the examiner Thursday Oct 13 1979 tIIAtA iIi Finance Minister John Trosbie called lwlnesday for speedy settle ment to the question of domes tic oil price increases to allow the economy to adjust to new petroleum prices Answering questions outside the Commons rosbie said the new Progressive Conservative government remains com mitted to consultation with the producing and consuming pro vinccs in efforts to produce new oil price agreement lle also said ttawa could be torccd to use its powers to act alone in setting new petroleum prices in the absence of an HA YS TRA VEL PRESENTS an Racial tension continues Boston policeman restrains student during fight between black and white students Wed nesday at South Boston High School still racially tense after five years of courtordered busing Crosbie calls for settlement to question of oil prices agreement with the provinces Energy Minister Ray Ilnatyshyn also said the government is determined to reach an agreement in con sultation with the provinces The outcome of the talks will result in consumers facing higher prices for gasoline and home heating oil within year as Ottawa and the provinces continue to haggle over exactly how much and when Domestic oil price increases of at least $4 barrel by the end of 1980 seem certain gov eriimeiit sources said Vediies day That would add about Slot DOOR PRIZE WEE Classes were cancelled when dozens of blacks and whites converged in fistswinging melee on the buildings front steps AP Photo to the average annual heating bill VlllH ll£ INCREASES Less certain is whether it tawa will decide to increase the federal excise tax on gasoline ITOIII the current rate of seven cents gallon Such move designed to encourage energy conservation would mean sharp increases at the gasoline pump The government has been negotiating with the oil produe ing and consuming provinces over new energy package since assuming office in June Prime Minister lark is dc termined to move domestic oil AT THE FRIDAY OCTOBER 19th 700 pm till 1030 pm prices now $1375 barrel at the wellhead closer to world levels to help achieve his elec tion pledge of oil sells sufficiency by two lark and his provincial counterparts remained silent tedncsday amid news reports speculating on details of new price levels for petroleum plOtl ucts The ltlIIIlllllSLIIS talks have centred on ways to split the new revenues between tawa and the producing provr inces and on how to offset the impact of higher prices on low income lamilies FERRIS lANE OFF ST VINCENT ST BARRIE ONTARIO UNITOURS THEY WILL ALL BE THERE PlUS SAMSONITES NOW TO PACK SUITCASE llVE Om KEND FOR AT RAMADA INN WEST TORONTO FOR MORE INFORMATION cu 7284700 El ER YONE WELCOME ASK THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW SUNFLIGHT SKYLARK ADVENTURE TOURS TREASURE TOURS STRAND HOLIDAYS KUONI TRAVEL ELAN HOLIDAYS CARNIVALE HOLIDAYS CONSUMERS GAS BLUE FLAME ROOM BC AttorneyGeneral acts Orders forged Ietters investigatIOn VICTORIA MP Attorney General Garde Gardom or dered an investigation Wed nesday into allegations that an aide to Premier Bill Bennett sent forged letters to newspapers in Victoria ardom has instructed city police to investigate allegations surrounding letter signed with the name of wellknown New Democratic Party sup porter Gordon Townsend The letter criticized the per ormance of Norm Levi former human resources minister under the NDP government spokesman in the attorney generals office says police also will investigate the possibility that other forged letters were looking at Earliament sent to the newspapers The Colonist and the Times which published the letter in March received complaint from Townsend local resi dent and subsequently pub lished an apology Shortly after the issue was made public Ron Greig an as sitarit to Bennetts commu nications adviser resigned Bennett said Tuesday that ireig had declined to comment on the allegation when he asked him if he wrote the letter The announcement follows demand by Opposition Leader Dave Barrett that Gardom in vestigate allegations of political dirty tricks resulting from the May 10 provincial One of busiest ministers gets more responsibilities OTTAWA Pi David lIacIonald one of Prime Minister Clarks busiest ministers was given respon sibilities Wednesday for co ordinating policies affecting Mctis nonstatus Indians and volunteer workers MacDonald already is secre tary of state and commu nications minister and is re sponsible for the status of women It is expected he will soon amalgamate all his duties in the proposed superministry of social development lark also announced lednesday that Senator Robert dc otret another minister holding two portfolios will also he charged with overseeing the Northern Pipeline Agency the government organization supervising work on the pipeline which will carry Alaskan natural gas south Womens TIAWA CPI The Cana dian Advisory ouncil on the Status of Women reversed an earlier decision Wednesday and recommended that the Kingston Prison for Women be closed The council which advises the federal government on womens issues recommended last October that the prison be kept open because it was in better position than any other institution to offer services and programs that would meet the