The Examiner is member ot The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau of Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in the Examiner BUSINESS Marian Gouah accountant Delva Milli Gail McFarland VikkiGrnnt Kattiic Mitchell CIRCULATION Bill llaikes manager NEWSROOM Craig Elson managing editor tan Muiarew city editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Claudia Krause Lllestyle editor RE POR TE RS Carl De Gurse ADVE It ISING Len Sevtcli manauor SALES teert Stevens Peony avanaoh Wayne Hay iAden Smith Slevc Skinner COMPOSliG ROOM Jack Kerriey iorcman Glenn Kwah asst toreman Don Saunders Lorne Wass Wilt Cadogan Stan Wray Bill Raynor Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WE EKLY by carrier 90cents YEARLY by carrier $4680 the eXaminer The Examiner claims copyright on aboriginal news and advertising material created by its employees and published in this newspaper mmy Apflnq 1979 serving barrie and simcoe county Copyright registration number 703fll5 redisier Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 72824 Closed meetings hurt commission spokesman for the Barrie Board of Police tommissioncis says police commission meetings in this city arc closcd to thc public The Examiner was told that aftcr it tried unsucccssfully to attend commission meeting earlier this wcck They the commission always dccidcd to close them Were not trying to hidc anything thc spokcsman said No one is suggesting that But why then arcnt the meetings open The commissions closed door policy puts it in an an fortunate light We believe the public should bc ablc to attend thcsc matings whcncvcr it wants Indeed as the people who pay for the police why shouldnt the public be allowed to sit in on thcsc scssions The police too suffcr from tlic closed door policy Wc think the police do tlicil best to kccp the public informcd oi thcir workings Why then docs the commission whose job it is to monitor the police takc diffcrcnt attitndc We wonder why Barrie is any diffcrcnt from ninc otlci in tario citics survcycd last wuck by The llxamincr In each case police commission mcctings in tliosc cit ics an open Yet Barrie is closed Why The last woid goes tojudgc lliomasiraham Ontario policc commission chairman Quoting trom thc lolicc Act jndgc Graham read that thcsc illttllilgS shall lx opcn utilcss othcr wise directed by the board The Barrie Commission should changc its policy for llit good of thc commis ion the polici and tho ililllll at large Easter renewal BUSINESS 7266537 Stephen Nicholis Dennis Lanthier Nancy ioueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Stephen Gauer entertainment Gary Forbes Betty Armer camera operator Dave Burcsik photographer iBarb Boulton CLASSIFIE Freda Shliiner Peggy Chapiill Dana Horniwrinit Janim Morton Ruth Blots suporvtsor Ftt Allenby Janie Hamel Susan Kitchen Ron Hitter Barbara Striui PRESSROOM Steve White assistant manager Andy ltauuhton Alva Latlanle iso Wnrry Iaini Porter CllttVl Aiken Don Ncar lorcmari red lrintc asst IUCIVIrln Harris Blanchard Brian Marr ï¬dhlao BY MAIL Barrie $4680 SIMCOE COUNTY $3900 MOTOR THROW OFF SALSOBVear ELSEWHERE lN CANADA SALOOaYear St Montreal National advertising OIIICCS 65 Queen st Toronto 6364 Wm 40 Cathcarl the advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages aris inq out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ac lually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error curred whether such error IS due to the negligence ot its servants or other Wise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion oi any advertisement beyond lll amount paid for such advertisement Job prospects to brighten For all seasons Squéakhy we play on By TRAYNOR MFARLANE How about tennis Our Oldest said mak ing mock passes with iis racquet through the livingroom air Sure Why not we said airily springing up from our chair with sprightly step and coughing loudly to hide the stacatto cracks of our middleaged joints lie was all of 26 and the joints of his long lean legs operated smoothly tile was home from college for the weekend and we just knew hcs ask us to play tennis Just know it Why couldnt he have asked one of his pals anyway Our ego wouldnt permit us to demur so we groancd our way to the closet to get our cobwebladen old racquet We grabbed it and squeakily leaped into the air couple of times swinging our racquct professionally OK lets go ALWA Y5 BETTER Another thing that bugged us was that he always beat us at the gamc lie was faster and much more agile and never gave us one handicapped inch tlrobably getting his own back for all the years we had lorded it over him while he was growing up tnfortunzitcly we soon reached the tennis courts and found ourscif hoping maybe the gate would be lockcd and we couldnt get