Wm 33 1B thoexaminqrf inundation 11 ton IFbusiness opportunit 07buslnoss opportunities SUN TAN CENTRES DRAMATIC NEW CONCEPT IN SUN TANNING This is the Opportunity you have been waiting for Now you can make big profits as the owner of wonder can Tanning Centre Your customers will be ecstatic toreceive the benefits of two hours in the sun in only two minutes in tanning centre its quick clean comfortable and safe Current tanning centers are over booked Investment required $9500 to 538000 May be successfully operated as an active Or absentee owner Limited opportunities available in each area Call today for free sales details ask for Mr Christy COLLECT 4166369404 12mortgages liar Ioapa tments for rent BARRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap St available convenient SpocIOus suites Utilities Included IOOIIOI1 7265771 TF MODERN LUXURY VERY LARGE and bedroom apartments for lease Quiet adult building No pets References 7289682 90 HOLGATE Apt 102 TThSTF BACHELOR APARTMENT $180 month plus hydro 194 Dunloo St Fur rushed large room with separate kit chen and bathroom Private entrance Telephone 726 8420 FURNISHED ONE and Mo bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays THREE BEDROOM apartment upper duplex adult building Duckworth Street Pay own hydro Stove fridge laundry laclilies included 5310 men thly 7281823 after 11 TWO BEDROOM apartment self contained washing facilities available $275 monthly includes heat and parking 436 2263 2BEDROOM APARTMENT Available November $225 plus neat and hydro For appointmenlcall 728 4494 NEWLY DECORATED bedroom near bus park Stove fridge laundry parkingheatwater $281 737 3416 SMALL PRIVATE central apartment one bedroom bathroom upstairs Irving room and kitchen on main floor laundry tubs in basement $145 month Heat anc water included Suitable for one person Available November Apply 10 Peel Street TWO BEDROOM central Barrie $260 monthly includes heat hydro Phone 726 627lafter 430p ONE BEDROOM apartment stove fridge parking included located in Midhurst available November Tell phone 416 775 2877 NICELY FURNISHED comfortable room apartment Bedding supplied Utilities and parking Close to Shopping and facilities Also furnished room Gentleman preferred 737 2888 ANGUS AREA bachelor apartment for rent immediately fully furnished $185 monthly all utilities paid Phone 424 5573 ONE BEDROOM sell contained apart ment fridge stove $185 monthly util ities included Available November first and last months rent no children or pets 7373594 after 5pm TWO BEDROOM apartment nice cen tral location $285 monthly includes all utilities and parking No pets Telephone 737 1585 anytime BEDROOM apartment private en trance includes heat hydro and park mg $275 monthly First and last months rent Telephone 737 1342 LARGE ROOMS one bedroom living room and kitchen new fridge stove one person or quiet couple Private home South of Barrie No pets 436 5826 TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent I48 Cumberland Street Barrie Adult building Available immediately Tele phone Toronto 247 2982 DOWNTOWN one bedroom unfurnished apartment stove and refrigerator $150 monthly including water no pets or children Available November first and last Telephone 726 8980 LARGE TWO bedroom close to downtown available November TWO BEDROOM at Midhursl available De cember Stove tridge and laundry faculties First and last No pets Call after4pm 7266725 LARGE TWO BEDROOM apartment 5247 plus hydro and parking available immediately Telephone726 6183 17houses to rent SMALL FARM for rent 47 acres bedroom house and barn Telephone 3221898 or 416 6301630 THREE BEDROOM Large kitchen parking large one bedroom basement apartment $365 monthly Available November lst 726 2609 Two BEDROOM semi detached house adults preferred no pets Available November lst Rent $265 monthly App ly at188 Napier St THREE BEDROOM home at 204 Essa Road $300 monthly plus utilities Available October 15 Call 737 1307 GASOLINE ALLEY bedroom moder nixed farmhouse with acreage Rel erences 7371211 Virgo Realty Ltd THREE BEDROOM raised bungalow Stroud area near take three year old heated garage new broadloom throughout fireplace large lot references required $400 monthly Phone 416 276 8939 HILLSDALE AREA bedroom older homeon IBCPQ Ava table immediately References $250 monthly Telephone 835 3209 THREE BEDROOM two storey Allan dale area $310 monthly blus utilities 726 3765 If too NEED MDNEt Immodioto lst ond 2nd Open Mortgogo loons Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you lo consolidate debts iow