NEWSROOM ADVERTISlNG ausmsss COMPOSING ROOM Pubth danyexcem Craig Elson managing editor Len Sevlck manager Marian Gougn accountant Jack Kerney loreman Sunday and Ian Mulgraw clty editor SALES Delva Mllls Glenn Kwan asst loreman mum holidays Bill McFarlane wire editor Bert Stevens Ga MCPNIGM 0° 59135 WE EKLY by com Dave Fuller sports editor Peggy Kavanaah Vlkki Grant Lornewass 90 gems EEigiiiéiéé mm 3223572 YEARLY by carrier Ad Friday Aprll 20 1979 serwng He and man coumy Stephen Nicholls SIGEILSSTIIIIIEI CIRCULATION Ravnor 34680 Dennis Lanthier Barb Boom Still Hal96 manager JEd Allï¬nbv 3y MNL Barrie Nancy Figueroa eve lte assistant manager anie ame Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited L0 can Hm 2qu Haulghton zusagifdiicnen SMcoUNTy st Montreal Richard Thomas Ruth Blais supervisor va LaP ante l6 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario UM 4T6 Terry Flam Freda Shim Us War Barbara 5mm mm Bruce Rowland publisher gluepvttéggaeger entertainment Sggngglngsllgw gm 3R ESSRopM morcmwfpewrorr 0n ear oreman NEWSROOM IICUlATION ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS Belly Armer camera operator Janice Morton Fred Prince asst ioreman ELSEWHERE IN CANADA 537 DOW Buns PhOIWIODheI Harris Blanchard $000 year 7266537 7266539 7266537 72824 66 Joe Clark pays visit Joe Clark took us at our word last month we suggested Mr Clark along with Mr Trudeau and Mr Broadbent pay campaign ViSIts to the new riding of Simcoe South This week we learn that Mr Clark will do just that The Progressive Conservative leader is scheduled to address rally at the Stroud Iniiisfil Recreation Centre next riday night Hell also pay flying visit to Barrie for press conference earlier in the day We look forward to the visit for several reasons First we want to see the man himself Lets not forget this is Mr Clarks first national campaign Its also his first visit to our riding In that respect he is still an unknown quantity firsthand look will give us measure of the man and how he measure up as national leader Second we want to hear the issues Its becoming apparent that the national issues the economy inflation national unity are also the issues in Simcoc South Having national leader define those issues can only mean better informed voting public And the better informed voters are the better their choice will be on May 22 Mr Clarks apixarance here on April 27 deserves and gets our thank you in advance The question arises if Mr Clark thinks Simcoe South deserves peisonal visit will Mr Trudeau and Mr Broad bcnt now follow his lead Dear Sir Joe Clark doesnt make it easy for Canadians to decide for him Whenever he speaks he brings forth proposals which insult our in telligence Apparently he is ill informed and illadvised Just mention his promise to ex cept mortgage payments from taxa tion recognized as unfair to the ma jority of people who dont own houses and have to pay high rents Or again his idea that fundamen tal individual rights should be over ridden by acts of government ministers Or how he promises dairy farmers that he will block meat imports and letters to the editor promises and the acknowledgement that we are an intelligent electorate We would strongly advise Mr Clark to avoid glittering predic tions which have no scientific foun dations or background If leader any leader would promise us nothing but sweat and tears he would come much nearer to our own evaluation of our present predica ment Only an unpopular cutback in our life styles can heal our social and economic ails We live our means Promising us even more is disser vice We are realistic and expect the same from our future leader the next day he promises wildly giving Government is not housewives that he will lower meat right for us thrifty one will prices guarantee that our beloved Canada From our possible next Prime will well survive Minister we expect better Oro Waldstein During recent speech Mr Clark Becton declared that he will wrestle infla tion to per cent by 1985 Besides the possibility that he might not even be at the helm of the country by that late date he obviously pro mises more than any serious parliamentarian could well back up When the best experts in all the world have failed to stem the infla tion and know no answer Mr Clark asserts that he will arrest inflation Dear Sir Your suggestion of music festival in Barrie Examiner April 16 is an excellent one The problem is to find group service or otherwise that is willing to spend time approaching com panies and individuals for the funds needed for backing and scholar by exactly per cent come 1985 ships HOW amazing 33 This year the Ontario Registered Equally he knows that the Music Teachers Association gross national PFOdUCl Will be 52 ORMTA Barrie branch has per cent and unemployment 55 per cent by 1985 Figures no economist would dare to predict We expect more honesty less wild write your mp mpp It you would like to write your Member of Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing ad dresses lt you send us copy of your letter it taken positive step in this direc tion even though in small way The music teachers will be holding auditions this month for Barrie students in any musical in strument or voice The audition concert for finalists in this competition with cash prizes will be held on Sunday May 20 at Grove Park Home The Barrie public is invited to at tend and hear for themselves some of the many talented students we have herein our city might be suitable for our Letters to the Slngerely Editor columns After all it there is matter susan Rickels of concern that makes you wont to write to preSldenl your MP or MPP it it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL lymrtl MPNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Ion