Mm av wrvv out 01 iPdv Mpuow Jougmcxa sq vaz asters tragedies low point of 78 Like most years 1978 brought Barrie its share of celebration and tragedy issues and events and perennial battles wttlt the weather The city welconiul its newest resident of the year at 4110 in Jan in the Royal Victoria Hospital Michael John Kelly who weighed in at eight pounds one ounce was born to John and Karen Kelly of Big Bay Point Road Days later the hospital was the scene of tragedy as the Texas Flue claimed the life of Elveen Longfteld tt of Alliston The Suncoe County Health Unit identified two cases of the flue In the county during the montlt This par ticular strain caused at least 10 deaths in the province Winter made its first real strike of the year early tit tltc month wheit major snowstorm dumped about 30 centimetres of snow in Barrie The storm closed highways schools banks aitd industries Local snowmobilers pitched in to help police and citizens answering aboitt 600 emergency calls llll El WARDEN 0n the political scene Morris Darby reeve of Tiny Township sittce 1971 was acclaiiited warden of Sintcoe ouniy at the county councils inaugural meetingonJan 17 Other political news affecting the area was the aptvitntnient of DuffertnSimcoc 3111 George Mctague as minister of the environment in art Ontario cabinet reshuffle He had formerly been minister of in tergovernmental affairs nd local NDP Association members were told by George Samts the partys MPP fmm Stormont that the party was on the rebound in Ontario AWARDED ONTllAtT The Simcoe County Roman atholic Separate School Board in its finanCtal dealings award ed twoyear cotttract for the first time to its 284 teachers Salary increases for the first year were 59 per cent aitd eight per cent for the second year The early restraints in January were not all free of controversy The seven members of Barries 125th Air niversary Committee resigned because the City decided not to give it 503000 to fund celebra tions The main disaster of the first month occurred in Angus when late night fire destroyed two businesses causing about $350000 in damage The businesses Georges Furniture and Jacks Television and Ap pliances botlt in nitntp1aza on Mill Street were owned by the Guergis brothers Eddie Karem and George Jr The months closed with note of mystery as Barrie police continued their search for Ken Kaplinski 24yearold employee of the onttnentat Inn who was reported missing earlier in the week HIGHLIGHTHI MONTH ln February it was again the arrival of new baby which highlighted the beginning of the month although thc 1t cumstanccs were somewhat different Russell Mantle of Barrie delivered his child on the bathroom floor of his home Feb after his wife started 111 to labor and it was too late to get to the hospital This time the first of the month arrtyal was girl planned to be with nty Wife when the baby was born but never dreamed would have to deliver it myself he said Political ambitions were the centre of activity for the month as local hopefuls an nounced their intentions to seek candidacies in preparation for the next federal election JUINEItNTlINlHIRS The two contenders were joined days later by Barri lawyer letcr Howden who also threw his hat into the ring for the Progressive onservative nomination in Simcoe South The Liberal candidacy for the federal Riding of Simcoe North was decided on Feb 20 when Jack Ramsay 34 director of education with the Stmcoc County Board of Education won the partys nomtiiat ion Communities in the area acknowledged winners iii other fields other than politics Susan MacKenZte 110 was chosen lit nisfil Wintcrania Queen and Karen McBride 18 Grade 111 student at cntral ollcgtttte was crowned Teen Queen iii tltc eighth annual contest spoit sored by the Optimist tub of Barrie RECEIVED AWARD John Pearce Georgian olr lcge student was awarded the Franklyn Beggs Memorial Award for outstanding con tributioit in tltc field of student activtties For some the month was time of profit and ltoug herry chairman of the annual winter carnival said proceeds froin the twoday event should wipe out the $2500 deficit front prthous years For others it was time of warning against possible loss and local businessmen were ad vised to keep an eye peeled for fake lookalike invoices cir culating in the city At first glance the invoices appeared to be genuine bills for advertising services in the Tlasstficd Direcr tory but close inspection revealed the documents were actually solicitations for funds The month was not Without its issues the main one being tltc continuing saga of llllllffil annexation by Barrie On Feb decision by the Ontario Municipal Board which gave Barrie some 15000 acres of land from 1nnisfil