Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Apr 1979, p. 4

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Monday April 1979 NEWSROOM 726lt6537 CIRCULATION 7766539 the eXaminer serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited to Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Broce Rowland ADVERTISING 7266537 rpublisher CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 BUSINESS 7266537 The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau at Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or A990 France Presse and local news stories published in The xaminer NEWSROOM ADVERTISING susiNEss comeosmc ROOM Pubnshw any new Craig ison manaqlno editor Len Sevick manager Marian Gough accountant 10C em °°8 Sunday and ion Mulgrew city editor SALES Delva Mills 90 Kwa °9a statutory holidays Bill McFarlane wire editor my call Mc Parland 00 Saundm WEEKLY by um Dave Fuller sports editor Peggy Kavanaoh Vikki Grant 533332 90 can Claudia Krause Lifester editor 33ggflr an wmv VEARLYI by com REFQRTERS tSteve Skinner Bill Hollies manager giggling Mitt He when menu 30 5°U° SteveWhlte assistant manager Dennis Lanthler Vanie ame 30 Nancy Fiaueroa CLASSIFIED Am WNW Susan Kitchen SMCOE COUNTY St Montreal Lo Cohen Ruth Blals supervisor fiflvlffllame Ron Glider 00 Richard Thomas Freda Shim Barbara Strigi Elaine Porter MOTOR THROWOFF Stephen Gauer entertainment PEOOV Chalk Cheryl km pR ROOM Gary Forbes DOM OMEWOOG Do Near oreman sown yea 39 Am °P¢°° M°° Fred Prince asst foreman ELSEWHERE tN CANADA Dave Burcsikphotoarapher HM anchard ooawa Brian Marr The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 703815 register bl National advertising offices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 i7l0 640 Calhcart The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages am me out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space ac lualiv occupied by that portion ol the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or other wiserand there shall be no liability tor non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Barrie comes alive to the sound of music lur hats are off to the people who run the Spring Music Festival Ihere are over 2500 entries in the festival which is licld Tuesday through Saturday tit Barrie cntrzil tollcgizitc That number of entries make it thc largest music fcstivzil in Simcoe Countyand its only in its fifth year The festival is arranged through the Simcoc ounty Board of Education and more than 30 area schools will bc conr peting The Barrie festival is uniquc because it is noncomjxititivc There is no marking and no prizes In other words its music for the pure joy of music At the some time the singcis and choirs obviously ltlllli from listening to one another In addition adjudicators providc positive criticism The public is invited to nttcnd this wccks festival and listen to Barrie conic alive to thc sound of music Competitive music festival needed Is there need in Barrie for it compctitivc music fcstivul Young musicians singcrs and choir groups from Barrio huvc shown outstanding tzilcnt inc has only to think of thc liurric intrzil ollcginti linnd und llzistvicw thoir to prove the point th thcsc groups and others cannot compctc iilillttlllltl in liziiric They regularly trnvcl to thc Kiwanis fcstivnls in iilliu or Ti ll nti Justus regularly thcy win in thcir comixtition rlnss Why not hcurzind sci thcm tllllllttifilltlllt lltlt in liurric lhcrc is more than cnough musicnl talent in liniric to ltll upn musical competition The competition could lit zirriingiil so its not to conflict with cxisting competitions The facilities zirc lictc The musicians are hcrc All we are lacking it sicms is lllt festival itself Dear Sir In response to letter in The Ex aminer April wherein the writer declared that Mr Trudeau must be maintained as Canadas Prime Minister to prevent Mr Levesque from separating Quebec from Canada It is this writers firm opinion that the only real differences between Queen Park By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO supcrficizil Iich Treasurer Frank Millers first budch is just rehash of those produced by his predecessor Darcy McKeough There is the same