Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1979, p. 4

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The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of NEWSROOM novennsmo ausmsss comeosmo ROOM mum any CrwIallons AFC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in Craig Elson managing editor Len Sevlck manager Marian Gouohaccountm Jack Kerney toreman Sunday and this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters Or Agence Ian Mulorew city editor SALES Delve Mm Glenn Kwan asst loreman mum mud France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer Bill McFarlane wire editor sync Gan McFarland Don Saunders Dave Fuller sports edlol Peggy Kavnnagh Vikki Grant Lorne Wass WEEKlg V°° The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and adverllsmg material Claudia llt rause Litestyle editor Wayne Kathie Mitchel wilt adogan Yczn created by its employees and published in this newspaper rvmg one on simcoe coun Ad Stan Wray ARL Ycarr er TIDIdGV Aprll17 1979 REPORTERS sum gmggkgggnner aiii Raynor $4690 CODYriqh Mistration number 203815 register at Stephen lawns 30 501 Steve White assistant manager Ed Allen MAN 35m pUinshad by Canadian Newspapers Company Limied Bennis Lanthler CLASSFIED Andy Haugfim Janie Hamel giatxnaadvlertisino oitices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 lllO 640 Cathcart ancy Figueroa Susan Kitchen 0t 93 16 Boylield Street Borne Ontario LAM 4T6 kgrlCogeTr 3r9°° flvf3° Rononlder SMC°E€° char om gamma 5mg ver iser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages arts Br Lac Rowland pu blis her Stephen Gauer entertainment Peony Chane my pg SSROOM MOTOR THROWOFF ino out ot errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ac Gary Forbes Dana Homewood Don Near roman $4150a year tualiy occupied by that portion 01 the advertisement in which the error oc NEWSROOM CIRCULATION ADVERTISING CLASSIFIIDS BUSINESS getty Armekcamera operator Janice Morton ma Prlnn as woman ELSEWHERE cANADAI curred lttilher 56 error is due to the negligence of its servants or other ave Burcs photoqrapher Wise an ere all be no ab it tor non nsrt 7266537 noosss 72a 6537 7282414 7266537 Mmelanchm Wm we Brian Marr bevond the amount paid tor such advertisement College grads will find jobs Next month thousands of graduates will be pouring out of colleges and universities seeking employment Among these jobseekers will be some 500 graduates from Georgian College campuses in Barrie Orillia and Owen Sound if Georgian graduates sccking employment more than 90 percent will find jobs Considering unemployment thats rcmarkablc placcmcnt rate The reason behind this is simple enough Georgianand the other colleges in the educational systemoffer programs that are carecr oriented Georgian refers to its courses as having high carccr com poncn Put simply it means the Georgian grad comes out of school tmincd to be immediately productive in their study ficld Prospective employers know the record and hirc according IV The province is wcllscrvcd by the collcgc systcm Since it began in earnest in 1967 thc collcgc program has met thc challcngc of training young people to takc thcir placi in thc real work world The mcssagc is clcar The outlook for technically skilch collcgc graduatc has ncvcr bccn grcatcr than today Looking east on Dunlop Street in Barrie from the Five Points during the winter of 1948 there was snow snow and more snow Dear Sir It is hard to believe that our Board of Education did not approach the Human Relations course in morc positive way which would have been acceptable to the public What reasons did they have to integrate this program into several different courses Why do they have to tcach this subject in whatever form in Kindergarten and other early grades Is it really that necessary to teach things like homosexuality eutanasia sex just to mention few and have our childrn work on it by discussions projects and decision making Sure those things exist but do our children really have to know and study it Do you think by doing so they will be better workers more successful in their careers profes sion Programs like this do not prevent unwanted pregnancies VI and so on as statistics in other countries practising this type of education for years have proven it Sweden started with sex educa tion in 1949 and became compulsory in 1957 The VD rate per 100000 in 1949 was 150 By 1969 it had rsicn to 409 The Curriculum of the Human Relations Course for grade 12 states on page 154 Even if we madc contraception easily available across the counter in stores or dispensed from vending