the examiner Thursday April 26 1979 Founder of local alternative schools cites Real problems in todays public school system By LORI COHEN Of The Examiner Sheila Morrison founder of her own school for boys with learning disabilities in Alliston should be thrilled that her school was so popular she could open another one in Lefroy this year She is but the schools suc cess tells her real problem ex ists in todays public school system Too many students arent learning basic reading and writing skills in elemen tary schools because of ineffec tive teaching methods she says There is no curriculum in to days schools and lot of kids havent been taught how to read and write the former special education teacher said during an interview at an open house in the Lefroy School on the weekend Flavor Steinberg Cookies CORRECTION Due to an error on the part of Miracle Food Mart the Steinberg Chocolate Chip Cookies photographic which appeared in our insert Wednesday April 25th was incorrect The item should have been Assorted Miracle Food Mart regrets any inconvenience this error may have caused our customers Students must be taught phonics writing and spelling She criticizes the teaching method that puts too much em phasis on creative thought in writing and little on how it goes down on paper She says she is so concerned about the adverse effects of this system that shes meeting with Bette Stephenson education minister this week to discuss reinstatement of curriculum in Ontario schools Sheila Morrison Schools are geared to students unable to achieve in school because of learning disabilities caused by perceptual handicaps The main handicap seems to be dyslexia form of word blindness where students reverse letters in their mind The letter may look like the letter to dyslexic stu dent Mrs Morrison says there shoes Youll walk an average of 200000 miles in your lifetime so doesnt it make sense to wear the most comfortable shoes you can find Air Steps come sott enough to hug your feet gently and airy enough to keep you cool and comfy Walkings joy in Air Step Shoes NORMAN SHOES 24Dunlop St Bmie 7283831 its feeling or step are 15000 dyslexic children in Ontario NEED INTENSE WORK Jan Davies teacher at the Lefroy school which opened in January says if dyslexia is detected when child is five or six years old it can be cleared up with intense work The boys at Sheila Morrison Schools are between the ages of ii and 18 and came to the schools at least two years behind in their basic skills At this stage the problem is not as easy to cure The students may always have trouble spelling but with consistent effort the problem can become less severe Miss Davies said They learn how to cope with it She said they should only have to stay at the school for year or two long enough to pick up their basic skills and return to the regular public school system To accomplish this high pupilteacher ratio is essential in Lefroy there are six teachers for 18 boys lasscs are extremely small there are no more than four students in mathematics class and students have onetoonc class with teacher every day The emphasis in the schools is on language and reading skills Students are at the Shcila Morrison School to work There are no disciplinary pro biems Miss Davies says PREPARED TO WORK These kids hqve higher thaiiavcragc this she says They are so smart they know somethings wrong with them and theyre here to work School runs from El am to 330 pm Monday to Friday with study hall from llzilo pm to 830 pm Weekends arc frei from school work but students are kept busy with organized recreational activities illr cluding trips to placcs likt thc science centre and museum in Toronto Students are accepted to thc SUZETTE ti Blh Potent Ton Leather Blue leather Whl Loathnr lifestyle school if they fulfill three basic criteria they must be of average or above average in telligence be two or more years behind in basic skills and have no primary emotional or behavioral problems They undergo thorough medical psychological and educational testing BRANDED LAZY DUMB large number of children with learning disabilities have been branded as lazy or dumb in public school because their le were found to be average but they simply could not learn the basics Miss Davies says the conscnus about these students is generally that they have high le so why arent they pcrlorming Regular teachers often have no time to look closely at these students and as rcsult they fioiiiidcr through public school unrecognized as handicapped On the other hand Mrs Mor rison is convinced that some students who are assumed to be perceptually handicappui arc the ones who lack learning skills because of inadequate teaching methods She said number of her students have never