the Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau ot Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CP The Associated Press Routers or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner NEWSROOM Craig Elson managing editor tan Mulgrew city editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Claudia Krause Litestyle editor RE POR TE Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Terry Fields Stephen Gauer entertainment Gary Forbes Betty Armor camera operator Dave Burcsik photographer ADV TISING Len Sevick manager SA Bert Stevens Peggy Kavanagh Wayne Hay Aden Smith Steve Skinner Barb Boulton COMPOSING ROOM tnrk Kerncy toreman Gtinn Kwan asst tortman tmn inundcrs lornLWass BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Delva Mills Gail McFarland Vikki Grant Brenda Woods Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier Will Cnrlogan 90 cents Stan Wrtiy YEARLY by carrier Bill Raynor $4680 tdAIIinhy avMAIL8arrie Janie Hamct $46 80 Susan trhtn Ron Gilder SIMCOE COUNTY Barb17a xtriol $1900 lRESSROOM MOTOR THROW OFF Dun Niar toriman 50 year rcd Prtncc asst toreman ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Harris Blanchard SALOOG year Brian Marr the eXaminer serving barrie and simcoe county The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertSing material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Tur8dayAprll121979 ClRCULATlON Bill Hatkos manager Steve White assistant manager Andy Haughton Alva Laplanlc Lisa Warry Elaine Porter Cheryl Aiken Copyright registration number QOJBIS register National advertismo ottices 65 Queen St toronto 864 l7l0 640 Cathcarl St Montreal Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Boylield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher NEWSROOM ClICUlAflON ADVERTISING 7266537 7266539 7266537 CLASSIFIED Ruth Blais supervisor Freda Shinner choy Chapotl Dana Hotncwoort JanicoMot ton the advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages aris Ki out 0t errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space at Uï¬llY occupied by that portion ot the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the neglioonce ot its servants or other wise and there shall be no liability tor non insertion ot any advertisement mlood the amount paid tor such advertisement BUSINESS 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 Silly rooster silly season The silly season is here Theres rooster crowing in Barries ward and it wont stop Nearby residents want something done and city council is looking for an answer The problem is you cant legislate against rooster doing his thing The solution might be to move the noisy critter to less congested rcu But as everyone knows Barrie still doesnt have the extra land it wants pending annexation We wonder if thats reason enough to spur on some sort of agreement on annexation That way Barrics rooster would really htlYt something to crow about Drug report soon Its gratifying to see longawaited report on illegal drugs in county schools will soon be released The report prepared by the moral education committee board in May will be finished by the end of the month and prcscntcd to the In compiling the report all 13 county high schools hiiyc been asked for information The report should indicate the extent of the drug problem in Simcoe ounty along with recommendations on what can be done At the some time theres only so much report can do The schools can recognize the problem and continuc to en force rules against illegal drugs which they are doing But the ultimate responsibility rests with the parents themselves The report should help drive that point homc simcoe yesteryear Kempenfelt Bay and Barrie looked their summery best in this undated photograph obviously taken some years ago We cant be certain but it appears to be regatta weekend Dear Sir Reasonable people realize that the sexual activity of adults in their own privacy is no one elscs business But when these activities are made public through newspaper ads or sexual centres homosexual or otherwise they become public business Homosexuality is perversion sickness People who are sick need not be hated or abused But they need not be allowed to try encourag ing others to adopt their perversion publicly either The only type of centre suitable for these unfortunate sad people is clinic It might be set up near the hospital where the medical and psychiatric help they need is handy Bruce Arnold Social Credit Party candidate Wasaga Beach The following is taken from an open letter sent to Dennis Timbrell Ontario minister of health concern ing the