Coming to town Show celebrates Fats Waller TORONTO CP Thomas Wright Fats Waller laughed jived and charmed his way through the 19205 and 19305 He was lover of women booze inchthick steaks and piano playing though not necessarily in that order Ive seen Fats Waller enter place and you could see gladness in all the peoples faces Louis Armstrong once recalled Wallers music has found an other place to please as it set tles into the Royal Alexandra Theatre until Dec 1n Aint Misbehavin of Broadway fame Director Richard Maltby Jr organized the show initially for the small Manhattan Theatre Club using young actors more accustomed to Fats Domino than Fats Waller Born in 1904 Waller was one of five children in religious family and rose to be one of the best known black entertainers of histime Fats understood his ironclad contract with RCA Victor Records which called for him to be continually light and cheer ful after all it paid for the gin On the occasions when he tried to get down to serious business he usually found au diences more puzzled than even contemporary jazz critics who had written him off as clown His son Maurice says Fats was hurt when his serious side wasnt well received at his Car negie Hall concert in January 1942 Rebuffed he hit the booze and his alcoholism plus his 300 pound bulk contributed to his death in 1943 Joel Vance Waller biogra pher theorizes that He never completed the emotional transition from childhood to maturity At the price of preserving his childhood in alcohol he managed to let his creative powers flow to the fullest Still Waller found ways of getting back at those who only wanted his goodnatured rou tine the examiner Wednesday Oct 17 1979 LITTLE JOES PUTS THE MUSIC IN YOU OCT24ih LI BAYFIELD MALL LOW PRICES See Page Frank Sinatra is coming to town and thats big news in Brazil He says he will perform in concert at kids Maracana stadium January Findley MacDonald win 79 book prize MONTREAL CPi To ronto physicians account of his struggle with cancer and novel of young Canadian army officer in the First World War were named Monday as best Englishlanguage Canadian paperbacks of 1979 The selections were an nounced at the third annual Au thors Awards dinner spon sored by Periodical Distributors of Canada through its Foundation for the Ad vancement of Canadian Let rers Timothy Findley collected his third literary prize for The Wars He previously won the GovernorGenerals Award and the City of Toronto Book Award for his hardcover edition When Cancer Strikes by the late John MacDonald won first prize in the nonfiction cat egory Madeleine MacDonald accepted the award for her hus band whose book was published shortly before his death this year Second prize for fiction went to Grahame Woods for Bloody Harvest novel of migrant to mato workers in southern On tario Second hlace nonfiction went to RD Lawrence author of Paddy tale of the writers ex perience in raising an orphan beaver in the woods WIN FOR ARTICLES Writers of six articles and two short stories captured awards for the Englishlan guage massmarket magazine field Edgar Friedenberg won the major prize in the public affairs category for his April article in Saturday Night titled You Can Have Exactly As Much Frec dom As The Government Al lows Thats The Canadian Way Toronto advertising executive Jerry Goodis won second prize for March article in Toronto Life titled The Trivia Dealers which was criticism of Canadian political reporting profile of University of To ronto scientist John Moffat by Philip Marchand in June ar ticle in Toronto Life won as best magazine personality article Second place went to Kath mpnm ncxsncr 510 OVER IMPERIAU erine Giovier for her story on rmuymolgzoo mommmu THIRD WEEK Show rims 100 900 Alberta oil executive Robert Blair Radical Sheik in the February issue of Canadian Business Lawrence OToole won the best magazine humor award for The LongHair Papers in Toronto Lifes August edition Second prize went to AD Person for Thoughts on Native Land published by Canadian Forum in April BEST SHORT STORY Awards for magazine fiction went to Rudy Wiebe for his short story After Thirty Years of Marriage Canadian Forum October 1978 and to Jack Hod gins for The Concert Stages of Europe Saturday Night July 1978 Karl Molnar won the best design of Canadian newsstand magazine for his June cover on Racquets Canada rliiii NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT Publlc Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario WIII be held at THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 410 ST VINCENT STREET BARRIEONTARIOonTUESDAY OCTOBER 30th1979atthehour otl30oclockintheatternoonat which time the Board WIII hear applications In accordance with Section 19al subsection lit at Regulaton 1008 under The Liquor Licence Act to increase the capacityotlicensed premises in respect of the following Il cenced establishments Cosy Corner Restaurant Innisfil Township MA Stroud Additional Dining Lounge Facilities Licencee Josephine Elizabeth Hansen AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is reSident in the munrcupality and who wishes tomake representation relativeto the application shall make their submissiontothe Boardin writing prior to the date of the hearing or in person at the time and place of the hearing copies of written submisswns WIII be forwarded to the applicant Executive Director Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO Ontario MSE 1A4 MINISTRY or corvsumca AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE 501975 next IMPERIAL CINEMAS 7283440 BARRIE DRIVEIN When rating women If 8s make you tingle and 9s make you gasp Imagine what will happen when you meet 10 HELD OVER TIIIRD WEEK JILL IRELAND It INhumfl NORMAN JEWISON him AL PACINO ANDJUSTICE FOR ALL jACK WARDEN JOHN FORSYTHE and LEE STRASBERC Musit In DAVE GRUSIN Int in ALAN MARILYN BERLLMAN xrtttenln VALERIE CURTIN BARRY LEVINSON Paulina by NORMAN JEWISON PATRICK PALMER DITCIILKI NORMAN JEWISON SIR LEW GRADE my li CHARLES BRONSON Once in awhe someone fights bygak BLAKE EDWARDS IO temptingly tasteful comedy for adults who can count DUDLEY MOORE JULIE ANDREWS BO DEREK ROD STEIGER ADULT ENTERTAINMENT IMPERIAL Short film 109 9l5 WONDROUS ANIMATION SPECTACLE ABLAZE WITH ADVENTURE 21 11111 331 WALT DisNEvs SLEEPING IMPERIAL BEAUTu Show Times 100 only BURT REYNOLDS JILL Phil Potter would Like to straighten out his IifeOne way or the other CLAYBURGII BERGEN CANDICE Read The HaIIanInL Paperback BYSITTERS NIGHTMARE BECOMES REAL WHEN STRANGER CALLS COLUMBIA PICTURES in association with MELVIN SIMON PRODUCTIONS presents BARRY KROST PRODUCTION CHARLES DURNING CAROL KANE COLLEEN DEWHURST WHEN STRANGER CALLS Its five miles wideits coming at 30000 mph and theres no place on Earth to hide SIIIIIIII IIIIIII Pitsenls SIIIII HflIIIIlIIIIIIIIII IIIIII SIH III III SIIIII Prisenlaliui SIIII IIIIIIHI IIIIIIII Wflflll IIIHI IIIIIIIII IHIIN IIIIII Mlllflll IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII William HIIHIIIII IISIIII IILIIIII lllliilirthm SIIIIIY HIWIII EIBHIII KIIIIII