been diagnosed as pfittpltlltll hanr dicappcd arc of average in telligcncc yct cannot read or spell when they arrive at school key to building confidence at the Sheila Morrison School is the instant success method Upon arrival students are given tcsts they arc ccrtain to pass lhcy develop positive at titudc and never look back Mrs Morrison says The Slicila Morrison School in Alliston opened in September ltlTT and without benefit of advcrtising grew until more space was nccdcd It SllDlINTS When thc chroy school open cd this year students were shifted until there were ill in Alliston and 18 in lcfroy in Alliston students and teachers live in residence besidc thc schixilhousc and the building in chioy doublcs as school and residence Student fccs arc currcntly 58501 per year of which $6000 is tiiition and the rest for room and board in September the fcc Will be Strooo Mrs Morrisons students conic from across thc provincc and there iS even student from Bangkok Thailand tntil rcccntly the school was the only one of its kind in On tario Mrs Morrison said the province opened up similar school in Maple this year but has not received any students if the before and after essays posted on the walls of the Lefroy school are any iii dication the Sheila Morrison method of teaching the three its is working The spirited woman is confident students will leave her school fully able to finish their public school education and go on to get job in the field of their choice even if they may not go on to higher education But shcknows that the type of education she offers could be included in some form within Editor Claudia Krauseé7266537 the public school system She knows because she did it herself in North York junior high school for seven years leaving only after she became too discouraged with public school method of dealing with students that left lot of poten tial unrealized Sheila Morrison left founder of Sheila Morrison Schools in Alliston and Lefroy for boys with learning disabilities chats with Diana Brand director of Ellesmere Montessori School at an open house in Lefroy on the weekend The schools help students who have learning disabilities as result of perceptual handicaps ineffective teaching or other problems to learn basic skills and get back into the public education system Examiner Photo Local women attend seminar Women from llarric trown llill llawkostonc Shanty flay and Washago llllS wcck attend Films concert for children This Saturday afternoons activity at the childrens an ncx to Barrie Public Library is llllttslllnl show beginn ingatlpm lra Sleeps vcr Magic of Disneyland and ihc Magic Flute will be shown lrcc tickcts for the May afternoon concert by tick Avery called Home Made Music are now available at the childrens anncx rcporls Margaret Worth program coordinator Tickets are limited to is and will be given out on firstrcomc firstscrve basis Avery from the Ontario Arts Council has rcpcr toirc of traditional folk illllSlt from the llllllSll isles anada and the lnitcd States He was risjmnsiblc for co oidinatiiig tlii cliildrciis lllliSlt program at liar bortront Tl and has workcd with tlic Nilioiilil 1ilni Boards irccn lloor pio jil Aided by guitar fiddlc pcnny whisllc dulciincr spoons kazoo jaws harp and big of tricks Avery cn couragcs his audicnccs to ex plorc thc musical potciitial oi olijccts cncountcicll in daily life ed scminor at lIrland Lcc liomc Iii Stoncy Tuck tint llic lioiiic was sold to tlic lcdcratcd Womcns institute of Hilario in 197 to preserve lllt historical Sllt it llill thc iii stitutcs constitution was sign cd in Hill lakc look it the artifacts in tlic lltllllt with new cycs as they liic much to lcll Mrs Marty llrcnt of the ministry of ttlllliil and rccrcation said at llicsiiniiiiir ihi lionic IS located on Pine tidgc itoad overlooking Stoncy rock and Lakctlntario XiilltlllS Mrs iolin lirown ot Waxhiiiui public relations of liccr for the Federated Womens institute of Ontario Mrs Brent spoke of pioneers who first settled in Upper tanada and stressed the im portance of being interested in preserving the past Women at the scininzir were also shown slides of the history of the sewing machine isitors frorii across Ontario will tour the buildings and grounds of Eriand Lee Home during Womens institute chk ltinc to it The property had been oc cupied by six generations of Lees before purchase by the Womcns lllSllllllt people places Field Trip Saturday llrcrcton Ficld Naturalists mmt again on Saturday for field trip to iiny Marsh Anyonc interested in joining should bring along waterproof boots and lunch The group will meet at am at cntcimial lark lil iiariic at the parking lot iniincdiatcly south of thc playground lroup lcadirislranllcstinan For more