and Vespra Townships was nullified by the Divisional oitrt in Toronto Ten lays later Barrie decided to appeal the Divisional ourt decision atid took its case to the Ontario ourt of Appeal FROZEN Ollli tty council also decided commercial development otit side the citys downtown core should be troren tiiittl March 11 February ended on sour note front iltc point of view of tilt the increase and estimates put the damage at $10001or tltc year so far up from $500 for the same time iii 1977 Douglas Latinicr transit clerk said if tltc damage continues tax payers can look forward to tttorc deficits and riders will have to pay higher fares lowards tltc ctid of the iitotttlt Barrie tty police were also investigating fire which annexation litnisfil offered Barrie contpromisc but no details were made public week later Barrie rejected the compromise The iceout car went through the Ice on April 25 setting record for the latest date iii the sixycar history of the event The same day city council named Toronto architect llay iitoitd Morivania to come up 141 Michael John Kelly the first buby wildlife piescryation in Sintcoc ounty as to deer were fotttid dead near itltord The animals were attacked by dogs and the situation has reached the critical stagc said oitc fish tnd wildlifesiiiicryisor llNlHIIHJFF Life did come to an end tor two buildings to Angus early 111 March lieit they were destroyed by two separate fires about five hours apart third budding was heavily damaged as firemen battled the flames 111 below freelug tcntixraturc and high winds The possibility of life on other planets was uppermost in thc minds of Stnicoc toitnty residents when an unidentified flying object was seen on the night of March it llycwttncss reports came from as tar away as Windsor ollingwmd ttwcit Sound and Wtarton ltr Allan Halltday of the Planetary Science Section of titawa ttottal Research fouiictl said it was probably light front meteor Municipal spending at as also brought before the publti cye as the Stnicoc otiiity Board of Education approycd its 1070 budget of $74 intllton Ill in crease of per cent ovvi the previous year The Barrie plan ning board llltllllttlH tlttllitl not to vote themselves raise for 11170 and continued to receive $23 for icry meeting The board has not had rant since 1117 VOTE1fllï¬SlIlt Barrie council llltllilitls however votcd tltcmsclycs pay incresc averaging an pci cent over 1077 salaitc The in creases retroactivc to Jan raised Mayor ltoss ltlltl salary to $12131 year lltx car allowance of $1000 and those of thc tldtrnicii to $11130 from $ttttit oo ltcprcscntativcs both the Stmcoc lttblic Scltool Board and the Separate School Board reported in in crease iii the student population in tltc southern sections o1 tltc county bttt decrease in the northern end The reports icic made lo 111 llobcrt latksoit chairman of tltc Ontario otn mission on declinuii school enrolments lllIAIllIltlllWl frtnic rcatcd its head tn the city March 21 wltcn ltaiticl Fannon 111 of ltopta was sentenced to life tntpiisoiiiiicnt for the beating death of Jean Bonney 00 whose body was found iii her Blake Street home Sept 11170 Vandalism on city buses was from oiint INDOOR SEATING untied tltc lce Kciniwnfclt Bay March tlttpturttl to be the month for males as the Barrie titaiy tlub decided to go by the rules of its intcrnattonal constitution and continUe to restrict incittlwrshtp to men on liliFlI Tlil ltlZlI 1n tlic political area Hon Stewart won tltc South Stiitcoc onscryative nomination aficr only wo ballots defeating cspia Township Betc ltfl Johnston Frank lrothcro and Sinicoc tounty School Board tnistcc lctcr llowdcn liarly tti April the body of man found on ilmkoka ltoad lit near the Sctcrii Bridge was idcnttftcd as Kenneth Kaplin kl 31 of Barrie who was reported missing in January whilc working at the tontincn Out car oit tal liin Kapltnskt had been shot Outbreaks of head lltt lnamc serious problem iii part of tlic county during the ftl st week of ill month and the trrtc trtu was the worst with at hi hools seriously at fllllti ltlllIltlYl One hundred and twenty pro plc 1111 hiding aldcrineit tnd ct if odiitintstrattoii stall in itlcrtciity tolotcd the citys new public hall licensing bylaw wlicit thcj met in lltl citys tlillltlll chambers to tltStltsS it ill llitllifttl is only licensed for 31 people ltcprcwittattun had cotitc front 11 local cltitr chis toolipct to tltc bylaw ltays later council voted to make churcth IXcitipt lroiii tltc new bylaw The old Barrie litrchall was back 111 the news wltcn Wharf stdc lrotwrttcr tit loioitto told Olliitll tlicy had tottnd flld class restaurant for thc liltlllllltt ottnctl rcpctcd tltc oflci ltt£ttlt the cost of renovation would