Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1979, p. 4

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The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau at NEWSROOM ADVERTISING BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM Pubmhw dam em Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in Crete E150 managing editor Lan Savlck manager Marian Gouott accountant Jack Kerney Iorernan Sunday and this newspaper credited to CF the Assocwied Press Reuters or Agence tan Mutgrew city editor SALES Dew Mms Glenn Kwan asst foreman awn hondays France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner am McFarlane wire editor WG can McPlrIand oon Saunders WEEKLY cam Dave Fuller sports editor Ad Smm Viki Gum Lorne W355 9o the Examoer claims copyright on all original news and advertising material se Claudia Krause Lifestyle editor Iseflne skinner Kamhwche Cadogan RLchn Wed by hwy and pubmhed in newspaper Wm ON an simcoe count Stan Wray YCG er mmy Apr 23 17 REFQRYE R5 3533333 SCULTON Bill Raynor 84630 Copyright registration number 203815 register 61 when Nichons IPONY K5V°a° lucidhit 233 manager Ed Anon BY MAL 3l Pubhshed by canaduln Newspapers Company Limied mglvséizztgigg CLASSFIED Andy Haugfion 630 giatagzifétatlertistng oltices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 1710 640 Catncari 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Lori Cohen Ruth stats supervisor ffV°AP°e Ron Gildcr SMmfafgoum Richard Thomas Freda Shinner 73 Barbara Strigi The advertiser agrees that the publisher shalt not be liable tor damages GUS Bruce Rewlond publisher Stephen Gauer entertainment Peggy Chapeli Ch An PR5 ROOM MOTOR THROW OFF mg out oi errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ac Gary Forbes Dana Homewooo Don Near 0de $0505 year tually occupied by that portion of the advertisement wimp the error 0c IMIOOM CINCULATION ADVEITISING CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS Bettygrmer camera operator Janice Morton irtt Prince asst tortman ELSEWHERE IN CANADA 061 gimme chfll i5 Luftothe negligence oi its servants or other Dave urcsik hoto ra he Wise an ere no ia or non nsert on at an 7266537 7266537 7282414 7266537 Hams manmrv mm 7266539 nnan Man beyond the amount paid or such advertisement my Barries first $20M budget The estimated cost of running the city of Barrie in 1979 is $20247253 How much will actually be spent depends upon the ac curacy of the forecast Last year the city forecast spending of $18340586 The ci tys actual spending was $19206600 $866000 more than projected The bulk of the money to run the city comes from taxes In 1979 the city projects $15095671 in tax revenue up 10 per cent over last year Of the $20247253 to be spent this year $7516984 goes to meet the two county boards of education That amount 1268 per cent increase over 1978 is beyond the citys con trol The most expensive item for city spending continues to be public works with budget of $2629082 up 2089 per cent large part of that increase for roadway construction where $114 million is alllocated for 1979 The Dunlop connec ting link and Bayfield widening are two of the major road way projects this year Roadway contruction costs could easily be double last years expenditure indicating that the city has made this priority area for 1979 Along with public works fire and police are two inorc traditional municipal expenses Police costs total $153 million while the fire department will cost $111 million Another traditional service sewers garbage collcction and pollution control is budgeted at $141 million Together these three traditional civic services public works fire and police and sanitary services total $6684697 Add in the $7516984 for education and that still leaves almost $6 million to be raised and spent In other civic spending areas recreation costs will total $1009254 That money runs the arenas maintains and develops our parks and keeps our beaches in operation Spending in the nonessential areas each year incrcascs but so too do the needs and demands of growing city At the same time the benefits need to be carefully cxamin ed For instance the budget includes $101017 for hor ticultural oqerations $100000 for forestry and $61950 for miscellaneous recreation spending Were sure the money makes Barrie more pleasant place to live But the question that must be asked is how important these areas are in relation to the extra expensc to Barric tax Well well well Yet another happy Canadian who tried to fill out his own income tax Hisa The warld today US power in decline By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service In spite of President Carters great suc cesses in foreign policy the signing of the Panama Canal Treaty and the Camp David accord between Israel and Egypt Americans remain worried about what they call the decline of US power This has been occasioned by the alleged impotence of the United States as the worlds greatest power to save the imperial system of the deposed Shah of iran and with it security for major foreign source of American oil Not only was the Shah along with the SaudiArabian monarch the strongest American ally in the Middle East but he had been armed massively with Western weapons mainly American ones Interventionist politicians who are now prepared to forget the Vietnam debacle wring their hands over the inability of the Shahs great military establishment to stop the Iranian revolution joined by outside American help Such rightwing exponents of continuous American direct involvement in overseas hotspots began to have their doubts about hero former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger who made it clear in 1965 there would be no direct US military role in Angola That was four years ago with Angola ex periencing Marxist revolution at the very time that the last of the American military CIA and civilians were fleeing