Mltio MPPeelDufterinSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Sidh Stevens MPYorkSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont GUI Mltgu MPGreySimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PIOVINCIM ORMIA Barrie have been follower of the Eastvicw Concert Choir for 12 years and have seen the students grow from grade to 13 and beyond They are great bunch of teenagers Just recently on trip to London Festival they competed against five other choirs and came up with winning mark of 90 The adjudicator remarked that this was very im pressive choir with an excellent sound Their past achievements this year includes two Christmas concerts Marmot with over 200 musicians Faces of MPPSimcoe Centre Small Places TV Show exchanges °°L°9°°1 with Orillia and London Queen Park Toronto ackground music for an educa th MPPSlmcoeEost Iona an ree Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto George league MPPDuttorin Simcoe Queens Park Toronto appearances on the Moira Hunt Show by various members Things like this deserve mention Sincerely Mrs Margo Wittick From the legislature By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Ilurcau Thomson News Service TORONTO Although it rarely produccs headlinc material probably the most impor tant dcbatc taking place here is how to revitalize Ontario industry Tories Liberals and Ncw Democrats all agree it nccds to be done They even agrcc on some basics such as that lhcrc is too much foreign control it our economy and too little corrective action by the federal government All thrcc parties also support in varying degrees the need for prcfcrcntial purchasing From myrrdesdlg By IAN MILGRIIW Examiner ily Editor As the country moves closer to its lest general election lhcrc are some things lhc 145 million or so voters should bc aware of Every voter must have his or licr name on the voters list If you livc in the rural areas of Simcoc County neighbor can vouch for you on election day as long as theyre on the list Urban voters however must contact the returning officers office if their name isnt on the list In Ilarric Al Froom is the return ing officer and can bc conlaclcd at 7283742 Election day is May 22 and polls will be open from am 08 pm Advance polls will be held on the Saturday Monday and Tuesday before election day They will be open from 12 noon toti pm HELPSIIANllltAIIICI For handicapped volcrs lhcrc will be at least one advance poll with lcvcl acccss iii the city They can obtain transfer certificates from Frooni to permit them to volc at thcsc polls if their normal advaiicc polling place docs not have this facility scoors NOW iiiAi NORTH AND SOUTH YEMEN HAVE 5min TALKING UNIFICATION WE MUST HAVE Brian Marr Help melm an orphan policies by the Ontario govcrnmcnt and its agciicics And all express fervent belief in small aiindiaiiowncd manufacturing enterprises mainly because they are lalmrinlcnsivc and should lic the backbone of anadiun manufac tiiring lnfortunatcly more than 60 per cent of the provniccs manufacturing is already fortign coiitrollcd and no party has yet come up with convincing cxplaniilion of how to reverse the trcnd IIIIIIZII IIIIOIIIIS Ilic onscrviitivcs mouth vaguc platitudes about helping small anadian firms bill Chance to get what you deserve new provision in the Canada Election Act also allows voting at the returning officers office by lliosc unable to volc on clcctioli day or at an advance poll lroxy voting is available to certain cleclors unable to vote at tlic advanci poll AIIIIY SIOIIIIIS llic IIxziiiiincr will be carrying stories on each of llic candidatcs running in the four ridiiigs in Simcoc County Sinicoc South Sim coo North GrcySimcoc and Wellington IlqutIIIrSlIIlCOO the Background pagc lliursday Grey Siiiicoe will lic fczilurcd and llic other ridings on succcssivc lliursdays Elections oflcr the people of country llic pptllllllllly to dccidc who will lcad tlicm No onc in Sinicoc ouiity should take their francliisc lightly or decide not to votc Each resident is responsible for voting and respon siblc for llic rcsult oi llic clccl ion If you think tlic country is in mess or it you feel wcrt going the right way go and rcgistcr that on May 22 After that youll get what you dcscrvc Backing winners part of Tory industrial approach since theyve been in power all through the years we got into thc current fix it is hard to take them seriously The New Democrats prcfcr generalities like buying back anada that ignorc the obvious economic problcm that we cant afford it The Liberals do be lcr with complex mixture of incentives to bring anadian investment into small business loans and governmental purchasing policies That might rcversc the trend but it would be long haul even if all their ideas work which is itself unlikely BIG COMPANIES The Tories did make another stab at making small business investment attractive in their new budget but it goes nowhere near as far as the Liberals or 77 think necessary The most visible IISiIgIttIIICIII between the three parties is over the Tory belief that some largc corporations need financial grants to keep them going here Industry and Tourism Minister Larry Grossman defined it recently as strategy of backing winners with government giving funds to sound companies that need to become stronger or larger and potential wiiincrs that need little extra help to come intothcir own llius Ontario is giving $100 million to the pulp and papcr industry over fivc years to niodcrnic and install pollution abalcmcnt equipment NOTGOOI And in certain undefined as bcfiis the Tories circumstances Ontario will meet international coiiipctition for plants by paying companies to locate licrc This infurialcs the opposition The NI bclicvc no money