Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Apr 1979, p. 16

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16 the examiner itiigqqu April so 11179 television guide MONDAY EVENING VIEWING ll NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR ezao NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME JEREMY 6M5 ID READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME FANTASY ISLAND TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW Tic TAc DOUGH BILLY BIIIy meets the girl of his dreams playedby guest SIAI Suzanne SomeIs whenhrs date It the Motticmn Boll wins hurt to Holly dend he 1m Ines sherm with on If LITTLE USE Oil THE BRAIR IE The lngolls femrly and their Iriends return to Walnut Grove and are Shocked at the decline of thetowr ondthe to mmaleofthe ten remmmnq wblllfllS Conclusion 90mm DONT ASK ME GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME GENE TAYLOR SHOW HOLLYWOOD SOUARES GRAND OLD COUNTRY MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHow 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIR IE The Ingnlls afifiy end the moods return to WalnutGravendnresbsiled ntlhedcclneo the law anaibe rev Tyre altheeu Iva an Bitibifiéttittiéfitoow se fever CDCrage getsa bIgHea aterte was alumnarellrochy Inaenaqen sendsanalui log out to pernunde him In turn pro 60 IAONDAY NIGHT MOVIE mm Illrol 1971 Stars Chroitme Delilo Richard AMAZING SPIDERMAN SPEAKING OUT HOT CITY DISCO MOVIE ADVENTUREDRAMA Maequorado 1065 830 MOVIE WESTERN Nu Men Who Loved Cal Dancing 1073 900 Talk ofnposl VIIII reunion Iuogents an Idea to BJ and he plans present rode othernu of £077 amines III diss USA BEAUTY PAGEANTlheemhnnnualpaguntwhich 61 of the most beautiful women In America re presenting the 50 states R1111 the District of Columbia Will compete for the coveted tIIIR ot MISS ll$A1979Willhe broadcast fromthe Mrs DraaIppI out Coliseum Nests Bob Barker Rn OConnell his MOVIE DOCUMENTARY Oncer PreoenlDJohn Wayne and War Movie TIIE ODngEV Wrth the Sorceress Circe In the Land of the Deed Episode Ulysses HIV at run past adventures continues with his lCCcunt OI the sorcerus out who not him to Hades the underworld to learn his lee from the Spot TIIGSIIIS 930 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE OVIES Macon County LIne I97 Stars MasBRe WKRP IN CINCINNATI Samurei 97951I18 Joe Pun JRmesShigelu 1600 NEWSMAGAZINE OTHEJESUSTRIAL momma on Our Hands Part Christopher ilunrriier as tho Narrator tuplores the per rnalitres of Judas IScAImt and Barabhns and looks at Roman law as It ousted In the lame at Porihus 10 NEWS 1030 FREETIME POLITICAL TELECAST 1100 omen NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED MOVIE DRAMA The Train was 1120 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHow Guest host David Brenner Oneal Charo HelonGurley wn 90 mm CBS LATE MOVIE THE ROCKFORD Fit The Rocker Corinertton Del Becker IS atropetutodon suspicionoldenlmoindruga MCMII AN AND WIFE Death Is Seven Point Favorrle Stars Rock Hudson Susan Saint In VIE DRAMA Dead 1960 STREET TALK In NIGHTMUSIC 1145 THE BODV IN OUESTION Natwe Mndrrrne This program contrast the practIce olmoderomadicmem ntypichnOrthoIEngland town With the traditional magical System of the Anode tribe in central Atrica 60 mm 1150 MOVIE DRAMA Heat 1014 Wave 00 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE SClENCE FICTION Countdown 1968 1210 MOVIE WESTERNDRAMA la Climb an Angry Mountatn 1972 100 Host Tom Snyder Guest Tony Bill osecutrye producer of ulev er Nights 60 mins MARCUS WELBY MD 130 NEWS 145 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 MOVIE HORROR They Saved Hitlers Bratn 1964 historically speaking barries stog pril iII Ioji ii cchingc and purchase of land proposed by the Sitiicoc County Board of Education was ipprmcd by financecommittcc