ignominously out of Saigon AVOID ANGOLA And though the United States did mount an awkward casuallyplanned CIA commitment to save Angola from Marxist takeover major intervention at that point in American history was quite outofthequestion payers The extent to which the American media One area of spending that catches our eye is public transit alieng Keith concerneddpolitigiaiks and others In 1978 the buses were to cost Barrie $574925 Instcad ac concern Wit IS apparent tual spending nearly doubled to $1012528 YOUF Signe2aerilcinimtif 031321322 If this trend were to continue the 1979 cstimatcd budgct of business $701525 could end up costing taxpayers close to mill ion An examination of transportation as an csscntial sirvicc and how fast it should expand is nccdcd now before costs climb even higher Overall Barrie has continued to keep spending incrcascs to reasonable level while providing for the needs of growing city Butit must continue to decide between csscntial municipal spending that provides for growth and noncsscnt ial arms that each year require more taxpayers dollars Dear Sir Thank you for publishing the views of council on annexation realize that not all their concerns could be listed My most immediate concern on this subject is that industry in the last few business quarters has ex perienced tremendous increase in profits letters to the editor dustrial investment We un fortunately do not have the space to offer these industries to locate here On the contrary lnnisfil is active ly seeking these same industries in competition to us cant imagine more important reason for us to get this matter scttlv ed now so that we may accomplish the original purpose of the whole cx It VINCENT EGAN liusintss and onsumcr Affairs Analyst Ihomson News Scrvict IIvcn though thc Canadian dollar has rccovcrixl litllc on fortigncxchangc markcts in rcccnt vimks ll discount is still dccp cnough to providc an important in ccntivc to Canadian cxihirtcrs Not that Canadian xportcrs futI and raw niatcrials nccd any cncouragcincnt lhcrcs always inarkct for our primary commixlitiis among thc morc licavil in dustrializcd itllllrltS and thosi inarkcts gm strong no Canadian inanulactiircrs on thc othcr Take note hand bavc ncvcr bicn notably successful at xporting Will tow cxccptions IIvcn lllt sharp dcclinc in thc dollar during 1977 and 1978 didnt sccin to bc of much hpr to thcir forcign tradi In 1977 for cxamplc Canadian exports of manufacturid goods wcrc valuml at $14 inl boil or about six pci ccnt of Gross National Product GNP thc valuc of all goods and scrvtccs productd Our imports of iiianiifactnrcd goods in contrast ainounttd to $26 billion or 11 pcr tnt of GNP TARIFF 18 Onc inanufacturcr who cats that tlic dcficit in manufacturcd goods is llktl to Closed dealings bad far Barrie despite sharp dollar déCline incrcasc still furthcr IS Alton Cartwright chairman and chicf cxccutivc officer of Canadian icncral Electric Co Ltd Ihc reason Ihc multilatcral trade agrccmcnts signod in lcncva on April 12 undcr thc auspiccs of thc lcncral Agreement on Tariffs and Iradc GATT will result in an avcragc rcduction of about it per cent in Canadian tariffs on most industrial imports from thc lnitcd Statcs Japan and the Euroixan Economic Community and will xposc tlic Canadian market to further penc tration by imports of fully manufacturcd goods Cartwright insists that Canadian manufacturcts Will havc to incrcasc their cxport volumcs significantly in order to achicvc tlic liighcr levels of production that arc vital if our industry is to reach an inter national lcvcl of cost competitiveness 1f thc iAIT ncgotiations resulted in some additional vulnerability of the Canadian mar kct to forcign manufactured goods howcvcr thcy also brought Canada the advantage of substanfal cuts in US tariffs on our in dustrial goods cntcring thc American markct lhc Japamcsc as always and thc Business Week in major cover story on the issue Between the fall of Vietnam and the fall of the Shah of Iran the US has been buffeted by an unnerving series of shocks that signal an accelerating erosion of power and in fluence it comments in the March 12 issue That special issue of Business Week also published large twopage map of the world indicating what it thought to be American gains and losses in the four brief years since Saigousfall In Africa it shows the success of the Cubans against USbacked forces in Angola American failures at mediating the Rhodesian dispute the massive Marxist success in Ethiopia with Cuban troops Rus sian military equipment and aid In the MediterraneanMiddle East it shows the necessity to cut off military aid to Turkey at NATOs furthest fringe and facing on the USSR the Iranian revolution of course the quadrupling of oil prices by the OPEC nations And in Latin America unusually quicsccnt in this global view of US power decline there is the sole item indicated of the great opposition to Americansupported Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza NOT GENERAL VIEW Obviously not all major American political leaders are supportive of this dcclinecf power syndrome Senator Ted Kennedy who loathes allies Europcan Economic Community conceded of the Somoza variety also noted few days It IS SuggeSted that canada mlght ermsehto aura mdUStrY very littlc to Canada in the GATT ncgotia ago that the American defence budget in 1979 even be on the threSthId Of an Thank you tions despite their overwhelming surpluses when the US is at peace everywhere is economic boom Jim Shirley fittrgdftiflfinjuaiguiflactlpgp gglordisrisgecially on lilaiiégter than Iany military budget for helong rc wi liy MANJlliIS so uses nam wa in in Barr dldévgrpg is history rcpchiing itself with the old ax up in our community this could bc thc most formidablc array of notrtariff baniers to iom dividcconqucr and dcstroy It is vcry sad whcn 11 Municipal iovcrnmcni Mayor and Council