Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1979, p. 1

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frlday Is for business Company wants to export ST GEORGES DE BEAUCE Que CP company in this town has an exclusive licensing contract to build Peugeot bicycles for the Canadian market and now wants to supply the United States Procycle Inc is building 7000 Peugeot bicycles this year in the first of 10year licensing agreement and company chair man Roger Dutil said 20000 will be built in 1980 Peugeot has not answered the request to supply the US but the outcome will be determined by Procycles performance un der the agreement signed last fall Besides the Peugeot bikes the company will make another 65000 bicycles this year to be sold either under private brands or under the companys own Veto Sport label Production of these machines last yeai reached 40000 Dutil said total production in 1980 is eX pected to be 100000 bicycles Dutils first try in the recreational vehicle market an amphibian vehicle was unsuccessful He converted the plant in 1971 and started making bicycles on contract for Japanese firm Three years later he acquired Velo Sport bicycle distribution and accessories firm which handled Peugeot bicycles and when the Japanese agreement fell apart in 1977 Dutil and his three children decided to go it alone to supply the market left by the Japanese firm He solaent $12 million on new plant which is pr ucin three five and to machines Speed His engineer son Raymond said the new plant puts the company in good position to meet foreign competition if import restrictions are eased The industry is protected by high tariffs which Raymond Dutil expects will be phased out over the next five years Modern equipment will be installed in the plant located in this town 85 kilometres southeast of Quebec City by then meaning Procycle can cut production costs by making pieces which now are imported Leons no longer tortoise TORONTO tCPi Leons Furniture Ltd is no longer tortoise in the furniture store race Leons as it is popularly known has 17 stores across Canada and designs on establishing an outlet in every major city in the United States building was purchased recently in Houston Another store is set for fall open ing in Tempe Ariz suburb of Phoenix Sculpture dwarfs sculptor Robert Berks inspects his bronze sculpture of Albert Einstein early Wednes day morning after it was placed on the Constitution Avenue grounds of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington DC Einstein posed for par trait 24 years ago for Mr Berks AP Photo Saiary hikes 4550 Fllltil LAKE tint ltPi ittcr Mifkllltl tl7y parity with kritktl lit two nearby uranium mian municipal izi ployecs have won salary increascs of iii to ui percent in new threwyear agreement tty Dec 31 ltltll cleaner will earn 517204 an increase til it per cent over three cars The cliaiiirs hourly wage lll increase from $4 27 under the old iigrccnicnt to Sit lo in the total year of his contract town laborer will rccciye it an hour tilpercent increase from So til Clarence Dungcy national representative for the zinadian hum of Public Em ployecs said thc workers are closc to achieving parity with employees at uranium rnincs in Elliot Lake Paying $150 for ticket Ttillt iNlli ly Tickets to the Rolling Stones licncfit Concert in tishgiwzi tint on Sunday arc being sold tor as much is SlSo car sonic Stillptl gtl tinc man who said hc had three standing room tickets said Thursday he had been offered Srioo tor pair and Sloti for thc othcr ll taki bids until tomorrow afternoon and then thcyrc going to the highest bid der llic lltKtl originally sold for Slotoch Sonic sczilpcis liayc listcd thcir tclcphonc numbers in llli pcrsonnl columns ol city newspapers ottciing thc ticch Keith Richards Rolling Sloths guitarist was ordered last tall to perform the concert for the blind after being cony ictcd of hcroin possession lickcts crc go cn tric oi chlirgc to blind persons who rmiucstcd tlicii Horses starved to death tll tin li Vcllniid tint lllflll has been lllitil SSoo for allowing thrcc horses toslarw to lltlllll lll lll barn titorgc ltciinci who was fined Wed ncsday plcodul guily in Iltillltltl court liich Bh bctorc ltltlLJ liic liiurd that lllllt cool was told lll iiispcctoi with the Socicty tor the lrcuiition of triich to lllllliil found ihrcc dciid horscs ttlll