tll councils canadas story Fear Of Russia Changed CPR Houte it is sometimes said that the CPR should erect statue to Louis Riel because the Northwest Rebellion in 8115 say ed the railway from bankruptcy There was no money left to pay the workmen and construction would iae stopped if the House of Commons had not approved loan The money was made available only because it was necessary to use the railway to transport soldiers to saskatchcwan There was also another factor that is overlooked in Canadian history On May 30 1885 there was great danger of war between Britain and Russia The dispute was tier the boundary of lridia and Russian bases in the diack scu but there was danger that Russia might alldth the west coast of Canada filitary installations on Vancouver island were trengthcncd The roue of the CPR was altered Instead going north to Edmonton and through the Rockies by or easy Yellowhcad Pass it was shifted south to Cal ary This meant constructing the railway through the trickles Rogers Eagle and Kicking llorsc Passes srnt it were far more difficult han Ytllowhcad llowevcr was 21 that the southerly route was safer from Itssaii ittack he tunadian Northern and tirand Trunk Pacific aiiways burlt later went through Edmonton and are now ahtd by tanadian ationai lthotigh the Northwest Rebellion and perhaps the itussian danger say ed the Til the House of Commons was still cry reluctant to note the necessary money Sir John Iacdonald described the debate as the most savagc conflict he had to er known in parliament Dui ing part of the proceedings the House of Commons sat continuously for days Macdonald carried the government side of the battle practically alone OTHER EVENTS ON APRIL 30 1630 England gave Charles LaTour and son 1500 square miles of Nova Scotia 1631 Luke Foxe began voyage to find Northwest Pas sage 1658 iirst school in Montreal opened in stable 1715 New England force led by ltpperell began attack on Louisburg 11911 First ship of season arrived at Montreal and the captain was given silk hat custom continued for many years Georgina Mitchell 4563232 Four ladies iroin thc chroy Bell ilwzirt aniiduin Legion Branch 317 Pitt to Richmond Hill Ladies Alisthni Branch 373 and enjoyed social cvcii ing watching Iiicin put show entitled liittlc flit oi fotiii The tlltlltllllltlg pcrioriiiaiicc included singing and comedy skit alter which ii lunch was served HIll iordon our oiic coiiI riiriiirlcr hopes to sec good turnout at the Holly III Aurora on April 1111 hcn Ill Zonc tl IliiIrics will be present of thc II In Intcling Sorry to hear our president Dora Scott IllfI conirodc liiry firahiiiii have not IMtll too well and wish them iI speedy rccoI cry Good Friday htirch Scniccs included combination ot toIIr churches II iillord lnitcd ihcsc Iiiclurltrl hurchill St Peters hurchill lriitcd IIIII IAilI Iiiitcd lhc ministers present were itcv liillcr lcc ol St Peters Anghctiu III iiiIr chill and itcv Alfllt roit ol botii liurchill and lilioid IIiIItd hurchcs Although llc Malcolm Fifi from Let my lriilcd hurch was not present the auto biographical sketches wcrc lilllll by him illld lhosc from the various churches portrayed thc ditirrcrit characters The joint choir is conducted by Maxine Irnr Iiid organist was Angcla Iitluilts Alltl IIII sttyicc hot cross buns tca Illfi colici wIIc scr ed The Illsl lciroy pink with 17 girls and two leaders Norri orlli and lttib lIIlIIc undulso Amic Richardson lcil Thursday rvcning iot fiimp lri Kim near Ortingciilli lthough it had bccn ii busy Ivciiiiig lhIy were up bright and curly on Friday morning at 713 In to prepare liltllkilll inch ptitiol had its chores to do A1 to it ill thcj left for Illkt to snow boots us IIIIII was still some ill the btisli area lIiIt of Ilic group laid otit trails to follow ihc girls