emphasis on rcstrnint the same commitment to nonsocialist economic system It should be noted though that when yourc writing budget based on the promisi government is doing too much already its hard to make splashy changes Thats problem any treasurer who believes in restraint faces But even within that limiting contcxt thcrc is an essential diffcrcncc in thc Millcr and McKeough budgets which comcs through more in their total approzichis than any specific details Millers has certain imaginativcncss that McKeough budgets lacked BIG TORY Not that the changc is carthshnttcring by we want your opinion Something on your mind Send letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but if you with pen name will be used Include yodr telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send your to letters to the Editor The lumbar Post Office 370 WIIE Out MM 41 letters to the editor Monsieur Trudeau and Monsieur Levesque arc Monsieur chcsquc is more forthright than Monsicur Trudeau and Monsieur Trudeau IlOilmS for Qucbcc it graindcr drczim than docs Monsicur chcsquc Yours vcry truly Doug ltcid Stroud Miller McKeough budgets differ any mcans In many ways it is more matter of stylc and personality Darcys tcndcncy ti rigidity vcrsus Franks flixiibihly For all that both cumi from small towns McKcough i3hiilhimi ipproilchcd budgils like Bay Strcct capitalist rwhich may or may not be why hes now dircctor of cor porzitions But Millcr illrnccliridgii still acts and talks small town McKeough wouldnt turn it hair at Mittcrs basic philosophic position of coursc nor would anybody committed to in high standard of living and frcc cconomic choicc liclicvc thc future succcss of our sixiity is dcpcndcnt upon the IniIInllI£Illl of vcry strong commitincnt to two cntcrprisc Millcr said Second bclicvc thi bcdrock strength of frcc cnlirprisc lics Ill privnlc tqlllly invest mcnt SMALL HISINIISS So hes writtcn in budch that favors small enterprise and those zinzidiuns willing to gamblc their czish on futurc rcturns in sonic profitable business McKeoughs only cxpcriincnt ulong lliiil line the Vcnturc Invcstmcnt idczi was so rcstrictivc it prova total failure Millcr is mUch niorc willing to gmnhlc as perhaps befits succcssful Muskokn rcsort operator He wants the avcrngc citizen to risk his or her capital in small vcnturcs and is willing to manipulutc thc tax system to producc that result TIIER SAY IIis Small Business Development Corjxmi tions iSliIfi is thus an iittcmpt to involve Mr or Ms Avcrzigc in thc risk capital systcm And thats the difforcncc in thc thrust of tho Miller and McKeough budgets all thc tinker ing With minor taxes asidc And it shouldnt bc forgotten that small business is laborintensive the best source of new jobs thcrc is in Ontario One can bet money that if the SBDCs dont work and Miller himself is not sure they will hcll try some other approach to boosting small business as long as hes provincial IlCilSlIltl Your business Ily INtliNllZtitx Ilusincss and iinsumir Affairs niilyst Thomson News Scrvicc ls nnzidzis mining industry txing taxid to dczith lly ALEX MNIllll$ Suncoc ounty hits it vcry spccific mzikcup it milkt up which cannot lw found zlnywhcrc clsc inidzi iiur rizitor has givcn us htcrnl pziriidisc fl pillilfIISt which abounds in all thc goixl things of lifc piirndisi which providcs thc plciisiiic of hclilthy mix of wintir and summer activitics thcy ilrc thirc for us to usc llltl cnjoy It is our own loss if wc ubusc thcin illlfI do not cnrich our livcs through ii pcrsoniil XlXIItlltt with llilltlltS creations Why look for so illllfl wiird tllfl wondcrful ways to gct rid of your friistrntions and III hibitions do it thc natural way thi Mothcr Nnturcwiiy iivc your mind to thcsc iizitiirnl IIIlIitliilIiilt ind you will tXpllltlitt cuphorizi which will tIlitIl it utopm utopia custom inndc ispcciiilly for you ii state of mind which will crcilli hciilthy Illltllll hunizin bcing All your iodgivcn scnsc will tllilt fllli ind iiwukcn your wholc systcin try liluvcns sutisiitiitc for smoking pot Whirc clsi can you find Ktlllplliftll Kclr ly that clusivc crcnturi which IlIIIflliIlS our lly SIIAN FINLAY if Ihc ttiiwii Iiurcziu Thomson News Service TIAWA