Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1979, p. 13

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SPCIAL NOTICES RTES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks minimiim 40 words additional words ll cents per word Births $600 In Memoriam no verse $600 Verse per count line extra 28 cents Gomln Events $343 per column Inch 01 GOOD NEWS STORY when you an nounce the birth of your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Examiner Classified 728 2414 IS moments WILLIAMS wSMITH Mr and Mrs Stanley Williams RR No Stirling 0n tario are pleased to announce the engagement oi their daughter Brenda Joyce to Mr Allen Smith son of Mr and Mrs James Smith Barrie Ontario The marriage will take place Saturday May Wth three oclock at Mount Pleasant United Church Stirling Ontario FERRYF POTTRUFF stroud by Mrs compulit 4381084 Mrs John Cowan hostess for the April meeting of the Presbyterian WMS served the ladies delicious meal previous to the meeting President Mrs Iona Camp bell called the meeting to order The Easter theme was car ried out in Roll Call by an Easter verse music and wor ship service Mrs Grace Reed acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs Hazel Mc Cullough Rev Byllaard was the guest speaker and his Easter message was on the Resurrection The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Nelson Watson On Tuesday April IO the Stroud Senior Citizens had as guest Mrs Parker who has the Beltone franchise in the area As member of the Quota club of Barrie Mrs Parker told all of the Vial of Life plan and gave out literature and forms to put in the refrigerator with statistics of your name and other information in cases of emergency The film which well presented the story of deafness and its effects on those with hearing problems their families and their lives was interesting and in formative Mrs Doris Smith expressed the clubs appreca lion Mr and Mrs Harry Horton Mr and Mrs Harvey Morgan Mr and Mrs Ewart Jennctt Mr and Mrs Robert Kell Mr and Mrs Frank Armstrong Madames Wilhelmina Scott Evelyn Rix Helen Wallace Mae Wright Gerry Small June Robinson Sadie McWhirter Isabella Dally Evelyn Watson Sheila Anderson Ann Hughes Mabel Ranson and Jessie Campbell enjoyed five day tour to USA to see the Cherry Blossom Parade They were joined by friends from Thom ton Cookstown and Midland oookstovirn by Marjorie Eldridge 4584487 Cookstown Minor Hockey Association held their Lucky neighborly news Draw on Sturday April The draw winners were first prize of gas barbe que to AI Eyers second prize of polaroid camera to Diane Crivier and third prize of three pieces of luggage to Helen Gates After many years of Gray Coach Bus service to Toronto from Alliston and Cookstown it is now replaced by Penetang Midland oach Lines Special rates are offered for senior citizens Donald Smith motored to Los Angeles California for month long holiday Wallace Smith earlier vacationed on the Island of Martinique for week Mr and Mrs James Rainey are home from trip to the balmy south as are Mr and Mrs Emerson Cave The spring sun also brought the return on April of Mrs Keetha Riley and Mrs Emily Ramsay from the St Petersburg region They had been there three months The Passion of Our Lord was the theme for the Easter evening meeting of the Cookstown United Church Women on April It was held in the church 85 rooms President Mrs Currie presided over the business Roll call for the 24 ladies attending was answered by Sign of Spring Mrs Gloria Pengelly was the Devotion Convener assisted by Mrs Murphy Mrs Jolie Mrs Gladys Airth and Mrs Cave The guest speaker was Mrs Hiefnagel of Barrie who was the former Evelyn Currie of Cookstown and former mis sionary The audience was treated to slides of Japan table display of numerous Japanese articles including the examiner Tunday Aprll17 1910 13 Japanese hymn book related with her most