11 the examiner Tueedy April 24 1932 I6fl torrent IIIflaunt PERIA iiiiilil RS LyKKNEFF SPAcBus and BEDROOM from $264 OALL UTILITIES INCLUDED LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM BILLIARD ROOM UNDER CONSTRUCTION TENNIS COURT CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHTCLUB year lease available RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12 to pm weekdays 11to pm weekends 7269580 37 JOHNSON STREET BARRIE 16utmto rent ONE AND TWO Bedrooms S165 015195 monthly Totally repainted white Call Patrick 728 2785 TWO BEDROOM in security building Balcony overlooks bay 3265 includes heat hydro parking storage Near shopping bus beach Child welcome Call 726 I913alter6 00 NEWLY DECORATED two bedroom apartment available near downtown Telephone 726 3257 ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments $237 to $261 monthly includes lridge stove heat new laundry room parking Bus stop location No pets 728 5816 eve nings BEDROOM S260 hydro not included not pets lease required 726 7676 alter ONE BEDROOM apartment available immediately in the downtown area Rent $165 plus hydro Fridge and stove sup plied Telephone 726 3257 THREE BEDROOM apartment St Vin rent and Queen Sts Ienced yard laun dry tacilities parking $290 month No deposit reomred Telephone 737 0626 Two BEDROOM apartment near bus and park bright triendly atmosphere $251 monthly Telephone 737 3416 iURNlSHED one and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays SEVERAL BACHELOR apartments close to downtown Rent ranging $100 to 5120 Telephone 726 3257 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT overloming Kempenlelt Bay S250 mon thly includes lridge stove heat and parking Adults only No cats or dogs Telephone726 3695 FLRNISHED BACHELOR apartment overlooking water downtown location Recently decorated 5190 utilities includ ed Telephone 728 3293 iFRY ATTRACTIVE 2bedroom apart rn nt 1050 to shopping and park In loans heat and hydro To view please rail 776 2903 after 300 rn ONE BEDROOM apartment tor rent new carpets cabinets bathroom etc lQelrigerator stove parking Central location $235 monthly Telephone 436 2263 Free Months Rent Two bedroom apartment Telephone 737 2519 ONE BEDROOM $150 monthly TWO BEDROOM $290 monthly Both Iurnish ed central Barrie close to transporta lion includes parking and utilities Aurora 416 727 3830 after all day weekends THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT main lloor 01 house living room with tireplace broadloom throughout lridge and stove Children welcome large back yard $300 monthly Available May 487 2006 days 737 1626 alter 30p TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT close to Baytield Plaza carpeted Iaundery tacilities Non smokers only 5235 mon thly tirst and last required Telephone 726 9418 Two BEDROOM s255 monthly Includes cable Tv tree parking stove and tridge Available May lst No pets No children Telephone 726 3817 or 726 8733 74 Shirley St ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT lug nished $185 monthly overlooking bay one year lease required Available May Telephone 726 0241 TWO BEDROOM apartment downtown location Stove lridge included Utilities extra $220 monthly Telephone 726 2772 Thursday and Friday 728 242 ONE BEDROOM apartment downtown $190 monthly lridge stove utilities and parking included 726 2910 HEATED SMALL one bedroom apart ment with stove and triage pay own hydro available May 1st Telephone 726 7663 alter Sp rn THREE BEDROOM apartment available May 151 180 Dunlap St Everything included except hydro $350 monthly Telephone 737 1421 ADULT BUILDING One bedroom apartment $190 monthly stove retriqerator Located 113 Cook Street Available May Garage available Telephone 737 2137 ONE BEDROOM apartment newly renovated Iridge stove broadloomed parking utilities downtown Barrie S210 436 5682 ONE BEDROOM basement apartment own entrance parking stove tridge heat hydro included Close to downtown $175 monthly First and last available May lst 728 9212 alter6 WANT TO SHARE house in the coun try7 Looking lor single lady or retired couple to do so Garden available Reasonable rent Please telephone 72611130r 728 4146 ONE BEDROOM apartments S187 and $195 monthly May large backyard large kitchens Central First and last No pets Telephone 4361701 days 726 2936 737 3258 evenings CENTRALLY LOCATED in downtown One and two bedroom apartments rent reasonable Same with relrigeralor and stove Available May Days Mr Stewart 728 1312 evenings 728 5895 ONE AND TWO bedroom on bus route stove lridge laundry laCilities lirst and last months rent No pets Call alter 726 6725 THREE TWO BEDROOM and one Bachelor apartment Available May lst Wellington and Owen Streets Call alter 1p 737 89 TWO BEDROOM apartment in brand new home huge kitchen living room private entrances ground level lully carpeted