lhi surprisingly smut officc on Socialist flow on thc sixth floor of Iurliii mcnts cntrc Block is griulunlly bcing cliurid out Ihc small lltill mnn movcs hcnvy carton of books from in front of thc ltflllttl covcrcd chair in thc Will 11 of thc office formal portrait of IS Woixlsworth is on thc Wfill bchind him dominating lhc othcr frzimcd photos inciticnlois of on Ullpfllitllll cd liimiifiiin politiczil Iifc TT lIoinmyi Douglas dixsnt look 74 IIc is still Innudinn socinlisins sunny optimist most mcn it this stngc of ii lifc liki his could be expected to bc weary Not Douglas Asked about ncwspupcrs description of him as in cldci statcsmzm he laughs thn mini is dczid or no longcr 1m irri tunt thcn hc bccomcs on cldcr stiitcsinsin FIRST ELIXTIUN Ittltit Ilic hcud cocks back in that familiar way and thc grin as wcllknown to thc Dcprcs sionstruck Suskntchcwzm farmer of the Dirty Thirties as todays urban sophisticutc starts Douglas isnt running in thc fcdcrul ctcc tion May 22 thc first timc sincc chburn Saskatchewan in 1934 hc hasnt run for clcc tion IIc intends to continuc being an irritant through thc Iouglasfoldwcll Institute the gift from the New Democratic Party to Douglas when he retired as leader in 197i They wanted to buy me car he says said wouldnt accept it Douglas plans to spend half week working with the institute modelled on Great tiri tains Fabian Society the gadfly to the Labour Party says Douglas He wants to raise funds for the Institute so it can set up ii fund for eight to it post graduate scholarships to bring in outside Take note Simcoe County the good life For years its ltilfltlS h£l bccn claiming thiit it is but thats it claim that nearly all business ixccutivcs lill fond of making Now liowcvcr dctzlilcil unillysis by two highly qualified uciidcmics hns lcnt strong support to thc vicw that cxccssivc tzixcs tiny NIINIISINH SWAMP thrc clsc can you find it Mincsmg Swamp ii Wildcrncss SlIIIIJliI0l by modcrn day dcvclopmcnl Thc swamp is it sort of con triidiction to our way of life in its ability to rcsist chnngc and hung on to its uniquc cliiiructcr Who knows what ghosts lay buricd in its biiwcls thrc clsc will you find it hristian Island with its unspoich beauty its jibwny Indian ltcscrvc whcrc thc pcoplc contribute to our socicty yet are iblc to maintain thcir iuitivc culturc zind idcntity thrc clsc iili you find tity grccnhousc with its tropical tlllllillt and cxotic vcgcln tion pairndisc to chusc iiwziy thosc wintcr blnhs such visual bciiuty with smclls so friigriint thrc clsc cim you find an iiliCltlll Iroquois illngc ycl to bc uncurthcd and rcvciil its arr tifncts itiill taboos Ihcrc are but it fcw of thc nziturzil phcnoncniic to be found in Simcoc ounty Just stop and liikt look around you it is amazing what you will find Yes whirc clsc but in Simcoc ounty Sean Finlay TC Douglas calls it day sixzikcrs hnvc sciniiuirs prixtucc onc or two hooklcis ycnr ptlllilpS hpr somconc with bright idcn to writc ii bixik Wc wont to ask thc party lo you know Wlltlt youre going wc want to misc iwkwnrd qucstions by lluilIlilll for thc party IllMUIt IN IUlrllltS Ihc othcr hqu of liouglus rctircmcnt work wccks Will be spcnt touching and writing wont to writc ii potboilcr on humor in nniidmn politics hc siiys quickly dismiss ing plans to writc his mcmoirs with thc sim pli stntcmcnt that is what hc plains to do nnzidmn politics is unncccssurily dull and boring suys thc main whose own Xilllltill wit is givcn two columns in olum ms nnadiiin Quotations thn first conic to thc Ilousc of om mons Oct 14 1935 oldcr mcmbcrs said should curb my tcndcncy to bc flippaint that thc imudiun pcoplc cxixct scrious sombrc politicians have to be mysclf hc rcmcmbcis tctl ing thcm wont try to be somconc clsc iinndizin politics is strident abrasivc wcrc always scolding eiich othcr he says You can hfin diffcrcncc with iinothcr man and express it in much more sophisticated manncr with in tough of wit Douglus wit is pointed but not sharp wit used not to wound but to dcmonstrutc inc thing was determincd to do whcn got into politics was never to allow political differences to interfere with pcrsonnl fricnd ships he says have friends in the two major parties he says