monthly payments None muiuyements any worth reason Lxslwcliontunds lfete advice try us re dvE eaoi cast cuchase mortgages Guaranteed Investment Certificates 129 DUNLOP ST HigheSt 347 BAY ST BARRIE Interest TORONTO 7260981 Paid 3633421 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc I2mortgages ft exiscng naming mortgage I7houses to rent NEW BEDROOM house for rent Stove and fridge No increase for one year Hwy 400 and Duckworth area 5360 mon thly Telephone 737 4479 FOUR BEDROOM house ior rem Hillsdale 15 minutes north at Barrie $285 monthly plus utilities No pets Call 421525 IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on annewihome can go towards your dowu payment For information call Mrs Boyce 728 5102 24 Hour Service I9houses wanted to rent CHRISTIAN FAMILY seeking five bedroom house or farm house in coun tryside References available 1705689 6361 zorooms to let CLEAN FURNISHED room downtown location kitchen facilities Abstainers only Apply 77 Mary Street or Pappas Fire Pit Restaurant 101 Dunlop West FURNISHED ROOM available in Tall Trees subdivision across from bus Stop Private home Use of all appliances Ladies ony S30weekly 726 4291 FURNISHED BEDROOM in modern apartment building Complete use of facilities Parking S35 weekly Female preferred Corner Anne and Dunlop Telephone 726 7333 CLEAN FURNISHED room for rent 525 weekly Centrallylocaled Telephone 728 8358 or 728 8484 21room and board ROOM AND BOARD for young gentleman abstainer only In new building Lunches packed Iightwashing done Available now Telephone 728 7568 FURNISHED ROOM with or without board for responsible person Minimum rent in exchange for night time sitting Telephone 737 3930 23Offices stores for rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 7281743till 7pm 728 6899after MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelolf 1000 SQUARE FEET air conditioned office space for rent with parking spots available immediately Telephone 7267130 NEW PROFESSIONAL OFFICE Pres tige area Ample parking 1100 sq ft Bell Farm Rd by Georgian College Duckworth Cloverleaf 7260231 SECOND FLOOR office space approx imately 350 square feet redecorated downtown location $100 monthly in cludes heat Immediate occupancy Call Simon Beekhuizen representing Lou Goedemondt Real Estate Limited 7284067 24space for rent WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included 5475 mon thlv Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 ll 18 fl clear part of large ex panding industrial mall 726 7130 1500 so FT STORAGE space for lease truck entrance I78 Tittin St Telephone 726 3400 Mr Angelolf 9000 SQ FT Ml industrial space for lease Ground level steel building highway 400 exposure at Essa Rd inter change 18teetcleardrlve in door550v available Contact Omar Morrow Road Barrie Ontario 705 726 2681 FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelofl 259373985 WANTED STORAGE space for car for Winter months Garage barn etc must be dry Telephone 728 6929 until 26accommodations to share BETWEEN BARRIE AND ORILLIA View at lake Close to highway House in cludes washer dryer sauna Modern kitchen Non smoker preferred $150 monthly 726 5767 GENTLEMAN HAS furnished house to share arena area use of facilities linens supplied parking available 737 2756 after pm 32cars for sale 1975 MONTEGO BROUGHAM 51850 certified Call728 3853 I976 CORDOBA loaded excellent con dition certitied 53795 Call 4245475 1972 SATELLITE SEBRING two door hard top V8 power steering excellent condition 58000 miles one owner $1399 or bestoffer Phone after 5pm 424 I637 I973DODOE MONACO door hardtop good condition Telephone 436 5601 I974 GREMLIN V8 standard radio 10000 miles equipped for Wide tires In goodrunning condition$l000 728 4101 I974 COMET 5175 as is good motor needs body work Phone 436 2571 1972 PONTIAC VENTURA fresh paint clean cylinder easy on gas Two door Must sell Call after 530 724 4714 71 CHEV door hardtop good running condition power and Uncertified SJOOor best offer 726 1592 1971 BMW 2002 51500 Clean AM FM Michelins green Telephone 728 4821 32cars for sale 1978 DODGE MAGNUM XE whlte blue vinyl roof loothor upholstery air conditioning excellent condition 7281952 011 1976 FORD MAVERICK cylinder automatic low mileage clean will cer tify Telephone 728 4870 offeï¬zo ï¬auiorriailc 350 Aisoio ton rum Telephone 436 4406 TEERV smalteight power steer lng power brakes Good condition Mag wheels Best offer Telephone 436 5962 99 1977 GRAND LE MANS landau roof Va engine power windows Telephone 72873117 afteri 1972 GRAN PRIX Telephone 737 