18 the examiner Announcements FLASKAMP Maximilian formerly of Standard Sanitarcltlmjlgl the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday October t979 alter lengthy illness Maximilian Wilhelm Flaskamp in hrs 73rd year beloved husband of Amelia Maria Chumak of Barrie Dear brother of Hildegard aerg and Antonie Hermanns both of Cologne Germany Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie Funeral mass at St Marys Church Ear he on Saturday October at ll In termentst Marys Cemetery Memorial donations to any charit would precraled be an ROE Martha Ann Suddenl at Soldiers Memorial Hospital Ovriltia Thursday October I979 Martha Roe beloved daughter ot the late Mr and Mrs John James Roe ol Hawkestone in her 79th year Loving sister of Maisie Mrs George McDonald of Forest Home Viola Mrs Harold Hutchinson of Barrie Mrs Alice Walsh and Bernice Mrs Harold Joslin both of Orillia John Allen Emily Archie all predeteascd The late Miss Martha Roe will rest at the Mundell Funeral Home 79 West Street North Orillia alter Saturday Funeral and committal ser Vice in the chapel on Sunday October 7th at 130 pm Interment St Marks Cemetery East Oro CURRIE William Charles Al the General and Marine Hospital Coll ingwood Ont on Thursday October 1979 William Charles Currie in his 69th year at Angus Husband of Olive Alma Jean Horsburgh and lather of Donna Mrs Nelson Buchanan of Donkin Cape Breton Nova Scolia and step lather ol Wilhelmine Mrs Jamieson ol Barrie Also survived by ten grand children and one great grandson Resting at the crawlord Funeral Home Creemore where the funeral service will be held on Monday October at Interment Creemore Union Cemetery HOUSE Paul Edward As the result of an accident on Thursday October 1979 Paul House in his 18th year belov ed son at John and Jean House at Don Mills Toronto Dear brother of Kenneth of Toronto dear grandson of Henry and Altreda House ol Port Saunders New toundland Resting at the Jennetl Funeral Home IS Bradford Street Bar rie Visitation from Sunday at pm Service at St Pauls Anglican Church on Tuesday October at pm Interment St Pauls Anglican Church Cemetery lnnisfil 87in memoriams CAMPBELL In loving memory of dear husband and devoted father Robert who passed away October 7th I972 Loving and kind in all his ways Upright and lust to the end of his days Sincere and kind in heart and mind What beautiful memory he left behind Always remembered by wife Grade son Jack daughter in law Ethel daughter Margaret son in law Ted and grand children Ian Colin and Anne MOONEY Robert Calvin In loving memory of dear husband and father who passed away October 1968 also dear brother and son Clifford Robert Mooney who passed away October W76 Always remembered and sadly missed by Ethel and Ruby and families HADDEN In loving memory of dear grandfather and lather in law Jim Had den who passed away October 61978 Always in our thoughts Gone butneverlorgotten Sadly missed by Gail and John Had den WOODS In loving memory of dear father James who passed away 0c tober I976 You are sadly missed my dearest lather Precious memories forever Ill gather From the depth of my heart would Iiketo say Dearest Dad think of you today and every day Sadly missed by daughter Beverley Russell and granddaughter Shawne Russell Bitcoming events BINGO EVERY MONDAY 8pm CANADIAN LEGION Branch H7 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION SIOO STF THE BARRIE COMMUNITY REFORMED CHURCH ot Cundles Heights Public School Cundles Rd COME and celebrate with us THANKSGIVING WORLD COMMUNION SUNDAY at 00 um Oct 7tlt Pastor The Rev Grant Nolond Office 26 Ashdole Court Tel 7285869 You are not too bad to come in you are not too good to stay CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by doy preceding publication with the exception ol Classified Disploy advertisements which must be iii by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $6 00 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $6 00 Additional words ll cts par word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 3600 Addi tional words llcts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 With velse per count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS $3 43 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 24 word minimum Cosh Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions Iix per word insertion Three consecutive in sertions ¢i cents per word insertion total 36 34 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word pei SETTIOIT total Sl796 Multiple inser tioiis may be ordered SUDQCT to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 74 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of numbers etc countos soporote words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the odverlisers Thornton the Classified Advertisirq Department re quire advertisers to kindly rechocli fhllf OdefTIQm9TTT immediately otter first insar iron to order that any error or omission may be reported before in order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The hammer is responsible for only one incorrectly printh insertion of any advertisement and then only to tho xlont of portion at ad that involves the misprint Err rats which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for conca tions by moire goods The Examiner reserves the right to ctossily revise or reioct ony wont dds PHONE 77824 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to lorword replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage olledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies however other wise TF EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824 suniv bet 1m Defence hurts Flyers Fl ers were hurting so much in efence in their opening