Illll tlllltitlllll logs it barn in south Li inn on cb 1o ltcniici told lllt touit thlit lli Mill was iippo to go in the tnrin regularly to ltttl thc iiiiiil lilll hint llllitl two or thrcc ili llic lllNtltIl mid ll lookcd is ll thi llllliiil bill lilif t1llutll tor tilil UtKIllllHiilll Stabbed in subway ltiliiVlV ll lttlnco mipoiic Ty um smith iii ihc hcnrt by it man in subway ililt Thursday monicnt iiticr lci ing it train on lll way home from work Metropolitanloioniololiccsaid lolicc ilitl Nipoiic was pionounccd dcad on iriiml it hospial lhc stabbing ii gtllllill lll lltilllltl loroino occiii cd ittcr in arguiiicnt polici lltl l1ll¢ttlt si arching loi lhcattiickcr who ciipcd through lllllllllt at thc station nod for iwo witnesses who called policc about thc iiicidciit Calls for prison reform iltli Qiic li After sixdd pcll in lad liidciwndint Ml illlltll lltllltlldll optnid lll rcclcction ciiiiipaigi lhuisdtiy with tcryciit call for prison llllillll lhc il ytliiold career politician freed from iml cdncsdiy lltll be appealed 11 inc month cntincc lIil tiiiid told loo sup tlilltl tho ll tcllow pi illltl wilid iwiiy thcir tiiiic by tlllll1 playing cards and ltltlllltlti1llittlllillllltllilLlillll had hcr Unifyind and tieiriq SMLT Slli MARIE int itlv ho icriil ionscry at llnlillit crii ic Sinclair xi vn lllfl local Tories lhuisday that £1er lll lriiiic Minister Trudeau to unify thc country is like asking the Huston Strangler to straightcn our tic crowd of ltio at local lrogrcssiyc on scrvotnc annual iiicctiiig cliccrcd Stevens who dcscribcrl thc prime ministch cam paigii ltitllt as groping llc rcnlics he is on thr run heading for dcfcat unless he can salvage the govern mcnt somehow the Tory critic said Police suspect arson llAliltll till have ll suspect in fire that destroyed an abandonml fzirmhousi on onccssion iii an MVP spokesman said for day llic housc ow ncd by woliicn liuiiicd April Arson is suspected because the housc was not scryitod by hydro or oil and thcrc is no iippurcnt reason why firc would break out said llltpiiltllllll tlircc Toronto Takes navel action NEW YURK riteutcri 48ycarold woman has filed til million malpractice tll zigiiiiii plastic snrgcon on grounds he left hcr itli illl off centrc llllHl lawyer or Virginia tilliirc told static Supreme ourt yiury icdncsday that thc loiiglikccpsio womans nach wound up about livc centimetres ofl ccntrc tllltl plastic siirgcry by Dr Howard ltcllin Lawyer lhcixlorr Friedman said ltclliii had promisin to give Mrs illarc nice llat bclly by means of an opcrzition known is abdominal plasty Hut following lllt surgery Friedman said her Ullllillltlh was off ccntrc the bclly button no longer normal was large llftilllittl holc in her stomach and thc scar was of significant thickness ltcllin lutci told rcportcrs lhc bclly button was off cyci so slightly but wcll within the lllllll well within thc inidlinc Fricdniiui tltl Mrs llare subscquciitly nzivcl rcccntrcd by anothcr surgcon Bill defeated ltiltt iNlti li priyzitc incinbcr bill which would have made It illegal to publish or broadcast the name ol person charged with criminal oftcncc until lllt trial had started was dcfcatcd on second reading in thc ltghdutlllt Thursday lhc bill in act to protect the reputation of Iniioccnt persons from untiincly publicity was introduced by All Stung oik ltlltlti Twenty one of 25 Progressive on tlllllt iii the house all 11 New Democrats and two Liberals rejected the bill wliilc 13 of the Liberals itlltl tour loiics wcic for it Two cabinct ministers voted with lhc libcrzil incnibcrs Keith Norton minister of community and social services and icorgc lcagiic chairman of thc inanagcnicnt board Alan Pope ochranc South and John Williams Toronto llltlt were the other onscryat ivcs Hugh lidigliiiflti Perth and Herbert Fpp Waterloo North wclc thc lllltl£ll yot mg against thtll colleagues bill weather Mainly sunny today with highs of l6 to l8 Mostly clear overnight lows to Increasing cloudiness Saturday with showers few thunderstorms late in the day and increasing southerly winds Highs l5 to l8 Como ism to The Exarnlnar Cali12646539 for horns delivery Mother two sons among victims NANAIMO BC CP Vancouver woman and her two young sons were among six persons killed Thursday when small plane crashed and burned shortly after takeoff Nancy Burrell and her sons Joshua and Jeffrey of