0317 I972 FIRENZA certified very good run ning condition new body work and paint For more information call 728 7857 after prn COLLECTORS CAR I970 Challenger J40 sun root fully reclining seats Holly carb clutch fan dual points mags radials AM FM motor transmission and rear end all completely rebuilt Runs At no rust Must sell $3850 or filled 728 7071 1974 CORVE TTE 454 cubic inch speed 45000 miles Best offer As is 737 0010 after pm 1977 CORVETTE immaculate loaded burgundy leather seats air power win dows tilt steering AMFM automatic luggage rack 41000 miles 510200 Business 7261141 residence 728 3965 1977 PLVTVIODTH GRAN Fury custom sedan like new Certified $2400 Cookstown 705 458 9056 after 1970 eu1ckf4sfengineiln lair condi tion As is Telephone 437 2535 1972 CORTINA zooocITh door speed 30 mpg $375 Telpehone 728 9750 after pm 1972 MERCURYEMONTEGO $1000 or best offer In good running condition Telephone 737 4261 evenings I974CHEVVBISCAYENE 35 motor new paint iob and undercoated Certified 51600 Telephone 728 6182 1973 CNEVELLEMALIDU vs power steering power brakes best otter Phone 526 9475 after pm 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY STATION wagon V8 great condition $3000 Telephone 424 5290 1974 FORD GALAXY 500 completely safety inspected power steering power brakes top shape inside and out snows on rims any reasonable offer 726 5223 alter pm 1972DATSUN 510 ioroarrs 1979 FORD VAN 100 Telephone 487 3511 77 CAMARO power steering power brakes radio rally wheels custom in terior Immaculate condition Only 28000 miles Call 726 2599 alter 530pm 197 CHRYSLER NEWPORT to sale rebuilt will certify $1650 or best offer 429 566877alter 1977 CHRYSLER NEWPORT door vinyl top lean burn engine power steer ing power brakes 30000 miles like new 54500 or best offer Now have com pany car 728 6080 1966 FORD GALAXIE 500 excellent shape new Tornado tires Superior rims 350 rebuilt engine Has never seen winter Sacrifice $1800 Telephone 322 1082 1975 DODGE CHARGER SE Come see it Never driven in winter Well main tained 20000 miles Asking $4925 Coll ingwood 445 3512 I979 CONCORD STATION WAGON ex cellent condition low mileage certified Contact Jim wright Bank of Montreal 7267660 between 10am 5p 1974 CAME R0 standard paint mags radials AMFM extra clean Ex cellenl condition Telephone Dave 726 64039 am t05 pm 1971 OLDS CUTLASS door 48000 original miles power steering power brakes V8 chocolate brown beige vinyl root radial tires on California sunspoke mags Immaculate Certified Must be seen Asking 52700 7281449 74 MERCURY Mechanically AI $1100 or best otfer Phone 7269612 PARTS ONLY 71 Roadrunner 383 engine and automatic transmission 79000 miles good condition 5350 Phone afterS prh 3221456 AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelsonlnsurance728 95719a 9pm 1976 PLYMOUTH FURY SPORTfaIa good conditionrcallrafler 5pm 726 2116 1975 NOVA power steering and brakes radio excellent condition 45000 miles will certify new paint $3000 or best of fer Call before pm 726 9723 19771127 10 loadedr$750011rm5264003 1973 TORINO cylinder automatic 64000 miles power steering Good mechanically but needs brakes too 5550 or best offer As is 726 7333 1976 HONDA CIVIC hatchback in good mechanical condition As S2200 firm T98°099 990 I972 GRAN PRIX good condition Telephone 7370317 78 PlymOuth Arrow GS Hatchback model 1600 cid cylinder speed AMFM radio white side wall tires electric rear defogger all original one owner low miles finished in bright yellow black accent striping Economy and style Licence MKY 508 Only S4175 INTERNATIONAL AUTO MOBILES 100 Tiffin Street 726 9050 74COUGAR XR7 I974 Cougar XR7 two door hardtop cylinder automatic power steering power brakes factory air conditioning power windows AMFM stereo Mi chelin radials finished in metalic blue wide mouldings and vinyl top Licence JPB 300 Only 51875 INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILES 100 Tiffin Street 726 9050 76 DODGE CHARGER I976 Charger two door hardtop 318 V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio one owner 32000 miles all original finished In silver metallic maroon vinyl interior Sharp and priced right Licence LJT 510 Only 52750 IN TERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILES 100 Tiffin Street 7269050 1973 CAMARO One owner 39000 miles Certified Telephone 728 8836 1968 THUNDERBIRD mint condition radial tires power steering and brakes air conditioning cruise control electric seats and windows Certified $3500 firm Telephone 728 0593 alter 33ca rs wantedto buy JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TOP PRICE fortop cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 7288111 TRACY WANTScVars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pick up any time 436 2900 COLE alias Cars and trucks WANTED for wrecking Fast pickup Phone 4356322 days 424 5949 evenings 347trurcks and trailers I973 CREW CAB power steering power brakes aluminum cap Will certify Phone 424 $595 1956 DODGE POWER wagon complete Iy rebuilt including motor equipped with snow plow and Winch 33500 7284105 1969 CHEV truck model 40 with 13 toot insulated box Best offer Can be seen at Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud Telephone 436 1811 1977 FORD 1160 ton truck six cylinder 300 standard Only 15000 miles 54100certitied 7281125 1977 AMC JEEP CJ with Myers power angle plow Call 835 3442 no toll from Barrie 67 FORD ton V8 automatic runs good $450 or best offer Phone 728 8498 alter6p 1977 FORD F150 Super Cab V8 automatic power steering brakes 300000riginal miles $5600 certified See at 228 Cedar Cres PainsWick Monday Thursday 1975 FORD 34 TON wheel drive with hydraulic angling snow plow low mileage uncertitied 53000 Telephone 7281697 SHOWROOM CONDITION 1977 Chevy Blazer 4x4 certified Automatic cruise new paint power steering new power brakes AMFM cassette no snow plow ing 728 9881 1974 CHEV PICK UP V8 standard with radio new tires body like new clean throughout Private sale $2395 cer tilled 737 3247 FIBERGLASS CAP tits Datsun short box Cab over style 5250 or best offer 728 6531511107 5p ico cmm lmm lt11st auuomc FRALICK ALUMINUM Will spruce up your home with our new line of DAYMOND vinyl siding with 40 year guarantee or KAISER aluminum siding SOFFIT FASCIA TROUGH WINDOWS DOORS SHUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES 4361830 TThSTF DIAMOND VINYL ALUMINIUM siding softit foscia shuttors doors windows awnings eavestroughs 40yoarguorohtoo 4365645 D26 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorixod Solos and Service Free Home Demonstra tions 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 72832192 APPLIANCE REPAIRS AUTOMATIC WASHERS dryers dish washers Iroexors Irid es ranges micror ovens any mokoonygoy 7371195 CQOR and TV stereo and moior op plianco repair service all makes 4362429 4365414 RANDY CHILLMAN CHIMNEY SWEEP Fast Clean Professional service REASONABLE RATES INSURED Bus 7282073 In 4873072 CHIMNEY REPAIR Leithwood CHIMNEY SERVICE Repair Specialists POINTING LlNING BUILDING CLEANING STROUD 4364590 02 DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 TThSTF MANIERI PAVING PATIOS SIDEWALKS STEPS CURBS GARAGE FLOORS Workmanshlp Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of thefinest iob possible ISBRANDT Quality custom building houses and additions For details 9000 233649 DISC JOCKEY Seasonal rotos Book now Immediate openings now available Call Paul after pm 7260034 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and afford tions 42 Eugenia St Phone 7266W0 EAVESTIIOUGHING SUPERIOR EAVESIROUGHING SPECIALISTS rooting and roofing repairs Shoot metal work Martin Vorstrotoh New Lowell 4241956 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBHEGLASS REPAIRS boots snowmobiles anything fiberglass Free estimates Low winter roles Workmanship guaranteed 4245802 BUILDER PETER HENSTRA 71172871 Custom built fireplaces patios homo fronts in stone porches chimney ropolr Free estimates VIC WATSON fireplaces and masonry For tree estimates phone 7284599 FIREWOOD 100 DRY HARD WOOD SEASONED 16 FACE CORD $35 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 WODMixod hardwood 16 $35 cord Whito birch 16 S40 cord Slabs 525 cord Sunnidola Rd 7289367 SEASONED MAPLE wood for solo Pickup or delivery Telephone 728I938 FIREWOOD Mixod hardwoods 48 lengths 580 per 4x4x8 cord 7206081 7269839 Delivery available WOOD SPLITTER for rant Coll Barrio RentalAll Bradford 51 7288585 Saturday til gm FIREWOOD Seasoned hardwood 535 per lace cord 16 Also lengths S75bush cord Delivered 7262548 ovenlngs or weekends GENERAL CONTRACTING SPECIALIZING in framing trimming decks fencing rec rooms additions otc 71171588 aftrs pm mm FALL CLEANUP OStorm windows cleaned and installed Lown shrub care Trees trimmed and cut Bosement 8i garages cleaned Trash iunk removed °Small moving iobs PROMPT SERVICE 4873141 TF No JOB TOO SMALL oll rapeiriorli done For free estimate call John 728I996 HAIRDRESSER IN YOUR HOME Hairdresser with 18 yrs experience For information and appoint meats 4246132 IIolIiE IMPROVEMENTS 11 CONSTRUCTION House raising foun dolions