brcak off into splinter groups and meet in secret in sccrct from oni anothcr It is cvcn saddci wlicn wc discovcr that explosivc and it has to bc dcfuscd Now ask you what is all this lcading to What lits ahcad How can thcsc pcoplc and groups work cffcctivcly togcthcr on our bchalf when trust and crcdibility arc dcstroycd What will happcn to thc quality of protect its thriving industries and to exclude foreign manufactured goods DOMESTIC DEMAND 1n ccrtain specialized areas of Canadian manufacturing domestic producers are optimistic just on the basis of the markets write yor mp 113 If you would like to write your Member of rcspcctcd community organizatiim or at our municipal govcriiinciit thcy sccdcvcloping within Canada Parliament or Member oi Provincial porno least thcPrcsidcntofthatorganization sanc Think carcfully about this onc You may bales of llllLlOWéth ovens for example merit printed below are their mailing ad rom tions thcsc sccrct inixdings with his attcn say that am an alarmist not so thc ingrc Will grow at an average rate of nearly 20 per dresses dancc dicnts arc all thcrc and thcy havc very Ccnt until 1984 according to forecast of the it you send us copy of your letter it IegSIature How can rcputablc influcncc put itself in voliitgilcnaturc Canadian liancc Manufacturers might be suitable to ow Lon By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Who really runs government the elected politicians or their civil servants The answer to that question seems to de pend on whom you talk to MPP James Taylor PC Prince Edward Dennox former minister of community and social services and then energy has one view In recent speech he warned political con trol is breaking down Legislative overload and abdication of authority has contributed to the transfer of political power to the bureaucracy Ministries are manipulated by deputies in clever marionettelike manoeuvres who in turn are managed by the premiers man darins with only the semblance of power at the elected level he said GOOD QUESTION And in what may be bitter reference to his bein dumped from cabinet he added that he spea as one who has walked the socallcd corridors of power only to be mugged in the back alleys of bureaucracy But Premier William Davis has different View of the power of the civil service and doesnt take the Taylor version very serious yHe made that clear while res riding to uestions from opposition lea er Stuart gmith about the Taylor speech during ques tion period in the legislature hefty powers In long rambling answer littered with asides and inanitics he did toss out couple of opinions SOME BALANCE All of us from time to time arc concerned about the balance between the administrativc people and thc politicians hc said But the civil servants arc very ablc pcoplc who take political direction That defence was too much for MVP Donald McDonald NDP York South who correctly noted that the usurpation of the legitimate rights and powers of the elected bureaucracy in modern government is well known phenomenon that has been discussed ad nauseum in hundreds of political science classrooms CLASSIC CASE Former Liberal Icadcr Bob Nixon Brant OxfordNorfolk then tied the question of tario Hydros independent dccisionmaking in to Taylors stint as energy minister Is Davis not concerned that thc democratic control of Hydro which was sup posed to operate through Taylor was in faci usurped by the bureaucracy and by the man darins in the premiers office Nixon askcd rather vague answer from Davis in essence meant no Yet the record shows Davis also appointed his friend and close political adviser Hugh Macauley as Hydro chairman recently To get political control of the solossus maybe position of bccoming divisch forcc in our communitys democratic proccss It was always ch to bclicvc that 1110 democratic proccss was basically an cx change of idcas and dcbalc in tho optn forum in thc open forum not in sccict surroundcd with intriguc FOR WIIAI It would appcar that sonic pcoplc arc trying to cnhancc thcir own imagc at thc cxpcnsc of the taxpayer in prcparation for what and for whom With all ilic pressurcs which arc building DESPITE FEW MINOR DIFFICULTIES NUCLEAR ENERGY CONTINUES AS THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE If selfinterest sinful pridc and un changeablc tittttuilgs are allowed to pltyrlll ovcr common scnsc it will certainly disrupt our democratic proccss and affch tlic dcci sions being madcon our byhalf Who wants or who nccds this kind of municipal govcrnmcnt So lets gct back on track Lots gct cvcrything out in thc ptll and into thc public forum lhcrc is too much at stake for all this nonsense Wc do not nccd any godfathcr images in Barric This final decision must bc iiiflucnctxl by what is good for Joe Public AsstxiatioiHCA Other product lines that arc showing strength in the domestic market says CAMA official Brucc Blacklock are dishwashers growing at 46 per cent annually room air conditioncrs and automatic washers and drycrs It rcinains to be seen however whether Canadian manufacturers can retain and expand thcir sharc of the markets in those applianccs against foreign competition that may well bccomc more intcnsc in the near futurc Editor columns Alter all if there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP if it is not Ct personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL lynard MPNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Ian Mltte MPPeolDufterinSimcoo Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Stevens MPYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Gee Mltgu MPGroySlmcoo Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAL Gum Taylor NILSimeon Contra Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPPSimcooEast Ontario Logislaturo Queens Park Toronto George ICCnu MPPDuftarln Slmcoo Queens Park Toronto

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