information Aim liuglics ticld trip vcncr at 721i 4633 call con Donations wanted Iummagc salc will bc held at tiracc initcd hurcli on the corner of ook Strcct and Grove Strcct East on Saliir day tiomtla ill to noon ilic salc is sponsorul by the fracc lnitcd hiircli Women For pick up of contributions call no new llolding scmin llarriciirilha lIckankar Sat songs are holding an area seminar at the rillia YM YWtA in Peter St on Sun day ltllltliitl registration at tljllo am lhc program begins at tltiio am lhcinc oi tlic scininar is lIckankar the Science licyond tliclsychic Bazaar bake sale bazaar including bake sale whitc clcpliant table and coffcc break will lic licld Saturay at Shanty liay Public School Saturday from to am to in All plocccds go to the new Shanty illiy ommunity cn he The bazaar is lliitl by ltcta Sutton Two meetings La Leche Leaguc of liarric holds its next meeting today at 830 pm at the home of Linda liHiificld 121 irch St it and on May to at to am at the home of Gen Virgilwood Mothers wishing advice or assistance 2l hours day may call TZlivtiilil 73 0491 7284017 Lilithill or 7267113 Wilistoii 18 Photography seminar lcilknown photographer iiudd Watson of Midland will present seminar at lcorgian ollegc thrcatrc Barrie on Saturday The course is called Develop ing an individual Approach to iictorial Photography ost is $15 For more in formation call 7281951 ext 317 Sodturning buffet sod turning buffet will be held on May 630 pm at trace United hurch Primc rib of beef dinner will cost Sit per person and proceeds will go to new sanctuary Tickets are available by phoning 72670942 or 72815375 Fundraising dinner ihc llig Sisters Assixiaton of iiarrie holds its annual fund raising dinner Wednesday at the Barrie loll and ountry lub beginning at 611 pm Olympic runner Abby ilolf man also cxccutivc secretary of the Ontario Human Rights Commission is guest speaker at the 25apiatc dinner Money raised will be used to fund the work of the local association The dinner is foi women only For tickets call any of the following coininitlce members Marlcnc licrthiaume at 73772092 Joan hakrabarti at 73743930 Barbara Menczcs at 7286494 Rachel llcr at 72841514 or iris Adic at 72643643 Attic treasures iluroriia Symphony womens committee will hold sale of at tic trcasurcs on May 12 from 930 am to pm at the Downtown tentre on Dunlop Street West Barrie Oversleeping can be cured Dear Readers believe have heard from nearly every heavy sleeper in the North American continent as well as their mothers sisters brothers spouses roommates or off spring They are all suggesting various forms of punishment for me should be banged by my thumbs for week Twenty lashes with knottedup bedsheet My eyes should be propped open with toothpicks for 48 hours deserve to be strangled with the cord of an electric alarm clock These are few of the printabies It seems enraged an awful lot of folks with my answer to the young woman whose 22yearold brother simply couldnt get out of bed in the morning unless she dragged him out suggested the possibility that the guy might be pothead on heavier drugs boozed up or beered up also added Tell him that whatever hes been doing to knock himself uncon scious at bedtime hed better stop Here are few samples of the weeks mail From Aberdeen SD Dear Ann Landers am 30year old wife and mother of four can sleep through an earth quake thunderstorm in canvastopped camper and three alarm clocks have never been on drugs beer or booze and an answer like yours in the newspaper sure didnt help me with my family Thanks for the klop in the chops phrase picked up from your column few years back No Name Please ive Had Enough From Lincoln Neb Some friend you turned out to be For years have been heavy sleeper and my family was very understanding My wife puts icecold rags on my face to wake me up in the morning and she has never complained My two children have had to literally pull me from the bed onto the floor They never criticized me for it Today your lousy column heavy sleepers are probably on pills or booze it was waiting for me at the breakfast table along with some very suspicious faces For someone who is supposed to be helping people you sure do make lot of trouble Burning in Bridgeport From Tulsa Why did it have tobe pot or pills or beer or booze that made Brother such sound sleeper Havent you ever heard of irregular brain waves This was the reason member of our family could not get out of bed in the mor ning no matter how hard he tried It always took special effort on the part of someone who cared enough to see that he got to work on time hope you are ashamed of yourself See Doc Sis So dear Readers am eating my words Chomp Chomp Chomp Heavy sleepers dont necessarily have to be beered