mentioning former Liberal everything Paul Martin now high commis sioner to Great Britain Prince Edward Island Tory David MacDonald Northern tario Liberal MP Dr Maurice Foster former Tory MP Gordon Fairweather now chairman of the Canadian Human RightSCommission Excessive taxes could kill our lucrative mining industry might be killing off parts of the industry The effects arc to inhibit Ilillltliil invcst mcnt and to rcducc thc realization of thc potential nct benefit to society through thc crcation of new wealth say firian Mackenzie and Micth Bilodcuu Dr Mackcnzic 40 tcachcs gcological sctcnccs at Quccns University Kingston Ir Bilodcau 31 iczichcs mining and mctallurgical cnginccring at McGill tnivcr sity Montreal They conclude that mining tzixzition policy is very blunt instrument in their rcport cntitlcd IJffccts Taxation in Base Mctal Mining In Canada just publishcd by the cir trc For Itcsourcc Studies at Quccns Basc mctals as dcfincd by thc authors in cludc copper zinc ltiid and molybdcnum Thcy account for nearly llitlf of iinzidns crudc nonfucl mincriils production MAKING DECISIONS Mining exploration can bc ltStllINtI in tcrms of scrics of decisions At each stage beforc committing funds thc dccisionmukcr ilU£iItS thc potcntial rcturns in relation to the costs and risks and in llfIIIOI1 to his perceptions about thc minirat cndowmcnt and thc markct op ixirtumtics say ihc authors dccision to procccd with thc ncxt stugc Will only occur if thc projcctcd rcturns oiitwcigh thc projcctcd costs and risks Politicians and burcziucrats sccm to hc III scnsitivc to such basic principlcs of Honomics cvcn though an cqtiitublc taxation systcm is in thc bcst longtcrm intcrcsts of govcrnmcnt and socicty as wcll as of thc min ing industry nly in this way will iidcquatc invcstmcnt for longtcrm mincriil supply bc forthcoin ing say Mzickcnzic rind liilodcuu Thc hopc for rcsolving thc prcscnl dcbutc tics in this common inlcrcst But thc complcx and unccrtznn division of responsibility cxistmg in imndii mzikcs it difficult to apply thc conccpt of iin cquilablc taxation systcm You can attack it man for his idczis he says Itut you cant attack him as it pcrson If you believe in dcinocracy then you must bclicvc othcrs cam likc diffcrcnt idczis and concepts Ihc fact claim the right to certain ideas means you have thc silmc right Douglas comes zilivc with cxcitcmcnt and cnthusiiism iis he talks zitxiuf socialism and Saskatchewan Thc socialist movement has bccn sort of yeast in the dough hc says The prcachcr Douglas he was ordained Baptist minister in 1930 shows when he talks of thc lriiiric socialist movcmcnt that bcczimc first thc oopcrativc om monwculth Fixicriition foundcd in 1932 with IS Woodsworth as ltiidtll and thcn in I961 thc NDP New Dcmocriitic Party with TC Douglas as thc first lender Wc werc imbucd with the idea of the Kingdom of lod rcaching out into all facets of lifc with rcligion on weekdays not just Sun diiy permeating thc social and economic ordcr Socialism has changed says Douglas since its early days Were no longer just group of protesters people with halszikcd ideas At first he recalls socialists wcrc watched by the police Were kosher now he says grinning again We have the mayor of Ottawa Marion Dewarl and thc govcrnorgcncriil Ed Schrcycr fonncr NDI prcmicr of Manitoba How much more respectablc can you got Partnership says Douglas is the only tiopc for the building of the society we want think the hope for the future is method of working together for the common good says Douglas explaining why he thinks strikes have outlivcd thcir usefulness The warld today Will econom doom Rhodesia By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Declining economic fortunes rather than acceptance of multiracial rule and continu ing success in antiguerrilla warfare might tell us how long Rhodesia is really going to last But its tricky indicator Since that coun trys selfproclaimed nationhood via UDI UniLateral Declaration of Independence in 1965 its many African and overseas critics have prophesied economic collapse This would come about they said through the results of the almost universal world blockade against Rhodesian exports especially the vitallyneeded