Penetanguishene General Hospital Dear Mr Timbrell Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to visit our hospital and to ex lain to us your Ministrys latest udget method and for telling us how the Ministry of Health sees the health care needs of the people of Ontario If you had listened you would have heard us tell you that we do support your concerns over government spending and do believe that our hospitals should run effectively economically and provide the ser vices needed by their communities If you had listened you would have heard us tell you that we realize the letters to the editor Ministry does not intend to closc our hospital but one has only to project the present budget program to see how the hospital will surely be slow ly starved to death If you had listened you would have heard us tell you that we found it unacceptable that you discounted petition of over 11000 voters signatures with cursory glance If you had listened you would have heard us tell you that our Hospital has been at the heart of this com munity for many years It was built by the community for the communi ty We are unwilling to see the years of service dcdi ation caring and community support embodied in the hospital count for nothing and sec the hospitals excellent facilities and services gradually eroded to the point wherc they are no longer source of pride for the community If you had listcncd you would have heard us tell you just how proud we are of our unique cultural back ground and characteristics and to assure you that we are just as deter mined to preserve them Mr Timbrcll we thank you for visiting our hospital we were proud to show it to you We are also proud of our health care system in tario but fear that lack of true sensitivity to the needs of the people is setting in We feel that the future of our health care system in Ontario is far too important to be left to an impor sonal computer application with no community input Yours truly The Concerned Citizens of Penetanguishcnc who were asked to be present to meet with you at the Penetanguishene General Hospital on Monday March 26 1979 Parliament Hill By STEWART Mucl IIl ll ttnwu Bureau Thomson News Scryici If we can continue talking about lllttSt miscucs on lhc campaign trail subjch that was ltlSplltll by lrnnc Munstcr Irudczius rcbukc to grumbling furmcrs wc shouldnt oycrlook that 1050 tour ll St Johns Nfld by 1itirlcirson It was ruining cuts and dogs and lrcinnr Joscph Smullwood was truvclling through lllt city with tho Nobcl Primwinning Lilwml lcuilcr in Ill opcn ionycrtiblc Naturally Illt strccts wcrc cmpty Lcts gct thi top up it I1lllI1I lmran was rcporlcd to how Sititl chp waving Mikc was thc ollcgcd rcply lhcyll bc watching from bclund lhc curtains And it onc point lcutson wns wm mg rclcntlcssly 111 tbi dncclion of it grmcyiird Things llkt lIllS huppcn on olcctlon coin pziigns lilycn lhc bcsl laid plans go ilSllil In 1903 Social rcdil lllflillltIIS wcri confident thcy could fill an 000 scat auditorium in Hamilton int for lciidir Rob crt Thompson And £1Stlllllt knows you just dont allow it lcudcr to spcuk to loss thnnrcopncity IlOllSt But only 100 pcoplc lurncd out and to nuiko mullcrs worsc lhoinpson was quolcd IS saying llicsczirc lhc llllllllS 11litlS TOO MANY It was it liftcrcnl problcm lhzil ovirtook lczirson in that sonic campaign hcn Libcrul otgzintlcrs dccidcd thcy should try lllltl fill Torontos Yorkdulo shopping phi11 for day timc rzilly An cstunolcd 24000 turncd up whilc thc lltlltlSIXitktlS turnid down and lhc impaticnt mob ncurly Swullowcil up thi primc mmistcr Lots gct out of hcrc Mikc soul Mrs lcurson and thc two madc hurricd cscnpc from rally that probzibly didnt bring in out ncw volc Do you rcmcmbcr ltcd Kclly lhc llltrlltlH hockcy plziycr who was on Ml tor 1oronto York Wcst back in 1003 Wcll llc ninnugiil to get PfillSllll into his riding for on illltllltilill zind hundrcds of kids turned out for thc oc casion all looking for Kcllys autograph Dont you wont Mr lcnrsons autograph ziskcd plcziding Kclly Who docs he play for ziskcd Stilllt kid lncidcntully onc of thc most uniqu good luck tclcgrmns huvc cicr Sltll camc to ltobcrl Thompson in that campaign It was front thc Empirors pzilzicc in Ethiopia Jan scnd you two million votcrs if you provide air transport was lhc nicsszigc Apprccizitc your offcr Thompson tclcgrnphid in rcturn but suflicicnl nircruft not available on such short noticc HEAVEN FALLS thn things do go wrong on czunpnign it tach lllilSltl politician to turn thcm right John Dicfcnbokcr was in full flight in North Battlcford Szisk whcn thc ovcrhcod plustcr