MORNING 558 FOCUS 000 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY BETTER WAY CARTOON PLAYHOUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN SENECA TELECOLLEGE 030 SUNRISE SEMESTER AGRICULTURE USA SUPERHEROES 700 INFINITY FACTORY FARM REPORT BARBA POPPA UNCLE BOBBY DALE HARNEY PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 730 MARLO AND THE MAGIC MOVIE MACHINE CIRCLE SQUARE CARRASCOLENDAS BATTLE OF THE PLANETS ROGER 000 DAFFY DUCK SHOW ALL IN TUBE MIGHTY MOUSEHECKLE AND JECKLE THREE STOOGESLITTLE RASCALS ll MIGHTY MOUSE ID HARRIGAN POLKA DOT DOOR Gil MULTICHINESE 820 IN THE NEWS 030 CASPER AND ANGELS HARRIGAN WILLY AND FLOYD 050 IN THE NEWS 900 FRED AND BARNEY MEETED THE THING BIRDMAN AND GALAXY TRIO BUGS BUNNYROAD RUNNER SHOW SESAME STREET saturday tv WEEKEND SPECIAL rm Hm Thai Played Center Field Daaeoali team 01 hopeieaa ioaera winda up In the World SerIee Whenahoraevmhheanahowathemhowthe FLINST NEs MOHAWK PRESENTS CHAMPIONSHIP BRIDGE BANACEK INTO THE WISHING WELL 1225 IN THE NEWS 1230 RUFFHOUSE TRIVIA TARZAN AND THE SUPER SEVEN IS THE 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PIONSHIP PLAYOFFS II tourth game in not played in the Amerlcan League Ptayofl eeriee regularty achedulod MIMI will dcaet SPORTSWEEKEND IWortd Squeeh Championship Horee Racing lrorn Vancouver World Youth Soccer trom yo hrl MARCUS WELBY MD PERSONAL SPACES SPORTS PROBE TROUBLE WITH TRACY 330 COPE KIDSWORLD CELEBRITY REVUE 400 SPORTS SPECTACULAR Worlds Stranget Men Part II featuring KO Carlin Paciï¬c Gymnaatlca Championehtpe Seattle Waehlngton 00 mine WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Calgary Stampede Michigan 400 Flying Frauleina Swim Team Natlona Cup Equea mn Event hrs BIG BLUE MARBLE AMERICAN LEAGUE CHAM PIONSHIP PLAYOFFS II alourth 0am in not played in the American League Playo aeriee regularly scheduled programming Will broadcast SUPERSTAR WRESTLING 430 ANY WAY You WANT IT ID SESAME STREET 500 JOCKEY CLUB GOLD CUP longawaited that meeting between Affirmed and Spectacular Bid to expected to come about when CBS Sporta broadcaate the stat running oi the Jockey Club Gold Cup 00 It WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS RED FISHER SHOW 530 STAN KANN ID FABLES OF THE GREEN FOREST EVENING El NEWS REACH FOR THE TOP CBC NEWS AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN SATURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR SPORT CITY 030 INOUIRY CASH FOR LIFE LOTTERY CBS NEWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS SNELGROVE SNAIL WILD ANIMALS OF THE WORLD LAUREL AND HARDY 100 NEE WWIIMCOMOOM neon Jena Joe 00 mlne BLACK BEAUTY COMEBACK WORKING STIFFS HERE AND NOW ll BJ AND THE BEAR ceravendrlvenbyeldnbeam Ben to 0000000 000 body la dtecovared in Menderiay Bay eith ough Maxim had Identiï¬ed body aa here one earlier PARIS When hla mother Ia mugged and aarioueiy inlured by particuierty Vicioua gang operating in the ghetto Police Academy atudent Thornae Slma trlea to take the law Into own hende HART TO HART The Harte are confronted With unplanned parenthood and kidnapping can when little boy in ten on their doortap with note leleely proclaiming he Jonathana eon 00 mlna STARLOST In MAN CALLED SLOANE Note Man Called Sloane may be preempted by erage ol the Baseball Playone iii CONVERSATIONS WITH ELWY YOST TIME TENTATIVE FEEL LIKE DANCIN 1030 MOVIE The Malta Story 1953 1100 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS LOTTARIO NEW MUSIC SPECIAL 1105 PETER APPLEYARD MOVIE BIOGRAPHICAL Prlde of the Yankees 1942 1115 NEWS 1120 NEWS 1130 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE MOVIE MUSICAL aweot Charlt 1000 MOVIE AMA From Terrace 1000 SOUNDS GOOD 33 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED 1200 MOVIE ADVENTURE Moonshine County Expreaa MOVIE DRAMA The wilting Stick 1010 ONVERSATIONS WITH ELWY YOST MOVIE MUSICALDRAMA In Rock All Night 1007 the examiner Friday Oct 1979 3AM Sam Elliott and Katherine Ross in The Legacy movies THE LEGACY thriller starring Katherine Ross and Sam Elliott as an American couple who en counter strange goingson at 17th century English castle Starts tonight at the Bayfield Mall Cinema also showing at the Barrie Drivein screen one on double bill with The Choir Boys EMMANUEL IN AMERICA Starts tonight at the Barrie Drivein screen three 10 Bo Derek plays the woman who rate 