the examiner Friday Oct 1079 Va mrt Va elm rtl To alwa rtl FRI NITE SATURDAY SUPER SPECIALS save UP TO Mens GWG First quality prowashed 100 Applies for Dief will post OTTAWA CPlKeith Mar Perry Ont and Mr Justice tin executive assistant to the Edward Hughes Sasttaloon late John Diefenbaker has ap Martins application is in the plied to Surrogate Court to be form of caveat against pm come an executor of the former bating Dietenbakers will until prime ministers will he is named an executor Martin said inatelephone in Martins lawyer Vaughan rerview Thursday thatalthough Baird of Winnipeg has asked he is literary executor he Ken Binks lawyers for theex cannot gain control of ecutors and the House of Com Diefenbakers papers until the mons sergeantalarms to place four executors are ready to Diefenbakers papers under relinquish them seal Martin and the executors be However Binks has turned gan feuding over the former the Papers over to the Public Conservative leaders estate Archives for cataloguing and even before Diefenbaker was transfer to the University of buried Aug 22 in Saskatoon Saskatchewan The four executors are Sena special institute called the tor David Walker public Diefenbaker Centre has been works minister in the Diefenba built at the university in Saska ker cabinet Dr Lewis Brand of toon to house Diefenbakers pa Saskatoon helm of Port Peri NOTICE OF HEARING WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the City of Barrie has requested an investigation TAKE NOTICE that the Ontario Police Commission will hold Public Hearing pursuant to the provisions of Section 56 of The Police Act RSO 1970 Chapter 35 as amended at the Court House 30 Poyntz Street Barrie commencing at l0300 oclock in the forenoon Monday October 15 I979 Courtroom Number to investigate and inquire into the administration of the Barrie Police Force the system of policing and the police needs of the municipality in relation to the following An open and shut case for hearing your home W1th wood Possible conflict of interest in regard to the Chairman of the Barrie Board of Police Commissioners and the Georgian Protection Services Limited The possible monopoly of the Georgian Protection Services to levi lee Jeans operate burglar alarm service from cotton denim sizes 2744 Our public building without having any gomggmlh pl agreement from the City of Barrie git Pair The appropriateness of closing to the public all meetings and all parts of an all meetin of th Bo Id Commissior me we es Msses save The procedures followed in recording 83 xi the minutes and voting in the ab sence of quorum at meetings of the Barrie Board of Police Com missioners HIPs polyester blouse iacket slacks colors sizes 10 to 20 Our Woolworth reg price 3383 set WM Price Considering the cost of oil gas and electric heat these days its easy to see why hundreds of thousands of homeowners across North America have turned to wood heating AND TAKE NOTICE that the Ontario Police gt lts more economical itcan trim 454LN Commission may make report and recom 50 or more Oï¬YOUTheatmg bl mendation on all matters considered pursuant to Wood smells and sounds as good as it burns And its one form of energy thats still growing But what do you burn wood in to get the most heat out of it the provisions of The Police Act AND TAKE NOTICE that any person affected may appear and may be represented by counsel at In thunder of explosives and cloud of dust the 22yearold Village Tower of the Hilton Hawaiian Village at Waikiki crumbles into rubble Thursday The l3yearold structure which will be replaced by 35story one went down Delicious in l3 seconds AP Photo Wed like to suggest Fisher Stove The Fishers unique twostep combustion chamber these proceedings AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that relevanl submissions will be considered parties interested Pumpkm Pies Fresh baked dolly family treat for Thanksgiving Our Woolworth reg price 59 recirculates wood gases back into the flames resulting in more heat and fewer ashes Its patented spin draft controls and virtually airtight construction mean you can regulate how much heat it puts out And because its made from carefully welded heavy plate steel it will give you years of remarkable heating eï¬iciency We have variety of Fisher Stove models to choose from So come in soon and ï¬nd out what makes Fisher Fisher Case closed 001 Salt Price Each are to contact Commission Counsel Ontario Police Commission 25 Grosvenor Street Toronto Ontario M7A 2G9 in advance of the Hearing Documentary materials pertinent to the Hearing may be in spected by interested parties or their counsel by arrangement with Commission Counsel DATED October I979 TIMEX WATCHES Your choice from our entire STOCK of mens ladies childrens all styles 25 OFF Manufacturers list Price FISHER WOOD STOVES NORTH IARRIE PLAIA 7374662 An idea Canada is warming up to Ministry of the Attorney General Ontario Open this weekend OnlyTriIighthasGOcalorieS Check the label on your light beer and see how it stacks up against Trilight Know what youll find Trilights got it where it counts60 calories 35 grams carbohydrates and great refreshing taste Nobody brews it lighter ft 12 Area Ru Selection of twists ashes and colours iute or rubber backed Our Woolworth reg price 6995 each OIISIIIo Price Brentwood cu ft Compact Refrigerator shelves egg bottle holder in door numbered control white year parts 90 days labor Our Woolworth reg price 16995 each OurSolo Prico Penn Motor Oil Premium multigrode lOW30 motor oil litre container Our Woolworth reg price 99 litre OInSan Price Winfield Shotgun Shells 1s Celebrate Thanksgiving 299 277 Box BUFFET STYLE SUNDAY BRUNCH I0 AM TO 230 PM Juice Salad Bar Scrambled Eggs Bacon Sausage Hot Roast Pancakes Cold Meot Troy Sea Food Plotter Dessert Beverage $475 SUNDAY THANKSGIVING DINNER pm10 pm Roast Beef Festival Ham Turkey and Savory Dressing Salad Bar load shot sizes 2456 Not recommended for automatics Our Woolworth reg price 333 box OIlSabPrico Brand Name Downhill Ski Boot Sale Dolomite Beta Nordica Mistral Nordica Astral Cornet ladies Nordica Venus ladies Munori ladies mens Munori Blitz ski Off boots Cross Country Ski Package XC Visor Raddison wood skis Estrie or Tyrol boats Tonkin poles Huber Deluxe bindings Free installation Our Woolworth reg price 6980 pkg 06an Price Glazed Carrots French Cut Beans Potatoes Special Desserts sav 1985 4995 56 MYIIEID ST Opal ovary him out 100 Saturdays 600 Beverage $750 CNILDREN UNDER 10 $400 for reservations call 72861 91 Planters restaurant to experience and return to in the Holiday Inn Barrie Highway 400 on Fairview Road Barrie Ontario Telephone 705 7286191 In In Ludo it Woolworth Stores