Telephone 424 5838 CABINS FOR RENT Furnished swim ming pool creek and pond on acres All utilities $225 per month Willow Park Hotel Blake St mi north at Barrie Telephone 728 8706 or 737 4979 ONE BEDROOM apartment private en trance lridgc and stove all utilities paid adults only no pets $225 monthly 726 2431 CENTRALLY LOCATED bedroom apartment upper stove and retrigerator supplied pay own utilities parking tor one car Telelphone 737 2966 atter5pm THREE BEDROOM sellcontained apartment In house with garage $300 montth Telephone7262609 BACHELOR APARTMENT central Stove and lridge $170 monthly heat and hydro Included Phone 728 4932 LARGE BEDROOM aparimeni Io sublet Includes sauna games room heat hydro laundry lacitities stove tridge available immediately Telephone 737 I765 TWO BEDROOM apartments Available May and June $255 mon thly Includes heat hot water parking cable TV stove relrigerator carpeting No pets Telephone 7263817 or 726 8733 74 Shirley Street 17 houses to rent CUNDLESBAYFIELD Attractive bedroom home new Fully broadloomed Near plazas and bus route Available immediately Call 7284931 IJI pm reside only A28 TOWNHOUSE Four bedroom baths fully broadloomed garage tour appliances cable TV included $300 monthly May 1st oc cupancy Week days after 7263720 Weekends 1416 4534711 or 14164574829 collect TF PUGET COURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom townhouses Selective neighborhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 7289682 TThSTF TAMARACII WOODS Little Buyvlow Drive NEW TOWN HOMES IN PLEASANT COUNTRY LOCATION BEDROOM UNITS FROM Includes valor charge Fully broadloomed Gas tired forced air heating Early occupancy Tennis court OAdiacent Molson Park Call 7373992 MTWTF BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES and bedroom semi detached homes lor rent Broadloom garage one year lease Utilities extra First and last monthsd rent required $325 monthly Call Marlene Knowles representing Murray Warsh Realty Ltd 728 9636 or 737 2351 NEW THREE BEDROOM house completely broadloomed lor rent Sunken livingroom with partially linish ed basement Also garage Telephone 726 3257 BEDROOM downtown With garage utilities and appliances not included 726 7676 alter IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For inlormation call Mr JarVis 726 6805 24 Hour SerVIce EXECUTIVE FOUR bedroom two storey complete with appliances available June $400 monthly Telephone 726 3370 FOUR BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE lridge and stove baths lully carpeted $300 monthly available May Telephone 728 6716 alter In and weekends THREE BEDROOM house tor rent 1W storey I38 Sanlord SI $175 monthly Available immediately Telephone 435 7237 ORO THREE BEDROOM Bungalow with garage on Lake Simcoe Available Mayl $200 monthly CaI487 2486 TOWNHOUSE tor rent three bedrooms 172 baths basement garage nicely decorated Close to school and shopping 726 4338 737 4974 SUBLET Three bedroom townhouse available June lst Tamarack Woods subdivision Telephone 726 2620 alter TWO BEDROOM house 10th and 25th 01 lnnistil $230 monthly Available May lst Telephone 728 5665 alter FOR RENT JUNE lst bedroom house close to downtown lully carpeted $300 monthly utilities included Phone Peter 728 8214 alter 5p 726 97119 5p FOUR BEDROOMS lully broadloomed two washrooms attached garage llnlsh ed rec room $325 monthly Virgo Realty Ltd 737 1211 BEDROOM HOUSE with garden close to schools shopping and hospital Students accepted $250 per month Telephone 728 5791 EXECUTIVE HOME scenic area overlooking lake Avallable immediate ly Telephone 737 3507 alter In LARGE THREE bedroom bungalow with sell contained two bedroom base ment apartment and attached garage $375 monthly complete 726 2609 NEW THREE BEDROOM townhouse 172 baths broadloomed throughout lour applicanes lenced yard garage close to bus and school Available June lst $325 monthly 726 1789 VAcANT uNiT AVAILABLE now Just painted and lloors relinished Telephone 728 1429 19houses wanted to rent HOME IN COUNTRY South at Barrie To rent or rent with option to purchase Responsible adult lamlly No scmis or townhomes Evgs Toronto 241 7474 20rooms toilet ROOMS FOR RENT by the day week or month Llnen supplied Downtown area Telephone 72872445 CLEAN FIBRIGHTRmOdVern rooms tor rent Downtown location Parking available HamiltonRealty 737 1000 FURNISHED ROOMS tor rent downtown location Call Andrea 737 36321 between am and pm Monday to Friday LARGE lurnlshed bedslttlng room with TV Close to downtown lor lurther In tormatlonc611728 7583 WANT A35 PHONE 72324 itrcceunlbcI ROOM AND BOARD nvallable In private home Also sullable home tor senior cltlzens Telephone 728 6182 23ollices slores lor rent RENTANOFFICE comm unit Furnished or unturnlshed slatted telephone answering nolllng typing etc Various 1nixed spaces now available street level