the book page Clift biography sober look at tragic talent Montgomery Clift By Patricia Bosworth Bantam $275 Reviewed by STEPHEN BAUER His friends knew him as Mon ty his fans knew him as Mon tgomery Clift one of the most talented and accomplished ac tors working in theatre and films in the two decades follow ing World War Clift played roles that depicted loners and outsiders he was the first in line of intensely personal actors who consider acting profound and serious art means for self expression Contemporary actors like Robert de Niro and Al Pacino work directly out of the tradition that Clift helped create Clift was also one of the first American stars to challenge the power of the Hollywood studios and win Patricia Bosworths new biography tells Clifts story with minimum of analysis and dramatization Clift lived life so intenser theres no need to dress up the facts Bosworth presents them fairly and soberly relying on the recollections of friends relatives and acquaintances Shes also included helpful theatre and film chronology HAOTIC Clifts personal life was chaotic in contrast to the superbly controlled per formances he gave on stage and in films and that chaos can be traced back to his childhood in the 1920s Clift and his family moved constantly when he was young because his mother was determined that her children spend enough time in Europe to acquire the manners and culture of high society lift first broke into show business in New York in 1933 when he was 13 when he began working as model At 15 he made his debut as professional actor on Broadway By 1938 MONTGOMERY LIFT ambitious insecure Clift had attracted attention as one of the most promising young Americn actors Clift was both fiercely am bitious and painfully insecure he hated the trappings of celebrity and once his film career started he despised the meanspirited greed of the Hollywood establishment He stayed away from films until he felt was ready After his first film The Search released in 1948 he made an average of almost one film year until his death in 1966 TALENTJNTENSITY What made Clift so special Talent and intensity and special gift for reaching out to people He was loner often arrogant and aloof but at the same time he craved the love and admiration of friends Kevin McCarthy Elizabeth Taylor and Nancy Walker are just three of the actors who helped flift through the good time and bad times But if Clift was the finest ac tor of his generation an aristocrat in contrast to Bran dos noble savage he was also misfit who couldnt cope with the pressures he created for himself Bosworthy says his career peaked in 1954 just after the release of From Here to Eternity The descent was slow and painful as Clift became an alcoholic pill addict and man so unpredictable he seem ed capable of just about anything In 1956 he narrowly escaped death in serious car accident The following ten years were drawnout suicide as lift scarred and seriously ill with rare disease alienated friends battled with movie directors and began to suffer from memory loss and blackouts Throughout his adult life Clift was tortured by his bisex uality he spent 14 years in analysis but never fully ac cepted his need to love men as well as women Clift was vic tim of morality so rigid that rumor of homosexuality could destroy career He was obsessed by the need to keep his homosexual experiences secret paradoxically as Bosworthy explains part of lifts extraordinary appeal to audiences was the subtle way he expressed both the masculine and feminine sides of the human personality COMPULSIVE As well theres quietly compulsive quality to Clifts ac ting that reflects his approach to life and come through in vir tually every page of the Bosworth biography Clift was the kind of actor who needed the stage or camera the way fish needs water as matter of survival Near the end of the book Bosworthy quotes Marilyn Monroe on lift Hes the only man know who is in worse shape than an Clift can be forgiven the excesses of his per sonal life all the abuse and selftorture and irratic behavior simply because he gave so much and gave it so well Eloquence and intelligence saving graces for Ustinov