the examiner Thursday April12 1979 Going West at Allandale Allendale Heights junior students performed the tall tale Going West Tuesday at the school auditorium Before the performance make up crew from Central Collegiates drama club dabs the finishing touches on from left Indian Mary Ann Balogh Grade Jackie Wise Bruce Bean Grade Randy Ardell Grade Gail Bean Grade i2 John Lionel Langtree David Miller Grade and Terry Hand Grade Proceeds from the play will help purchase risers for the junior choir Examiner Photo Commission rules no more police in 1979 for Barrie Barries Board of Police Commissioners says no extra men will be added to the citys police force Eldon Greer chairman said the decision was made at Tues days board meeting to keep the force at its present size Chief Earl Snider asked the board to increase the force by three men bringing the total of fullt ime police officers to Greer said the force is reasonably well staffed and $2 the board decided not to in crease it because extra men will not be needed until liarries annexation is completed Three extra men were add ed last year said lrecr They were added primarily because we thought annexation would be coming They tnew officersi would be to allow its to expand to the new area but now annexation seems to be at least down the road he said town country Zehr sentenced to Oll Steven Wayne Zehr 21 was sentenced to six years in penitentiary Wednesday for raping Bttvyealtotd Barrie woman in her Queen Street apartment Nov 14 Mr Justice allon sentenced the Barrie man in in March 16 day Boy satisfactory STROLD Staffi tario Supreme Court in Barrie after Zehr was convicted The woman said man broke into her apartment arid raped her at knifepoint Zehrs fingerprints were found on the kitchen window sill of the apartment Zehr testified in court he had broken into the apartment to steal money earlier in the evening but left several hours before the rape was alleged to have happened Fire blamed on wiring An electrical system short circuit resulted ill fire in car driven by Debbie Sontrop of Barrie about Zlilii Wednes Barrie firefighters were called to extinguish the cal fire at the corner of Hayfield and Wellington Streets 13yearold Stroud boy is ill satisfac tory condition at Royal Victoria Hospital today after he was struck by car while riding bicycle on Highway 11 Wednesday night Police said Robert Thistle was riding his bicycle on the highway north of innisfll Township oncrssion Road hen he was struck by car driven by Joseph Wilfred iturke of rillia Committee given goahead City council has given the citys public works committee the go ahead with Hayfield Street area residents Some residents object to the planned prohibition of park ing on the street north of Sophia Street Accused denied bail Terry Lee 31 charged with robbing 74yearold Harrie man at knifepolnt in his McDonald Street home Monday was denied bail in Barrie provincial court WHiricsday Lee of no fixed address will appear in court April 17 Two attend conference BARCLAY oun William lipplc and Larry Morrow recreation coordinator will attend the Ontario Municipal Recreation Association Conference The conference will be held in Burlington May 24 to 2t 1979 Total cost of scnriirig Toun Ilpplc and Morrow is $150 Thief Snider said the three men added last year were to help the force deal with Itarr ries present needs in 1978 we added one llian ll July one ill September and one in Novelnlm said hlet Snider As of November ltiTH we had the three extra men That was to bring up the strength of Barrics police force to police Barrie They were not hired for annexation iii my mind he lRILLlA Robert Matice charged with holding woman and her lleltmlllOltl child at gunpoint in an apartment here March 16 will have mental health assessirient before fur ther court proceedings The 20 year old irllllarl was remanded to the lcnctan said Chief Snider stiltl he needs tile extra men because of increase workload on the force Two ilicli had to be litlllillttl to the criminal investigation branch and one man added to court fillies to handle the cstra work the department faces ioiiay said thechlet The assigliilient of tlieli to handle thesi extra iiutlcs means were still down three men saldflilcf Snider Matice assessed gulshciic Mcrilai Ilealtii centre in tirillia prolnclil court Wednesday Judge