Vancouver perished in the fiery crash which left most of the Piper Comanche in ashes and the rest in small pieces The plane owned by Pacific Coastal Airlines crashed on road about 500 metres from the end of the Cassid Airport runway near this Vancouver lslan city All aboard were killed Also killed were pilot Gary Raindahl 31 Gavin Robertson 33 both of Vancouver and Norman Calvin of Burlington ml The passengers had switched to Pacific oastals Flight 296 from an Air Canada flight from Vancouver and were bound for Port Alberni about 75 kilometres northwest of here Cause of the crash was not known It is being investigated by the RCMP and federal 115th year No 94 Friday Aprll 20 1979 transport Vancouver Mr and Mrs Gerry Van Biert witnessed the accident that occurred about 200 metres from their home The plane was flying at about the same height as power lines when they first saw it Mrs Van Biert said the twinengined plane cleared the power lines then plummettcd to the ground Van Biert ran across field to the plane while his wife phoned the police and the fire department He said the wreckage was smoking when he arrived and he was too scared to go any closer thought it would explode Soon after he said two men arrived from the airport and tried to free bodies from the wreckage After they had three bodies out they were driven back by flames shooting from the crumpled craft Volunteer firefighters from North yster extinguished the flames ministry investigators from 5° Per Copy BC plane crash claims six lives Rescue workers search wreckage of plane Carrlor House Dellvery 90 Weekly the examiner Overall hike now 55 serving barrie and simcoe county Property tax increased in Barries $OM budet Hy IIIKIH FIELD if The llxa miner tity council has fixed ltarrics budget for Witt at some $2 million and raiscd municipal propcrty taxes liy four per cent lhc four per cent incrcasc combined with ti 73 per cent increasi ill the public school boards budch means public school sup rillit ed XV an mmgc oi pci illi thin iIt lbc ligurc slightly diticrcnt for separate school supporlcn lliat board budch called lot per ciiil iiicriiisc An owncr of house tigtttl ill SJoooo will pay Sit more ll1l year or $64481 up from Still no it year ago The entire budch upSl million from 197 Two aldcriiicn voted againt the budget Fd llioiiipson was absch and llorian lurkir dcclarcd conflict of intercst had said thcy supported the proposal Ald lioug laggcs Ward campaigned last fall on platform calling for zero increase in the budget for 1979 and hc told council that goal could buy been ltllilltfl this year He said cuts he had proposcd would have trimmed sonic Sittioiioo from the budch llic lllLIJlilll ot the cuts he proposed were ill placcs whcic thc administration had rccoiiinicndcd the city rcscryc money for luturc plain Some Slitlllfltlt ill bc uscd cithcr for propcr ty lllllllltll this ycir or to allow the ad lllllllslldllll to continui ncgoliiiting loi tlic ltl propcrty bcliind city hiill llic property integral to plain for thc ci ccntrc Ald lc Arthur Ward termed the biidgct rcusonablo Wc have iioi litltfl scrvicc wc arc maintaining ii lcvcl oi scryicc barely ibuti its oby ious something is siiftcring Ald Arthur said thc city is falling behind in its tlllll program but be docs not think the council lll iicccssurily havc to raise taxes lllllll1lllll lilllt year to iiniuitiiinii lcycl of tl ltl lt hc crunchy doesnt have to Ulllt as long As isscssiiicnt via the irrnal of new pcoplc riscs by llt per cent year Mayor Ross Archci said the budgct was satislui tory omc slight additions or cuts could have bccn lliib but iioi without going back on promises madc thc ratepayers over the yczirsf titsaid liccrciiscti provincial grants to the city is at lciist partly rcsponsiblc for the increase Mayor Arclicr said He added that in thc lutiirc niorc substantial incrcasc must be ii nd it tly ltt is to bc iiiaiiitziincd tonncil lilll lcpl tax iiicrcascs to two per cent lll cathot thc l£lgtl llitill ouiicil incinbcrs mct as committcc early lliursday and llllt that cvciiing rccoiiiiiicnd cd council iltttpl tlic package lhcy llicii coii cncd its council and plisscd lhc ncccssaly Wyltzks RoLLiMG sroNes CON cE RT of IHKK still think justice would have been better served if it llilfl been for the deaf inside tocay 13 lifestyle entertainment business page sports 78 cornicew