in PM ur iidcst brcczcd through the open gate and ran ovcr to take his position We decided to jump over thc not just as the pros do and tiic move would ict him sec we werent that old Naturally our foot caught in the third row of mesh from the top and we kaboinged over thc not and landed on our two hands Damncd net too high we said hotly dusting oursclfoff with skinned palms I199 but YOUF licjust grinned and we started thc game Easter is joyous tinic tor many rcasons it was fiasco from the start It is time of rcncwal of hopc and ncw bcgiiinings US 955 Easter Sunday or Palm Sunday is day of griat rejoicing for Christians The nch that hrist is riscn will risound tomorrow in services around lllt world Orthodox hristians cclcbrati liastir on April 13 following the Jewish lunar calendar With the celebration falling this year in niidApril lIzistii ll ltlll Eli llusiniss and onsiimir Affairs niilyst iltlillL iiso biings Hood of now llllitillS Inlo thi work toric as young piopli pnt llltii sitidiis lKllllifl tliiin and look for llltll lllSl says new industrial survey know what any Slltlllt job may hold llic jwrsonncl iiitiivicwcr or othci potintiai iniployir cant makc proimscs but VIII SWINGS in the first place anyone watching would have thought thc oldcr of the two players was playing golf so wild were the swings and the liilSSlS Wc just couldnt coordinate our swing with thc downward Lpull 0f the cursed ball and invariably swung too early or too late ft liioiiisoii NewsSiiiici ioii should llt able to say sonictinng nscfui about chickcd the ball over the net 15 In Spunk It IL lhc lltl tinm liliililli ti in iipiiii ii iii oi miii ycars igo lllllltl tlii luturc oi thijiib such as whcthcr tliiri lic scrvcd first and we trotted alter the EllIver 1511 19 fm family lsilthm 111 WI llll cnipioymint outlook lllti iiiidi itriiluiti lit Ililtt iliscipiiiiis at isa icciignicdpathoi promotionornot speeding spherc zit top speed tpcrcheron be together once aga Easter is also spccial lllilt for childrin ihw traditional Easter egg search is magic for children and adults alikc The lore and legend of thc Eastir cgg is worth notini Ancient Egyptians and lcrsians lltlllttl tiii world liijtItll as an enormous egg Eggs were also thc traditional gifts of thc iiiiicnt firmits and hincsc during spring festivals in cclciirat ion of ilit lii life around them Thus Easter is truly ccicbration of litia Happy Easter ittliltlllil toi iiiw Stilt lllltliiiijiiitit it ill major inditsiry scitots tit citiiw liliiil coast illillttl substantial lllil Misc in llit Illllillti oi niw jobs lltliil criatid is toricod it iiiiini oki prisidivnt oi iziiipowcr liiiipoiii Siry ncs which ciiiiiltictml lit lll To sonii tltll llll pick up iii iiiipioyiiiinl is it normal IiiStlllill flltllllilll tlllllllL llll siionil quariir of tin yiuii llii up coiiiiiii quarter historically shows iniprouiniiii and il rcmains to bc Sttli wlicthii lllt litlill will continuc liitir this your toki wii lllll At the sanic llllit llilltt bi nond that tlii mining ttliil in cstcin tiiiiiii Ili iliititis an lllllliitllitlll illltiliti tliin pictid No company surxiycil ill that lit iliistry anticipiitcil tlii lltttl to iiiy oii lll ploycis during tiii April iunc pii iod iitl lLiil it wiili lltlllt oi illl iii pit to That iii chompd now llill lllt iiitllllltlliili liiii iiooil llll loll likily in be kicii liii llltlt much to lic Sillll tor gaining ixpiriinci in almost any kind oi job cmploy liitill niiliiis should kmp tlicir iyix upon and The world today ll litl ll ll RIIRON iinsiilir yliiilici lllt ixpcricncc to bc giiincd on tho job will bciiimc zin issit that could ltLIII to promotion iii tlii samc dipiirtnicnt or iiiotliir ill thc sami company or ii subsidiary or wiiithir it will quality you tor iiiitii iiib itli iiltilllti firm Peace treaty splits Arabs tliriiit oi invasion from Libya Egypts spccd that isi in no timc we had an unhealthy sweat going and our checks wcrc sorc from puffing After 13 minutes we thrcw in the towel it was soak ing wct Had cnough we asked him bent over hands on kllttS breathing No just laughed and askcd if we were all right Sure we answcrcd manfnily just lit ticwmdcd thats all licd won of course illIll covered most of the damage to our crazed muscles That night like sonic skulking espionage agcnt tossed our racquct as far out into thc ncighborhixxi ravine as possible and limpcd home in oni major mining Iiiililiiiiii Sud ioicigii iiiiirsAnzinst radical and visciially anti isracli wistirn bur llil prospect 1S tor mi llttltitt il liiiiiiison iwsScriici ncigiibor is now unlikily it piHint llllllliliiyvitltlll tlllillilllitttihlinlp Human rmmmm Human pnwdmn Qumhnis mm Wing lliiic iiiiiiiilis ill ci onoiti ill ll tllIltlllllltl by both Eg it and lSlittl lllll