tcctIIId 21 out oi lli points on the trail cstrcisc lhcy staycd Ill on old for mhousc on the comp grounds ilh iotIr bch ooms upstairs on fun iIiiliquc bustmerit with dirt iloor Saturdays program Included the making of lllllflililll illi illltit out of blue wool Lunchcoiisistcd oi situ made on campfire and Monica boots Following hostball giiinc they licorch ior home All tin girls out to go back iIgJIIn hawkestone bv Muriel Hart 4872030 Mr and Mrs have returned IliI phic cigh home after it in Its scorch tor school site In the south end oi the tlI the school board ptoposcd cvclning log me acres of land it owncd It lhc corner of Hit icu lllic and Littlc critic for IIH iicrcs oi cItowncd industrial kind on Little Avenue The bozird would also purchlisc two iIcIIs irom the city so that It would IIIIH sIvciiacrc site for Its proposed clciriciilury school The Barrie Iiptiinisl tlub llotltillti tour llrirric citiciis with Respect for 11m toiiiiiiIii tliilioiis lctcr lhiiiiinti iiid flus ciiiti co owner oi lllt hirciiI iiisliiiiront were honored for thcir pail in lhc ip prchIIistoii IIid ttililtltill of man who IltcnipIIIl to rob llnr icstiitironl loliri iliggns co li1tl and tiltUl with intim TilXt wits honored ior lillilili thr pohcc in Ichtllg liil illlti ruii drivcr IoiisIIblc llill gitts ot lhc lziriu city police Is chosen by tliiiil oilIcIis iii lhc lorcc Is oiticct oi the Iii tor gent rIl proticiciic iii polici work and for his inolciIurit in community proncts during his off hours llairic llyii IIlgcd lhuiidci in lwiiis to ill llll Ioltoii ltinoriiil Iiophy tor thi Mistiiii lliiiodo sInioi hockey Ihriiiipionship HII lltis look lln Ill of the scrim to clinch IIIIlh in Ihc llcii in lino llflllIflI thi frItilrrook Royals Illfli 11 III shit IIII tI IIklitl Iddllh lliritks tillii iiolnl coliili roicrl ioi lhI llci iii Iiil second IIlllIi to IIIsi llittiidci Haj hard Illc llll ltvctcolionol Soc cc league Ill its oiid staron lllllltifil to lo llllli iltill1l lln pitIoIt yini Itlii iiIlIIlwl twocltilI lroin oIiHli l1ri If thrcc month stay Ill lclbouriic lndmn Ilorhour llcrich lloi idii lhttxoctItIvIofthcoIiIIIis iiistituti intt on Tuesday after noon April ill at thc hotnc of thc prcsidcnl lrs fl lot tcndcn lo flfltplit programs lotlhccoiniiigyciir iht hIdIIs of St Ardoni AI hinc set the diitr tor IIIIll Iiinuiil lliikr Solo and White Iiilpililfll lliblc it Is to be Saturday July 21 iron pm The iltIIiiI lliiit family of Scarborough sprint Sunday Ilh Icllitivcs illlII ciipoycd birth day dinner party lit lhc home oi li lllfi frs ilriiin Hart The wet cclcbtziliiig tlu birthday oi Mrs John lliinbury iiiid Brian IIitlI VIIlllIl had hrIn on April Hand1o itill church ctioycd lhc lltislIr Scrvicc iii the Iiiilcd hiirch lht iriiiiistcr was lIrv itoiItrt Iiirbiii Service is til 11131 and Sunday School at 111 fll IIitillt is welcoiiitY tongriituliilioos to Mr Thomas iIouchci who cclcbriitcd his irllth lIIllIIIIJH on Alllllll oIigIIIlIIIIItIons to Mr and Mrs liiiiicstlra oi IIroStiitioii on the birth of son lirIdIIy April til lIoud grandparents illf lr tiiid Mrs Alktll Wig gins and Mr and Mrs ltoy Iriiy Miss Agnes McMahon home for the weekend and at tended the funeral oi th cousin Millord iirtcr oi rccrnorc on Sniurdm after noon JIS The Doctor des Portable monitor may help here Dear Dr Ruble am 72 yearold woman am active with no blood pressure problem dont smoke or drink only little coffee wake up at night and find my heart beat weak and fluttery Then about Barn feel like all the blood leaves my head and get very while and weak and have to sit or lie down have passed out occasionally and then after ward feel weak all day Other wise feel fine The doctor said he would have to examine Inc at the time of the symptoms was taken to the hospital once but was by the