needs of women Win Loewen the councils first Vicepresident said the or SAFEEASY TO CASH AND GOOD RETURN Every year millions of Canadians invest Savings Bonds for some very in Cana good reasons New Canada Savings Bonds earn you good return on your money The new bonds are dated November 1979 and yield 101400 every year to maturity in 1986 Canada Savings Bonds are safe secure investment Theyre backed by all the resources of Canada And the re eas to cash toox Canada Saydngs onds als you great choice the Re ular Interest ond and the Compound nterest Bond THE REGULAR INTEREST BOND If you want regular annual income from our investment youll like the Regu ar Interest Bond which pays interest automatically each November Senator de Cotret already is minister for industry trade and commerce and head of the eco nomic development depart ment superministry similar to the one MacDonald is ex pected to head in the social affairs field Re5ign call OTTAWA CP Some fed eral public servants are work ing on the Quebec govern ments campaign for sovereigntyassociation and should immediately resign Liberal MP Gaston Isabelle said Wednesday Speaking in the Commons and later in an interview the MP for the nearby Quebec riding of Hull termed this minority of public servants Judas Iscariots and sub versives prison closing urged ganization reversed its position because women were being transferred out of the Kingston prison and numbers no longer made it feasible to provide nec essary services Lowen said about 25 French spcaking inmates at Kingston are being transferred to Maison Tanguay provincial penitentiary in Quebec The government was also negotiating to transfer other in mates to prisons under provin cial jurisdictions The transfers would mean decrease in the services and programs avail able she said offer Isabelle asked Sinclair Ste vens treasury board president to seek the resignation of these federal employees Stevens immediately de manded the names of the Ju Vdases to which Isabelle referred but the Liberal MP remained silent Hansard cost OTTAWA tCPt The cost of subscription to Hansard the official written record of Com mons proceedings will be re duced for individuals and schools Roch LaSalle supply and services minister an nounced Wednesday The previous Liberal govern ment had raised the price ear lier this year to $65 from $3 for the complete record of debates in one session of Parliament LaSalle announced that indi viduals and schools will only have to pay $25 for one session but that businesses and govern ment offices will continue to pay $65 Awaits report OTTAWA tCPl Transport Minister Don Mazankowski UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT COSY SNACK BAR IDAII SPECIALS FRIENDLY SERVICE COFFEE STILL 30 69 DUNLOP wesr If youre like man bondholders youll appreciate the direct eposit said Wednesday he expects to receive within 30 days report recommending which Prairie rail branch lines should be abandoned Mazankowski told the Com mons in reply to Gordon Taylor tPCBow River that rail lines will not be abandoned where elevator companies have in dicated they will continue to provide service and to improve that service ACid rain OTTAWA CP Health Minister David Crombie said Wednesday he will investigate whether acid rain from indus trial emissions is harming drinking water in rural areas election campaign the Townsend letter SEEKS ANSWERS Barrett also asked for ex planations of allegations that NDI members signed nomi nation papers for Progressive ooservative candidate in the last election and an affidavit concerning Social Credit MLA Bill Richie On Tuesday Bennett blamed poor organization lack of com munication and incompetence in the Social Credit party for the distribution of an in struction tape which advised election workers to play dirty The tapes recorded at party meeting in Vancouver in September 1978 detailed such tactics as using fictitious names on letters to newspapers to get support for the party or discredit its rivals The advice was given by Jack Kelly and Ellen McKay re searchers for the party caucus Kelly has resigned and Ms McKay is on European vaca tion Bennett said Kelly and McKays comments were stu pid personal and aga st party policy but as party ader he had to take ultimate responsi bility for what occurred As well as dropping from the government payroll those im mediater involved in the scan dal the party will be asked to strike an ethics committee to formulate statement of prin ciples within year Bennett said including EVERY YEAR FOR YEARS feature With this convenient option your interest is deposited directly into your chequing or savings account lust ask for this option when you buy your bonds Or if you prefer you can receive your interest bv cheque through the mail 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the ï¬rst time if you aish your new Canada Savin Bands on or before Dec 31 197 they will be redeemed at face value only without payment of interest If you cash them anytime after Dec 31 1979 you will receive earned interest for each GREAT CHOICE full month from Nov 1979 BUY YOURS TODAY New Canada Savings Bonds are on sale now You can buy ours at your bank investment Ll stock broker trust company or credit union Buy yours today alcr