liltiiltllltlllSlV bciitcn ill for off kinda by tlic From 79 lltil has born alicitiil by lllt vt innioiitii llltil littttt triiiy signingI lltt iiigun siiruffv but dctcrmincd arniv ot lbanzanizi and striki il liico Alitats liil tiii inaioi cm pri Passovcr bomb attack iii lcl Avivs igiindan tXlltS and have botn ordircd liomc leglslafure ploycr vulniribli iintiul tltillktl by litl tirrorists in ltliiéll By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Nothing bcttcr illustrates lllt age we live in than Treasurer Frank Miilcrs first provincial budget it is document remarkably dcvoid oi social content or the giveaway programs that used to fill the budgets of the 1960s and early 19708 There are no goodies in it instead the thrust is on aiding an cconomy still pulling itself out of recession with the emphasis on trouble areas like mining or potentially expansive sectors like small business The path to greater economic prospcrity is clear Only by stimulating the private sector can we create lasting jobs and growing incomes in Miller budget Iinkcring with tho iconomic inginc is okay but major changi or overhaul would likely provccounicrrproductivi hc sumtd to indicati And baning sonic additional support services for thc iidirly and handicappcd Micro is no funding for now social programs Wijust cant afford them As row ilic average pcrson iloisnt bcncfit much from lIlI biiilgit iaxcs on cigaritiis liquor biir and sonic domestic WilltS go up but tlicn thcy always do at budgit tune The increases arc reasonable and still leave us with sonic of tin chiapes boozc in Canada Health insurance premiums risc fivi per cent again not unrcasonabii considering thi skyrocketing costs of licaith insurance ARIE TV little tougher to swallow is thc twoccnt Itilitlitist job prospicts itil in St lolni Nlltl wlicii it hit ill ttlll llilllitSt ill nit hiring illlliilllttltll and iiiunitii iiy tint wliiri tlic lliIltSl ipiciid to iw tit pii cint MORE lllltli Of thi 94o conipgiiiiiw Sliltll Iltli pci cint said they ant itlllitlt lillttilll tliiir ttil itill staff by mid tti lillt only iint toricast riiluctions in contrast during liiinxiryAigircli pitiSpttlS lor ltilllllIS and lay oils wiii roughly in balaiicc it lilitl cini iiid it it pii tlll IIStilltl llic illlllSllltS Willi lltt most liillilSiillJ outlook for lll coming qtiiirtcr Zilt mining and OilSlilltlltlll which import to llltltilSl their igtniploynivnt by ii pir llll and i1lpci ccnt rcsjwciivcly lhc only sector to llllitttSl iiit lay oils is public cducaiton iiicii tiii iorccast is for iitl lttltilSi lli employment of ti pcr tlll That is rcliiction of thc cltorts oi iiillit lcvcls of govcrnmcni to restrain thcgrowtli of and thriats of placing liKlUlS in tlic miiiillc oi iirusalcm liltlltnlt lllt way tlic llAi plan to movi loi ilicin tlii piacc iritity will be riason for Illilllltlttl lilliii against ilic isruilis lliii cxtint to winch lllt Pi and tliiir supporters in tlic icst ilank and ihc Gaza Strip will illtllilSt local lirrorisi activitics iimains to bc scin lint those will probably not cscalzitc lllllil the first movcs llt iiiadc to ward autonomous govcrnmcnt The PM is ficrcily opposed to this not only lMtilliSl lllt still rciusc to acknowlcilgi lllt llliilt of lllt Siiiti iii lsrncl biil wish llltll own inspired solution for Wcst Rank sclf gov crnnicnt llic Egyptians are facing thriais of diffirint kind iioi so much donicstic tirroristn as mounting of risistanci in thc Arab world against lrcsidciii Sadat for slipping and signing with Israelis As lllt ll promised the israilis an in itilSt in thcir torror tactics within lsrail so tlic anti Sadat mimbcrs iii the Arab licagui priwious Libyan ptltlllilliitll into Egypt lil tlic carly lititis also resulted in dcfcat by thc Egyptians lusi ltilllSt tlic liliaiis havc North Africas bcstrtxpnppcd military docsni mcan tlic Libyans know how to fight lliillllrllillilï¬l Egyptians who have fought tlircc wars with lsracl since 1956 arc match for tlicm any time chcrthclcss on thc diplomatic front Ircsidcnt Sadat has ordcrcd lliS ambassadors home from host of disscnting Arab states ranging from iraq Libyas fcliow radical lricnd to thc Arab Emirates Libya itsclt Syria and the two chcns Not included in thc list lS thc all important Kingdom of SaudiAraliia on which Sadat and his rcgimc Will continue to rely for sub slantiai economic aid and funds in part to pay for the new Anicrican military cqiiipincnt llic Saudis arc outwardly opposcd to thc peatc trcaty as thcy must hc to keep in linc with fellow Arab states But inwardly boy are supportive of Sadat not wishing any morn serious idcologicai upscts ill the iIlll aim of meeting RyilENNSOMERVILLE KASlithilON itil industrial and developing LUilllltS arc initialling agrccmcnts in icncva to provide for