time the doctor got there Your intermittent weakness fluttering heart and fainting certainly indicate hearlrhylhm problem Ncwcr developments in heart monitoring devices were made for situations just like yours in which person seems nonnle between attacks Some por table monitors arc made to be worn over 24hour periods during which time their tiny recording devices provide pattern of heart rhythm The patient keeps record of his activity and symptoms making note of the times they occur That can be matched with heart performance at those times suggest you inquire about this If the heartrhythm irregularity can be detected it can be treated Heartrhythm irregularities are common cause of weakness fluttering sensations and fainting Dear Dr Ruble ur doctor retired so we had to find another was taking one Aldochlor tiiblct day and three tablespoons of Kaon was going in for blood potassium check every two months Now take the same medicines but the new doctor hasnt mentioned anything about blood tests couldnt understandthal The Aldochlor tmcthyldopa and chlorothiazidcl is com bination of blood pressure low ering medicines and diuretic Thus it is very unlikely that you have any potassium deficiency the chief concern when on diu relics 1f the tests from the pre vious doctor were abnormal for potassium you should mention this to the new doctor The tests are not routine for person tak ing your medicines if there are no obvious symptoms of low potassium Dear Dr ltirblc There seems no limit to the kinds of ques tions you answer in your col umn Heres one What would make persons stool flat Thats an important thing to report Flattcned stool usually indicates some form of pressure in the lower bowel Extra large hemorrhoids might be cause An overlarge prostate gland might corr tribute to this in males also large tumors of the genital tract in females Irritable colon spastic colitisl may result in ribbon stools Dear Dr ltuble What would be the result if one added powdered skim milk to lowfat milk The same as if you added it to anything an increased level of protein and other min erals and nutrients except fats Ilowdcred whole milk adds fat BRIDGE Oswalddgcobymand Alan Sontag The beauty of weak two bids NORTH OAKQTIZ AK84 0A2 96 130 WEST 0103 vos OQBGB OAKQTM CAST 965 10 SOUTH 08 VJ97532 9954 OlOIZ Vulnerable EastWest Dealer North West North East South 20 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead OK The swald death of Howard Schenken makes it scent appropriate to discuss the weak two bids recent that he and the late lid llytries Jr developed back in 1942 or 43 and the way we recommend using them so as to make things as simple as possible either normal strong two bid In some suit or notrump hand with either 2324 high card points or with 27 or more high cardpoints Part ner responds with an artifi cial twodiamond response to deny any ace king or two queens With this respnse the partnership is commit ted to getting to one trick from game with any other responses game must be reached swald South was able to bid three hearts with his onepoint hand because he knew that he had denied any real strength by his two diamond bid and that he had been forced to bid to within one trick of game North had only nine tricks in spades but he expected that six hearts would either be lay down or at least there would be good play for it so North bid the heart slam Alan 30 heart break would defeat the slant The 12 spade break didnt bother it 05 IX New Jersey reader asks What is meant by aces over two bids immediate ace showing responses to Opening forcing Alan lwo clubs is the two bids convention that forcing opening bid it shows 15 not recommended darly crossword ACROSS 40 Numbers Answrr In Prnwug Dump irllllif Quester r11 attrition Newtpref 44 Alert G00S Dale Corn