Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Oct 1979, p. 28

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maiIre 00 00 0yrnboi7 Th0 staff fInda Ihla difficult to believe 0v0n though all Ih0 evidence Iridlcalea IheI Murray hea been canylno on bliaelul affair with an 0II10CIIY0 600 NEWS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS MOVIE TITLE POLKA DOT DOOR UNANNOUNCED II NHL HOCKEY rm mm NEWS Toronto Leela 030 FOOT TEPS Nac news MAN ABOUT THE HOUSE MARY TYLER MOORE MOVIE DlIAMA Bitten Vl W00t Love 1011 cos NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS RHODA 330 JEREMY SPECIAL MOVIE PRESENTA ez45 gym 03m rlycogn 1m sun ac u0n0 I0 Ammggs THE REAfiI STORY WRITE ONI OUIZ KIDS SHOW 100 900 CANDID CAMERA EIGHT IS ENOUGH PM MAGAZINE HAPPY DAYS TIC TAC DOUGH SWEEPSTAKES STREET TALK ONCE UPON TIMEMAN FAMILY FEUD MAUDE 730 PRICE Is RIGHT NEWLYWED GAME UPSTAIRs DOWNSTAIRS El SECOND CITY Tv 1000 EISCHIED While pollilclane call for hi0 I00anall0n Chief Ellchled narrowly mines capturing Ih0 paychopathlc alayer of young woman but leama the gunman plane to Indlacrlmlnataly the Into crowdod r0ilolou0 mini Part III 00 mini THE BODY IN QUESTION TRIVIA GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE JOKERS WILD NEWS 1° SMITH AND SMITH more sumows STREETS OF SAN Boa NEWHART SHOW FRANCISCO MASH 1100 NEWS REAL PEOPLE cec NEWS WORLD SERIES CTV NEWS THE LAST RESORT Murray me THE REAL STORY 800 00 06900000 0090000000 W00 MOVIE OF THE WEEK um Minor I979 Stara Janet Leigh Loratta SWII MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA VI Docto 1Iri1glatr000 1004 NEWS 1110 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOW heat David Letterman Gueataz John thter Fender J00 Garaglola DO mine YOUR TURN LETTERS TO cas NEWS III PARTY GAME TALKING FILM IN PRIVATE LIFE 1145 THRILLER MOVIE DRAMA Coun terpoint 1000 1200 MOVIE H0RRoR Lemar the Lad Dracula 1013 CBS TE MOVIE SWITCH The Man Who CouldnI Loee Roy M000 lathe only 0u0p0cI In an armored car robbery and to try to 0119000 the oIh0I 0u0pect0 P010 and Mac plan darlno achema RepuI HAWAII FIVEO Small witnau Large Crime Stare It Lord France Nuyen R0pul KOJAK MERV GRIFFIN 12 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED 100 TOMORROW In MEDICAL CENTER 130 GONG SHOW 145 NEWS historically speaking canadas story Iroquois Defeated Hurons Despite Champiains guns One of Frances greatest handicaps in the settlement of Canada was the emnlty of the Ir uois Champlain was partly responsible due to chain unfortunate circum stances Champlain was primarily an explorer He wanted to see as much of the country as possible after he founded Quebec in 1608 and he needed the help of the Hurons Montagnais and Algonqulns They and the Iroquois were enemies Champlain made big hit with his Indian allies in 1609 when he accompanied them to Crown Point Lake Cham plain and defeated the Iroquois by using his guns which the Iroquois had never seen before In 1615 the Indians wanted repeat performance and persuaded Champlain to lead force from Huron country in the Lake Slmcoe area to attack an Iroquois stron hold at Lake Ononda in New York It was on this from Quebec that discovered Georgian Ba The Hurons assemble 2500 warriors and traveled by the Trent River to Lake Ontario and then by the Oneida river to Lake Onondaga or Lake Oneida The Hurons were so overconfident that they would not obey orders and travel quietly The Iroquois knew they were coming and were prepared Champlain could not control the Hurons during the attack and on October 10 1615 they were easly defeated despite the support of French guns Champlain was wounded and had to be carried away ona stretcher The Hurons were so disap ointed that they refused to take the French back to Que ec Champlain had to spend the winter at their village of Cahiague near presentday Orillia It was an uncomfortable experience but he learned great deal about Indian customs and folklore OTHER EVENTS ON OCTOBER 10 1806 William Weeks member of the legislature for York was killed in duel 1849 Many Tories signed annexation manifesto pro posing union with US 1864 Confederation delegates met at Quebec 1878 Liberal government led by Alexander Mackenzie resigned following election defeat 1911 Robert Borden became prime minister following defeat of Liberals led by Sir Wilfrid Laurier 1921 New Brunswick voted for rohibition 1927 RB Bennett became lea er of Conservatives at convention in Winnipeg 1950 Canada and US signed hydro power treaty 1970 Quebec Labor Minister Pierre Laporte was abducted by FLQ SS Artsy craftsy barries story October 10 1974 Approximately 60 persons at tended public meeting at the Sunnidale Community Centre to give their ideas on how Sun nidale Park could