teeesting talk Hot cross buns au gratin with cheese were served in keeping with Easter at the close of the meeting On Thursday April 19 at 800 pm Home and School general meeting is to be held at the school The association has arranged for Corporal Wes Pro sser of the Barrie OPP to speak on the topic of drugs co in ARI SALES RENTALS CUSTOM FRAMING CUSTOM GALLERY mIOHuHs BSW PHOTOGRAPHY WEEKENDS II5 OR BY APPT HORSESHOE VALLEY RD CRAIGHURST 7057266319 I979 7Mr and Mrs EX INER Robert Ferry are pleased to announce WANT ADS the engagement of their daughter MARY JANEJO ROBERT LLOYD son PHONE 728 241 oi Mrs Lloyd Potlrufi of Hamilton The wedding is to take place at the Church of nd the Redeemer Stoney Creek on May WELDERS Construction company requires welders for shop and field work Must be ex perienced on fabrication and pipe welding Good working conditions Please send home telephone number to lax A16 The Bertie Examiner PO Box 370 Barrie Ontario L4M T6 All replies confidential AI9 and EARN BIG MONEY OVERSEASIII You could make at least several times the amount of money you are earning now doing the some or similar type of job by going to work overseas Whether you are presently working or out of job skilled tradesmen or an unskilled laborer regardless of your age sex and nationality for com plete details send large self addressed stamped envelope to NREIGN EMPLOYMENT SERVICES In 720 Adelaide Street Station Toronto Ontario MSC 2Jl EXPERIENCED HAIR STYLIST salary plus Commission Apply House of Bellini Bayfield Mail or call 72° or 726 8712 alter NEED MONEYa Fuller Brush Company provides fleiuble hours field support top commismn Cameron Bower 720 9775 AT ONCE Persons interested in having agood income Opportunity for advance ment No experience necessary Telephone 2998 FULL OR PART TIME couples or in diwduals fer pusmess of your own Wholesale retail 726 9574 REQUIRED by PEEL FENCE COM PANY in Barrie person for order tak ing assembling materials and deliveries Must have general licence Telephone LES SHINER 726 4704 bet ween I0 30a I2 noon SHOP FOR EMAN for small local manufacturing Company piastio required Experience in machine maintenance and inventory Control an asset We offer good working conditions salary bonus and penetits Please contact 778 9840 tOr an appomt ment URGENTLY NEEDED Reliant per son to live in and care for four school auri children in motherless home No heavy housework main concern is thdrens care Call 435 4075 BABYSITTER wanted hospital area Musl he Telephonm Aolsalter 5p BEABVSITTER REQUIRED In Saw days and occasionalevening Misi in Allaidale area Telephone 776 2610 FLEMING AND ASSOCIATES TEMPORARY kerUnCh Operators clerks Hoists Fren worst albumrt IM and LERMANENT several posmovs professional nnqinems professional sonn people etc Seth retired person mth small car work for telephone compam rrintn Irir Collingwood area 778 1309 72sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere parttimefuil time SIGQIIDL Calendars ad SpeCIalties printed labels tapes halt pens office supplies etc our 17th eat New catalogue availanln Alco 8013772 Ottawa SALES REPRESENTATWE for sum tive territory in Barrie and area e1 celieni cornmissinn aquresmve out going personality required Milt rel able weenIts reliable Ions Iqltt car Telephone Mr klemenit 737 I909 77legel NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS THE ESTATE OF CHARLES JAMES GRIFFIN late of the Town of Wosogo Beach in the County of Simcoe Retired Businessman who died on or about the l6th day of December l977 ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send lull particulars of such claims to the un dersigned Executors on or before the Ist day of May I979 after which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard only to such claims that have then been received DATED at Barrie this 14th day oprril AD l979 OWEN BURGAR Barristers Solicitors 26 Owen