semim cost Justslip Wm By RICHARD THOMAS Of The Examiner Water shortages experienced by some residents in Angus because of the installation of new sewer system in the Village are temporary and not an unusual item in the construction process says Essa Townships engineer Charles Tatham of Ainley and Associates said the reason for the temporary shortage is well point system being install ed by engineers to dry out the ground before laying pipes for the sewer system Tatham said the sandy soil conditions and high water table around the village had made it necessary to drill system of wells to temporarily lower the water table The problem of shortages Forest hike On Sunday October 14 there will be Ganaraska trail hike starting 10 am at Utopia near Angus and going to Midhurst Forest Station passing by Fort Willow and the edge of Mines ing Swamp Meet at the junc tion of highways 26 and 27 all leader Anne Black 7280931 for furtherinformation Poyntz St gocarting can be very tricky arose he said because most residents in Angus get their drinking water from sand points which are pipes sunk into the ground and covered with fine wire screen By lowering the water table the well point system has inter rupted the supply to the sand points Tatham said Once the well pointing is completed the level will return to normal within week he said Meanwhile he said tem porary supplies have been set up and residents experiencing shortages will receive water from large mobile tank The Examiner learned last week that some residents had complained about water shor tages but Tatham said to date only about six complaints had been received In some cases he said it is likely that the sand points Water shortage in Angus themselves are the problem as the pipes frequently become rustencrusted and need clean mg Construction of the sewer system began in early August and is scheduled to be complete by the late fall next year The project which includes sewage treatment plant will cost about $4 million of which the province pays about 75 per cent Auxiliary officers alone while police at party Tity police may not have their annual Christmas party this year because hiel lIail Snider says auxiliary police should not have to patrol the city on their on At Tuesdays meeting of the Barrie board ol police commissioners hicl Snider said that traditionally auxiliary volunteer ollicers have patrolled the city while lullrlimc policemen at tend the party it is inappropriate to have the auxiliary force looking after city of ltmoo while the regular forci is at the party Snider said Auxiliary officers lack experience and do not have the same powers as regular policemen he Judge Ward Allen board member said the extra risk Chief Snider said celebrate on their own time or perhaps iii auxiliary officers on their own are exposed to the policemen could dividual platoons could have parties said hict Board members were reluctant to cancel the traditional party They decided to consider their action carefully and discuss it again at the next board meeting Nov 13 But you have to take extra care as Pete found out to negotiate the necessary curve at the bot tom of the hill and to be sure that all the nuts and bolts on the cart are tight especially in the steer ing apparatus The MemoMatic knitter lets you create the latest fashions in wide variety of yarns quickly simply and at traction of the readymade one of the handy preprOgrammed punch cards into the knitter Peter Basey l4 grade student at Central Col legiate took advantage of light sunday traffic to gocart clown Poyntz St with friends being sure to wear necessary safety protection Examiner Photo Knit sweatera ni ht or wardrobe aweek it that sounds too fast and easy to be true come see the Singer MemoMatic knitter Youll find the patterns you want or you can design your own patterns Come see the amazing Memo Matic knitteratyourSingerStore Well be happy to give you demonstration Theres no extra charge for lessons While the MémoMatic knit ter is easy to operate wed like to make sure you know how to use it to its fullest potential So well give you up to 12 hours of lessons upon purchase at no extra charge The Salvation Army in Barrie received visitors from India and Northern Africa this weekend during its Thanksgiving Congress Signing the guestbook are left to right Col and Mrs Arthur Holland and Col Jaikumar Makanii as Capt Speakman looks on The Hollands are on their way from Africa to new post in Pakistan Col Makanii said the Salvation Army in in dia has provided 8000 people one meal day in Calcutta for the past 20 years yet Calcutta is still hungry Examiner Photo Newmarket man fined put on probation for assault wnmny 27yearold Newmarket man was fined $250 and placed on 18 months probation Tues day for assaulting police of ficer and damaging Barrie police cruiser Sept 24 Judge John Anjo also ordered Antoine Callis to pay $9315 to replace the rear windows which he kicked out of the cruiser that night The court was told police were called to Wellington Hotel on Dunlop Street West at 1130 pm to investigate distur bance When they arrived they found Callis fighting with hotel employees One constable reported he was punched in the face Con ftï¬arki Some 20 lo use electricity carelesslytaking risks that cgn taer lives But the real shocker is that the mistakes they make are so easy to avord UE vowz 70497 WELL DONE They do their own and dont have it inspected no Visiting dignitaries stable Jim Caines said he was kicked in the hand and he suf fered an injured wrist En route to police head quarters Callis kicked out the rear windows of the police car Callis pleaded guilty to mischief and to assaulting police officer Judge Anjo suspended sentence on the mischief charge but ordered Callis make restitution for the damage Callis said he has drinking problem Judge Anjo ordered him not to consume alcohol dur ing his probation 0n the assault charge Callis was fined $250 wiring They mix electricity and water You wouldnt take risks like these would you the examiner Wednesday Oct 10 1979 NEXT FLIGHT GROUND SCHOOL BEGINS Wednesday Oct 10 BRADLEY SALMOND CHIEF FLYING INSTRUCTOR GOVT APPROVED FLYING SCHOOL ALL COSTS DEDUCTIBLE Call it washing for cause Fitzpatrick Service Centre will wash Barries police cruisers next year and donate revenues to the Lnited Way At its meeting Tuesday Barries board of police commis sioners accepted the stations bid to wash the citys eight police vehicles for 50 cents wash Police Chief Earl Snider told board members an average of five police vehicles are washed each day The forces car wash contract with Bayfield Sunoco ex pires Oct 31 Hayfield Sunoco told the board in letter it would not sub niit tender bid for car washes in 1980 Ross Rolls service station offered to wash cars for $175 wash or $200 month flat rate in Fitzpatricks letter to the board the stations owner said the revenue from police car washes will be given to the tnited Vlay Woolworth PHARMAGY PRESCRIPTIONS WOOLWORTH PHARMACY OPERATED BY JACK AUSTlN DRUGS LIMITED DlVlSlON or DOMINION CITRUS DRUGS LTD DOWNTOWN BARRIE 7266517 €OUND THE 040 CAMPFRffl Theyrun extension cords under rugs The cords get frayed and worn THAT lOL CA AO ICAAZILMOST SMELL7f ONE MORE AND WELL MAKE TitE GUMN568 BOOK OF EECORDQ They put too many plugs in one outlet your hydro ta