be best serv edby the city Twentyfive brownies from the Third Allandale Brownie Pack entered the world of guiding at flyup ceremony held at St Georges Anglican Church The Paul Brodie Saxophone Quartet gave wellreceived concert at Georgian Theatre Barrie Minor Lacrosse Association elected its ex ecutive for the 1975 season dur ing its meeting at the Consumers Gas building on Ferris Lane Barrie Colts played their first home game of the season and came out on the short end of 63 score against the Orillia Iravelways It was the tree planting day at St Monicas school when pupils planted 450 fir and poplar trees in an effort to beautify the grounds Jury urges crossing bells BRACEBRIDGE Ont CP coroners inquest into the death of eightyearold Todd MacDougall recommended Fri day that warning signals and bells be installed at the level crossing where the boy was struck by Canadian National Railways train Ballet student Tammi Gilmore gets an assist from construction engineer Bill Jacobltz as she displays her talents at the site of new 2459seat perform ing arts centre under construction in Grand Rapids Mich The centre is part ofa maior downtown Grand Rapids development effort The partially finish edstage is in background AP Photo The Doctor says Our bodies shrink some By PAUL DUNUHUIJ MD Dear Dr Donohue have had series of spine fractures of late all caused by minor lift ing bending etc Doctors tell me have osteoporosis They say that at 59 have the spine of person over 70 Vitamin has been recommended also so dium fluoride which is sup posed to harden my bones friends doctor told her should take calcimar or is it Calci mide Is there value to these treatments Will exercise help Please discuss osteoporosis Mrs CVW Unfortunately our bodies do not come preshrunk So we shrink with the years Osteoporosis is loss of bone tissue it happens to everyone but for women the loss is sooner and more pronounced The human skeleton achieves its greatest density at age 25 and generally is able to carry our body weight efficiently for another quarter of century Women past 50 begin to lose about of per cent of their bone substance yearly In men the process begins later at about 65 The normal woman of 90 may have lost as much as 20 per cent of her boney skeleton Osteoporosis is an in tensification of this normal process The rate at which bone substance calcium phos phorous etc is lost may double If this continues some thing has to give and what of ten gives is the spinal column This leads to severe back pain and relative ease of bone frac ture in many women in later life Osteoporosis seems to be less of problem for people who have exercised regularly but this does not mean exercise is treatment once you have it The bones as weve seen are brittle and have to be treated accordingly Too strenuous exercise can cause problems Back braces when used are worn only briefly Constant use can make the spine even weaker Some drugs help some people but they should always be taken under doctors advice and supervision Sodium fluoride has been tried because it is believed to be taken up by the bones to make them stronger Female hormones estrogen have been tried on the theory that since the problem is more prevalent after menopause there is some connection between osteoporosis and estrogen defIc1ency Calcium and vitamin have been given to help maintain bone strength Even though these are available to the public without prescription they should not be taken without doctors ap proval believe the product you refer to in your letter is Calcitonin It is an ex perimental drug that prevents bone loss The real cause of osteoporosis is not known It is probably re lated to that catchall diagnosis aging Getting older may have some rewards Osteopo rosis is not one of them BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Hand count clinches Slam Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer North West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass South NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag The modern tendency in bidding is to bid suits up the line That is when holding two fourcard suits and hearing your partner bid to announce your cheapest suit first South was no slavish fol lower of this tradition He bid his strong fourcard suit immediately After hearing Norths jump raise in spades South cuebid his ace of diamonds North in turn cue bid the ace of hearts and after Blackwood South bid the slam South won the opening trump lead and surveyed his rospects Slam was an excel ent proposition If the hearts broke 33 dummys club loser could be discarded on the 13th heart Even if hearts did not divide favorably declarer would then have the Option of laying either East or West or the