at all should flow to corporations unless the government lakcs equity in the company in exchange And the Liberals say any coliipaiiy can provc locating in Georgia would bc cheaper than moving to Ontario strategy of bribery just doesnt work they say although it should be noted they did support giving Ford Motor of Canada Ltd $25 million to locate at Windsor Ihc ncxl scrics of grants should make for touin and iiitcrcsting dcbalc hcrc The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CPI and Audit Bureau at Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 7038 register bl National advertising oiltces 65 Queen St Toronto 864 i7io 640 Cathcart The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable or damages aris ing out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ac lually occupied by that portion ol the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or other wise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement The world today Nigeria voting after 13 years By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Nigeria oilrich and Africas most populous nation may soon be its first black one with an elected government if army plans for federal election this summer go through In fact such plans are welladvanced in keeping with the firm promise by the ruling Supreme Military Council that civilian rule will come again after 13 years Last fall political parties were legalized again on the understanding each one would try and represent the entire country and not the large and distinct tribal regions which make up vast Nigeria The next stage is elections for state assemblies state governors and the national legislature The election for the countrys first civilian president since 1966 takes place this Sep lember It was unreconcilable differences between the three major racial and religious divisions of Nigeria which did much to shatter its first and founding democracy and bring on the Biafran War in 1968 The three major such divisions are the HausaFulani in the north mainly Moslem and not entirely black the black Yorubas in southwestern Nigeria and the site of Lagos the capital and the Ibo in the southeast the formerBiafrans PARTIES STILL TRIBAL So far the major contending parties seem to represent traditional tribal regions more than was planned The National Party of Nigeria is HausaFulani The Nigerian Peoples Party is Ibo and the Unity Party of Nigeria is Yoruba The only party with apparently bona fide nationwide support is the Great Peoples Party led by one of Nigerias many multi millionaire entrepreneurs whose fortunes began under British rule before 1960 as part ners in British multinational trading companies Alhaji Waziri Ibrahim member of minority tribe and one of Nigerias richest men is one of these He has much success with his truly national party because of the largesse he makes available to his followers and because his tribe is not one of the powerful racial entities in the country Meanwhile the Nigerian Army whose senior officers were honed at Sandhurst and well remember the army in subordinate role will continue to rule and to police the elections General Olusegun Obasanjo the countrys military head of state is Yoruba stern and determined leader while the armed forces chief of staff is Shehu Musa Yaradua Hausa from the north Also among the senior generals and leading jobs in the Nigerian bureaucracy are Ibo offi cers and officials whose early re appointments soon after the Biafran War helped to close the ranks on that bitter episode In the meantime Nigeria as one of the crucial oilproducing countries in spite of all the publicity about Arab oil powers pumps about 30 per cent of its crude for the United States alone and earns $35 billions year from its oil exports Indeed this truly large country cams more money from oil than all the countrys many poorer neighbors can generate together WANT IVILIAN RlLE Whether under elected civilian leadch or more oppressive army ones Nigeria has the advantage not only of size and an earlier experience with democracy but of growing middle class and an historic millionaire class In time they will prefer civilian leaders even with their propensity for corruption to the military ones Interpreting the news South Africans want US apology By AIIIY MCKERCIIER WASHINGTON CPI The recent litfor tat expulsion of military attaches by the United States and South Africa offers clear indication of the level of tension charac terizing relations between the two countries these days In televised news conference late last week South Africas Pieter Botha charged that the 75 had outfitted an embassy air craft as spy plane and had used it to photograph sonic of our most sensitive in stallalioiis The recentlychoscn prime minister demanded an logy from President Carter and expelled rec US military attaches from South Africa The US announced day later it would expel two South African military attaches Although the US did not deny the spying charges it refused to offer any apology While the expulsions were relatively minor affair analysts say the negative at mosphere surrounding relations recently and the testy manner in which the situation was handled may have disturbing implications for the two countries and for the South African controllcd territory of Namibia The discovery of iiitelligencegathering ac tivity carried out by foreign military attache is relatively common occurrence in international relations analysts say Usually however the country which makes such discovery complains through diplomatic channels and the whole incident is settled quictly Botha however chose to make his allegations in primetime news conference He gave the US ambassador to South Africa inly one hours notice of what he planned to