Street Barrie Ontario SolicitorstTtheExecutors Baden Charles Davidson Griffin and Mavis Estelle Pauline Piggott Aldl724 18tuNlen ISdeetlu MINNlKlN Harold James At the Toronto General Hospital on Sunday April is l979 Harold James Minnikin in his Slst year beloved husband of Gwen dolyne Keenan dear lather of Susan Mrs Dwught McNeil Wendy Mrs AIVin Pringie Patti John and the late Linda Minnikin Grandfather of Shane Pamela and Nathan brother of Laura Laird Cecil Mary Wheelein Shirley Maw Barbara Melvin and the late Russell Minnikin Friends may call at Sfeckiey Funeral Home JO Worsley Street Barrie after pm Tuesday Private family service in the chapel on Wednesday April l8 Interment Barrio Union Cemetery MrCREADlE Janet Weir At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sun day April IS i979 Janet McCreadie in her A7Ih year Beloved Wife of John Mt Creadie of Lefroy Dear mother of Morag Glen and Jeffrey all at home and Scott of BC Dear sister of Margaret tMrs Raleioni of Burlington Robert of and Jim of Winnipeg Restino at the Jenneit Funeral Home is Bradford Street Barrie Visitation from Tuesday at pm Service in the chapel on Wednesday April ID at II Inter merit York Cemetery Toronto PADDISON James Harvey At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Mon day April lb 1979 James Harvey Paddi sion in his 87th year Beloved husband of the late Ethel Mav Ranson Dear lather oi Doris and son in law Joe Fratt of Stroud Grandfather of Brian oi Craighurst Dale of Barrie Margot Mrs Dunn of Coldwater and five great grandchildren Brother of LOIIII IMrs Ray DaganaisI of Acton Mass Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie after pm Wednesday Complete SLFVILI in the chapel on Thursday Apnl l9 at interment Barrie Union Ctltttltty if so desnred memorial donations may lw made to Canadian Cancer Socmty SI coming events LITTLE PEOPLES CENTRE FALL REGISTRATION Wednesday Apri ll pm Proschool 35 year old Bel Ewart Ontario 456399l CIASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 72824I4 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by in day rKOdlng publication Wlfh the exception of lasslied DISplUY advertisements which nun be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $6 00 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words 56 00 Additional words ll ts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words 5600 Add honol words ll cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 with verse per count line 73 out pet line COMING EVENTS S3 43 per Column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 74 word minimum Cosh DISCOUNT Rates apply it paid vvithm doys One or two inzertions i0c per word insertion Three consecutive lll sanions l0 cents per word insertion total S6 34 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word per insertion total SW96 Multiple inset horis may be ordered Lubiect Io cancellation when sottslociory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 21 words Each initial abbreviation nuirbers etc counios seporote words ERRORSAND CORRECTIONS All phone Insertion orders are ocrepled as convenience lo the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires dd adveriisers to kindly to check their advertisement itnmedldtely after first true lion In order that any error or oquion may be reported before in order that some may be rectified lot the lollowirig ddy publication The ElOmInOT IS responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion oI any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion ol ad that involves the misprmt Er tors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for terror lions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to ClOSSle revise or repert any want ads PHONE 778 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding thicsznreplies however other NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday TStmdon Ontario Government Tender MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Supply Maintenance and Service on Fire Hydronts in the Georgian Bay Region for two year period 000000794 SEALED TENDERS will be received until 200 pm LOCAL TIME on Friday May I979 Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding this tender please call Mr Mclsaac al the above address Telephone No 75 3257403 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Al7 Ministry of Government Services set of FRESHLY MINCED REGULAR GROUND BEEF 70 LEAN SAVE EXTRA 70 LB CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF 129 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF CHUCKS BLADE OUT £5553 CHUCK SHOlIDT RIB FORK 99f RIBS IDEAL FOR MEAT LOAF OR BURGERS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF FRESHLY CHUCKS GROUND BUY ONTARIO BUY QUALITY PORK RIBLETS SAVEvEXTRA 54 LB LB 59 88 SAVES YOU MORE TENDER TASTY SLICED PORK LIVER 49f SAVE EXTRA 30 LB CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF CHUCKS CROSS RIB STEAK or ROAST SAVE EXTRA 50 La SWEET AND SOUR STYLE 129 593 TOMATOES 99f FAMILY PACK TRAY 91 Mits SMITH 26 oz FROZEN FIRM SLICING CHERRY SAVE EXTRA 40 LB MRS COOP 24 OZ PKG FISH CHIPS MRS SMITH 26 OZ FROZEN BLUEBERRY BONELESS LEAN STEWING BEEF 168 SAVE EXTRA 30 LB LB MEAT BEEF PORK CHICKEN PRODUCT SAVE EXTRA 50 ll SAVE EXTRA 40 SAVE EXTRA 60 LB FRESHLY MINCED MEDIUM GROUND BEEF SOUP BONES SAVE EXTRA 60 LB BEEF caucx Ktf3 HOMELESS mm PIES His REG lb AND 168 5332423315 159 L69 SAVE EXTRA 50 LB SAVE EXTRA 40 SAVE EXTRA 40 99 SWIFTS CANADIAN EMPIRE Wm Row PACK CANADA FANCY sucm Egg 01 HOT DOG CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE on SIDE LB PKG manic McINTOSH BREAD SUPER FRESH MIX EM MATCH EM BACON SAVE EXTRA 40 LB TOTAL LIMIT PER FAMILY LB BAG 25f BUNS TOTAL LIMIT PER FAMILY APPLES SAVE EXTRA 40 CANADA PACKERS OUALITT $10 PACKED BUY ONTARIO BUY OUALIT 8m mm ONTARIO NO SMALL CANADA GRADE FRESH CHICKEN BREASTS GRADE SMALL LINK atoms 9f 15593 Still I3 LB SIZE SAVE EXTRA 40 LB 99 PAK LIMIT BIRD LIMIT BAG LIMIT SAVE 60 PER BAG LANTIC REG SI05 EA TOPS 25 OZ TIN CH GRANULATED WHITE 35312 AV AR om $3333 LITRE SUGAR DOG LIVERS TOMATOES map ICE CREAM FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES LARGE SIZE LB BAG II9 MIX EM OR 69 EA SAVE EXTRA 59 CORONATION 32 OZ JAR DILL PICKLES 69 SAVE EXTRA 60 PER JAR JAR LIMIT 79 PER 500 ORDER TOTAL PAK LIMIT MOTHER PARKER I0 01 JAR INSTANT COFFEE 399 JAR LIMIT 393 SAVE EXTRA 30 LB 59 SAVE EXTRA 10 SAVE EXTRA 36 EA PAK LIMIT 138 SAVE EXTRA 50 399 SAVE EXTRA 30 WOODBURY HAIR SHAMPOO REG L69 sum 99 SAVE EXTRA II0 BORDENS 22 OZ JAR COFFEE CREAMER CREMELLE 58 SAVE EXTRA 70 LIBBYS FANCY 48 OZ TOMATO JUICE 591 SAVE EXTRA 34 STIR0 9HPOUSEHOID HOSTESS sunseumv oz SMEDlEYS no VALLEY FROZEN 2LBPKG r3332 GREENUJUD MOTHER PARKER MACARONI SMALL FANCY WHOLE Julio DETERGENT aciiisi RADISFIES CAKE MIX TEA BAGS DINNERS CARROTS RIES 79¢ 59 99¢ MM 99¢ 29¢ 399¢ SAVE EXTRA 50 SAVELIEFAITTR PKG lIMIT SAVE EXTRA 32 SAVE EXTRA 73 $52333 MARLBORO KITCHEN JOHNSONS CADBURY GARDEN BATlllllIOM SEEDS POTATOES siiiiih siiii éiiii TISSUES °° STAIN REMOVER BAGS CANDY EX9TREEU PKG S3AVEXTfA13 SAVE EXTRA 20 PRICES SAVE EXTRA 50 SAVE EXTRA 39 BAR LIMIT PLUS 100 OF FEATURE ITEMS SHOP AT THE HOME 100 GUARANTEE 0N EVERY ITEM SOLD PLUS 100s 0F FEATURE ITEMS SPECIAL EFFECTIVE APRIL 18 24th INCLUSIVE SUPER DISCOUNT FOOD MARTS We reserve the right to limit to average family needs ITON 4355188 STORE HOURS ALLISTONVICTORIA ST MON TUES WED SAT pm6 pm THURS FRIDAY am9 pm ANGUS CORNER COUNTY ROAD IO AND HWY 90 DAILY pm9 pm THURS FRIDAY pmIO pm SUNDAY HOLIDAYS pm7 pm BARRIE 41 ESSA RD DAILY9om6pm THURS 8FRI9am9pm BARRIE 7266831 WELCOME TO ABM FOOD STORES ONE OF CANADAS FINEST INDEPENDENT FOOD MARKETS WITH EVERY DAY LOW PRICE SAVINGS

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