Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1979, p. 6

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iv the examiner Tuesday April 3979 Brimmin with enthusiasm for tellin Canadians about Australia Editor Claudia Krause7266537 Australian student 16 in Barrie as guest of Rotary By lAlllA KRAlSE The Examiner Lenore Neal 16 plays the game when she hears Aussie for example She laughs Lenore Neal from the town of Cooma in New South Wales Australia arrived in Barrie in January to spend year here as the guest of the Barrie Huronia Rotary Club She finds living condi tions here similar to those in Australia Examiner Photo firestone jokes She doesnt challenge amusing stories about special saddles for riding kangaroos But shell readily answer serious questions too How much do Canadians know about Australia Outside of kangaroos platypluses and singer Olivia Newtondohn not much Miss Neal from the to of tooma in New South TEES Australia has been $1 the Barrie Rotary Iu nce Jan Shes staying in Barrie until next January Although she says she doent miss home yet shes brimming with enthusiasm for telling anadians about Australia She says she wants to speak to interested local groups about Australia So far she Iias made first presentation to her host club but more are planned She attends IIastvicw Secoii dary School in Barrie as ftill time student taking tirade 12 and 13 subjects SIS illll IIIIIZS Currently shes llillg at the home of cltib president Leon leriaid and his itc Icggy on trove Street East within casy walking distance of the school slicattciids Before her stay III llarric ends shell have been llt in guest of llt families of club iiiciiibcis lhc leriards Iiic daughter 13 and son 31 so Miss Neal has the company of young people and family at iiiosphcrc home she is the eldest of llt children three sisters and brother Im going all the lllllt ly Friday nights and all my weekends are busy she says Rotary club members taki turns finding her along on family outings lttitly shc undertaken more aciiyiiics than many taiiadiaiis llt agc slic belongs to tlic llaiitc and tennis club shc skis play squash and rackctball Slii been to lorotio llltll slii liiltl llltt and ilcan and to tittawa to attend tttlltll tioii of Rotary cxtliaiigc students isitingtanada til llSllttS Many Itairii students ask her about lllltlli stlltltll system how the pcoplc llt and mull W501R GENERAL ELECTRIC SPEED AUTOMATIC WASHER flIIV trill Olmll Illll lush alltCIO and pgrmanoni pr iiui Sic washing system MANUFACTURERS FIRESTONE SALE PRICE SUGGESTED RETAIL REASONS TO BUY FIRES ONE Plenty at tree panting use 00 fircoron 88 Dunlop Barrie Phone 7266585 HalliI931 wolf Mo lwnloMCOn¢CIM Viscoun 545915 $40995 $2 DSOIR GENERAL ELECTRIC CYCLE AUTOMATIC DRYER immgi yr imam auto FIRESTONE SALE PRICE MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL Convenient locations coast to coast Big volume buying power Save $53 All merchandise backed by manutacturers warranty coast to coast Firestone Credit Plan available Delivery No extra charge in metro areas Firestone Stores ASK ABOUT OUR 90 DAY PAYMENT PLAN how different anada is for her says Miss Neal lot didnt know we had snow but we dont have as much and for not nearly as long Australias school system has no tirade til Miss Neal has discovered however that the material shes taking here in tirade IS the level she has already completed during tirade It in Australia tttherwise living conditions in anada and Australia are similar she says get jokes about being in the dark upside down and questions like do we wear blue jeans and walk on our heads And although tanatlians make JtilxtS about kangaroos many dont know much about them In fact kangaroos are nuisance because they eat grass meant for livestock If you go riding in the car along lonely track youll Ill eyitably see kangaroo she says At night you can run Into big red It will tust go bounding off while the car will be left damaged She says the red kangaroos ustraias largest are often six fch hiin l1lSllRS RII lltl What do taiiailians she has met say about Miss Neals ac cent They all love it they think its neat shcsays adding that she has adopted the work iicat into her vocabulary Iiciausc she hears it so often here liain ttltitlll you dont lii like gday Illftlt shes real sport shell be right lttll litapples All ial ltiscs tillt itutltttitt ycat by taking part iii thc Rotary cchaiigc but she knew from