machine in public washrooms still think they would not use it says Dr Cowell Dr Carol Cowell is Chief of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynocology at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto Some dedicated educators think this is must for our children otherwise they would not have spent that much time effort and our money on it Some parents say there is some good in it this may be true and that is why it is so dangerous Lets compare it with food for the learning mind of the child There are all kinds of ingredients to com plete the meal or gulash as Dr Shaw has put it in rillia There is lot of good things in it plus few very poisonous ingredients which make the whole thing unacceptable Should we let our children swallow that gulash letters to the editor it cnroll their children in this course and we can let ours stay out of it In other words Those who want it should have the privilege to put their children in we should not have to pull ours out Lou Frcundorfci Shanty Bay Dear Sir We thc counscllors of thc Oxford Regional cntrc arc forming the nuclcus of profcssional associa tion In rcccnt months fcw isolatcd incidcnts of abusc to rctardcd residents has rcccivcd cxtcnsivc media coverage This has led to distorted and onesided picturc Thc vast majority of counsellors abhor thcsc abuses even more than thc avcragc citizcn for it casts aspcr sions on all our characters We also feel that only province widc movc to professional recogni tion can climinatc or at least minimizc thcsc incidcnts Wc assure the mcdia and thc public most counscllors arc well trained dedicated people who often work under adverse conditions for com parativcly low wagcs Anyone who has toilct traincd their own child can appreciate the difficulty in training someone who was dcnicd thc mcntal facilities re quired to perform thc simplest of bodily functions As new organization we are not yet financially solvent Therefore we hope to make contact with every retarded facility in Ontario With their support our dream can become reality We believe the ac ceptance of counselling as profes sional will ultimately lead to OA better understanding by the public of the duties responsibilities and dedica tion in our field Olmprovc our image in the eyes of other professions as well as our own Olmprovc morale and ultimately work standards Olnjcct grcatcr intcrdcpart mental coopcration within the system Lcspcrance The Committee for Professionalism at the counque helm The NDP with Ed Broadbenl will give Canada merchant shipping fleet Vroudlq rulingtke waters with the Canadian nag it normal Pulls the Plug American change in China policy unihinkoble during Kennedy era ATHENS in AP Dcan Rusk reminiscing about his lifc lll politics rccalls the day John Kcnncdy told him tlic Ncw Frontier would not change what was thcii hardrlinc ll policy toward liiiizi So Rusk cht back to lthtatc licpartiiicnt and as he puts it now playcd tlic rolc of ltic villagc idiot whcncvcr hc was approacbcd liy collcagucs about casing tlic frccc tict wccn Washington and lcking Morc than dccadc lalcr chubltcnn prcsidcnl Richard Nixon crackcd ttic ltt and on Jan Icmocriit Jimmy arlcr cx tcndcd diploitiatic rccognit ion Rut Rusk thc lormcr sccrclaiy of slatc who rcccntly markcd his Tlitli birthday said in an intcrvicw that IS policy on liinn could not havc bccii cbangcd by tho Icmocritic Kcnncdy and Johnson ad ministrations in which hc scrvcd When look back ovcr thc liiiizi qucstion and the mic that has bccn playcd by tho two major political partics it sccms to nic that thc Republicans carncd tlic right to find an answci to thc liina qucstnin Rusk obscrvcs My gucss is that if Ircsidcit Kcnncdy had gonc off to lcking hc would havc bccn Queen Park By DON OHEARN Quccns Park olumiiist Thomson Ncus Scrvicc ltilttiNlt It sccms Frank Millcr Will do thn tlic ncw lrcnsurcr took ovcr good many pcopic including llic lrcasurcr liiiiisclf wcrc bit worricd Millcr had stylc which was complclcly now to thc rcvcrcd officc of thc kccpcr of lhc pursc Ircasurcrs traditionally how in public at lcast bccn mcn of grcnl scriousncss Thcy liavc rcflcctcd lhc boardrooiiis of llic world And if this hasnt bccn lhcir imagc wlicn taking ollicc tlicy liavc liaslcncd to buy pin stripc suits and takc lcssoiis iii public dcporl mcnt from licad undcrlakcrs thn hc took ovcr Frank Millir was lcprcchauii Scrious cnough and uiiqucstionably of unusual ability he also was man of jolliiy In tho middle of gravc discussion hc could brcak up at himsclf or sonicbody clsc and was dcvotcd to oncrlincis In allirc ho had