be grcatct than tltc cost of building new facilities At slibscqltciil inclting witli city council lltstortt lropcr ties tirotip o1 loronto inadc two new proposals to renovate tltc ltrtliull but these were re icctcd as well t11l returned to tttll powcr tll mid April with the contplc ttoit 01 HS new 100000 watt transmitter and tower The original tower was destroyed iii Scptcnibcr 1077 when it was hit by plane The station had been using 231000 watt transmitteriiithcntcantinic IlSlSSIIIlSSllIS Barrie and litntsfil lownship also met this month to discuss BARRIES GROWING 50 ARE WE OPEN DAILY 11 am to 10 pm FR SAJI DAIRY QUEEN 103 BRADFORD SI BARRIE with proposals tor Barrtcs new ciy tc ccittrc May started with good ticws for taxpayers tS city officials announced that for tltc sccoitd year in row Barric residents faccd oitly two per cent tn ltttstllllllllllltlltlll11V Olt 1211 Bllttilll Latcr 111 the iitoiith lniitsttl 1070 budget was tiil1tillltittl llltl resulted in 1pcrccttt rcditc tton 111 municipal ttchs The new rate nicani taus on the avtragc lioinc valued at $42 000 would lw $13017 year rcduction of 30 11 front the year before lbc Bruce Trail was closcd front 1tcndcr Falls to ratgltith after land owncrs announth they would itot 1ct hikers use tltc trail until tltc Niagara ls1rttltitlll tontiiitu sioii changed soriic of its pin phfll lIarlj in May John Murphy crown ittoriicy lot Stiticoi ounty utltl lawycr Ult abustni lltt lcizal ttd lll and at 111110 drag out tittls to make tlllfl nioitc llc utttl for fllitll lawyer lettqtl itd was trtually llitlltt tostcal The day after Murphy wlttlllitlll cotint lawycis rcaclcd to the claims and tllcd tltciit irresponsible lticliatd lJtikc pltltltll of 1110 Siiitcot founty Law vimsoctation Iltl lJc tailcy world icitown ed crtiittttal lowyci had iiillcd tittiiiios Icgol titl gtltllt tltc best lickiiowsot Slflllill llltl titi ltittgs valued at two 000 wett Stlfl and 11 people cltaittcd iii swccp by police ltnlll of tlic lttMl and PP ltlltttl titd llltllllttl o1 municipal police forces I11 Harrie illltl Allistoii lht tlitsts titd Htlllltu brought to an cud to an ttcti stvt lllltltlttivtl operation by the 0311 olltcct who had purchased di ttgs llttitt aica itar ctittcstraffickers lit itiid1ty ht faintly ol ti youth winfhad ltttll ltcaicii robbed and drowned in Kcittpcnfclt Bay announced they would be lcattni town because those charged with thi crtntc wtrc acquitted Judge liiic acquitted two men bccattsc tltc trown had not shown beyond it reasonable doubt that llicyt1ttlitlly lwo anadtttn itttsstoiitirics Jonathan Baitics iii and his wife Miriam originally from Barrie wcrc aiitong 1500 foreigners rescued by ll11tlt and Belgian paratroopcrs tit Zaire lltllllllSLIIHEII ltcspttc rcuuusts llOlll lIssa 11 am to 11 pm 7289797 Township Council and the ministry of the environment Bill Gethons li uid disposal was once again dumping sludge from Barrie within township boundaries An cnviiottincnt ministry official said tethoiis had been told in letter to stop the dumping Towards tltc end of tlic month Barrie suffered heat wave when temperatures soared to tltc high 20s and low tilts However no records were brokcit ministry of the cit vironmcnt spokesman said Bairics olttctal lzoth An ntvcrsary lradc Dollars catii paign kicked oft officially curly in tlic iitoittli 11tc trade dollars were legal ltlitlll in Barrie 1111 til Sept 10 On June ft tffltt and clerical wot kcrs at Jun Walter Building ltoditcts Ltd iiiattncd ptckct lines at tltc lattcrson Strch plant The lltl day city polici were called to the plant wltcii ptckcting sirtkcrs attempted to prevent itott tttitott truckers lroinciitcrtng lwo iitctt charged with lirst degree murder tit lllt shooting death of Kenneth laplt1iski were remanded tit custody the first week in ltttic ltp1tnski was found dead March 10 after disappearing troiit his jitlt as night auditor at tltc oitttiicntal Inn 111 Bttrrtc Jan 10 Slltllllli llIll lwo Barrie iicti boys were among lllt ltt survivors ot canoctiig accident that took the lives of schoolboys and one teacher on Lake ltiniskamtng laul Lockic of Barrie attd Mike Mansfield of Angus were pur ticipating in wilderness train ittg expedition involving 27 boys and lottr teachers front St Johns School iii larcinonL nt ity councils gencral cont intttec approved an increase it parking iitctcr Ice and parking vtolation lines cs for one ltour mctcr were increased from 10 cents an hour to 10 ccnt an hour ANNUINFIIIHIIHHAI The Foreign Investment ltcvicw Agency announced up proval of plan by icncrttl Tire and Rubber oftanada Ltd to acquire 100 per cent ownership 01 Manslicld licn man iciicral Ltd tit Barrtc General Itrc said it planned it $9 