chrome and highquality African tobaccos But the wily Rhodesians led by Ian Smith the wilicst of them all have bypassed the blockade through front operations abroad tourist offices serving as trading outlets laundering bills of fading in ships from sym pathetic nations dodging early bills of Iading in ships from sympathetic nations dodging early Royal Navy patrols off the coast of East Africa in the late t960s Plentyf Rhodesian tobacco and the ever vital chmmc have been sold in world markets Rhodesia has always managed to sccurc imports of car parts and certain kinds of weapons Shortages have grown but Rhodesians especially those older ones who remember making do in World War Two in Britain have cut back their consumer demands to meet the crisis DEEPER RAt KS NOW But there are growing cracks in the system accentuated by the pressures of the guerrilla war and thc emigration of managers and business owners who had helped to keep the economy above $2 billion annual Gross Na tional Product The newest class of conscripts for the Rhodesian armed forces are the over50 year olds some of them the cream of the Rhode sian crop of scnior executives and Ian downcrs The pressures of thc guerrilla war in spite of the constant success in antiguerrilla sweeps by tho armed forces is resulting in in creasing abzindonmcnt of border farm areas lhc devastating work of the tsetse fly in northwcstcrn parts of the country controlled by pcsticidcs and planned open spaces in the junglc is rcturning as itllZtS of jungle are abandoned by farmers vcrscns there is new toughening up by countrics which had winked at successful Ithodcsian infringcmcnts of the United Na tions inspired world blockadc Lust Dcccmbcr the Dutch took control of about $25 million of chrome allocated to an Austrian alloy smcltcr And the large Tourist Burcuu oixuatcd in Paris has been closed as front operation for blacklisted ex ports Rhodesia is suffering in turn from the cut off in oil exports to South Africa by the rcvoluttoiuiry Iranian government though it is unlikcly thc Inttcr nation with major oil stixkpilcs illltill will abandon the Rhode Stilllb Nonc of thcsc cncrcxiching situations can be controlch by thc ncw multiracinl parlia mcnt which whitc votcrs approved by better tluinlio pcr ccnt lust Jail 30 ANOTHER ANUOIA Ithodcsiii thcrcforc could head for the same economic shambles which faced the new black rcgimcs in oncc Portuguesecontrolled Angola and Mommbiquc when the guerrilla wars thcrc rcsiiltcd in victory for the revolu lIOIiiiiltS Ihcrc is it growing awareness among labor lenders and employers about industrial democracy says Douglas of the type pionccrcd in the Scandinavian countries and in Wcst icrmziny with joint management and profit sharing The rightwing ircnd in North America is still quitc pronouncixt says Douglas who disputcs thc argumcnt that Proposition 13 and othcr moves to cut government spending arc grassrixits movcmcnts Its on upjxmniddlc class revolt at having to shzirc the burdens of society with their fellow CitizciLs Thc socialistpreacher quotes Pauls urging to the strong to hpr those who are weak Using skills just to increase material wciilth zit thc cxpcnsc of othch is betrayal oftrust siyslouglzis Sixiulisms sunny optimist is still op timistic Im more optimistic now than ever was hc says Many of the things hoped for and IIllttl huvc cotnc to pass Theres bccn II lot of progress in the past 40 years he says pointing out that when he first camc to Ottawa there was no family allowance unemployment insurance no govcrnmcntsct price for grain no Canada Pension Plan or indexed pension plan say to every group of young people meet that there isnt any country in the world with better opportunity than Canada in terms of building good life and in terms of national prosperity Canada can if it wants have one of the highest standards of living and more im portantly the highest quality of life in the world The only hint of weariness the only sign that this is 74 year old man talking comes as he speaks of his optimism If there was any way to live another 20 years he says with wistful cheerfulness would be happy to stay and enjoy it

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