dcvolion to wild plaid jockcts This was riirc bird of trcasurcr And in his casc you couldnt scc tlic fcallicrs turning Thcy wcrc too lruc NO ORAIE At first it sccmcd Millcrdid try to turn Ihcrc was rcslrainl with llic onclincrs and sonic obvious attciiipl nl profundily But by thc limc of his budget spccch this had bccn droppcd llcrc again was lbc loosc lilllc man in it plaid jackct DEAN RlSK Villagt idiot lOlI Millers budget best in years Willi il ngnm thcrc was ncw lypc of budgcl At lcasl loiy budgct Ihcrc was lhc promisc of loans to big busincss and sonic itiiaginativc stuff on small busiiicss But nbovc all tbcrc was nolc of frankncss And an lioncst manrlo man frankncss This has bccii aiiolhcr hallmark of trcnsurcrs Any frankncss llicy havc had has bcen as random tool to fit an occasion and usually phony frankncss And rallicr than mantoman thcy hil bccn oraclcs lhc Millir approach Askcd about his iicw small busiiicss plan Frankly am not surc it will work hopc it Will In any czisc think its worth try NEW OAY In this trczisurcr onc can well sci dif fcrcnl day alicad in Ontario politics day in which govcrniiicnl arid politics arc human and pcrsonal rathcr than formalized kiiowilltallism and in which lhcrc is much morc reason and much lcss bombast Ihcrc arc those of us who would lcll you that this is day which is now callcd for And it woll could ltc that this trcasurcr is lcading thc way Now aflcr his first budgcl prcscntation it is iiol at all incoiiccivablc that onc day hc will lx licading tlic provincc Until now you couldnt scc llllS lncidcnlally it was thc bcsl budch Wc how bad sincc wc got into our cconomic turmoil scvcral ycars ago It shchd willingncss to darc Somctliing that has bccn nccdcd and missing l$POKE TO PRESDEWGARTERTODAYAND WEHADA VERY USEFUL EXCHANGE OF VIEWS laccratcd by the Republicans including Richard Nixon Sonictimcs there arc things that one party can do that another party cant Rusk rccalls rcvicwing the options on China with Kcnncdy iii 1961 when the Democrats took powcr STRONO OPPOSITION He had in front of him ncarly unanimous resolution that ongrcss had passed two or thrcc ycars earlier strongly objecting to any change in the Chinese scat at the and on the matter of recognition Rusk remcmbcrs in the day before the inauguration prcsi dcnt Eisenhower said to him will try to support you as much as can on foreign policy matters but on one mallcr will have to opposc you strongly and publicly and that would havc to be on Chinese seat in the UN So lrcsidcnt Kennedy who was rather cautious in selecting the items on which he was prcparcd to do battle dccidcd he did not want to opcn up lhc qucstion at all As was lcaving the off icc lic said Whats morc Mr Sccrctary dont want to rcad in thc Washington Post or thc New York Iimcs that thc Stalc Department is thinking about change in thc China policy So wcnt back to thc dcparlmcnt and whcn pcoplc like Adlai Slcvcnson and Thcstcr Bowlcs and ollicrs came to talk about China just played thc rolc of the village idiot didnt tcll thcm about my talk with the prcsidcnl becausc wc would be rcading that in the Washington Post or lhc Ncw York Timcs And ycl whilc Rusk clcarly approvcs of the Nixon and artcr moves on China hc is up prchcnsivc about any suggestion of sctting Moscow and Pcking against each othcr That he says would be kidstuff dont mysclf bclicvc that anyonc should supposc we can play childish gamc of manoeuvre bctwccn thc Ibincsc and thc Rus sians Ivc sccn rcfcrcnccs to playing the hina card rcccntly Both in Moscow and in Peking they arc much too intclligcnt to let us get away with that kind of game And hopc we will be in tclligcnt enough not to lot cithcr onc of thcm manocuvrc us against the othcr Rusk is at the University of Georgia in his homc state teaching course in inlcrnntional law and tutoring students After eight years of directing foreign policy in Washington hc says he feels an ex hilirating scnsc of liberation to be rcmovcd from the powor and thc controvcrsy My view is that when yourc out youre out he says chainsmoking cigarcttcs in his cramped office at thc Rusk ccntrc Younger and bcltcr pcoplc should take rcsponsiilily for thcsc lttzillOlS And yet Rusk is not without opinions about China tlic Sovict Union Southeast Asia the Middle East and other global topics llc says that dcspilc some fu ndumcnlal dif fcrcnccs of vicw with Moscow we and lhcy have massive common intcrcsl that is thc prcvcnlion of third world war Raving gonc down thc linc in support of hardlinc policy in Southcasi Asia hc would rathcr mil bc vindicated by Victnams domination