between 36 and 42 beats minute Im feet 10 inches and weigh about 150 Blood pressure is OK dont drink or smoke Ive had two blackouts in the last two months WZ For man of your age who has had two blackouts in the last two months and who has heart rate of 3642 Id say its time to take the next step It certainly sounds like you could stand heart pacemaker to speed up your heart rate This is not big operation and you should inquire about it Dear Dr Donohuo Since coffee contains caffeine no torious stimulant drug could withdrawal from coffee as when it is restricted suddenly in your diet cause withdrawal symptoms like any other drug withdrawal JGD Sure The idea is for the person suffering symptoms of withdrawal as headaches to taper of gradually BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag ner gives you this single raise is to add one point for each singleton or void and one point for each trump over five Alan The South hand starts with 14 highcard points plus distributional points or 17 The raise entitles him to add one more for the sixth trump and one more for the singleton to come to 19 19 plus equals 26 South can and should bid game Oswald The value of the good trump fit is actually so great that these hand would produce tour spades even it North held four small spades instead of queen and three small It also would produce five odd if East held the ace of diamonds instead of West Ask the Inverts You hold 1022B ¢K874 VK874 O63 Q54 Mississippi reader wants to know what we respond to partners onesclub opening We respond one heart If partner holds four hearts he will raise us If he holds four spades he can bid one spade daily crossword ACROSS 55 Of the sea Answer to Prevtous Puzzle 56 Waxy Canadian ointment capital 57 Sunbathed mus Desserts 58 Effaces an an 13 Excessrvely 14 Use sparingly DOWN an 15 Handsome as man Dock an 16 African land Loosen Banal 17 Day Heb Esaus country an 18 Of the ear Breakfast an 20 Upper surface bread mg um 21 Demur Poet TS Ell 3mm 24 Soup dish Ba Ba 27 Septic tank 0f sacs 31 Brainstorm Vans 26 30 Jam 32 Tenet Dust cloth 28 oelade brOIher 33 Hues Greek letter 29 Actor Sharif 45 Pivot 35 Related group 10 Isnt st 30 Sangstress 47 springs 36 Attempt II Hubbub Cantrell 48 Folksinqer 40 Greek deity comp wdl 34 Automotive 50 41 Sibyl 12 Bite my abbry 5999 43 Come by 19 Rime 37 Careened BetNatles 46 Energy 2l Blackboards 38 Griddef 51 Japanese 47 agency abbr 22 Lysergic acid Jimmy currency so 23 gifrigylamde 39 Abbrevale 52 We 53 Having one 24 Mouthful More ralona 90 foot 25 Norse deity 43 Basins 54 Author LeVIn Bemioo Bode Osol October 23 1919 This coming year is an excellent time to acquire new knowledge and expand your creativity because when you do lucky things will begin happening to you Dont be afraid to test your mettle LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Be sure you look at your problems today as they really are and not through rosecolored glasses Itll do you more harm than good to kid yourself SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 its sheer waste of time energy and money to Overindulge in order to try to have good time Happiness cannot be bought It can only be won SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Put your personal desires on the back burner today Luck is not supporting you as you had hoped it would Wait until more auspicious time CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Dont believe everything you hear today Other peoples exag gerations could put you in depressed mood for no honest reason AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 If you trust unwisely today you could place yourself in vulnera For Better or Worse OF BC HATE THE SITTEE 7373860 5TOLE MY lNCANTATlONS NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St UOHNF901IDSREOUTOF FINDiunswlIERsEumgou 113man mommaowns BEGGING goo 121th HER No PITH HOTEL rIND Ft VER9 VERy STRINGS attackED FOR ONE mm wOMRN contz NIGHT Gilllow RND H80 Rhonem Bani Hroarew INKS WELL REALLY LIKED THE ONE COULD WEAR THI5 6mm JACKET ble position Dont comply with just anybody who happens along PISCES Feb 20March 20 You stand good chance of being disappointed today because you have tendency to expect more from others than you should Rely only on yourself ARIES March 21April 19 philosophy that suits someone else perfectly may not necessari ly fit your requirements Test things out before putting them to work for you TAURUS April 20May 20 Be as gracious as you possibly can in your social activities today Bed manners or poor taste wont readily be forgiven or forgotten GEMINI May 21June 20 HERE SHE 11M NEIL Inc Reg 91011 IT TAKES some BODY WITH ROUND BULGY LlL 13on LlKE oimny an Inc in mg us van on Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service ELL99 lDlDNT MEFlN SUREI HERNT MRuBE WPO ASK ME WHAT lM KEEPlNé Tï¬tCK 0F IsorrA LEARN TCoN TROL MY EENEE HUMOR 012 ILL BE our srEp IN HERE MR OGLETHORPE AND ILL SHOW You THE PROPER wAY tO H055 Oltwaynu lot In Reg us 91011 Something you do today could inconvenience another even though this person may not be involved in your decision meking Think of the other guy CANCER June 21July 22 Using excessive flattery to win someone over will have an effect opposite to what you hoped for Set the right example and youll have chance LEO July 23Aug 22 You tend to be somewhat wasteful where money is concerned today Take care that you dont spend need lessly to make an impression VIRGO Aug zitSept 22 You may think you deserve to be first today but any effort to place yourself in this position will be interpreted as selfish chT mow BUT THEYRE ALREADY Uf mm am To PAéE TWELVE Tunas Io 11