renovations additions Phone 4362955 offer pm NORTHERN CARPENTRY Specializing in iri Ierior work Rec rooms kitchens both rooms panelling finish work 7269002 MME IMPROVEMENTS CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovations codor docks bathroom tiling rec rooms etc Telephone 7264271 HOME REPAIRS PAINTING CARPENTRY ROOF REPAIRS ETC 7259214 TThSOIB PLUMBING complete bathrooms some carpentry drywall and yard work Call Charlie 017287594 or 7264299 INTERIOR DESIGN RENODELLING decoration purchasing od vico plans sketches Residential Commerr cial coll Joan Rouse 7286196 weekdays COCHRANE SOD FARMS growers and sup pilot to hi host quality turt grass For lost delivery co 4241307 TOP SOIL Excellent Quality 48 Per Truck Load 7z Yards PHONE 3221998 After pm O27 WEED SPRAYING fertilizing results giiadniood THE WEED MAN 7372721 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney ro air Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 705 4245158 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months tribl instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music 121 Doyfiold 728I799 PIKXESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons in classical popular and rock Coll Gory 7269096 ROXIE BINNS classical and plectrum guitar teacher Call Angus 4240444 after pm SYLVIA KENT ARCT ORMT I70 Peel Piano theory including horman history counterpoint analysis piano po bgog Ex perioncod teacher beginners final dipr grade 7288362 SIMCOE DRUM STUDIOS Lessons by professional drummer Exp in studio recording TV etc All styles any age Ken King 7262903 BARRIE SCHOOL OF BRASS Professional in struction trumpet trombone French horn Special attention to beginners Arthur Burgin 7261084 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In torior exterior Work guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 7262225 7269002 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 TF LSDN SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Sgtisfactignguoronteed 7266808 SPRUCEUP tor Christmas Also wallpoper ing panelling carpet installation Written estimates Work guaranteed 7261484 after 5pm PAINTING PAPERhanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7768341 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior References available Free reasonable osti motes Telephone 7371087 JOHNS PAINTING Into or and extgior inting paper hon ing Senior citizen is unt Phone 7281 after pm MNIERIPA VING LTD ODrilcways oParkirtg Lufs Tennis ourls 90ncrelc Work FREE ES TIMA TES WRITTEN GUARANTEE 7260081 Serving Simcoe County Slnre 796 ST PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD RBIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL working lots Otonnis courts ospllolt outing ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK FREE ESTIMATES 7261451 027 PICTURE FRAMING DATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many silos Phone 728 3270 PORTRAIT PAINTING PmTRAITS PAINTED in oils or water colours including your children or family roup Phone 7263607 SHARPENING SERVICE BILLS SHARPENING SERVICE hand or power saws lawn mower blades Ro tbothing and setting done Albert St HillsdaleBJSZCIIJ 00065 SNOWPLOWING Residential and Commercial Show removal service radio dispatched trucks 7280460 TREE SERVICE TREE SERVICE All types of tree work including problem diagnosis Fruit trees our specialty Fre estimates 7374490 after TIPHSN8 TF REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes bndrnoduls 4246181 SHAKESPEARS REUPHOLSTERING Sofas choirs bodsolos Factory prices 7374665 AQUAMAN 7373438 Safe clean city water delivered in stainless steel tanker dys week SIMCOE COUNTY DRAYMAN TThS018 SIMCOE WATERVSERVIcéeooI AilUR Iii ed 2000 gal capacity Barrie and drag 7766271 littrucks and trailers 1974 GMC short box van six cylinder standard power brakes fair condition could certify $1500 Telephone 726 0117 1976 FORD CHATEAU CLUB wagon 12 passenger power steering power brakes automatic air conditioning AMFM tape deck linled windows Im maculale424 5703 after 5p 1976 SHORT WHEEL BASE FORD win dow van six cylinder standard uncer tified $1000 1975 DODGE D600 14 box stake truck $4500 May be seen at Machinery Ltd 35 Anne Street South Barrie 728 2474 36auto accessories 390 FOUR BARREL engine good runn ing condition and other assorted car parts 436 4538 SUN ROOF tops for Corvette Asking 3200 Corvette snow tire and rim condition asking s75 Call 726 9471 after 4pm 37motorcycles 1978 SUZUKI DSBO trail bike good cond tion $375 728 6550 38snowmobiles 1974 SKI DOO TNT 440 