10 from Dudley Moore Julie Andrews plays Moores neglected wife Starts tonight at the Imperial THE ONION FIELD police drama based on the book by excop Joseph Wam baugh Stars John Savage Starts tonight at the Bayfield Mall Cinema TIIE SEDUCTION OF TYNAN Alan Alda plays US senator Joe Tynan in an intelligent film about politics and the conflic ting demands of career and family The supporting cast is outstanding Barbara Harris as Tynans wife Meryl Streep as an attractive Southern lawyer who falls in love with him and Melvyn Douglas as an aging senator who lapses into French in moments of senility Aldas script cant support the demands placed on it but this is still very enjoyable film Moves to the Imperial Backstage starting tonight SLEEPING BEAUTY rerelease of the fulllength Disney animated fature film Starts tonight at the Imperial STARTING OVER new film starring Jill Clayburgh Burt Reynolds and Candice Bergen Starts tonight at the Imperial also showing at the Barrie Drivein screen on double bill with North Dallas Forty starring Nick Nolte and Mac Davis JOE 1215 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED It mghtscene ROCK CONCERT MOVIE ADVENTURE my Naked Prey 1000 130 CHALLENGE 155 MOVIE Badmene Territon 200 ABC NEWS MOVIE SUSPENSE Devil Dog Rating 01 Hell MOVIE SUSPENSE The Vatican Affair 1000 BAYSHORE MOTOR HOTEL Recorded disco music in the lounge Monday through Satur day $1 cover charge on Satur days 148 DunlopSt BROOKDALE PARK INN Recorded disco music in the lounge Monday through Satur day SI cover charge on Fridays and Saturdays 148 Dunlop St CLIFTON HOTEL This week music by Sweet Daddy Siki Saturday matinee from to pm Next week Kelowna No cover charge Prizes awarded every Wednes day at the Clifton talent con test 257 Bradford St CONTINENTAL INN This week in the Mark IV Lounge Wynder Next week Eddy Kernot Two shows night ly Monday through Saturday Cover charge Exit Highway 90 east off Highway 400 HOLIDAY INN This week and next in Woodys Lounge music by Shellys No cover charge Highway 400 at Essa Road THE LOFT Open nightly Recorded disco music with dj Thursday through Saturday 94 Dunlop St ROBERTOS PIZZERIA Mary Jean Crawford enter tains tonight and Saturday from pm to am 147 Dunlop St SIINITZEL PUB Bluegrass performer Ginger Graham entertains through to Oct No cover charge Upstairs at 29 Dunlop St SIMCOE HOTEL This week Apricot Brandy Tuesday is amateur night at the Simcoe 31 Bayfield St at the Five Points WELLINGTON HOTEL This week in the Dukes Lounge music by The Glass Band Live striptease shows noon t06 pm Dunlop St artscene MARGARET ARTHUR Sculptures and grahics by the Barrie artist are on display in the gallery of the Barrie Public Library for the month of Oc tober JOAN LAYDEN Watercolor paintings and drawings by the Barrie artist are on display in the Barrie Art Club Gallery 110 Dunlop St in the Downtown Centre for the month of October The gallery is open Monday through Friday from to pm The monthly art rental service run by the art club is open this Saturday from to pm Refreshments will be served INSECTS ALIVE An exhibit from the Royal Ontario Museum featuring col or photographs of the different stages of insect life taken by photoyapher Helen sutton The exhibit rum for the month of October in the cultural wing of the Simcoe County Museum ZOLTAN MARKAN show of the artists work continues through to the end of the month at Duffys Lounge in the Clarkson Hotel MUSICAL TOUR SET MONTREAL CP Aint Misbehavin the new Broad way musical based on the songs of jazzman Fats Waller will open here next month in the first stop on crossCanada tour Featuring cast of five new singers and pianist William Foster McDaniel in set resembling an oldtime Speakeasy the 1978 Tony Award winner features 25 of Wallers songs including the title song Aint Misbehavin The musical will open here Sept 11 at Place des Arts and then travels west playing such centres as Ottawa Winnipeg Edmonton and Vancouver Whats on Saturday Night Send for your copy of the new season schedule tor Saturday Night at the Movies Find out whats on when who stars and what Its about For yourcopy send $1 With your name and address to Central Order Desk Satur day Night at the Mowes PO Box 200 Station Toronto Ontario MAT 2T1 Canal cable TVOntario Its your network th Inmsmn senate oi the Oniano ducalomit CnmmurutalIons Authority