walk1n 1260908 My2l 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 7281743 till 7pm 728 68Wntter7pm MODERN OFFICE spaceflter Vice$67 small 0r large sultes Immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angelolt STORE FOR RENT 1200 square teet parking tacilllles tor more lnlormatlon catl728182Jalterllam OFFICE SPACE tor rent In attractive downtown bulldlng lndlvldual alllces only Modest rent Free parklng Re ception services and photo yIng It required Telephone Miss ubman 9021 OFFICE SPACE tor rent or lease Redecoraled Parking Baylleld SI downtown Phone 726 2772 days 737 2349 evenings gt STORE FOR RENT over 700 square leet Located 84B Dunlap Street East Barrie Telephone 737 3888 14167558686 days or evenings 14162610160 24space tor rent FOR LEASE 0R SALE indu3trial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angelott WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square leel Gross lease everything Included 5475 men thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq tt lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors14lt 18 clear part at large ex panding industrial mall 726 7130 2000 SQUARE FEET Commercial Space available suitable tor retail manutacturing or warehouseing Heat and hydro included $600 monthly On Baytleld Street Telephone Oro Mobile YJ5 7008 STORAGE AVAILABLE Small or large units Innistil St Jacobs Terrace Short or long term 737 I606 424 1020 RETAIL WAREHOUSE tor lease 7200 sq lt right on Highway linear Orillia was Farmer Jacks Furniture Warehouse Call 416 742 4079 25garages ATTENTION TRUCKERS Garage space to rent by the month tor repairs washing storage etc Barrie area Call Oro Mobile YJ57008 WANTED GARAGE to rent to store an tique car Barrie area Telephone 728 0185 29cottages Wanted COTTAGE WANTED to rent vicinity ol Barrie mid May to mid August Must be neat and practical Access to water preterred Call 728 8201 between and 32ca rs t0r sale AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 728 9571921 1978 ACCORD WELL looked alter Only $5695 Call 726 6250 alter 530 1973 DODGE SWINGER twodoor hard top new paint iob certitied Asking $1500 lirm Telephone 7263869 days 728 6010 evenings 1974 PINTO Squire Wagon automatic rool rack new radial tires extra clean 46000 miles Certitied $2100 or best 01 Ier Telephone 728 5182 1974 MERCURY door clean less than 10000 miles on motor $1700 or best ot Ier Will certin Also I969 MUSTANG 5800 or best otter SET OF 60 x14 mags complete 8100 tor pair 726 9612 74 MERCURY METEOR statlon wagon passenger light metallic brown 67000 miles Very good shape Certilied Telephone 726 5990 1973 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE Sebrlng small V8 automatic Vinyl root new paint radial tires tactory mag rims very clean 58001 miles Telephone 737 0966 1973 LEVI GREMLIN V8 Telephone 726 6759 alter 6p 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS 350 engine new paint in excellent conditom Asking 52250 Telephone 728 7406 alter 30p 1978 TOYOTA CELICA 0T Iiltback AM FM stereo Iouvres extra tires 1500 miles Mint$6750 Telephone 728 9875 1974 COMET excellent conditon 40000 original miles certitied Asking $2200 Telephone 726 2612 alter 1969 VOLVO P180015 pertormance at With tour cylinder motor Fast and economical super reliable tour speed With electric overdrive real leather seats etc Already collectors Item Must be seen and driven Sacrilice tor $2200 certitied or best otter tor irn mediate sale 737 3234 I978 BUICK REGAL automatic power steering power brakes undercoated radial tires 10000 kilometres good can ditlon certilied Asking $6300 or best 01 Ier 487 3111 1978 DATSUN 8210 tor sale door speed standard 11000 miles excellent condition Driven by lady Telephone 726 8526 1974 PONTIAC CATALINA 25000 miles tour door hard top power steering and brakes radio snow tires $2150 Telephone 726 3859 1975 MATADOR COUPE power steer ing power brakes air condition AMFM radio mag wheels Excellent condition Certitied Telephone 728 9249 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK excellent condition low mileage Standard Wlll certily 51500 or best alter Telephone 737 2756 alter 1976 GRAND TOR 1N0 tan 33000 miles V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio radial tires very lean In excellent condition Certitied Telephone 737 3507 alter 1976 CHEV IMPALA door hardtop power steering and brakes radial tires Excellent condition 350 motor Tele phone 726 2282 or 737 4687 alter 33cars wantedto buy SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Freelmmedldte pick Up any tlme 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED tor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6322 days 424 5949 evenings SCRAP CARS WANTED S30 tUII size picked up $40 lull Size brought in Bonus tor extra heavy 728 3606 7261553 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 