plan Mine product tails ll As well 49 Butterfly Chimp5e Iflrilv mum 50 California rity Stand ran Insert not re lmumj bl Farm ruinini 17 amt not 5mm JWP 51 89m tr mm 20 udfli 11 21 Man symbol 61 22 Game itti 73 Motion picture boot 26 Variety of DOWN legal iIIIi grout tiltilitl apple Clttilllfl 30 leymari Iflll dqtfll Ti liloIi SoIuIllf 32 football youth feature abort 33 Year 18p Shin Urnliibt 118 City In Oklahoma 341ntorstiro 35 OtSltnlIV an 35 Crimes aliiit Pym 35 Mllllaillr Increase head African Illt 39 Attention to Hog 11 Christmas 37 Coarse cloth 19 Alilll 38 Astronauts measure an IIIIIIII crimp writ 40 Spruce Saw notch 42 Metal fastener 43 Celestial beat 44 fish catching 2f Iitrirritisiilrn bwuit most Oriental chiti bowel over 25 Ferrous metal 26 Moth eaten 27 Slight enco Intentionally 45 game of cards 28 Hair do 46 Am 29 own map 31 Cultivator 34 Chime 35 Lack d7 CIII nits 49 Compass portil Birthday May 1979 This coming year you may undertake some creative new projects that will prove both stimulating and rewarding All the work that you wish to handle will be yours TAURUS April 20May 20 Men tal work could prove frustrating today and you run the risk of having to do everything twice Be careful when usan machin ery GEMINI May 21June 20 One Winthrop him lilIIliIII Wizard of Id IM 540K FFch MY VACATon omi roc 411965 ME GIVE ME lad WW WHV I5HOLJLDNT YOUR NAME Fl115 FRIENDOHIPCLLIB 120511512 of your outside Interests I5 going to cost you lot more money than you budgeted for Call things off if find you cant afford it CANCER June 21July 22 Competition is running excep tionally still today Youd be wise to retreat and reorganize for another day when the odds arent so overwhelming LEO July 23Aug 22 Youre not in the mood to have some one tell you how to think today Unfortunately youll be run ning into quite few people who will Keep your cool VIRGO Aug 23Sepl 22 This is not good day to get too involved where money is con cerned Something may go wrong and hard leelinos will PLIT Frank and Ernest WSIRJTé 6661s FOUR MONTHS Aw HAVENT 7373860 FRANK ERNIES MEDICAL CLINIC NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St OHNO ARE you NEVER GOIN TO STOP WEARIN THAT TATTY CLOTHING result LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Its not like you but today you may put your Interests far above others If you do you could be told Off in no uncertain terms SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 If you keep looking for ulterior motives in everything another does you are bound to find something to cause you undue distress SAGITTARIUS Nov IIIDec 21 Should you see someone coming who has rubbed you the wrong way before make fast retreat You wont have the patience to cope and sparks will fly CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Count to 10 before you say whats on your mind even if OIINWOAW VIIUSMUI Sues WHAT DIV THE vocrorz sAv ABOUT MY cou DlTiou REcOI LED LL Oanyill Inc VI 09115910 ALL RIGHT ALI RIGHT KNOW THE ACTION ITS SEEN Your Wedding Invitations nnouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service er Iw or ra Bernice Bede Osol you think you are Ir Your pride might run but Itll only put doghouse AQUARIUS Jan TOO many chiefs enough lndians OI today will bring abc conditions Dont co the disorder PISCES Feb 204 your good resolutir not spending more should could go by today if your go now psyche takes ARIES March 21A take it out on the find yourself in gror today little pati cooperation on yo called for to set thin It YER TEMPERATURE5 AN YER COMPLAININ UPYER GETTIN you DIDNT 6AY You WEED rite 606N595 MANS LIN II H15 REFLEXES SEEM OKAY DID You SEE THE WHY HE FROM HIS Thetfi LOOK MISSU50NE CHIRP ouro YOU YOULL BESEEI SONEAcrONII suuaac H0nsast Timex

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