talking with ltitilitl change students that lllt Hillary cptttciiti would lic Uitlllwltlli Now slits tttllllltitl of II It snot wasting ycar Ipoii IttillIlLl hci hiin school tttltlitalc ii lllt tlltl ol tiradc she hopes to study itltlltlllllt and law then ciiter flic field of business ad iiiinistiafion llct failicr is assistant tllltt for of an cngintciing corpora tioii based in Cooma while her mother former Journalist is now writer and teacher COVERS OWN FARE Families of Rotary exchange students foot the bill for air fare to and from the country they visit schooling and excursion costs llost clubs cover travel to stu dent conventions special occa sions and provide living allowance Miss Neal was one of about 150 Rotary exchange students from Australia who boarded the same plane in January for the 14hour flight to San Francisco From there most went on to location in the United States while about 12 travelled to tanadian locations nc misconception Miss Neal says she held about anada before she arrived was that the French language influence would be stronger rigainally she had asked to be sent to country where French was widely spoken so she could learn the language better As ambassadors for Australia in Canada and the United States students selected for Rotary exchanges are caution ed to be diplomatic about areas such as politics in which they probably do not have much knowledge Miss Neal explains She does add that anadian and Australian political struc tures are similar because both are based on the Ilritish con stitution This is one reason why Australians are following events in Quebec with much iii terest she adds Eastview wins pinball trophy Pinball wizard Wayne Cole l8 and his manager Lori Hamil l8 students at Eastview Secondary School in Barrie hold the trophy they won for raising $800 in pledges and tickets during 76hour pinball marathon for cystic fibrosis March 2f to 24 Behind them are Dave Hogben at left of the Kinsmen club of Barrie chairman of the first annual pinball charity challenge and Joe Battaglia owner of Little Joes Family Casino in the Baylield Mall Examiner Photo FACT FACT cut the pile Barrie Rugs broadloom and upholstered furniture are maior home investments It is important that they are maintained regularly Rug Mobiles regular Cleaning will help upholstery and rugs retain their value and appearance It isnt traffic that wears out rug The soil that works its way down to the base of the pile can be as hard and sharp as broken glass and eventually Weekly vacuuming and surface shampooing cannot remove this embedded sail systems inc steam clean JIfllfi CALL 7265579 UNIVERSITY CREDIT COURSES in Simcoe County There is still time to register for Spring courses taught in Simcoe County Classes are held in the evenings or on Saturdays in rillia Collingwood Penetang uishene and Base Borden It you are 21 years of age or older you may be eligible for admission even if you do not have highschool diploma It you are less than 2i you must have Grade 12 and years work experience If you have any questions require more information or would like free copy of the calendar of course of terings call tollfree 800 265 8866 Monday Friday 830 am 430 pm lVilfrid Laurier University 75 University Ave West Waterloo Ontario N21 375 people places At meeting The llariic chapter of the toiisuincis ssociaiion of tanada holds its annual meeting today at Ito in at thiIlarricInbliclahrary All Interested persons are wclcotiictoaticntl Special education in lidncsday at it in in the resource centre at thmdfellow School loodlcllow Interested Parents will hold general meeting The topic of discussion is special education tlucst speaker will be ltoli Newman superintendent of special scr iccs for Siiiicoc ounty Itoard of ltllltllltltl llyiryoiicis welcome Play for children llillcrcst llaycrs Ill ciiict tam children on Saturday at lllt Harrie ltiblic Library childrens annex beginning at ill in when they present the play llector of Sirus The play ill be followed by disco danci workshop led by Rtiss ticrar for children III tirade or older until about in Ten bake sale llic Sciitoi titicns iit logcthcr tlub will hold tiaaai tea and bake sale April it from to it at the Army Navy Air Force tlub on nnc Street lIl Harrie Iiyiryonc is welcome Iiuchre party tioodfellow Interested Parents are sponsirmg spring ttltltlt party Apiil Ll at lo pm at loodlcllow School Tickets at SI 3ft are available