queen of clubs Declarer drew trump in three rounds and then played the ace king and another heart East won the third round with the 10 and layed the jack which was ruffed in dummy Declarer first played the ace and king of diamonds and then ruffed diamond before deciding which opponent to play for the club queen The club play now had become sure thing East had shown up with two spades four hearts six diamonds and therefore only one club When South cashed his ace of clubs and the queen did not appear from East it was certainty to take the finesse through West daily crossword ACROSS 50 Writing fluids 51 Gold Sp Exclamation 52 Athletic Osiris wife buildings Small island 55 Annoying 12 Gallic feeling affirmative 58 Breezy 13 Minutes of 60 Wing Fr court 62 Debtors note I4 Pacific island 63 Soviet river 15 Buddhism 64 Real estate type map 16 Christmas 65 Steal 17 Abominable 66 Smack snowman 67 Body 18 Is Sp 68 Gross 20 Prophetic sign National 22 Code dot Product 23 Marshal abbr Dillons nickname DOWN 25 Unseals 27 Spotless Leak out 29 Doesnt exist Colors cont Nard 3i Electrically Author charged parti Fleming cle Run along 32 Domestic News article 34 Tart Transaction 38 Car Year of 40 Went qurckly science abbr 42 Raw metal Clothing 43 Irritates fabric 45 Hebrew IO Ancient Italian patriarch ll Sends out 47 Egyptian lily 19 Auto club CO 01 III III HIE HI III Answer to Previous Puzzle sass sass EEEE EEII ERIE BEE am EEEE EIIIEIIIIIE EEEE BE EEIIE EIIEE lilElllIl Elilll IIE EEEE EE EEE NEE Ell MEEEE umu BEE EEE IIEEE THE EEHIE mum DEE EIIIEE REE 21 Negative 39 Heating prefix material 24 Explosive 41 Noise abbr 44 Shred 26 School Organi 46 Glide on snow zaIion abbrl 47 Embers 27 Spy group 48 Gazelle abbri 49 Blackmore 28 Baseballer heroine Gehrig 50 Moslem 29 Demons countries 30 Visualize 53 Mouths SI 33 Query 54 Grain 35 Rolling 56 Nickel without power 57 Protuberance 36 George Gersh On camel wins brother 59 Kennel sound 37 Winter month 61 Arrivaltime abbr guess abbr BomboBodeOeol Or cmummy October 11 1979 This coming year holds enor mous promise for you because Lady Luck is in your corner Set lofty and worthwhile goals for yourself and pursue them vigor oust LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 There is channel for gain which is wide open and ready for you to move through today Your hunches could serve as the cur rent that pulls you in the right direction SCORPIO Oct 3444 22 Youll tare extremely well in any situation where you are free to use your ideas and initiative This is not day to sit back and be idle SAGITTARIUS Nov litDec 21 People in general are very responsive to your personal needs at this time and are Will ing to offer any assistance you may desire Speak up CAPRICORN Dec aJan Something is now ainr that could benefit your hopes or plans It may come about through two helpful contacts Who are in your comer AQUARIUS Jan 20F0b 19 Luck is your partner today and will work for you to help further your status or reputation This is For Better or Worse Now LETS SEE 00 main SOMETHING BUT DONT mow sxncru Uhiy Wizard of Id WHY DID You PUT UPA sreu LIKE THAT mummt ION Winthrop Born Loser NORTHERN STATIONERY Title QTQPID ENCYCLOPEDIA 5014 ME ISNT EVEN ALPHABETIle OURE DISSFITISF IED gUT DONTKNOIA IDHY Ina1 PAINTED ALL THE HER PARK BENCHES menu new MICE Feb 10 today Ivingyouceueetooele Have faith andectonyourldeaa braIe here your toy with today Conditions are such that you can afford to take sensible risks If your thinking IS reasoned and logical ARIES March 21Aprll 10 Dont hesitate to put Info prec tioe some of those creative Ideas that will occur to you today Theyll turn out even better than you envision TAURUS April 20May 20 social contact could prove very lucky far you today by putting you in touch With the right per son to help further your ambi Iions GEMINI May 21June 20 Things that have bearing upon your basic material security mnnouwvu museum THAT LASS lN THERE NICE To KNOW IVE Your wedding invitations nnouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service 29 Dunlop St 7373860 GOT PERSONALITY loved one CANCER Jun0 21July 22 It may be sheer luck but today you could say the right thing at the right time to the right person to bring about fortunate happen I30 July 28Aug Rewards are In the offing today because of something nice you did which meant more Io another than you realized It pays to be good gu VITGO AuI 2380pf Yield to your positive restless lmpulaea and move about as much as pos sible today Its visiting people and places that will bring you happiness EVER GET TH FEELI yA PROBLEM FUDPSY FEtP THINKING 0F IlIE GREAT TV SHOW WERE MISSIN6 CHARLIE ANGELS wow MMM D°LLY PARIONuu

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