up boozed up potheads or pill peppers They may have irregular brain waves or they could be naturally heavy sleepers The advice should have given in the first place comes from three separate sources contacted regarding this problem it should have investigated more carefully before put my foot in my mouth Put the full responsibility on the sleeper to get himself out of bed in the morning Dont let him or her put it on you When sound sleeper accepts the fact that he is strictly on his own he WILL hear the alarm clock or the wakeup call and get out of the sack He may oversleep once or twice or even more but when he finally realizes he has no one on whom to place the blame he WILL shape up and conquer the problem Erma Bombeck List of most sensuouslegs Because am basically shallow am always drawn to lists of the ten best anything Somehow feel my life will have no meaning unless know who are the ten best lovers the ten best dressed people or who have the ten best noses naturally pored over the story listing the Ten Most Sen suous Pairs of Legs which best epitomize the beauty of humanlimbs it was interesting because sandwiched between Liza Min nelli Angie Dickinson Shirley MacLaine Jane Fonda hris Evert Bianca Jagger Nancy Lopez Cheryl Ladd and Bess Myersoii was Rosaiynn Carter To tell you the truth didnt know Rosalynn Carter had legs that went to the hip There must be thousands of pic tures of her legs filling the wastebaskets of every city room in the country but they rarely see the printed page of newspaper That is not the point The pomt is why women Why dont we honor the Most Sensuous Pair of Legs in men Here are my nominations For the Most Scnuous Legs on Television Personality Waltcr Cronkite Walters legs if indeed there are two under the desk for years have titiliated womens imagina tions For sheer mystique and lingering fantasy no one tops Walter For the Most Sensuous Legs in the Literary Field Jim Fixx whose legs dominated the cover of the No best seller of 1978 Running Legs have not had such an impact on the American way of life since the two hind ones of Mrs Learys cow kicked over lantern in Chicago in 1871 The Most Sensuous Legs in the Military Klinger on MASll who proves week after week that when youre in war zone it doesnt matter if you shave your legs or not you can still be attractive The Most Sensuous Legs in Science Fiction The bionic ones belonging to Lee Majors When they come with varicose veins it will open up an entire market for women The Most Senuous Legs in Sports Joe Namath who prov ed to the world that the claims made by pantyhose are true one size fits all The Most Sensuous Legs in Politics Harold Stassen and Ronald Reagan whose legs have logged more miles on the campaign trail than any other legs in political history And finally the Most Sensuous Legs occupying White House in Washington Jimmy Carter because hes married to Rosalynn arter and Sensuous legs marry sensuous legs and if you dont believe me just check the wastebaskets of the city rooms Pollys Pointers Unused belts fasten rolls illiAil ii liievcr wcar belts and since most iiiisscs coiiic Htli them have sack full that are in vcr used Perhaps some of the readers would have sonic idcas on how to put them to use DOROTHY DEAR DOROTHY am sure we will be hearing from some of our ingenious readers with ideas for using your many belts If you sew and have scraps and pieces of fabrics on hand they could be rolled and secured with some of the belts and take less storage spacc and be ueatcr looking too save dry cicaiicrs plastic bags to use for covering out of season clothes and such extra bags could be rolled and fastened the same way POLLY DEAR ltll of soft drinks can be used to make handy tote bag Fasten sixpack plastic rings double for added strength with links from chain belt or even with paper clips Use 12 inch lcngths of chain for handles line the inside and have Those plastic rings that hold sixpacks noch tote llNNY DiZAii iliY think have solution for Ruby who has vinylcovered recliner with perspiration odor have had great success removing sour milk and other stubborn odors from plastic milk jugs and other containers by filling them with wellknown electric dishwasher solution and water and leaving for some hours Ruby could soak towels with this and then place them on her chair My portable dishwasher has two suds cycles and the second suds water comes out clear and sudsy so let this run into large bowl and recycle it by using it for washing the coffee pot and any things that are not dishwasher safe as well as wiping off the sink fridge and cupboards and to keep the dish cloth clean and sweet This even works magic as prosoak for extra stubborn stains on clothes to go in the laundry liAlPY