in thc 1cgion llzill stortcd to crock hugc chunk fcll bcsidc him bible thoughts onimit lhc works unto thc Lord and tllcy thoughts shall IN cslnblishcd Ilomllis ltiZI It is whln wc turn it ovcr to llun thut llc litktS lhc rnttlc out of bio zind givis us truc rcoson for living TOMMY DtlltilAS unswiriil hccinr From the legislature By IllIRIIK NELSth Qucins lnrk Burcuu Thomson News Scrvicc TUBUNIt Ontarios fourth political party based on votcs cost 1S gingcr group of rmthinking trci cntcrprisc radicals known is lhc Libcrlnrizins lhllc thc Big lhrco oldlinc purlch thc IltigltSSth11SlillltS Libiruls and Now IhllliKllllS ill pollcd around million votcs czich in thc 1077 clcctlons thc Libcrlurizms ill troclcd 9901 votcs if coursc lhcy only contcstcd iii rulings compurcd to thc 125 scuts lhc Big lhrcc wcnt ultcr Still lhc Lillcrturums outpollcd lhc Communists who lilll in till StillS and won 01iliivolcs And in onc Toronto riding Toronto Don MIIIS lIlt Iillltrlitllilll cundidalc took pcr ccnl of thc volc cnough to mnkc Big Thrcc cnmpnign mnnngcr worry II closc rucc lhc Big lhrcc thc IilhtllilllilllS thc ommuntsts and ti scpornlisl group tilIlltl thc Northcrn nturio llcritzigc lurty urc nlnrios six official millitltl lllltS WANT IlIXttl Nl ll rcquircs pclillon signcd by 10000 nomcs to bccomc purly lll Ontario and If partys ctindidzilc luch iii pcr ccnt of thc olc in zmy onc clcction conch hc or shc rcccivcs provincial funds to mch cxpcnscs Thats why Libcrnls jokingly crch rccount in lhc Icgislziturc whcn lhcy hcurd lhc rcsults of lhc rcccnt Sultll Sic Mnric by clcction ltccounts nrc usually sought whin lhc winning party and thc runncrup urc only fcw votcs apart But lhc Libcrnls bud run it IlSlllilI third lll lhc Soo taking only ti pcr ccnl of thc voli More political blunders along the campaign trail Without pziusc hc shoutcd Though llcuvcn fall lct justicc bc donc lhcn thcrc was his nmninzition spccch lll lrincc Albcrt in 1963 whcn hc foccd forest of rnicrophoncs along with wide wooden sign that sold urry On John At crucial moment in his speech ncnsmun Torn Enrlc crcpt forward to adjust it microphone His foot bcczinic tangch in coblcs and thc cntirc clcctronic machinery along with tho furry in John sign czimc crashing down lhc hicf didnt but ill cyc llc glnrcd ll thc prcss tziblc as only he could with his hands ristlng on IllS IllpS lhcrc they sit he judged Thc cheering indicnlcd lhc allcgizmcc of the nudicncc llccklcrs invariably bring out the bcst in KillShld politicians and my fuvoritc story iltllS from rystul 1ikc Sask whiti Tommy Douglas was dclivcring onc of INS tworoldlinc party spccchcs hccklcr dcclurcd that Douglas was physically in czipublc of bcing lcadcr could swallow him hc shoutcd ll hc did swallow nic rcplicd Douglas hc would huvc for more brains in his stomach than he has in his bcud Ontarios other political parties That wasnt onough to gct thcsubsidy Muybc rccount would hnvc hclpcd IIUW itltlll lbc orgnnmition that kccps tabs on thcsc political and financial goingmm is the onr mission on Elcction Contributions and ler pcuscs How good job they illt doing 1S muttcr of sonic disputc 1ts bccn said thcy arc too cosy on Mlls who arc lzitc in filing lhcir cxpcnsc forms and hardcr on some political partlcs wanting to rcgistcr than others lhc whitc power Nationalist Party had lhcir application rcjcctcd bccuusc of qucstions about lhc validity of some Sig nnlurcs As rcsult lhcrc nrc ncw rulcs tightening up thc eligibility rioinrcmcnls SEVEN MORE chcn othcr pnrlics huvc submittcd illtll nznncs to thc commission but huycnt vct tricd to producc thc 10000 signaturcs nccdcd for registration Thcy nrc thc Moral Political Party nturio Bcpublicun lurty Social rcdiL 1rogrcssivc llnvironmcnt lnrty Unity tzinndzi Dctcntc lurty and Womcns lurty Bxccpl for Social rcdit its moot qucstion how many could cvcn bc dcscribcd IS political party lhc lust timc an Mll rcprcscntcd iny olhcr than lhc oldlinc Big lhrcc Ill lhc lcgislzlturc was it ommunist clcctcd in To ronto in 1951 the vctcruu obscrvcr of thosc days says hc was highly uscful gzidfly in thc llousc lhc currcnt lcgislnturc could usc somconc likc that frcc cnlcrprisc Libcrlorlzm or Northcrn nlorio scpurulist or cvcn unolhcr Bolshcvik The wOrld today is South Africa faces crisis By DUN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service South Africas authoritarian government is undergoing Watergatestyle crisis which could topple Prime Minister PW Botha and soc press censorship rcimposcd on the coun trys Englishlanguage press At issuc are major allegations from abroad by Eschcl Rhoodie the