Tachometer speedometer heat gauges carbide run ners absolute mint condition I300 miles Asking 5975 Telephone 728 8630 DOUBLE BED snowmobile trailer spare wheel new tongue Phone 322 1076 after pm dependable service Your headquarters for Kawasaki Solos Service Ports HIWAY MOTORS II No Shanty Boy PHONE 7285693 D22 Elk115 IN STOCK NOW 19808 GEMINIS Ii APOLLOS IXLS Ii GALAXYS IN THE CRATE SPECIAL During October BARBIE POLARIS CENTRE 7261059 016 SA 1980 14 Accessories Buy early and save Free financing unti SPORT HAV 40a rticles forrsale toarticles for sale TRADEIN ORGANS PIANOS Hammond Chord Organ Hammond Piperl Hammond 1241 12 yrs old Lowrey Brentwood Deluxe Lowrey Holiday Kimball Swinger 300 Wurlitzer Funmaker 445 Electrohome Contesso Viscount X300 $395 $1195 $1795 $1195 $995 $1495 S2395 $595 $595 Heintzmon Piano rebuilt yr guarantee 95 FEATURE HAMMOND DOLPHIN 9300 Wu 51195 NOW 0995 year 52 Free Lessons for the whole family with purchase of new or used piano or organ Financing available through Scotio Plan or Dunlops Revolving Charge Plan == OP 087000 HAMMOND ORGAN CENTRE Boytiold Moll 7373572 Open Mon to Fri 930 to 9305411 to GIANT FLEA MARKET 5470111 SUNDAY Weather permitting Bring your own tables and goods no booth charges Refreshments Col Don 7374675 013 7373950 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Aluminum Pools regular price $2190 now at our off season special of $1355 Pools come with walkaround deck patio fencing pump motor and filter Delivery arranged to your convenience For best selection and information call toll free 800 268 1944 BARRIE TENT AND AWNING CO at lers complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings etc Also zippers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size inch thickness 34 Bayfield St next to Clarks Home Furnishings downtown itssnowmobiles ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES SA In stock utilities and CIotIImg on solo at pronoun prices lJon80 EN MARINE MI 7261001 SENSATIOHAL NEW STORE 20 GXIOO ondgotofrooII ICAXIIOOIforl 400 wily starting October79 Ono ltour delivery KRAZ ELLYS Nut door to Mootmon HIGHWAY 90 IIIHOALI 461 DUHLOP 7371182 FREEZERS Woods chest and upright fully war ranted delivery tree Trades accepted Special low pricing on this one final truck load for the year Financing available Call or visit Simcoe Co Op 259 lnnislil 726 6531 HONEY pure natural 85¢ pound Whytes mile north of Georgian Mall Telephone 728 8522 SWIMMING POOLS Leading distributor has above ground pools on sale complete with filter motor pump skimmer walk around patio and tenc ing regularly 52129 now 51333 while supply lasts Call collect 519 623 4351 ioarticles for sale TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible SOmonth warranty Electronic tuning now 5849 Order tonito got free 12 portable Under 87 wkly stoning Octoborr79 KRAZY KELLVS now next door to Mootmon Highway 90 Fomdolo7371182 TF RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT for sale Itoarticles for sale Brand new pc living room suite in 100 Herculon In cludes highbock chair ot toman swivel rocker and sofa Brand now pc bedroom suite in walnut finish includes double dresser and mirror drawer chest bookcase headboard tootboord and rails Brand new pc kitchen suite 111 48 table with leaf and chairs Complete Group $799 No Monoy Own Free Dolvory In Store Flnonclng BARRIE NEW USED FURNITURE 202 Dunlop 747 Closed Mondays OI3591113 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER OVERSTOCKED Must close out all 1979 models and sizes Huge savings or above ground and in ground pools of steel and aluminum No monthly pay ments until 1980 Call toll free 18002685970 SWIMMING POOLS to lease complete with large patio walk around fence filter ladder on or year basis from $60 per month with option to buy Coll collect 5196234351 for futher details RECONDITIONED TVs iuiiy guar anteed Huge SEIECIIOTI and and COl or 549 and up 28 Essa Rd 737 2533 OIL FURNACES for sale 1102000 BTUs in excellent condition Telephone 7285406 after IENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR was solid mu only 5590 Under 56 Mrty Starting October79 Order tonito got free 12 black and white One hour KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Mootmon Highway 90 Folriddle 71171182 IT 15 FROST FREE fridge 30 electric stove automatic washer all in good condition Phone436 2448 77 SNOW TIRES Goodrich GR78x14 new $85 pair Summer tire 650x13 0n mm 510 62 Ford fender skirts four baby moon hub caps 512 Dodge truck radio new 7263163 alter FISHER glass 210 cm