Len Montgomery or dcrcd the assessment based on doctors cxallllriatlotl oi Matice while he was ill ltarlli jllll Matice will appear in court again May Midland police inquiry finished MIDLAND Staffl All in terim appraisal report on Mldlanifs police force has been completed and was mailed to the town council Wednesday night said an tlntario lollci onuriission spokesman today Fred Davies said commission advisols completed their initial report on the force after week of observation and inquiry in March Arivisors will return to Midland iii month to six weeks for followup report before the final appraisal of the force is submitted to Town ouncil The reason for the second visit is to accurately evaluate the departments workload said Davies Workload assessments must he done at least four weeks apart to determine how rniicll work the force does on regular basis SECONDAllllUSAl Second appraisal Will take one or two kas and the final report will be completed about week after the followup visit said Davies Town founcil asked the coin OFF SKIRTS Special Rack of Skirts Values to $3899 NOW $1997 fairfad FOREMOSTIN FA SHION 34 DUNLOP St 7284240 llllssloil to tollow up lit ill vestlgatioii of the fortr touli ciiiols complained of rising crime and low piilicc morale They also 1llllttl to lt leciillilllclldations math in the HTS report lune litl carried fllll This first year reduction on regular Muttart mortgage rates can mean In addition Muttart mortgage otters eligible home buyers including those in unsarwced rural areas these substantial sayings for you advantages year term With amortization up to 25 years and no down payment An open mortgage that may be paid off in the first months Without bonus OR may be paid after months by paying the balance plus months interest One year interim tinancrng IS also available at low 92 and may City Editor Ian Mulgrew7266537 Education union says Strike will color future settlements SATURDAY of support staff Hy TERRY FIELD The Examiner ontract negotiations bet ween the Simcoe oiinty Board of Education arid the union representing the countys public schools secretaries alid tcchlliciaiis will probably be colored by the recent settle merit between the board sup port personllel says union spokesman ltreif aiie president of Local itiltt of the Ontario Public Service IIlnployees linlon told The Examiner today the philosophy of the negotiatons between lTIll and the board would probably play part in the talks with his local llIIC wanted parity with other support staff across the province and settled for an in crease based on the average on wages for the same jobs in several counties bordering on Suncoc Before the clirrcnt contract negotiations the board had always used Simcoe ounty average to determine their of fer to the cliiployees liut alie said lllt locais demands were entered before the strike and the likelihood of tilellichanginglssllm The two sides have met once and second meeting is scheduled for Tuesday llNlllI The 31H member local lll cluiiis secretaries tillltt assistants and technicians with the latter making tip the smallest tiiiiiponttlt of the tililgalnlnglillit ti percent increase in ltltt raised wages to between 31 and $538 hourly for secretaries $116 to $5 for office assistants arid $485 to $6 for technicians The highest paid members of the local are electrical technir clans at up to $683 hourly Their contract expired December Ill 1978 and any set tlement will be retroactive to the first of the year We know we are below the provincial average in wagesi but how far below we dont know Cane said He added that they will know before negotiations resume Contracting issue still alive The contracting of snow removal lssiie in Barrie is still very rnucii alive says the chairman of the public works committee Aid Alex Arthur says that despite council decision Mon day future contracting is ruled out Its going to become more llilportant issue as we become larger Alli Arthur said Aid Jun Shirley asked the committee to collsidcr coiitrac ting this year rather then spend money on purchasing three new chlcles But the committee folilid it would be cheaper by about Show vehicle to operate with city crews lii ltiitt Now iarrle contracts removal of snow Aid Arthur said The city does not need to con tract for the rciiialnrier of town because there is not enough