Warns foster children may die TORONTO lCPi Some foster children in Ontario may die because there isnt enough money to care for them says the executive director of the Hamilton Wentworth Childrens Aid Society clack Finlay says Ontarios 50 childrens aid societies are in desperate need of at least another $77 million from the provincial government just to maintain basic services until the end of the year Society officials say kennels in Ontario get more money to hoard dog than lORONTO lCP Prime Minister lark says the Pale slinians have legitimate grievances and the Canadian government may be ready to deal with the Palestine Liberation Organization in an attempt to settle them However Clark said in an interview televised Monday on the CBCTV program Newsmagaxine that the organization would have to renounce violence and terrorism and recognize the right of Israel to exist as state before Canada would deal with PLO represen talives llow Canada will deal with the PLO if at all may hinge on the findings in report being prepared by Robert Stanfield the former Progressive Conservative leader sent by Clark on tactfinding mission to the Middle East earlier this year Stanfield was appointed after Arab states reacted angrin to lark pledge to carry out an election promise to move the Canadian III bassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem the city which the Israelis refer to as their capital but which is recognized as the capital by only handful of countries Jerusalem was captured by the Israelis in the 191 war but the Arabs have refused to recognize Israeli sovereignty there The Arabs take the position that putting the Canadian embassy in Jerusalem would amount to de facto recognition by Canada of New rabies vaccine tested TORONTO itli new humanderived rabies vaccine that would require only four injections instead of the present is being tested at onnaught laboratories said Dr Pearson onnaught medical director Pearson said he hopes the new vaccine being tested this month will be safer than the present Seniple vaccine but as effective against rabies Semple vaccine is made by growing rabies virus in rabbit brain cells In some cases patients are paralysed by the vaccine although this reaction can usually be reversed The new vaccine is made by growing the virus in laboratory broth made from human fetal cells diploid cells with the full com plement of chromosomes It is the first time human derived rabies vaccines have been developed in Canada Pearson said The vaccine has been tested on animals and now must be tested on human volunteers WEIGHT WATCHERS NEW CLASS OPENING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON STARTING OCT ID ROYAL CANADIAN lEGION HALL ST VINCENT STREET EVENING CLASS WEDNESDAY 730 pm JANE GREEN AREA DIRECTOR WEIGHT Miiiwt WAICNERS ANCGAvtg 135 tNIEHNAHONAL INC GREAT ruin WE 51gt some families get from the government to care for foster children The financial woes of the childrens aid societies were compounded earlier this year when budget allocations failed to keep pace with inflation Since 1978 the number of children being cared for by the societies has risen by eight per cent to 13500 and inflation has increased by at least nine per cent Yet the last provincial allocation for childrens services was increased only five per cent Israeli sovereignty over the city WONT IGNORE REPORT Clark admitted in the interview that he un derestimated the Arab reaction to the planned move and the degree to which Canada is exposed to retaliation by Arab states unhappy with the switch There have been persistent reports in recent months that scores of business deals be tween Canada and various Arab states have collapsed or been postponed pending resolution of the embassy question would not have sent him on the mission if intended to ignore his report Clark in the last budget You can get more for boarding two dogs than you can for fostering child Doug Barr head of the Metropolitan Toronto Childrens Aid Society said NLNIHERS DROPPEI In Toronto alone there has been 24percent drop since 1973 in the number of foster homes available Those still in the program receive from $5 to $9 day per child depending on age and region Boarding dog costs $6 day Finlay says the Hamilton Canada prepared to deal with PLO said of the Stanfield mission intend to take his report very seriously Earlier in the interview Clark spoke generally about what his governments prior ities will be when Parliament resumes today Among other things he promised reform of Com mons procedures accesst0 information legislation new oilprice policy and budget that would move Canada toward balanced budget within four years