Dear Me By Peter Lstinov Penguin $295 Peter Ustinov fans beware Dear Me the multitalenled British actors autobiography has been riding high on the bestseller lists since it was released in paperback in 1978 but its often frustratingly formal and dry book Ustinov has built repuration as an entertaining reconteur man who can spin delightful tales from the most slender material but when he puts his stories into print they lose life and color Theres cautious and very deliberate quality to the way that Ustinov writes that robs the book of any sense of spontaneity The conceit of any actors autobiography is that the reader is getting an honest ver son of the events described altered slightly by the passage of time and the dimming of memory perhaps but still reliably close to the truth Ustinov cleverly works around the conceit by inserting occa sional dialogues in which he questions himself on the objec tivity of his recollections and the events he choses to leave out EARLY AREICR The best parts of the book cover Ustinovs childhood III London and his early career in the theatre He dropped otit ol high school to enroll ina theatre school and soon scored suc cess with his first play House of Regrets produced in III42 when he was just 21 Ustinov did struggle as young playwright and actor but he never doubted the career hed chosen to pursue Running throughout the book is subtle suggestion that Ustinov has an ego strong enough In withstand any disappointment The book is full of anecdotes about people some famous some obscure that make for fascinating reading even in listinovs stiff and hieg literary style Ralph Richard son lllltl Laurence lilivier are just two ol the famous actors who come under Ilsliiiiis scrutiny There is always something engagineg lunatic about Ralph Quixotic quality although his windmills are dit ches and his faithful nag motorcycle writes Ustinov He is always magnificently surprised to see youhe elocutes his delights at this perfectly foreseeable encounter In language at once ftill of filligree and backbone LOVE AND RESPECT Ustinov writes great deal about his mother whom he lov ed and rcspcctrsl and about hs father whom he feared and respected lles coy about describing his earlier mar riages in any detail preferring to concentrate on his various film and stage projects his children and his exploits in the military during the Second World War Following harsh attack against the military he sums up his extwrienccs as private never had greater im pression of wasting my time and indeed my countrys time than did in the armyl loath ed every minute of it and would not have missed it for the world llstinovs saving grace in Dear Me is his eloquence and Intelligence expressed in whole trunkful of opinions on subjects ranging from Method Acting which he dislikes to television which he cautiously praises to the United Nations which he fervently supports near the end of the book he talks about his work with UNICEF which has become Intich more than token cliairi ly effort for the actor Ustinovs international perspective is refreshingly constructive and optimistic It gives his writing depth and wide horizons he plays the role of Wordlyrisc raconteur Willi charm and style 86 MORNING 558 Focus 600 CARTOON PLAYHOUSE HILARIOUS HOUSE OF FRIGHTENSTEIN CANADIAN CAVALCADE 630 THIS is THE LIFE BLACK FORUM CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP t2 ROCKET ROBIN HOOD 700 ECUMEDIA NEWS PUBLIC POLICY FORUM FAITH FOR TODAY PROFESSOR KITZEL CROSSROADS €19 NIVEN MILLER 715 CHURCH iNViTATiON 730 DAY OF DISCOVERY CROSSROADS WORLD OF GOSPEL UNCLE BOBBY SHOW CAMERA ON CANADA HiSEY HOUSE OF SONG CHINESE SHOW 800 JIMMY SWAGGART DAY OF DISCOVERY iDENTITY SUNDAY SURPRISE TREEHOUSE CLUB In FATHER MEEHAN MIDDLE EAST REVUE 330 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR JIMMY SWAGGART BY THE PEOPLE COMMANDER TOM SHOW FLOWER SPOT ORAL ROBERTS POLKA DOT DOOR ea OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL MACEDONIAN MAGAziNE 900 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR EASTER SERVICE FROM SAN FHANCISCOCBSNowoerIpravidocovor Ago at tho b7th Innuol Eootor Sunrioo Sorvico Irom Mount