snow to warrant Ii said Aid Arthur the downtown Arthur EXPANSIth When the city grows arid it is considering expanding the department priorities could change said the Barrie alder man He said the three public works vehicles the city is pur chasing are for replacement of vehicles it would probably be more economical in an expanded my ban area to contract out he said Aid Arthur said he spoke with Neil Fox sulxrintcndent of public works immediately follow ing Mondays session The public works department will begin compiling statistics on contracting Specifically the report will delve into what other cities contract how much it costs and how much snow it gets said the alderman That report should be ready in about four months said Aid Arthur Future growth topic at mayors conference The direction and lllttls of liarilc future growth is to be fhi slilnect oi ii lllayors cor fticllce lay it Today the first steps in iiigalliulg lllc conference are being engineered says Andrew lllli ol the citys planning depaltiilelll total of toll groups are being sent questioilnalres to fiiirl oiil what their needs are llili told The lIxaillliiir included ill the list are Iilltlfltllt cultural ricria troll religious billlicrs health trail and tourism social scr inc and education groups hc ulltl llach group is asked to llli llllt brief for the ioiiiircllci The idea originated at city colliicll sesslollonJall be paid off anytime during the year with no bonus Easy to buy and easy to build Muttart Homes offer 38 tamin pleasing plans Once you own your lot we can help you build or you canerect the borne of your choice from complete easy to follow instructions No special tools or skills are needed and you save again Order soon as mortgage rates are subject to change Call collect to Mr Doug Miller at 705 7434472 visit our show model In Peterborough at 1460 Lansdowne St West 0r mail In the coupon today for FREE BROCHURE Mayor ltoss Archer gamed approval for thi llflili to ex amlnc the direction and needs of tiltfuture growthof Harrie HARDTUliUCIHfT The growth rate for liariic is difficult to prcdict says release on the matter which has been sent to the lflll groups The Silticoc Georgian Task Force presented to the city Ill 1973 said that in the year 2tiiio Harrie would l1lt population of litioii lilir despite an average growth rate of lii per cent from ltifio Iiarrles population has been slowing since ltlvl says the report The city mala ll forecast however judging from tllc Sim tK fitttltlilll report nonlilzi fora ful ear 132 for next four years Freebrochurel Fill in and malt this coupontoday for your tree colour brochure showmg Muttart Ttieres no obligation at all MUTTART HOMES Box 534 Peterborough Ont K9J 626 Homes code phone have my own building lot EYES DNO fniFartfmo lltll of 69863 is predicted by the clty for two it is our understanding says the report that three lila Jtil films were tlirilcd away from Itarric iii 1978 due to unavailability of industrial land The decrease lll population growth is attributed to the delay in acquiring annexed laild says the report lrotips omitted are invited to contact the city if they wish to sublmt brief at the coil tererice iuest speaker at the con ference is David Itotcnbcrg parllallientary assistant to Thomas Wells minister iif iii gelgovcrnmental affairs SAVE NOW with MUTTARTS reduced mortgage rate the DEVON Va olwo °tl Va IV I°t Yo Into Mk EASTER SPECIALS or viliilo quantities last fJv Solid Milk Chocolate £15ng Easter Bunnym 33 454 size Bunny to children and adults Our Woolworth Each Reg Price 279 each Oil YERRIFIC PRICE Easter Express Bunny aid Tom Tom Tommy ll oz boxed Easter candy pure milk SAVE chocolate hollow mould Our Woolworth Reg Pric9299 each ch Oil TERRIFIC PRICE McCormicks Easter Candy Marshmallow Eggs Jelly Eggs Big Ears Nest of Eggs FlapperEggs YOUR CHOICE Price OF OUR WOOLWORTH REG PRICE Woolwo Fumou Name Eggs XSAVE Pure milk choco hollow ELL9 egg 85 in decorated window box Have your name written on free Our Woolworth Reg Price 89 each Oil TERRIEIC PRICE Smils Chuckles Turtles Bonus 2300 16 oz box extra turtles delicious milk chocolate pecan caramel candy For that Special Person at Easter time Our Woolworth Reg Price 377 box MYERRIFIC PRICE 77 Box Rowntrees Milk SAVE Chocolate Eggs if 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