However part of the price of that balanced budget may be the sacrifice of an earlier promise he made to in troduce legislation to provide $2 billionin tax cuts Grafftey appointed science minister OTTAWA CP Heward Grafftey 51 Quebec Conlt servative who has given the impression of being minister without job was sworn in Monday as science and technology minister in the Clark government Grafftey one of the three Quebec Tories drops the per tfolio of minister of state for 50cial programs which he has had since shortly after the May 22 election Prime Minister Clark told reporters that position now is abandoned and the work will be taken over by new minister of state to co ordinate social programs and expenditures Creation of that super ministry first aniiounCed this summer requires parliamentary approval and appointment of minister must await that The new minister will have the coordinating role in social programs such as pensions as Robert de otret economic development minister now has in the economic area Grafftey has been on vaca tion which is the reason Clark waited until the day before the opening of Parliament to announce the minor cabinet shuffle The prime minister said plans for creation of the new superministry should be before Parliament in the next six or seven weeks ACTIVE ROLE SEEN Clark told by reporter that Grafftcy had coni plained he didnt have enough of job replied that he certainly will have very active one now Urafftey has been the butt of many jokes around Parliament Hill since his appointment as one of the two Quebec Tory MP5 in the cabinet Nobody was sure what his job was and often he could be seen wandering out of cabinet meetings where others apparently were working hard In fact he told reporters Monday he has been hard at work in such areas as pen vii iiAENERS EENA ONAI sions and social planning Clark said he took the sci enceandtechnology port folio from Energy Minister Ray Hnatyshyn at the lat ters request REWARD iltAIFIEY scieiice minister steal of sewing deal The Fashion Mate$ ZlGZAG machine Honest Singer quality at an eyebrowraising Wentworth society is told of about 160 new cases month in addition to the 845 family cases it is already handling If the $77 million isnt Newsman becomes mace target forthcoming were talking about laying off between 300 and 400 workers Barr says Were sitting on pow derkeg Finlay adds Our An unidentified newsman holds his press creden tials in front of his face as New Hampshire state policeman directs stream of mace toward him Many of the nearly 500 newsmen and 12 the examiner Tuesday Oct 1979 staff has load of 35 and 40 cases each The Child Welfare Act re quires us to respond within one hour of case of photographers covering suspected child abuse being referred to us But we cant do that because of staff shortages so the delay can be up to day or two the weekend anti nuclear protest at Seabrook were sprayed with mace and tear gas Sunday when demonstrators stormed the construction site AP Photo ClarkLougheed fall short on domestic oil price accord MONTREAL CPi Agreement on future domestic oil prices proved as elusive as ever Monday in zlghour meeting between Prime Minister Joe Clark and Premier Peter Lougheed ofAlberta We didnt agree on any thing Lougheed said as he emerged from the closed door huddle in downtown hotel It was just con tinuation of discussions Well have more Im sure It was the second ex ploratory meeting between Clark and Lougheed about narrowing the $10 price difference between Canadian and imported oil The prime minister has also met with Premier William Davis of Ontario leader of the chorus of eastern governments who cabinet extra price This machine sews elastic and stretch fabrics overedges and mends and does those tricky things like making buttonholes and sewing on buttons Carrying case or cabinet extra SINGER ll fear significant price in crease will damage the manufacturingbased econ omy of their provinces We have greater idea about some details but we are still some distance from any agreement with Alberta or with other provinces Clark told reporters after the meeting Lougheed arguing that Al bertas oil reserves are nonrenewable resource wants the current domestic price of $1375 barrel raised much closer to the in ternational level of $23 to $25 Clark whose government must finally set the price wants an increase of at least $1 barrel implemented before the new federal budget is handed down in November But there have been indications that federal SINEER EILEo HON provincial bargaining may delay an accord REFLSES COMMENT The prime minister refused to comment when asked if he had made any concessions to