iitillioit capital tiiicstinciit itt tliclturricplant ity councils general cotii iiiittcc agreed to rcplacc Ollt hour parking meters 111 tltc downtown shopping tlltJt with two holtr meters and to hold parking tints at 165 and $7 Ilayiiioitd Mortyaiita loronto architect iinvtilcd tltc llll iccoinntettdatiott for tltc itcw lltirriccivtcccitttt t1vcrscts llic llttritc ciitrul ollcgitttc Build won gold medal at the Ktrkadc World Music lcsttval iii llollttnd while at lioiiic on tltc lttboi scene six ttk strike by of lict workers at Jun talltr Budding lrovlucts ended on good 1101c when tiiitoit and management ratified their first contract The old fireball was once ntore central issue during the month when tltc city announced tltc building would be torn down starting July 17 with compli tiott of the jolt expected to ntid August Friends of tltc Fireball obtained oiic week injunction tostoptltcdcniolitton MIJJOIHNIII llHNElIIHNUS Mayor Boss Arclter called for tltc resignation of Altl lantcc Laktng unless the Friends of the Firchull backed down on plans to 5110 the city Later in the month legal prmHdtngs over the fireball were adjourn ed until latc August aitd city coiiiictl voted to hand over any money received for ltrchull renovations to 11 Friends In other btistncss couitcil also approved an additional $00000 for the new civic centre Icriy llcuttiik Barrie yaclttsinan was reported miss Itit oit sailing trip front Halifax in 1Iiiropc btit later turned tip safely in Holland Stincoc tounty endured litill wave which created drought conditions for farmers and to top it off attacks on sheep by wolves and dogs cost lLssti lownslitp owners $1100 in oncwcck ILUUIHII STREETS The city announced it would spend $170001iovcr tltc ncxt fcw years to improve tltc Kidds frcck watercourse ltay Allan city cngtnccr said there had been flooding problems on Donald Henry and Ecclc Streets IKIISENTEI BRIEF Elementary school teachers in Simcoe County presented brief to the province recom mending Georgian Iollcgc and Wilfrid Laurier University share planned campus near Orillia And Ann Monknian prcisdcnt of the South Simcoc Womens Institute said the human relations course being taught in some Simcoc Iounty public schools could lead to breakdown in parentchild relay lIOHSlllpS During the first weekend of the month record crowd estimated at 15000 attended the three day Kempcnfcst tn Bar rte ltobin raig district biologist wttli the ministry of natural resources said hundreds of fish in Nottawasaga lttvcr had been killed The dumping of potassium cyanide was ex pcctcd to be tltc cause AlSlIlt DAMAGE On August 15 Violent storm which struck tarrte about it pm toppled trees and tore down power lines Stan Bob lwttcc1cctrical sutxrintcndent for the Barrie ltibltc ltilittes Iontiitission said it was the worst storm of tlic season Fotir days later another severe after noon thunderstorm hit Simcoc ountyu causing serious damage to several homes and again knocking down trees and power lines Hardest hit was STARTED JAIL On Sept 21 Victoria Harbor Reeve Theo Bernard started his 10 day jail term at Camp Hiltsdale rather than pay $700 fine for refusing July court order to correct sewage pro blem on his property Towards the and of the month HayesDana of Thorold announced its intention to build an $0 million plant in Barrie On Oct relatives of Barrie Horticultural Club members waited in disbelief as reports from Quebec told of the hotel fire that claimed 11 lives The club had been on fall color tour FOINI DEAD Two days later Michael lraynor of lainswick was found shot to death in shallow growoutside larric Hr disap peared in September after at tending party with friends front his baseball team Police had few clues to lead to the ap prenston of hlS murderer Ald Janice Laktng announc ed her intention to run for mayor and resigned as Liberal candidate for Simcoe South Ald Laktng was defeated by Ross Archer Dorian Parker was also elected alderman and announced they would discontinue passenger rail service between Alliston Mtdhurst and Medonte Barrie city council announce ed it was trying to buy 13 pro perties in the downtown area to help with its downtown core redevelopment scheme If 96 HARPER TIRE 0000 YEAR Quality and Service Means 10 YEARS OF Our location and facilities have improved since our opening on May lst 1970 From the beginning our emphasis has been on service to our customers fitting the correct tire to suit their driving needs From staff of tour we have increased to 14 This indicates to us that our emphasis on up with the best service service was the key to steady growth We at Harper Tire plan to offer the quality product of Goodyear and Michelin backed HARPER TIRE 34 Anne St 7266443