season game against George town the they some for wards back on efence While the forwards did their best Georgetown took advantage of the Situation and scored five goals by 614 of the first period to put the game on ice for Georgetown in an Intermediate hockey game at Georgetown Fnday Gary Ford led the Georgetown onslaught with two goals Bob Biard and Ron Lyte both counted goals for Flyers We had real problem on defence said Flyers coach Paul Regan Pat Redkins and Eddie Walker couldnt play because of work commitments and Gord Jackson and Terry Agnew were both out with in juries So we had to put for wards back on defence to fill the holes But it really hurts when you have to ut strong QUEBEC CP today tour of Western Canada con inced three Parti Quebecois members of the Quebec na tional assembly of the need for ii massive yes vote in next springs referendum Jean Francois Bertrand said Friday Thats because English Canadians would interpret no vote as sign that the threat of Quebecs withdrawal from Con federation had passed and the possibility of serious con stitutional change would be set back several generations Ber trand said Bertrand PQVanier and colleague Pierre de Bellefeuille PQDeuxMontagnes spoke at news conference Friday delivering their impressions and conclusions from their tour that spanned seven cities between Winnipeg and Vic toria offensive player Ii Baird on defence at least he managed to still score goal Regan says the Flyers are working hard to remedy the situation and that seeral defencemen will be arriving at camp Monday think that once we get organized well be com petitive said Regan But un til then its going to be tough slugging Central dumps St Andrews Central Collegiate Senior Redskins football team showed that it is still the force to be reckoned with when Central defeated St Andrews College private boys school 2910 in their annual exhibition game Friday at St Andrews in Aurora The game was close in the first half with St Andrews tak ing brief 86 lead Tim Gleason scored Centrals first touchdown when he received St Andrews first punt and ran it back 70 yard for the touchdown Central then scored again and the score at the half read 148 in their favour Redskins touchdowns were scored by Tim Gleason who had two Paul Potts the tight end on six yard pass from quarterback Dave Waldoc and Phil Fowler halfback on 15yard run from the line of scrimmage Kevin Laplante kicked one convert and Central scored two twopoint con verions Gleason had one while Waldoc counted the other St Andrews wasnt as good as they were lat year said Redskins coach Dave Garland In the second half we dominated and four of our regular players didnt play at all because of injuries Overall Garland believes this years version of the Red skins is as strong as last seasons Georgian Bay Secon dary Athletic Association titlist team They are undefeated so farthis season CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by doy preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $6 00 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 56 00 Additional words ts per word CARD OF THANKS 10 words 36 00 Addi tional words ll cls per word lN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 With verse per count line 73 cents per line COMING EVENTS S3 43 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 74 word minimum Cosh Discount Roles apply if paid within days One or two insertions IOc per word insertion Three consecutive int sortions cents per word insertion total $684 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word per insertion totol Sl796 Multiple inser tions may be ordered SUDIECT to COTKOIICIHO when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 21 words count as 24 words Each initial abbreviation set of nunbors etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are OCCIled as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first inset lion in order that any error or ornission may reported before om in order that some may be TlCtlTlld for the following day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rors which do not lessen the value of the odvorltsomont are not eligible for corrocr trons by molie goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or reject any wont ods PHONE 77$ All CONGRESS 60 COLLIER ST BARRIE ONT THANKSIN In great Prime Minister Joe Clark shares laugh with photographers as members of the inner cabinet gathered at Meoch Lake Que near Ottawa Fri More Canadians stay at home MONTREAL CP The days when globetrotters and weekend travellers could trade in Canadian dollars for hand ful of foreign bills have gone the way of pennycandy Now although the dollar is sitting just below the 86cenl US level closing at 8586 Fri day statistics show that more Canadians are calculating nick els and pesos and putting out CMHC restores insulation OK TORONTO CPI Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp has restored its approval to four brands of insulation that the federal agency said last week had failed smouldering combustion tests The decision means cellulose fibre products made by Weath erproof Insulation Ltd of Mis sissauga Onl PNW Fibr etex of Langley BC and Global Insulating Systems plants at Ottawa and Toronto can once again be used in gov ernmentfinanced projects Five other brands remain without approval Apparently some of the smouldering tests were done in correctly and our approval should never have been with drawn in the first place John Dowell housing corporation spokesman said Thursday The smoulderingcombustion test one of several conducted on cellulose insulation meas ures the time it takes com bustion to stop after product is set on fire and the flame is removed Cellulose insulation is