countrys former propaganda chief that the previous govern ment of former Prime Minister John Vorstcr in which Mr Bothzi was Defense Minister approved the allocation of millions of dollars including bribery and junkcLs to improvc South Africas image Allegedly included in the program were foreign politicians and media visitors to South Africa an incrcdiblc schcmc to buy control of either The Washington Star or Thc Sacramento Union as government propa ganda vchiclcs within the American media Primc Mmistcr Botho has zilrcady formed govcrnmcnt commission to look into lhc ul 1cgntions with thc result that former In formation Ministcr Tornclius Moldcr and General llcndrik van dcn Bcrghh formcr Chief of Halo Sccurily wcrc fircd But thc major rcvclotions continuc to flow from Mr Hhoodic whoadmits from exilc that bribery of forcign visitors to South Africa was also part of his opcrations is govcrnmcnt propaganda boss The rationzilc of coursc is that South African govcrnmcnls buttcrod by thc worlds opinion makch over the years were dcspcratc to corrcct that situation by using such mcthods ENDS ENSDBSHH Thc hcat has bccomc so bad for Prime Ministcr Botha that rcstrictions on the anti governmcnt Englishlzinguugc prcss had to be lifted permitting born to publish morc of Mr Bhoodics ovcrscas zillcgntions Ihc Joluinncsburg Stair has published othcr illcgutions without giving sources that al tcmpts wcrc mndc to build conncctions in thc group around ulifornin governor Ed mund Brown Tthan Daily Mail harsh critic of any South African lovcrmncnt so long as it is dominated by thc ufrikuzmcr Nationalist Party 1S clunnid to bc holding back on even niorc data And lriini Ministcr Bothzi is rumbling about putting thc controls buck on the critical press But thc skcpticism that Mr Bothn will rcvcnl all in good timc without making statcmcnts prcjudicial to thc South African stoic is sprcuding nrong Afrikaans com rnunitics and also to Dic Vzidcrlund longtimc progmcrnmcnt Johnnncsburg daily uriously lhc rcyclzition of such massive misappropriation of stutc funds 1S producing in cvcn morc puritanical rcuction from within thc Aitrikuuns connnunity winch has always prtdcil llStIl on bcmg above such lllS This 1S coming from rightwing lczidcrs of party which 1S ilrcndy vcry conservative in HS views 1cziding to speculation that thc scandal rcvclntions could mcnn more ltSllilllllS ruthcr than reduction of prcss and information controls in thc country What kocps thc pot boiling is not these inlcrnnl political lllittttltuytingS in South Africa but the continucd rcvilutions of Mr lthoodic from abroad Who will hc nnmc ncxl What govcrnmcnt fflClltlS with SillthtIS full of cash for bribes and free IllpS to South Africa will be yet rcycnl an hc provc dircct involvement by thclrnncMunstcr South Africans illt bcing titillzitcd by lhcir lcndcrs antics 111 win familiar to all of us in Ntlllll111tlllil Interpreting the news UK travellers may face delay Itllltlï¬ lIllll LUNDUN itli ommg to Britain for Eustcr You might cud up spending more timc in thc airport than you lid on lhc plunc 1hc Sllllilllilll arises through change of tactics on tho part of thc disgruntlcd Society of 1in and lublic Scr nuts Thc socicty hilt tmcc pullcd out among othcr workcrs thc customs illltl immigration staffs of airports and scuporls around Britain Koch tnnc incoming pusscngcrs swcpt through lhc llllllSllltS and Britain bccnmc smugglch huwn tor ilfl llns scrvnl to publicic lhc unions claim for about 3i pcr ccnl in pay incrcnscs but it did not bring about scltlcmcnt This tnnc lhc union lS gotting tough Starting Thursday only about 10 pcr ccnt of thc normal customs and imnngriition stuff will bc on duty ill llcnthrow and Gatwick Airports in London and at Birmingham and Munchcstcr airports and ports ill Dovcr llurwich liolkcstonc and Southampton This 10 pcr ccnt vows to instst that cvcry pusscngcr opcn cvcry bug cvcn if th pusscngcr is in lhc nothingtodcclnrc linc Passports will bc scrutinizcd HS ncvcr beforc Wc arc stopping up thc industrial action of our customs and immigration mcmbcrs this wcck and it wrll cuusc chaos and grcut disruption in Ezistcr traffic 5in union stutcmcnl would not trnvcl ill lCuslcr unless it was absolutely ncccsszny spokesman added llnncs and ships arc not cxpcctcd to lcavo on timc as lltlltS build up As the backlog ltltltitSCS sc icdulcd flights and sailings may huvc to bc canccllcd Britons zirc bccoming uscd to union disruption at holiday timc to thc point where ruthcr than spend two or thrcc days slccping in airport terminals wise truvcllcrs book thcir juunts for offpcok pcriods huhLL