728 8111 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SPRING SPECIAL Tracy wants cars Full size cars $30 picked up Full size 540 brought In Bonus lor extra large cars 726 8487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon on Auto Sales 17 Gowan St 726 6488 34trucks and trailers 73 FORD VAN 302 automatic no rust Green velvet and black plush buttoned interior Root vent Fully insulated $2000 Telephone 726 8365 SIMCOE COUNTY FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB For intormation call John Nelson 728 9571 1978 GMC VAN like new 24000 original miles automatic asking $5000 Telephone 726 0259 or 728 8328 1972 CHEV Vzlon pickup cylinder standard Needs body work but Al mechanically Price $750 as Is Telephone 728 5981 days or 726 3490 alter 5pm 1975 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER Ex cellent conditon 32000 miles Telephone 726 1385 louo shill 1977 DODGE VAN Power steering power brakes V8 tactory Installed swivel chalrs tires and rims and others 32000 kilometers 22 ml per gallon tor more inlormation call 7371089 1977 FORD VAN Econollne V8 power steering standard transmission $3700 or best otter Telephone 72876745 1978 GMC V2 ton 305 automatic power steering power brakes heavy suspen slon steel belted tires AMFM cassette radio step bumper and rap 23000 kms EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 51 it 45 72824 FRALICR ALUMINUM II No Strotld 4361830 Kaiser Aluminum Slding SoIIIt Fascia Windows and Doors Call now for tree estimate 4361830 TTli5TF ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Soils and Service Free Home Demonstra llom 18 Alllance Blvd Unit 19 72841392 81110 nous 800 EEPING BARRIE BOORKEEPING 55 My St West 7261822 Bookkeeping and payroll Reasonable prices Owned and operated by Block Franchise Owner CARPET INSTALLATION MILLER BROADLOOM INSTALLATION and Services Work guaranteed Free estimates Coll7372193 ALUEI CHIMNEY SWEEPS NO MESS NO FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 Or 7263620 TTh$ AARAN CHIMNEY SWEEPS 4589684 TThSA14 WEYS CIIOTIDd built repaired eaves Whig Installed tooling and flashing M7269 BondMComlruction yr li¢fi ui WNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you althe finest iob possible DRESSES FIT It made by JOSIE AOUINO Specializing In pentnulls gown and altera tions 42 Eugenla SI Phone 72660w EAVESTROUGHING SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS tooling and rootlng pain Sheet metal work Martln Verllraten New Lawall 4241956 Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7289457 TF CHAIN LINK FENCING lor tree ultimate mung7829 rIIiIlEc ASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats mowmobllu anythlng liberate Free utlmatu Low winter rates Workmanlhip guomnteed 1265802 VIC WATSON Fire locus and masonry For trooptime phone 1599 CUSTOM BUILT and designed Specialixlng In natural stone and antique brlck using bellti es Workmonship guaranteed Peter IIIgiro 737723717 iioo 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FFREE DELIVERY 4872113 GENERAL CONTRACTING CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovations additionl dry wall all mawnry needs For quality work all dark 7289276 or John 7280641 GEMRAL REPAIRS maintenance atttu garages basements cleaned rubbish removed chh lor used appliances Gold 4365414 SPRING CLEANUP Windows storms removed cleaned Home yard cleanup Rubbish removal small DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALL PODEWILS 7269559 SHORT OFFSET 701 PRINT17 PHOTY OIIES TYII WhnrumATiNr RIILLS 7260955 AM moving iobs Exterior painting repairs LOCAL 4873141 11074 IMPROVEM CONSTRUCTION House raising loun lotions ieiiovulions Oddltlotis Phone 4362955 allt CARPENTER FULLY EXPLRIENCED with innovations initm decks bottiioom tiling in rooms etc Telephone 726 1771 HOME IMPROVEMENTS odditiotn and custom work all Reid Bldg Ltd 77341 REWVAHONS FRAMING bllLMluylh plumbing yatd work All at reasonable prices lieu YIIVIOICB 726 4299 or 72670921 ACTON BOOKKIEPING TA Personal and bowie returns 9a ton 7265718 PERSONAL TAX RETURNS our specialty AL Iowan SRWWIIIpKh up 4pm109pm 1W FERTILIZING ed Ipraylng mowing lociT ding seeding etc Vic leemltra 7282909 PET ERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING THE WEED MAN Hot Asphalt FertilizingWeed Spraying mloimul INDUSTRIAL Ask About Our tazhdt Igollng will cut PROGRAM IIf II can call Remus Guammeed ANY TYPE CONCRETEWORK 1372121 petiolfloormtc M7 EXCAVATING pond pool etc CARPENTRY rough fhllllod ROOFING TREE SERVICE 24 hour service 7261451 PHOTOGRAPHY ET CETERA PHOTO SERVICES WEDDIN iS lorltiiiJurptiMii IAIIIIIISIIIIIIZII Fret Lance Assignments ISTAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and tone work hlmney re 17 Fireplaces in £th Fro climate 7005 4245158 GUITAR LESSONS Claulcal and