guide 18 classified 1447 supplement panorama 12 pages After long trip like bus trip from Bethlehem Pa to Bar rie quiet musical break is always nice Nicholas Elias l6 of Bethlehem is member of the Liberty High School Musical break in silhouette orchestra visiting Eastview Secondary School Nicholas played for Jeanette Schulz to an Eastvlew orchestra member while the two walted in the school cafeteria More on page Examiner Photo by David Burcslk Because of drinking problem Wont take easy way out Drea ltilttiNIt lll lllllilllti ciliilicl iiiinistcr Frank lrci says hc ill not take the easy way out by rcsigniiig betmisc of drinking problem lirca minister of consumer and coni iiicrciiil relations said Nednesday that he fell off the wagon and twice this week was unable to perform his duties He said he Mills raises more queries asks about station alarms Ald lord Mills raiscri further questions Thursday night about ticorgiiin Protection Services Ltd ill alarm company partly own ed by Barrics police commission chairman Ald Mills questioned Firc hicl Jack McAllistir at councils annual hudch meeting asking about alarms at the fire sta lion hicf McAllistcr said icorgian lrotcctioii Services has exclusive right to install firt alarms at the station lhcrc arc more than ltxialarins at the station he said Arson suspected Questions concerning Fldon irecrs coir ncction with the company wcrc raised at special council meeting Tuesday by Ald Mills The alderman wants to know more about the police commission chairmans affiliation with the company that installs and maintains alarms iii the police station Greer said he owns only one share in thc coiiipany and his son Robert owns the rest Although Eldon has signing authority and is the companys secretarytreasurcr hc said it is his sons business Police fire officials probe blaze By STEPHEN Nltlltllls The Euiiiiiiicr Police and fire officials coiitinuc to in vestigatc suspected arson in Monday nights SlBtLlXXi espra Tow iisliip llULlN fir tonstablc llichaid Minr Hll in ytstigating officer said tiiitiirio Firc Mar shaltifticc staft cxainincd thc ltlllltltbx ol the house owned by William Kelly of Mississauga llic tiic appeared to start on the second level of floor area said tonstablc Muir Normally tlii lloor thc last to go It would appear ll win it arson Kelly was to move into his tltMlrlLilll smiooo homi May said Fire tliicf Bob ltycrs Firc destrode farmhouse on the pi operty about eight months ago Three weeks after that fire another blaze destroyed barn Fire officials could not determine the causi of either fire ire Marshal staff took samples from Kcl lys new hoiiic and laboratory list are to dctcrniiiic If any flammable liquid was in olcd in the firr onstablc Muir said he is interviewing itnesscs while awaiting laboratory results would resign if Premier William Davis asked him to But Davis in Vancouver on Thursday on speechmaking trip said he talked to Drea but did not ask him to resign and did not give Drea time to offer to quit Drca said that on Monday he was drunk when he attended meeting with con dominium association representatives Hut Thursday William Pearce resident of the Federation of Ontario ominium Associations sent letter to the premier stating that rca has worked hard for the group and his condition at the meeting did not change that fact Militia chief true patriot TEL AVIV Pi Israeli Defence Minister Ezcr Weizman defended today the Lebanese Christian militia chief who proclaimed an independent republic north of the lsraeli lxrrder as true Lebanese patriot who shares Israels goals There is no question that he is partner to our goals Weizman said of Maj Saad Haddad and his detennination to bar the Palestinian guerrillas from southemmost Lebanon Haddad whose militiamen are supplied by lsracl declared republic of Free Lebanon on Wednesday in the lfikilometrewide strip along the border which Israel left to his control after its my asion last Spring llis declaration was in response to the deployment of battalion of 500 Lebanese army troops into the area as the first step toward establishing the Beirut governments authority over the border zone lladdad is former Lebanese army office and the Lebanese government issued an order for his arrest on charges of iiisubordination and co operation With the enemy meaning lsrael

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