skis Rot tafella bindings skilom leather boots poles all swix waxes used twice Phone 728 1510 after 30p COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water coolo with duolcomprossor 51500 CdJIM 7572432 TF FIVE PIECE dinette beige and brown 5250 Antique couch 5300 Telephone 726 2990 FURNACES two more Hecla165000 input 132000 output Did operate in tandem One smaller furnace suitable for cottage workshop plus quantity of ductwork After6pm 4241627 721075 30 used orie season tor ooat cover 3100 Telephgne 726 9621 FRONT END LOADER in good shape 53000 77 Suzuki 400 low miles $1295 aluminum canoe good shape $350 728 8111 or 7266986 CHINA 7Summerlime CRYSTAL Moonglo FLATWARE President salt and pepper Asking $800 Call Meat cooler upright coke machine cash 7722183 728 77 My register meal slicer ice cream freezer catering equipment 936 2588 HONEY Pure Natural 85 pound Whyles mile north of Georgian Mall Telephone 728 8522 UNIV OUTDOOR CENTRES Landscaping garden centre corner of Blake Grave Potted trees and shrubs ready for planting 7289542 TThSN3 ALUMA HOT TUBS buy direct from manufacturer and save Hydro iet massage caresses tired and aching limbs Enioy therapeutic relaxation and fun for the entire family Call toll free 800 268 5970 SINGER FUTURA sewing machine years old with cabinet Telephone 3221947 ROCK OLA 100 play iuke box with records in good condition 5600 IIIPDIIOI1 726 1268 i972 VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER ex reliant condition well taken care of Also wanted Fisher Wood Stove 7280840 Two 014 nylon summer TIRES white wall on Chrysler rims approximately 5000 miles of use also Sanyo WASHERSPIN DRYER with large spinner 12 lb load capacity 726 3951 TABLE SAW with molar and stand85 Telephone 728 9567 EL DEGAS 6string acoustic guitar with case In perfect condition Asking $170 Phone737 3230 ANTIQUE BUFFET washstands an tique mirror table saw with stand Telephone424 1525 POOL COVERS ON SALE EXAMPLE 14x28 rectangular 16x32 rectangular IBx36 rectangular $18225 20x40 rectangular S21465 Complete with water bags This cover has full overlap Fabren by Sl2555 Sl4850 Dupont of Canada Year Unconditional Guarantee year Warranty SIMILAR SAVINGS ON ALL OTHER COVERS ANCHOR POOLS 7370791 022 POOL TABLE and ping pong combina tion full slze complete with balls and cues Telephone 72671791 FIREWOOD Seasoned hardwood Pickup or delivery LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS 7260015 or 7283465 M26 MATCHING APARTMENT SIZED washer and dryer gold color with stack ing stand Like new Asking $500 or best offer 71170003 10 SPEED BIKE excellent condllion 590 Bike for 710 year old 525 Antique desk and chair S45 Barn boards for fire wood best offer 7269471 after GARAGE SALE siurday and Sunday October 13 and 14 10 27 Johnson St fiust below Imperial Towers apart resets SONY STEREO Somatlonol AMFM recIvor custom turntable SO43 Got free speakers Under $5 witty Itortlng October79 door to KIAZY KELLYS now next Mootman One hour delivery Highway WIPmdaIeJBTIIBB TF 35 HP MERCURY outboard like new electric start remote control steering and spare prop $500 Shop heater Chromalox 220 volt with controls $50 speed shifter for GM S20 Kenmore clothes dryer excellent running condi tion 575 Phone days 728 9234 evenings 430 5480 GOOD QUALITY GARAGE sale Fri day October 12 to Sunday October 14 Highway 93 at Dalston Dinette suite TVs chairs oil paintings books toys etc GARAGE SALE Saturday October 13th10 am pm Rain date October 20th 27 Little Ave at Marshall TVs stereo console rugs babys carriage clothes and equipment other neat things TWO 39 MATES beds maple head and foot boards mar resistant drawers ex cellentcondilions75 each 726 5129 GARAGE AND LAWN SALE Many household articles plus automotive rims tires oil accessories Plus boat gas tank life jackets paddles and accessories Saturday Sunoco Self Serve 71 Anne Street South COCA COLA machine in goodcondition Handles cans $250 or best offer Call 723 9151 PIANO UPRIGHT Bell excellent con dition with bench $1500 firm Tele phone 424 6309 BARRIE TENT AWNING CO offers complete repair service on tarps tents trailer covers awnings etc Also zip pers medium or heavy weights Foam cut to size Inch thickness 34 Bayfield St next Clarks Home Fur nishlngs downtown 4oarticles for sale KNECTLEL CONSOLE TABLE Ingood condition Asking $250 Telephone 7281476 PIANO Estern upright In good condi tion asking 3500 Telephone between pm nd 10 pm 705 435 9918 HANDCRAFTEDVPINE dining706171 trestle table six side chairs two arm chairs 7265406 illboatsandtmotors