Davidoon in San FrBRCIBCO 60 MOVIE COMEDY In udgo Hard Chltdron 1010 RADO II iT IS WRITTEN JEREMY 15 In GET IT TOGETHER 925 III BARBAPAPA 930 ORAL ROBERTS REx HUMBARD ID HISPANOVISION ID SESAME STREET SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR JEWISH SHOW 1000 RH HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED WOODY WOODPECKER In ITALIAN PANORAMA CE GREEK SHOW SOUNDS OF THE EAST 1030 ROBERT SCHULLER KIDS ARE PEOPLE Too DAY OF DISCOVERY GD KiDSWORLD ea PORTUGUESE SHOW 100 OPEN RAP REx HUMBARD CORONATION STREET PEOPLES CHURCH EASTER SERVICES Ahvocoiobro 01 Enter from Christs Church Cathedral TOM GRATTANS WAR 130 REV JAMES ANDREWS FACE THE NATION ANIMALS ANIMALS Ii SAMBA ET BOUBOUNE 83 voz DA PROFECIA 145 FESTIVAL ITALIANO 150 ID TROUSSEMITOUFLE ANIMALS AFTERNOON 1200 CHAMPIONSHIP FISHING GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD MOVIE COMEDY °° VA You nt Choot on Honoot Mon 1939 MEETING PLACE 0MOVIEICOMEDYMUSICAL For Thooo Who Thlnk Young mTALIANCOOKING DRESSOURCESDELENFANCE EXCEPTIONNELLE PORTUGUESE FIN DE SEMANA 1230 MEET THE PRESS HERALD OF TRUTH WORLD HOCKEY TOUR NAMENT International hockey IIVB trom tho Sowot Sport Palace In Moscow Cnnsdo vii choalovakio hrs 30 min NEWS 15 EH SE RACONTAHT LHIS TOIRE DICI Ln Guerra do 1939 1945 NoquoyonBIotindologuarrochnpuulatrondo IAtlomagno lo bombB oIomIouB qm tail Intro In Japan 1245 AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 FISHING HOLE COUNTRY CANADA look how marketing mothodn oro unad oi cattle the examiner Friday Aprll13 1m 5A sunday tv huh and vogotoblo ouCtIorio NBA BASKETBALL ADVENTURES iN RAINBOW COUNTRY 130 FISHING WITH ROLAND MARTIN HYMN SING FOREST RANGERS ID ALL YOU NEED Is LOVE Rhythm and Bluoo Avoc Bo Diddloy BB King Pot who Elvio Pronto Tho Plottoro MEMORIES OF GREECE 00 SEARCH OF MOVIE ADVENTURE 0° Advonturoo ot Frontlor mont VIP INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION 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NEWS THE AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Tho Spirit 01 78 The Flight 0t Doublo £091 11 ThoromortubloIruootoryotthotirotnuccoutul crooning ot the AIIIHIIC in bolloori 80 tit EASTER CHURCH SERVICE 400 SPORTSWORLD AAU mm Forcoo BoxingChompioriohipotromVirgIhIo AIAW Gymnntico Chomptooohipo P1 11 trom Ponn Stoto Grond Notiont Stoogtochooo land 2hr SP RT WEEKEND Tho not round 01 play in tho Mootoro Gott Tournomont trorri Auguoto NotionI Gall Club in Auguoto min hrl MASTERS TOURNAMENT inolr0und ploy In tho Itrot mopor toumomont 01 your Irorn Autumn Goorgio hro TINY TA ENT TIME SUE BECKER 430 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Spoorl portormoncoo by world gymnootico chomprono Kurt Thomo Ind MBrCio Frodoricti And tho Gymnoolic Team World Record High Diyo Chntlongo from Florida 90 UNTAMED WORLD Pochydormo Tho ologhont and tho rhino tho lorgool at or lurol crooluroo oro documentod Ind Iilmod in thiuopioodowhichtollowothoottonootconoor vottonioto Ind loiontioto to Ionrn moro about hobiiuthrou hlo mg and oboorvotion WILDKINGD SpottodGhoBtPDn III TALKING BACK 500 You TELL US in LAWRENCE WELK SHOW MOVIE MUSICAL $ocond Choruo 1m 530 JOYCE DAVIDSON SHOW BIG BLUE MARBLE EVENING 600 NEWS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY The Boy From Good Man Boyou young boys oltorto to retrieve procmul church botl hiddon bonooth murky boyou oro thwrtod by IorOCIouB oIIigItor ncluaion BOrnrnI AMAziNG WORLD OF KRESKIN In WILD ANIMALS OF THE RLD Boovor POLKA DOT DOOR GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 630 WILD KINGDOM emu 01m otoh Part II 8° CONSUMER BUYLINE LETS Go To THE RACES NEWS in NEW FACES THE REAL STORY HERE COMES THE FUTURE 700 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEYThoBoyFromDBndMnnBBByouA youngboyBottonotorotriovoaprocmuachurch DollhiddonbononthImurkybnyouoroihwanod by torocuoua alligator Conclusion 60 at BEACHCOMBERS ThBHunt huntor In no lroublod by his determination to prove his monhood that ho endangers both nd hiaovvn IIIB WW 60 MINUTE FRIENDS Potoa tonatlectomy in Schodulodmdiroctcontlictwithplnnnhoomada With Randy and Nancy for Ilnnl tin 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