at the door lllts will be awarded and refreshments will licsctycd tiriixllcllow School is located at lnmsfil Iowiisliip Linc and SidcioadBfi IIpilepsy effects The tllttl of epilepsy on school aged cluldrcn Ill be the ttipti discussed it Vcdiicsdays nicciing of lIpilcpsy Sinicoc totillly llic lllttllllL litgins at If in at the faculty lounge oi Harrie tcntial tollcgiai iiiissioit is irei llcryoii in fciistcdiswilcoiiic ltllttllll llllll tllllllttl lin igts oi leilipsy Ilr Itogci lilttlt of laiiic will chair paneldiscussion lancl intiiibcis will bc Ilairy oplici psychologist lll Ircyoi Ilunf iwdiatiician and lllla Smith spccial education consultant and picsi dent of fill touncil for IZxccp iionalthildrcn Rummage sale tcntral lnited thiirili Ill llairic will hold itiiiiiiiagi salcoii Saturday from Na in to noon Itoiiaiions may be tltltlttl in the church the lriday piccccdiiig Salc coiiyciior is tollccn Me of cntrals lniictl tliiircli tomcn Breakfast meeting lli lhomas llryaii of Peter borough lll bc guest speaker at the next monthly breakfast meeting of lllt lul tiospcl Iliisiiicss Mens Fellowship llarriicliaptci The meeting begins at it to in on Saturday at the toii tincntal liin Ilairii oinin arcalsowclcoiiictoaitcnd Showing jewelry The Angus Mothers lt iliary lo the Scouts tubs and Ilcavcis presents jewelry demonstration on Saturday lt in at the True llliic Hall in Angiis lIciyoiiciswclcoiiic Speech contest llariic loisiiiiislrcss tlub is holding its ouncil ti Speech tonfest on Saturday at the lloli day Inn llarrie Dinner will be served at the contest begins at it in tonfcstants representing It clubs from North llay to ttshawa will compete for the toiiiicil It tiilc tliailciie Morgan will represent the llar riccltili For more information call Shirley Mctronc speech con test coordinator at 72M tilH Ann Lgnders Asexual not gay Dear Ann Landers Please believe me this is no joke am 26yearold male and have never slept with woman Dont get me wrong Im not gay Ive just never taken the time or had the desire for sexual relationship guess you can say Im virgin Im Christian singer and have been worried about my self Ive talked to close friends and they have suggested masturbate havent done it because it goes against everything in me take pride in my virginity and wouldnt have it any other way love God and want to live for Him need to know Ann would masturbation kill my virginity Please print this letter In this day and age of 0an sex feel like freak Is there anybody else out there like me Peoria near Peoria You are probably asexual which means your sex drive is so low it is virtually nonexistent Masturbation does not kill virginity but why do it if you have no sexual urges that require release of tension You are not freak There are other adult virgins around both male and female These people dont have sex and they dont miss it Dear nn Lanilcrs Because of physical disabilities in eluding failing eyesight Im unable to drive and have great difficulty getting taxts in this area have been relying for some timc on friend to take me out once weekly for my groceries While respect her kindness Im beginning to resent her constantly changing either the day or the hour that she promises to come She will phone and say shell pick me up Thursday afternoon and Ill be all ready an hour in advance lhcii shell call and say she cant make it until Fridav morning tin Friday Ill be all ready to go and shell call and say she cant make it until late in the afternoon This means must change other plans at great inconvenience Id like to tell your readers that if they want to do friend favor stick to the original promise except in the case of severe illness or dirc emergency favor is not favor when it cant be counted on No Name No Iowii car It sounds as if your friend goes to great deal of trouble to take you grocery shopping viously shc has other rcsponsibilit ies liven though its difficult to get laid in your area sug gest you try II for two or three weeks Ill bet after you pay for few rides youll be lot less agitated when the woman calls and says shes going to be late or she cant make it until the following day Iiiar nii Landcrs Is it acceptable for atholics to receivi the Iloly IIiicharist mori than once day toiifuscd athoIic ttll toiiiiised Ihc thurch tries to discourage parishioners from believing that more is better Some super religious calois think they will get higher rating in