of the area No onc tic says could want the kind of justification that would comc from tho sur vivors of third world war looking at cach otlicr and saying Gcc lhosc fcllows were right The world today Royal Ensign hauled down By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service In Malta the gallant fighting island Of World War Two which won the George Cross the last British sailor has finally gone the last Royal Ensign has been hauled down The naval dockyard which in the heyday of Victorian Empire service the battleships and smaller craft of the worlds mightiest navy is empty Rear Admiral Oswald Cecil the last com mander of British forces in Malta which have been there continuously since the island was conquered from the French in 1800 offered up this farewell doggcrel Eighteen decades of our history weve shared with you Now the hour has arrived for our sad adieu The thin British presence on departure says much about the long since miniscule role of Britain in naval events in the Mediterranean The little fleet that sailed from Valettas Grand Harbour taking the admiral and his small force away was single destroyer and troop carrier with single ASW Nimrod fly ing over them In 1929 Britain imperial still had 86 ships in its powerful Mediterranean squadron of which nine battleships from it and from the Home Fleet anchored in Valetta Harbour at onetime And in the depths of World War Two when the Germanltalian bomber squadrons from nearby Italy and Italian North Africa tried to wipe out the island Churchill worried over its possible loss FLTLRE ROL All this is now part of departed empires history The realities for the Republic of Malta are those of so many new nations in the Third World new industries markets and longtcrm survival Unlike other former British possessions where substantial raw materials needed much local labor in Malta the needs of the British forces and of the Royal Navy meant steady employment The naval dockyard which was actually leased out to private operators several years ago was historically the islands largest and most reliable employer Now the Americans who long ago replaced the British in the Mediterranean as the major naval power facing the big Russian fleet in that sea are wondering if Maltese Prime Ministcr Dom Mintoff will invite the Russians to use or even run the dockyard Mr Mintoff who is devout socialist and believer in nonalignment says no Soviet naval prcscncc will replace the British onc Rathcr he is pushing tourism and the islands potential as laxhaven mainly for very highlaxcd Britons who have come to Malta to live and hence to become consumers in the islands fragilc economy The Libyans to Maltas south have political interest in the island with Libyan prcscncc in llic form of military mission and Libyan studcnts centre in Valctta The NATO naval brass at Brindisi the naval basc ncar Italys lip and centrally locatcd in thc Mcdilcrrancan are very worlt ricd about those apparent Libyan and Soviet intcrcsts in the island Though Malta has been an independent na tion since September 1961 Prime Minister Mintoff has sccii thc final British withdrawal as the sign of ultimnlc iiidcpcndcnce RAI SOVIET EXAMPLE He is unlikely to trade this long function of the British in his island republic for an uncer tain Sovict onc Tlicrc arc too many bad ex amplcs around Europe and the Middle East of the loss of political control from letting Russians in the door for any rcason But this docs mcan thc Gcorgc Cross island is still vcry strategic write your mp 39 it you would like to write your Member oi Parliament or Member of Provincial Parlia ment printed below are their mailing ad dresses it you send us copy of your letter it might be suitable for our Letters to the Editor columns After all it there is matter of concern that makes you want to write to your MP or MPP it it is not personal matter it should be of interest to your friends and neighbors too FEDERAL or Innid MPaNorth Simcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Ion Mltte MPPeelDulterimSimcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont fitdai Stevens MPYork$imcoe Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont Goa mtg MPGroySlmcoo Parliament Buildings Ottawa Ont PROVINCIAI George Taylor MPPSimcoo Centre Ontario Legislature Queens Park Toronto Gordon Smith MPPSlmcooEost Ontario legislature Queens Park Toronto George league MPPDullerin Slmcoe in Counselling OK what is poison for some is if Woodstockntario good for others Let those who want Queens Park Toronto

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