GULL YACHT BASIN MOULLIWIMAIIA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 61h oI Oro Book now for winter storage WE WILL TRAILER YOUR BOAT UP 10 22 FT FROM BARIIE 10 INSIDE STORAGE 14 to 15315015 to 18 $17518 to 12 $225 due CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your authorised Mercury Outboard 8i Morcrulsor Dealer Brokarogo Boots for Solo 4872122 14 ft Crosflinor Boot 50 Itp Johnson Motor SPORT HAVEN MARINE BARBIE StIIItony 94 7261001 025 EATS TRAILERS 1410008 510880 15 minutes south of Botr19 outrun sultnniutcl 4240924 ThS013 son muss AND SUPPLIES wood and fibreglass TOLLEHOAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE TF STORAGE FOR BOATS and campers few miles north of flame $40 for season Phone 729 2107 1977 Dav2757011 eoiiioped ior our ing and racing sleeps galley and head Over $6000 of options Full price Telephone 728 8111 Barrie 22 FT STARCRAFT American fibreglass cruiser with galley sleeps to head I70 Volvo excellent condi tion used one summer Please call 737 0830 after For more informa tiOlt HP OMC Evinrude outboard motor like new asking $450 436 3363 after 15ft ALBACORE with Ellvesfrom rac mg no Many extras including 2sets of sails sacrifice tor quck sale Call Peter Clark DAYS 726 6537 EVENINGS 15381275 Elï¬ticlesWaniEd LOGS WANTED Pine Spruce Hemlock etc with large diameters Building to Logs Ltd 19726 1966 evenings 728 5800 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 196 American before 1964 No collection 100 arge or small Canadiai starnos old watches postcards iewellery 7261663 evenings 726 3162 CANADIAN SILVER COINS betorel967 American Delore1964 Nc collection too large or small Canadian stamps watches postcarcs eweery 726 316 UNWANTED AebiANcEs Pcked up free ol charge Call after pm 125339 CASH FOR OLD FURN TURE books dishes old pictures ClOCIS odds and enos Pre71950iterfs 25 234 WANTED hydraulc BIC at tachments for foot snow plow blade Phone 728 6100 or 772578796 DRVER WANTED Aiuéioe in excellent condition and reasonably priced Elec tgc only Telephone 726 0094 WANTED 13 ft boat With motor alsolglgauge shotgun Cal 727873378 4470093 and pets TROPICAL FISH Best seection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edgehill Aouara 143 Ar dagh Road 7260094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR eroiés sional clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 726 0061 BASSET PUPPY male months old tricolor champion sire and champ dam Innoculated and wormed Ready to go Collingwood 705445 2004 or 705 445 1910 DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding fer Big Dogs Coulson 0n fario Telephone 705 835 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia street East 726 4141 Two year old male DOBERMAN Purebred IRISH SETTER pups nine weeks old two female one male Telephone 4240737 after6p BULL TERRIER months old male white champion stock registered shots excellent temperament Call Bracebridge 645 5775 PUREBRED DALMATION 22 Year old male Beautifully marked Call 728 7517 preferably mornings GOLDEN RETRIEVERS registered British stock examined and vaccinated at University of Guelph eight weeks S250 5350 Telephone 1519 8214479 Guelph ask for Brent or 728 2725 Bar rle POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pickup and de livery726 8798 PetStudio 465waps WILL TRADE white Sebling pony for pig ready to kill Telephone 726 7902 sogarden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL sand gravel driveway and septic stone 7263928 or 726 1117 Stecamping equipment TRAILER STORAGE Outside 55 mon thly inside 40 and up for season Webbs Campground 726 9823 24 ft EMPIRE travel trailer years old Fully equipped with many extra Immaculate condition Sleeps six Tel phone 436 2834 59poultrriychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farr115436 1811 IIENS FOR sale year old heavy breed Telephone 45675030 after GEEEVSE two pairs one pair Endem one pair African Chinese good layers good settelstPihorne 728 8186 973 91599919 WANTED grain corn wet or dry Call Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd 4142181 Stroud 64Ttarm machinery TRACTOR Oliver Super 88 like new live power 12 volt electrics Ready for work $1600 Can deliver Cookstown 705 458 9056 after 66farmers market HONEY Fresh unpasteurized clover and buck wheat In own containers 85 1b 80 lb over 30 pounds tit and of September Honey available in now containers year round EDWARD WOODS HILLSDALE 8352308 TThS016 67fruits vegetables APPLES Apply K001 and Son Con cessIOn Oro Closed Sundays 7288489 411 vnplslsvciv