Popular Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio 726 489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begine nor and advanced Two monthi trial instru merit loaned Ior home practice Canadian odemy DIMqu 121 Baylield 7281799 GUITAR IESSONS Clauical popular and rock For Iurther Inlormation coll Gary 7269098 Mr 73741049 4292576 DISC JOCKEY inqu quite reasonable you for the booking Call LI 72a 36 AUTHORIZED Skil Maktta Hoerer parts acceswtiei Electric garden tools chain POWlawn mown etc 7283878 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating III tailor exterior Work ucranleed Er tabllihedJOyeau 7262227269XJ2 OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom trawling at all types We stock many slzn PAULS 0927792779 PAINTING Paper hanging Murals TAKE ADVANTAGE ol our law spring tool Ing prices Residential comma nerPrand exenor S26 4953 collect Free estimbleas Free estimates Low rates Guqqnno MAKE YOUR ideas reality Custom carved wood signs and Iuinitute Knocxitig on 48755339am 9pm mm PAULS SNOWPLOWING 17 trucks to prompt dependable service at competitive rates Call Paul 73773W BILL ALLAN SNOWPLOWING Reasonable rates Radio dispatched 24 how service Telephone 7372892 REIOIEN SNOW PLOWING and Snowblow Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior exterior paper hanging custom work Sotislactionguotanteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Flee ultimate JACK RICHARDSON 7768341 EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTING REPAIRS Order NOW for inqbylteaspriablu rates Contiarts seasonal REFERENCES AVAILABLE 233 Napier St 7372325 CCXLEGI PRO PAINTERS Ltd Ifllltlot and exterior Two year WRITTEN guarantee 107 dlloulll belote May Int Call 737 3800 MRKLY PAINTING Interior and exterioi Relerencel available Itee ntimalu Telephone 737 1W7 CV PAVING OINTERIOR EXTERIOR ORDER NOW for spring and summei completion FREE ESTIMATES RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY 7284392 rousortubla owlvrwns 333333111373 55 °Ai° 421 aldnlodels 424 6181 moucmwoni mm work Gwronead USED VACUUMS $15 to 560 All lnuhas and models MASIIR VACUUM SALES SIII VIC 16Mulcastet$treet 776 7I02 Alli WINDOW CLEANING Commoriial and Residential Itoa ulllltllllï¬i Telupllonl Free Estimates BARRIE 7370179 737 2406 7281914 vc 36euto accessories 40 articles for rule 40 tricks for uh 40 articles for MI 350 CHE short block needs heads $80 Lots LU OFT3 jfvtllitlrlt cull nl tor small tllorl It li ii L4 in EHbEaVregwa ZDarfpfdno mm or 150 TITANIC iiiticlition Worn onti Iali shamn ut OLDSMOBILE S50 thret spend stall Incredible militantwaltantyElItoriic blue hilt 14 778 1750 dard transmission and bill housmq tuning now $849 Order ionitn get CARII WV Htth lltutitll stow clutch and pressure plate lly whwl luv pmmbi Ufld 37 wkiy kit 10 IIDITINIII iv nt manila nitW CHEV 3100 GMC TRUCK PARTS Iiir Imnmg Jun 79 1sz Kings 0w tllrlpli unlit wliiti llfllYilllJtl Lil or onc ton speed transvtiission Sill tiitiitiniilic ptiuili 11h 17m rear axle $80 16 wheels with lIIIi 525 each 16 dual typo whetIS with tires $85 pnIr Call MIKF 717 4433 lVIII ings 37motorcycles 1977 KAWASAKI 1000 16110 niiltis tutor matched terring Sdlidlt bags and top case Custom sriit Oil rooler Michelin rear Eye catrtiino 7761471nr 436 58117 I975 HONDA 08360 tttellunt rindi tion 3200 mills Int IlidIs tillitiits rm rier crash bar leather gloves Only driven in town iriu Swill tirm Telephone 778 08114 artylittii 1976 ItAWAsitrl 500 ittlltltl rIititli lion 40001lliIr Must sell QIIIIIIL 11111 riLd Askitlu $1400 or btst ottii T0l00h0717726 1678 attrr 11 1973 HONDA CH 450 helmets IYILIUUIII telephone 726 138 1974 HONDA ELSINORL CR 1250004 condition 5400 Telephone 726 1137 mir AT lIlIflit DIRECT FROM FACTORY SALE Discontinued HARDY GLENWOOD PRODUCTS last years pottdttll TRAYS MUGS TUMBLERS ALL AT vi mcr MAPLE LEAF PLACE MATS regular $250 Ildl MW ONLY $1 Oldl or for $5 GOURMET RECIPE BOOKS Regular S10 IICII NOW ONLY $395 each FACTORY IIOURS 9Iti to pm Mon to Fri 128 BROCII $1 BARRIE FOR MOTHERS DAY Our recite book are attractive ulclul and excuch vduc SHID LIKE ONE rtbuill motor Asking $700 OPEN THIS SATURDAY Mylo IunnuIfl PINE FURNITURE custom made solid wood lurnlturo reasonable rates Coltee tables dlningroom tables etc 7371019 and got tree 12 RCAXLIOO 2lor1 Otiy 400 vkly starting Juno79 One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS 14m door to Madmen HIGHWAY 90 FIRNDALE 461 DUNLOP 7371182 TF inMVIINt POOL MANIII AC IIHI this tltW 1978 Pools regular JIIII 51 190 now at our all season SDIL lat at $1155 00 Pools 01710 with walk around dtltl patio loncinu pump motor mitt lilttr delivery arranged In your iottvi tIItIltt For best selllion and iitliitltla IIrln itll toll tree I100 268 5970 PENIUN MOTOR Lllkl 175 S200 Ymtintiii TFOIIIIIIITII almost new $175 Lacrosse