EVENING 600 NEWS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA JEREMY 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ON 700 CANDID CAMERA 24oROBERT PM MAGAZINE WHY SHOULD CARE in year is the Year at the Child and this program looks into the similarities between children oI 090 89090 TIC TAC DOUGH DIFFRENT STROKES STREET TALK BOTANIC MAN FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 $100000 NAME THAT Ill NEWLYWED GAME JOKERS WILD CIRCUS OCEANS ALIVE MAGIC SHADOWS GreenFor ger Part 808 NEWHART SHOW MAsH 60002 EBOEO 800 in LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE MUPPETS Go To HOLLYWOOD ITS THE GREAT PUMPKIN CHARLIE BROWN Rebroadcsst ol the 1966 Emmy winning Peanuts classic about Linus staunch stand on the Great Pumpkins stance and benevolence 240R035RT Trap has no problems dealing With lion running Wild in the streets or disarming an underwater time bomb in matter oI seconds but is scared to death at lemale sergeant and requests to be wslerred ROADS T0 CONFLICT The history at the Mandatory Palestine lrorn retilicaticn at the British mandate by the League OI Nations until the beginning at the revolt in 1936 CHARLIES ANGELS The Angels are retained by an opera star to protect her diamond lrom jewel thiel But when Jill becomes romantically involved with the thief the Angels become suspicious oI her 60 CAPTAINs AND KINGS PART VI 830 HEADLINE HUNTERS THE REAL STORY 900 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES And Baby Makes Six 1979 Stars hurst Warren Oates MASH Radar is back home and Klinger whos now the 4077ths new clerk is getting sick about all the complaints doniodown it is soooO hard to leave Daniadown takes pride in the quality workmanship and Wide selection of their continental quilts You can turn down the heat and still keep cozin warm on the coldest nights and tree yourselt Irom tedious bedmaking forever Choose covers accessories and drapes from large choice of mix match colours in perma press Iabric The decorating pos sibilities are endless and makes the ideal gilt Drop in and see why Daniadown is the most popular quilt in Canada Dealer list and colour brochure on request 728362I monday tv up against him MONDAY NIGHT FOOT BALL Denver Broncos vs Pittsburgh elers MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES And Baby Makes Six 1979 Stars teen Dewhurst Warren Oates EIGHT IS ENOUGH EB WUTHERING HEIGHTS CAGED WOMEN Franky contronts Karen on the stairs and an arguement ensues Brother Gary visits Franky and she promises to behave 60 mine 930 WKRP IN CINCINNATI mm starts selling insurance on the job and ropes depressed Les into buying enough coverage six men WKRP IN CINCINNATI Herb starts selling insurance on the job and ropes depressed Les into buying enough coverage Ior six man 1000 NEWSMAGAZINE LOU GRANT Billie does series 0I stories questioning large companys clean air standards and they wind up bringing suit inst the Tribune 60 mins I5 BEHIND THE SHIELD GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE 1001 FAMILY beautilul young lawyer Ialls In love With Doug and the Ilattery she provides is diIIicult Ior him to resist 60 mine 1030 as THE WATSON REPORT Patrick Watson ROLE CALL 100 in NEWS CBC NEWS THE REAL STORY 1120 CTV NEws 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest host David Letterman Guest Shirley Jones mins CBS LATE MOVIE HARRY 800k Changes An owner ot gambling club Is murdered and Harry has to Iind his ledger book which contains damaging inlormstion Repeat MCMILLAN AND WIFE FreeIaII To Tarror Stars Rock Hudson Susan Saint es Repeat III PARTY GAME ED OUESTION PERIOD ea MONEY TALKS 1140 NEWS 1145 THE TWO RONNIES NEWS 1200 MOVIE SPECTACULAR ercules 1959 KOJAK ED MERV GRIFFIN Guest Kate Jackson Captain and Tennille and the Arthur ray dancers 90 mins NEWS TIME TENTATIVE 1215 STRUCK BY LIGHTNING MOVIE ADVENTURE ma To The Ends ot the Earth MOVIE WESTERN Wild Bunch 19er 100 TOMORROW Host Tom Snyder Guests TV documentary producers Alan and an Raymond 60 mine MEDICAL CENTER 130 GONG SHOW quilt ltd Established 1967 bubbb CW was ANADIAN KMN AND IIAIHUI IROIXX lS ASSKX lAIION MONTREAL CPI Camille Laurin Quebecs cultural development minister says control over advertising should be transferred to the province from the Canadian Radiotele vision and Telecommunications Commission Jurisdiction over advertising should be turned over to Que becs Regie des Services Pub lies the provincial agency set up to control tele communications Laurin said in speech Tuesday to Le Publi cite Club de Montreal Quebec advertising association Laurin said the first step after change in jurisdiction would be to replace require ments for Canadian content with requirements for Quebec content The minister told reporters later that Communications Minister David MacDonald and Prime Minister Clark both agreed when they were in op position that control over culture Should be returned to the provinces MADE N0 PROMISES But Laurin added that Mac Donald and Clark have not made any promises although they have agreed to consider the question AS for the conference of com the examiner Friday Oct 19 1979 5A Laurin wants control of ads munications ministers currently taking place in Toronto Laurin said that it will not last long enough for decision to be taken He said the CRTC announced proposed regulations in 1974 governing Canadian content but they were never applied The regulations were aimed at having 80 per cent of advertise ments produced in Canada by 1978 Canadian content now stands at about 70 per cent he said but many EnglishSpeaking companies prefer to produce even Frenchlanguage adver tisements in Toronto by simply Vega$ star gets CheckUp Robert Urich star of the ABCTV series V9903 gets his right shoulder Checked by his physician Dr Robert Rosenfeld Monday while recuperating from an iniury he suffered on the set of the show last week II HORSEPOWER STAGE translating their English copy But this advantage remains minor in respect to other cul tural and economic im peratives that must be respected by companies that operate and make profits in Quebec Laurin said Why is onethird of the Frenchlanguage advertising production currently done in Toronto he asked adding that Quebecers are still suffering through translations and adaptations of television advertisements that produced elsewhere are Alastair Sim Green for Danger Monday at 730 This week Magic Shadows features intrigue in lnIS brilliant British whodunit Set inaCOun try hospdal during the last war its neat balance of ensuon and wn Starring Alastair Sim and directed by Sidney Gilliat Monday to Thursday at 30 Al 900 enjoy another install men Ol Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights Canal cabie WOntano Its your network lne Ivlevtsron SEIVICP DI the Ontario ldiicaiumal Communiralions Authority 2432 INCH lIGIITWEIGIIII PRESEASON PRICE INCLUDES ELECTRIC sTARTER AND CHAINS ORDER NOW BOlENS QUALITY SNOWBLOWER PRICED FOR TODAYS ECONOMY CAL MADlll BOLENS SALES SERVICE in No some or BARRIE AT 51 PAIIis 4361913