made from recycled newspaper and treated with chemicals to make it resistant to fire Results from the initial tests were submitted to the govern ment several weeks ago by the Ontario Research Foundation aprivate organization But spokesmen for the hous UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT COS SNACK BAR ODAll SPECIALS FRIENDLY SERVICE COFFEE STILL 30 69 DUNLOP WEST INTERNATIONAL NIGHT SAT OCT 6th 730 pm SUNDAY OCT 7th 830 om PRAYER BREAKFAST 30 om SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR PICKUP CALL 737 l689 l0 30om FAMILY SERVICE 300 pm WINDOWS ON THE WORLD 30p FINAL CONGRESS MEETINGS smut GUESTS TERRITORIAL COMMAND COL ARTHUR HOLLAND COL TAIIUMAR MARIN Aorvce IN LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY to MEET INTERNATIONAL LEADERS ing corporation and the re search foundation disagrec on which agency made the error The ORF told us that there was problem with the amount of material they tested said Dowell They made the mis take Our material acceptance people will be having dis cussions with them to make sure this doesnt happen again Obviously well have to have look at the testing procedures We dont want this type of hassle again Adam Sugdcn senior re search scientist for the research foundation denied Thursday that his organization was responsible for the mistake He said the combustion tests had been conducted according to standards set by the govern ments specification branch ood humor day At left is Finance Minister John Crosbie CP Photo off to ofcountry holidays another year With the dollar expected to remain relatively low the ex pense of foreign trips for Cana dians will be continuing de terring factor to international travel the Bank of Montreal stated recently in bulletin Statistics Canada figures show that Canadians have made 66 per cent fewer trips outside the country or total of 167 million in the first half of 1979 compared with the same period last year Even trips to the US Canlt adas favorite holiday play ground witnessed similar de crease and dropped by 68 per cent to 158 million TRENT REVERSES Thats reversal from 1977 when inlemational travel rose by 57 million to total of 397 million of which ap proximately 96 per cent was spent in visits to the US But the dollar was trading within the 9lcent US range then and Statistics Canada ex plains that the curiencys al readydepreciating value had not yet affected international travel because most winter holiday packages can be paid for in Canadian dollars and are purchased in most cases six to nine months in advance Relatively low means travellers can now expect about 3925 British pounds for one Ca nadian dollar 8585 Bermuda dollars 3556 French francs 1513 German marks 1359 Swiss francs and 19172 Japa neseyens The same Canadian bill in 1977 at value of 90cents US would trade for about 5277 British pounds 9264 Bermuda dollars 4523 French francs 2131 German marks 2165 Swiss francs and 24201 Japanese yens The Canadian currency has swung from one extreme to an other over the last 25 years reaching an alltime high of $10575 US cents in the fall of 1959 This years drop to 8335 in February was only stones throw away from its alltime low of8008 in December 1931 Although analysts say the Ca tadian dollar is undervalued most warn travellers not to ex pect much better before the year is out Reach par again with the US dollar or better laughed one Dont count on it Several factors are behind the dollars drop Since the US accounts for about 70 per cent of Canadas foreign trade the Canadian currency is bound to follow at the heels of the its US counter part COME IN AND ENJOY OUR THANKSGIVING SMORGASBORD UND oc 7iIi MAIN COURSE ROAST BEE OTURKEY STUFFIRG GLAZED HAM ASSORTED SALADS DINING STARTS AT 400 pm adults children under I2 $600 $900 For Reservations Call 7261834 HWY at the 400 saying that 56 stance woul tip the scales more than if Quebec voted 50 per cent plus one vote of 50 per cent plus one constitutes majority and that should be enough to be consid ered victory the two men said echoing statements made Asked what they would con sider massive yes vote Ber trand said Anything between 50and 100 De Bellefeuille answered by cent for in per cent IIACKSMITHING CARPENTRY HURON POTTERY KILN Adults $150 Ontario 17th CENTURY SKILLS by Premier Rene Levesque and others NEED 60 PER CENT But results of govemment commissioned survey released last week suggest that nearly 70 per cent of Quebecers believe the government would have to get more than 60 per cent sup port to have clear mandate to proceed with sovereignty association De Bellefeuille also said he Spanning the Centuries with Crafts Compare Crafts and Skills of the 17th and 20th Centuries It SoluteMarie Among The Hurons Hwy 12 miles out of Midland Sunday Monday Oct 7th Btli IO om pm 20TH POTTERY SEWING QUILTING GLASS STAINlNG AND MUCH MORE Regular Admission Rates Students 75 SainteMarie among the Hurons 16394849 SainIeMarie au pays des Hurons Ministry of Culture and Recreation IHon Reuben Baetz Minister Lakeview DANCING NIGHTLY Dining Dancing days week Open 730 om to om Licensed under LL80 T85 DNLOP ST Pension Plans Lifelnsurance Disability Income Annuities on an Individual or Group basis Big yes vote needed in Quebec referendum concluded from the tour that ended Wednesday that Cana dians in the West will be pro pared to negotiate an eco nomic association with sover eign Quebec This despite repeated state ments by Western politicians that there would be no such no gotialions and seemingly geir eral feeling among businessmen and others that the West has little to gain Rayner McCullough Chartered Life Underwriter Phone 7266515 110 Dunlop St Suite 301 IMPERIAL gig COVETS 0U CENTURY SKILLS Children 25 728515