major changes in international trading rules just as rising tidc of protectionism is sweeping much of the world The ironic timing for the conclusion of trade liberalization talks and some short comings cxpcctcd to show up in the agrwmcnts may diminish the impact of gcncraliy lowcr tariffs that arc to apply after next Jan ihc 99 CilllililtS in thcsc talks made some progress in breaking down trade barriers ihcrc likciy will be about littpcrcent reduction in traifis ovcrziil spread over period of eight years PROBLEMS REMAI But the various kinds of nontariff baniers such as discriminatory standards for ac for our Cillzen5 Miller said in his hlldgll bump ll gilSHlH Prlms and public spciiding as wcll as llllllllill siasiinzil lllUHHttl lymllsml WUIMHKHIHSI liiLVPI East likc lllt disastrous Iltlllittll political llillt Imdmls CUSIOmS Valuallon address companying rise in taxes on viation and lo kwwqmnmml pm up 015 by Amp swing at jam mmrumundi methods and government pitxurement And during press conference he bluntly comotivc incl all of which will push up Minings mqwm 4mm it aim to ciialcscc on any issuc itlltcliilll tlic wholc Assay pgsm policies arcnt failing so easily added that this egalitarian BS down nspmulmNS hand titl bc attributed in part to tiic illl iltthlilltsilltSplit So far no one has completely icrminatcd Tm indicated 51 WWk Who Japan work economically lhi ncw tclccoiniiiiinications tax will forcc pmwld 1ka uijmk rmumnu mm 5m umn wiilu mjamms Wm Hymn 150 in Nils no mum and thc linitcdStatcsbrokcoff talks aimed at BOOZE UP up cabli lV ratis FRANK MILLER his first budget Thats the bad news and the good news is of thc samc kind of minor naturi Succcssion dutics ari zibolishcd hut suici only ihrcc per cent of cstiitcs pay now it doesnt intan much and brings us into line with eight otliil liiovniccs With the risc in thc retail sales tax exemption to 49 lllS junk food like candy unfortunately gets price brciik REAI HELP But the guts of the budget llth clsiwhiri Mining which accounts for 20 pcr cent of Ontarios exports by dollar is lagging so it gcts new tax ratcs lhc vital tourism sector gets ii boost through several tax measures designed to help the hospitality ihotcis restaurants etc industry Laborintensive small business should attract additional invcstmini through the Small Business Development Corporations Miller wants iosct up And the Employment Development Fund will try and bribe big corporations like the government did with Ford to settle hert rather than elsewhere The messagc is cicar The budget is hard cold economics designed to stimulate an economy functioning adequately but not in to form individuals will benefit from the fa out rather than directly lttllllt in tho taiizidian dollar and thc iir ming of commodity pricis NEW IINIRANIS Although ilic prospects loi iil job crcaiioii irc turning briglitii with llic arrival oi spring iliircs anolliir side of llit picluri lo bcconsiilircil SCOOPS ult Maui at Mw MR FRESiDEllT WEVE JUST RECEIVED fills cum ll FROM illE lNTERilATIONAL MNKING COMMUNITY Til lhc Arab League itself has hciidquartcrs in airo which is after all capital of thc largest populaicd Arab country ithcr Arab nicmbcr states have so far inert and failed to at inovc its litiilijuartirs out oi Egypt and ibi suspcnd Egypt temporarily as llltllilill static of diffcrcnccs and growing illilllltlSllltS lxtwccn Egypt and her Arab ncighbors And so far much of it looks like classical fau saving gcsturcs so important in islamic socictics Wllllt iimitcd action rarily carried to allout mcasurcs arc supposed to spiuk louder than words opcning bidding on government contracts to foreign companics Japan wanted the right to bid on US govcrnmcnt contracts while prohibiting US companies from bidding on certain kcy contracts in Japan lradc liberalization talks started in 1973 under tlii sponsorship of the General Agree ment on Tariffs and Trade Originally they wcrc to he concluded in 1975 But they have draggtxl on through the worldwide Shock of quadrupling oil prices in 1973 subsequent scvcrc business recession and continuing slowdown in economic activity indications are that negotiators didnt reach agreement in number of areas such as trade in wheat and grain or on proposals for outlawing import quotas and voluntary export restraints This is term used to describe agreements whereby exporting countries limit deliveries of specific goods if asked to do so by an int porter BEHAVIOR ODES but there will bc cixics for acceptable behavior by goy crnnicnts in subsidizing exports as well as rules for dctcrniining customs duties and dciiiiing product stair lards ltohcrt Strauss US special ncgotiator for thc talks acknowledged earlier this month that at best the new rulcs might stabilize international trade relations