slick 55 Phone 726 6165 60 WATT SPIAKIRS SJli eatll 100 watt sptnkur $500 with rlrtlVLr OX 8000 $550 Kenwood turntable 5175 PI turntablv $50 quiirlriiptiomr tltdd phones S200 atctssnrius 5100 011 Jun 474 0511 tiller ltl IJSCI RESTAURANT ttllilptntltl ltt cream anti slush liarbm Ut utills tryers Itr Tlltll11llt 717 411811 or Ill BJNI SONY STEREO Sensational AMFM reclevei ultom turntable $3431 Get It Ipeokuu Urdai $5 wkly ntuiliiig Jun79 KRAIY KELLY now next door lo Mealinan One hour delivery Highway 90 Iain dole 737 I182 TF NAME BRAND Mattresses at discount prices Odd sizes made to order Barrie Mattress 15 Dunlop East Downtown Barric SWIMMING POOLS IO RENT WIII lease and lnSliIll tor tlultlLownIrs Iattlily site aluminum swutintiiig pools with patio Chmu ot styles HECIIITU all tent ing regulations on one two or three your rental basis WIIII option to own Try below you buy Call toll tree 800 268 S970 ELECTROLUX Vat 971105 and sham pooer mos 338000 Phone 726 7402 daytime or 326 6839 night time INGLIS speed washer while S285 IN GLIS one speed washer white S750 Phone anytime 716 6667 PINE BARN BOARD slabs and log ends lor sale You load and haul Open Satur days BUILDING WITH LOGS LIMITED Snow Valley Road 726 1966 PINE FURNITURE Custom madc solid wood lurnituro reasonable rates Collce tables dlning room tables etc 737 1039 CEDAR POSTS tor sale suitable tor ten cIng Various sites Telephone 726 2963 ONE SET OF Farm scales 1000 lbs one set at slldlng glass doors In brown trlm never used 610 Telephone 726 I222 next to Muutttion Highway 90 Iain 60107371187 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER TF thlSll Rthy lINI ilttIint 1ltIIII yams iii imii mri OdHlitl in 10ton 3phose water cooled 1Idtlil11 Hiqtiwny 91 1111111 Siltllli 1t wih duulcompresso31m rn uiii $7 gt HM COL iIIvI AM 11 ULIII liXttlYlt Iir williii 41111111IIII llltl PW 5200 Il Iiiat 7372432 UYIII VIORSI Sillitl Slnlt ll1l1 AM FM IIUIII ttmk tililyir pulsating li tits all built In Ill Ylllntl like now $195001 IIt otttt an illll lltil SHEA Nl pm blllltllrlllvt tIIl Ililttit lllrl1tlitllt Itiflll Iltll iiinpiu ilttl ttiitl iuiiiil rotilli tiiilllil Itrl 1141 1101 IOR RI NI irviw lLlIli stiiiliirlls Inst ll1 INKOSIIIITHI yritii tthI viiiiilJIiIIs IlIlll solittt iit liiiu yt inik tutui itll 71min Ililrtm ll ltiqttwn 77 lot IYIUH 11 Mtdlllllitlllilli llllu loom illllt lnrl tritiiialiuii 4689216 tiiii ilitltlny tillli IIIIIILIIIIIF two ilUlltll ritikins JltdSI liilntxiitkiti stiirim llltkplal ltd 7281811 USED FURNITURE ONI twig IIIRN IIKI Wltll trmk livilltl rooltl sum 0111 S79 99 Intuitn illnik Itlll Illlltlill In on tints suitisltulti 519 99 tiutlet 59999 Nfw R7tl1i dlltltlil IIIV 56 Illiftllflllt fltltl UNI LIRNITURI and 111 NH ildlln iLlANIil STORI 202 Dunlap Stulit thaw It untold Wtil lllil WISI III 11 071 SllLPtlttl1ltlI $1511 197i illipiiutlliintd 717 4774 Insert Mnmlnyl IIIDlllt 51 Apply Aunts St 1411 iii allot 51 17 USOd Appliances vIGANIIC GARAGI sALI iisoii llll Stoves Refrigerators IIIlIIlI ItiiiiItliitlIltxiitt iliitltvs April and 29 it III to ii iii 119 Oritt IUth 111th NlliiCkI 4001 rtlIIl iasu illilnt Iiimliliiili stir mut lllllilll 14 Iiiliy llIIpllntlv 26 916 Ht5lF57L fil II 100115 II relrluttiltut 1151 MN 75 now Hoover dUltlIIIï¬llt washer list $409 PW 26 01m Television list 5566 new lt MAIIC AN OTI Phone 726 6585 Washers and Dryers New and USFI URNITURL and Al PLIANCF SIORI 2117 Duttlop St lust West 1111 Itartii Ariilni 717 4774 Closed Mondayst 54 BOX SPRING and lilllfts slits $99 99 plus delivery Ktll1tI15UIll$5ll train 579 99 pr living room Sliitns 0111 3799 IITIIS 613101 MOVING Jtlllllll household uumtu in NEW USED FURNITURF lUlll17l11dUlllUlKIIIOIII lHdItXIIYIKLIlll PUANCF STORED 20 DUUOI SUN retrlgtiratrir strive iutmnl lltiIUlllUl West iusl west at the Barrie Artrtlitl so at dmmumi nos Liulit lhIIIII 474 0059 MOIKIIVS bracelet Must 801 In ID SIRINGSUMMI and vtil Ioiiu smooth Fittgirtip Vltl talliiiu in BEAUTIFUL wedding uuwn tlowmu lldl ptltliiltILI 717 46117 Yll ZENITH 20 tour Iittiltlls Must lt setn Mint tIIIIlI 11 376 47511 ilIir iii PORTABLE COLOR SUII RSI ll RISCIIVI 21 watts 100 solid Itale only $598 Undei $6 per linnniil DS snltii UIOIYIIIIlt tLirit 1601 plus iiqtit track two SOUN DYNAMICS watt loudspeakers 1973 0115Mt1ll Delta 811 tout tum 600011ttliltis VIlWllllalt 72718787 WWW Highway 90 lottidole DOMI IIL ttitlgt 31x2 hydro dim 371181 1710170110 lxI lllttIl l1ltllOlt $275 or Iiist 1F willy Starting June 79 Older toniI gala tree 12 black and while One houi deliver KRAZY ALLLY now next door otter TlllIJIIOIILl 526 495 CI VFN INDUHRMX PIANO BAHY GRAND Al ITOUQIWUL dlittk 11t1IIITtl lttil nttii ltltlltllktlth S1750 Telephone 416 1111 1796 John EXECIJIIVI FURNIIURI UnbeliLvalily pretty Solid hand arved MMPL 11IrVIiIUllll Year ulit Ankiilii tililt Tollphone 716 