Lougheed but did say Albertas position was not extreme and that there was agreement on few points If an accord is concluded Clark said it wont be tomorrow He was ap parently referring to todays opening of new session of the House of Commons where oil pricing is expected to be priority item in the throne speech Mondays meeting was an nounced last week as Lougheed was conducting an East Coast tour which in cluded stop in Boston last week to sniff out potential Cits steal SEWING CENTRES AND PARTICIPATING APPROVED DEALERS Trademaik ol SingE Company of Canada Ltd Price may vary SINGER SEWINC CENTRE GEORGIAN MALL 7287960 avings are almost criminal Scandalous savings on the Athena 2000 ELECTRONIC machine The original lightfingered Singer machinelJust touch abutton and the Athena sews with amazing ease and versatility Sound tempting Come put the touch on one at your Singer Store Sale $94995Carrying case or TRADE IN ALLOWANCE AND CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE borrowers from Albertas Heritage Fund bulging with oil revenue Aura viciirii Ieft to die Ftidav night was dead on TORoggglécpcelengtlgg girlie at hospital police Thanksgiving Monday the Hi family of Gary Connor was left to wonder how motorist could have left the youth to die beside suburban street Friday night He was gentle boy always so thoughtful said the mother of the grade 12 student who was struck by car as he walked to bus stop en routeto his parttimejob Connor 17 found on the roadside just after midnight clothes and other articles have been sent to the Centre for Forensic Sciences and police say they are looking for grey or silver vehicle with frontend damage ié Its hard to believe that someone could just drive away Mrs onnor said They had to know they hit someone he weighed 175 pounds and was carrying 20pound hockey bag Decorator Shades Agent and Instollerof rfllWlUW CUSTOM MADE le wroeeiiiiil total Decorator and coordinating Services home from an outsranding selection of excellent Quality materials and patterns from Canadas finest suppliers Personal same on large or small enquiries Tracking and installation as recurred Our 15 years experience makes us well Qualified to do specraliy Windows Call us now wont you Phone LOIS ROBERTSON or dmp In to the Studlo 7268637 snitsaiï¬zrst CORRECTIONS We wrsh to draw your attention to the folOwing errors in our current 19 7980 Fall Winter Catalogue Page 23 11840125 Leg and Arm Curler is listed at $29 99 shOuId read 528 95 TPage 31 434918 illustrated Oster Blender shows PulseMatic 14 speed settings This is incorrect should stow PulseMatic 10 Page 44 11603995 tOhp Snow Thrower copy reads Pneumatic 14 14 stud tires with chains Should read Pneumatic 14 45 studstyle tires with chains Page 77 670302 Krazy Glue price is listed at $2 49 should read $2 29 Pa 82 489200X Tremclad Paint gallon price is listed at $21 should read 518 99 ZLPage 99 300gph 450gph Rotary Gear Pumps listed as 633006 at 630026 should read 623006 623026 Page 118 Item 13 280234X copy reads 3Iitre plastic bottle should read 2itre plastic bottle Page 140 Item 618149 Chain Block Hoist price is listed at $99 95 should read $109 95 Item 618154 ViTon Ratchet Horst price IS listed at $29 95 should read $33 95 618155 tTon Ratchet Haist price IS listed at $39 95 should read $43 95 Item 618157 Rope Horst price is listed at $19 95 should read $26 95 Ask We sincerely regret any inconvenience Can we may have caused you adian Tire Corporation Ltd COLD REMEDY l5 POINT TUNEUP $3 95 OR LESS CYLINDER s39E 6CYLINDER $463 8CYLINDER COOLING SYSTEM CHECK 0R lESS $595 WHERE YOU SEE THIS SIGN UNTIL NOVEMBER 15 POINT TUNEUP Ignition System Check analysis and fault survey Compression Check cylinder by cylinder Battery Check test top up clean terminals check cables and holddowns Spark Plug Check supply and install new spark plugs surcharge for resistor plugs Timing Check check and adjust dwell angle and timing PCV Valve Check examine PCV valve Lteat Riser Check inspect and lubricate heat riser valve Carburetor Check inspect carburetor adjust idle mixture and automatic choke Fuel System Check inspect fuel pump and fuel Points and Condenser Check supply filti3r install new points and condenser if applicable Distributor Check inspect and clean distrib utor cap and rotor Wiring Check inspect high tension wrring coil and primary circun Air Cleaner Check inspect air cleaner element Cooling System Check check all belts and hoses and radiator cap Check antifreeze coolant Final Ignition System Check final analysis and adjustment All work is guaranteed for the lesser of 90 days or 000 km Prices applicable for most passenger cars Nun vuwvvnsvM