llcayin if they spend more time in church More than one communion day is acceptable when the masses are separate in time or celcbratioii For example oiic may take coiiiiiitinion at regular morning mass and then again later at funeral or nuptial mass tut these are lllltltlll tItIllttlllfS For what its wgrth Eastertime still fun Ry lRtiRlIl URIII IIastci has always been Just about my favorite time of year lispccially hcn it comes around the middle of April like it did this year Like most people associate Easter timc ith Spring and chilly incs that are just beginning to lose the biting edge of winter and grass still soft with melting snow lrcmcmber IZasters when as small when the Good Fri day church service seemed to on former and thought would ncycr get home to hm cross buns toasting in the met rciiniiibcr Caster Sunt ay mornings when Easter eggs were rcal eggs dyed different shades of green pink and ltlllt decorating the breakfast table nd remember the wonderful taste of candy after six long Lenten weeks of steriiscli denial lanes and traditions change living up candy for Lent doesnt ttlll to be much In style any morc and ttIl the food llltlii sciyicc seems not to be as endless as it once was liastcr ch traditions are changing too The good old egg seems to lw on its way out ltll thc chixolatc variety art not so popular and its hard tofind lllsl plain chocolate egg any more lnstcad the bunny reigns supreme with the IIastcr cliickcn running close st cond This year along with ilic iisnal ttillitlitill noticed few rather oddlooking chocolate bears and even Mickey Mouse or twof llot cross buns taste the same though and we still decorati hard boiled eggs for breakfast Castci is lot like hristiiias religions holiday sur rounded by traditions and rich with memories It is also time when find myself trying very hard to hang on firmly to hat the fistiyal is all about and not to let myself get lost in the mass hysteria of buying enormous and expensive presents oi mountains of unnecessary goodies Maybe Ill go outside and look at the crocusis that are almost all finished blooming and watch for the green spikes of hyacinth pushing through the dark earth Then Ill iciiicmbcr that its Spring and Easter is my cry favorite tiineof ycai fillys Pointers Liquid wax cleans best IiIIAR ltiLLY What can use on my laminated plastic cupboard doors They have fingerprints on them and look diill when washed with soap and water IHZAR RI booklet from the best known of such products suggests the use of liquid wax that cleans is it polishes PULLY DEAR The other day was using one of those new super glues without having read the label Some of the glue spilled on my fingers and they were glued together in split second Nail poliin remover unglued them but it took long time could have saved myself all that anguish if had read the label first MARY IHCAR MA It am afraid the mistake you made is one that is all too common Lack of success in doing arious things is ery often caused by not reading or following directions IULLY DEAR Itll Ilse worn pillowcases as dust covers for clothing that is stored on hangers in closet tut small hole in the center of the seamed end of the pillowcasc and slip the hanger book through it Save that old barbecue grill you were going to throw away It will make wonderful spraypainting stand It will speed up and ease the job and you can rotate whatever you are spraying on the grill while the hood holds the spray DEAR POLLY use leftover coffee to add color to faded nylons lace or blouses Just soak half an hour or so MRS IGF DEAR ltllY When discarding old shirts be sure to cut off the cuffs as they make great padding for pot holders MRS MW DEAR FULLY repair man told me to wash refrigerator gaskets with solution of vinegar and water Detergents and cleansers will harden the rubber An easy way to mark garment for machine butwnholes is to place strip of transparent plastic tape tslightly wider than the buttoiihole iiiarkingsi on the right side of the fabric Willi ballpoint pen mark the line for the buttonhole on the tape No more guessing it is easy to see the marking on the tape and it will pull away easily after the biittoiiholc is made RUST lolly Wlll send you one of her signed thankyou newspaper coupon clippers if she uses your favorite Pointer Iecve or Problem in her column Write POLLYS POINIITRS in care of this newspaper

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