tilllll 41 boats and motors Mahogany couch matching ctiaii dining table chairs The Apartment at the CIIUH Ii 190 Cook 81 cortlet ol Stetl HOUSFHOL 01 IURNITURF In 32115018136031 13i2w2lnfi $512 MM DUN ALI Provtlicml $350 tour plth kilrtlen sit $40 otliLe desk with swivel ctiail $110 various inlant needs tltlsivllaiieiius tables drapes garden equipiilont IL Telephone 737 2153 alter in 24 FINDLEY RANGE tor sale ILan and In good condition 5100 or best otter Telephone 726 995 FRIDGE tolrly large good condition 3100 Telephone 737 3811altir pm LLOYDS AMFM track stetIo receiver ceramic turntable speakers Eumig Super movie camera and pro Iector Best otter Telephone 726 0463 PINE BARN BOARDS 200 sit lengths tor rec room or lenclng Best Ollcr Telephone 726 9471 alter pm TOP SOIL tor sale 56 yard delivered My2 Also 14 loot STEEL DUMP BOX with =v new automatic tarp and sldeboards 14 GREW wllh deep hull 40 pump and twin hoists Asking $1200 lip MechIy El toad trailer Like new Telephone 437 7536 $2600 or best otter Telephone 436 3878 MARINE LTD 77 1th HIh AT 1141111117 111 LIMITS FREE liIAIK IM 2011116 III with every tulleup iin JOHNSON ANII IIIVIMIIIIII lIIIIAIIII MUIIIIIH Tull today or your IREaSIIIASON TUNEll 721129411 41hotunleioton 64pcnonulu COMMON SERVICE Want to avoid paying the high cost at commuting Want to save wear and tear on your car and your pocketbook Slmcoe between 51h 6th at OroDry slips avallable summer and Year round Cinmio Micumc Our business to help you on out achiev these goals Your authorized CALL 7209778 Mercury Outboard Mercruluer Dealer J02 4472122 88 72630032 CANOES or Pointed Stern Kevin Flbteglul Roylax Cenvu Aluminum Kaykn Complete clock ol Icceuorlu Trude occupied HOLLAND BOATS LTD Orillia Ontario 705 3255141 56 FOR INFORMATION TH SMy 24 MURRAY HALL NOW OPEN For weddings parties dances banquets meetings etc 15 minutes at Barrie Hwy 26 1289902 evenings TThSM 15 WOWE IS IN BARRII Ask about VIOMENS OPPORTUNITY YIITIl ELECTROLUX 1283392 TTF MONECA psychic and card ream counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 8868 FACIAL AND BODY hair problem Removed permanently Malelemale clientele Free consultation Lydia Hren chuk Electrolysis clinic 737 2671 JAMES Psychic Reader Private can sullatlon psychic parties AURA por BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES IOOII and tingth TOLLENDAL MARINA BARRI Jy7H 1264950 15 FT RUNABOUT inoutboard motor convertible top 250 hours on motor heavy duty trailer Can be seen any time Telephone 728 3106 15 It GREW MODEL SS 150 tibreglass convertible top economical 65 hp Mercury accessories condi tion 32900 plus load trailer 5300 436 4545 or 728 4067 Mr Hockley 14 It GREW new convertible top and paint 55 hp Johnson With spring tune URI and trailer $1600 Tfllephflw traits Call evenings Monday to Thurs 436 161 day 737 4300 NEW 12 FOOT aluminum boat complete BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 55 with oars 5350 or best otter Telephone Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 728 6745 00 30p and Thursday6 30 930 42anicles wanted pm73742227269300Ext 236 INCOME TAX RETURNS mitt be CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books prepared in your home Personal s6 00 dishes old pictures clocks odds and andup JlM726 8169 ends PrrI950items 728 8234 NCOME TAX RETURNS may 69 CANADIAN SILVER COINS betore I967 fitnpatid in YOUF home Personal S6 00 AmIFILan bettire 1964 No collection too and up JIM 726 8169 large or small Canadian stamps Old APE you UNATTACHED separated watches postcards itiwelliry 716 1663 angle or divorced Meet that special 1JLTIIIIIJS 726 3167 person Apply PO Box 104 Owen LOGS WANTED PlnC Spruce SoundN4K 5P1 Pleasestateage Ittittlloi With large diarntittrrs WANTED drummer b355 lead BUIlrllnn Will nos Id 776 1966 even lrtKIS 728 5800 AN IOIJES JOB LO IS household con tents Bankruptcy liumdatirins estates Bought tor ash SS5 iiI17286l32 WILL BUY tlousr contents 01 any useful 17071507W1lllffldl leltplioni7181lll guitarist For serious band Rod Stewart based 429 2330 to9pm FAMILY WANTED tor emotionally han dicapprd boy Placement required on weekends holidays and summer vaca tion It interested please write Box A21 The Examiner Barrie ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581 it you drink thats your business It you want toquitthatsours Callanytime BARRIE COMMUTER to TorOnto needs same share expenses tor mid nightstiilt Telephone 728 7071 WINNER OF Oro Agricultural Society 50 50 draw held Saturday April 21 Mr ClCS Curl RR No Newmarket HOT LINIt will makti any type 01 phone call so long as it is not obscene or threatening 424 6753 7a 6p 70 Iost and tound OST Ladies gold pendantw17 44 logs and pets TROPlL AL ISH towr Aquariums rlll Silts at unbeatable prices vilungs and weekends Edge hill Aquai ia 143 Ardagti Road 776 0094 MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes sitirml IIDDIYIQ and qroonllrtg ChargIx drt ilpttt Phone 726 0061 Dill lCJN VI NNFI Specializing Itt Boarding tor Dirt Dogs Coulsori On tariii llllplIOYIC 711 835 5713 IIIPIMP FOODL Salon Shampootrig and rlpplrg it all Drlld Sophia BINPt Fast 726 4141 Best selection in Scorpio sign inside heart POODI itwllMAING protts0ria grooming rill breeds pirr up and do REWXPD pleasccauna 5275aner5 3° liyiry Im1m ruvsvuoio MAI AMI RICAN COCKER Spa 71110lp WOMBO Iriur iiiiinttv old has FlIvtd all in niiiiilnlrim till papI lry ITOFt trititmtlnti ill 76 9827 ist tor We 711 if Itmiutilul purebred sriliiii rlll lililllilt old lvllt vhiilticll tilItiirlivdi trt Hrn tunnprrini iiiiim 47 home improvements xtliviltyl it llIt lt in Ill 7H nIJv term tiiii par mm min 111 JlITi SELL THE 50 garden supplies lei till lti1i It lilil lcl yttrit Niv IAIH iml ltltplllliit 43 iil 51 trees and Shrubs I317 Vtrlp Inh wprliii 7171 ivmit llll11l yew Maple wlti ast rtirJ tiviltt iiinlni irltl inx H174 oiiiitv mm twy niilis tlurtti ot TltLillii al atw 77 9v 54 SCFVICC 816 repair Avon top quality products find tliywtgtNl£irwRgtivrlrpnisiu receptive customers stitl ili UNI vtli ilt Quarantile swian whm lIi l131lt adim II Barrie here presen we mi xii 23ch rrtoouics 778 have openings for sales representatives in 56 camping equipment BARRIE llvlC AIM dIIMIS YIIVII trudutsi lair iiil Illuq am usrd Cal um we INSUNVIAII OINNISFIL TWP TRAI RE N7 iK Hardtop and 711m Ir411 Ii ivtth or IOIHIIF llllR bull llflytl tintli vii torin St AH 517 Til1iiil 4141 OTINY TWP 74 tkAILE lully lJtItd situps tQLll plrl Jitll trdur SlLtyt lUFIitLL rlliilly tII in lltvnIontt tioit 5014181 Phone IOdOY and Ind how 7w illi Liv in Im illlll in easy it is to get started Highest lvlh Inown it MODEL 279 separate commission LJII Hi ltlllltlt titLt twavy ituti ill sUJlilll Elillti wililtlw tout pmzttmth with hit Viltl mitt llllitlllxl lam large It liar iiLIIIlili lltftl Inuit SM gm Nd wk Avonyou mokeme SMILE Ulll my illlIlll li lLt DTLIDIII71 rants TF iii imi liYTQl tivsli watt mu lt1th All Anti riii 5761 1870 1W6 ltd NMHAH IkOi sliuips twi SIOLI titltiw twiIi tuvi air stinwI Iniivt tiitly iiptilIi $4 501 stl otltl llllltlilll Iiiiil HARDIOI N1 TRAILI sltliilts The person We °°km9 for wll lwnisn trillilt ill1110 Stoylittlt now in sales position which iIIII rm 17 lll involves sellrinitiotlve and v1 Nlll T1 llsiiLF Slitps stow ILI tins IAIIITU 11711114111111 qcxizt eelngl pUb trillititiiill 51 it Itllphone 78 85 JkYLlItiI3lll1Lilltlflttnlll Irv lilltttiilittigtdtiili xiiwail si minim we Olle 99 Op Phone 158 95 57 livestock tor sale FIGHT YEAR OLD standard bred thoroughbred gelding 16 hands high has been shown 5th Ltsstully at portunity in an interesting field lull company benelits and an incentive program that recognizes special ettort approved shows good Inovtt bold uttlpur 7761581 If you are the right person WANILI 0L AD or cripplm tnrni perhaps caught in deadend animals tor tree removal Call anytimi tollier 7705 326 9241 Simcoo Recycling lob We woud Ike hear fr°m Howst BOARDED Excellent care Y° Telephme 7266537 l°r Iraik trails daily lurll outs Just out appointment Sldt Barrie 436 5621 PALAMINO MARI 15 hands years old Apilluosa male 13 hands It yims old Broke wvstii Tellplloili 17 7619 59 poultrychicks DIfIxAl I1 READY to lay DLllllYS Farm rode by girls Advertising Manager The Examiner TF Ireslt Luus Ly111895l07 $1l Cr WV HUIIllr Pniiltry Farms 436 Hill LIVE LL GHORN Iowl approxiniioiy $15000 PER YEAR lbs 31 01 cm ll Available May and May 12 taiu Hutlttt Poultry YrlrlY 416 1811 Rome large be worms Your basement or garage Com wtnted pletely odorless Small in liiK URI WAN II tut 11 10 15 110611 Lit yestment required Noqi°n° it II an IIi LIISINIIMH III am it itsi DIDIH Green Prelec LYd 1703 677 ï¬lms ve chm Mattawa Avenue Mississauga Ontario LAX 1K5 Telephone Alll Apply K1llfllld ion Coll 4162764560 inssinn 114 7711 I14th It 776 1907 N0 TSTF Siltltlily sillis Milt IN 0511 AIILI quart baskets 99 units aiiilllas Itiiit Market 17 Ialiiiitlhitst Mine 68 personals CANTILN STEWARD Written applications will be received by the Roya AUTOS 10 III DR IVI to Honda IllttWJlHl gas also lt hrs to WtSltt it Canada Canadian Legion Branch 262 and stinietiltles ast iniuntu Drive Elmval Away tietviili 5185 Vnngit 51 WII for OUOVO Imminlu MI 416 216 4616 P05l0n 50 qualllcallonsi RIDING INSIRUL IION Indoor arcnit Horses lIOJIUILI Bait It YIVI iillnutts Windy llaiiqtl at 111 776 0192 II 11 CARI Why light your problem alone Let it ILIIIY help Call Telecare 726 797 anytime relerences and expected salary Closing date April 30 1979 A212426 47 Ilonic Improvements 47 Ionic Ielprovcï¬tm POLAR consr co SIDING SOFFIT FASCIA Seattle Levcltrougllhg Storm Door and Windows For Fm Estimate cull MAT IIEINO 1262853