the examiner rrugel IDTICE OF SALE UIIOER MORTGAGE IN THE MATTER of THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY PEAL NTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks and ALTTl ASER LEPONIEMI 3600 and 3RENDA MARIE minimum 40 words additional words 11 cents per word LEPONIEMI Births $600 Am IN THE MATTER of my In Memoriam no verse $600 prop known Verse per count line extra 23 cents municipally as 52 Adelaide awn 3343 mlan In examiner patterns EasyTwo Parts Printed Pattern Street Unit 27 Barrie Ontario pursuant to the NOTICE OF SALE proceedings contained in the mortgage dated the 20th day of September 1976 and registered in the Land Registry Office for the Land Titles Division of the churn Mondays Child Is ialr ol lace Tuesdays Child is lull oi grace Wednesdays Child is lull of woe Thursdays Child has lar to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard tor its ttsthltt ieeIItALWJJItissekitluMsr it II c°Y °l Slmc 27 d°Y Aid child that is born on the Sab of September 1976 as ln bath Day rumor Number 776 Is lair and wise and good and gay tlfiittfilffitittllttHtHISIEHPSS ELMVALE CLAPPERTON YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEY AND WIN PRIZES T00 EXAMINER ROUTES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS Phone 7266539 THERESA AMELIA ETC EUGENIA ST DRURY LN WELLINGTON ST AREA TlFFlNFERNDALE VINCENT AREA ST OWEN WELLINGTON AREA The lands and premises known municipally as 52 Adelaide Street Unit 27 Barrie Ontario more particularly described below will be offered for sale by Public Auction by the Vendor The Canada Trust Company by its Agents at the hour of Twelve oclock noon on Wednesday the 25th day of April 1979 the said auction to be held at the said premises The property will be offered for sale subiect to reserve bid fixed by the Vendor The Purchaser shall pay to the Vendors Solicitor on the day of the sale down payment In the amount of 10 of the purchase price and shall pay the balance of the purchase price to the sold Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day at the week was their birth date Keep this and other Important Information tor your childs luture An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day at the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital lnlormation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate lor an Examiner Birth Notice ls only $550 PHONE 729 M4 sshdeaths WRIGHT Leslie Oliver Suddenly as the result at an accident on Friday April 1979 Leslie Oliver Wright In his 45th year beloved husband ol Cynthia Dab son Dear lather oi Patricia Valerie Lawrence Michael Christopher and Raymond Brother ol Joyce Blair Friends may call at Steckiey Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie alter pm Sunday Complete service in the chapel on Tuesday April 10 at 30 lntermentBarrio Union Cemetery BANBROUGH Joseph Wilson Suddenly at his home at New Lowell 0n tarlo on Thursday April 1979 Joseph Vendors Solicitor without in Wilson Banbrou gh in his 65m year GNES LOUNT STS terest by cash or certified Father at Brian at New Lowell and Don MULCA5TER ST cheque on or beforeme ism dot 2233energiesfastingl of May I979 being the closing vived by live grandchildren Resting at d°° Khmer °nd V°nd°r wifeEaaflghdpfeigiiflfalï¬r523mlrife shall also on the date of the sale held on Monday April at execute standard form cremaion Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier 09mm of purchase and we mï¬guggggnsï¬dgaoï¬ngayflaws which specifies ghg term of sale I979 Ada Lena Carruthers widow ol the DU ed Ad late George Carruthers in her 86th NAME AG mbe °° rim yin 30 rgotger Lognfhot iyv Jeag U5 Carrying 00d of protesters who were arrested outside Eyecyryc Boa T5 0C rant on an LToslngmngoospjrcgoer schsu Leila Mrs Henry Ferrg ot Barrie Sur EIVISIOII General Dynamics Of GFOTOH Conn makes H5 way fhrough fhe ht dtid search title at his own expense 51 943 gfyadghilrrnn Lnlcslfnrf mat emons anon sawrday morning More man 2000 prOGSers lemongrade PARENTS SIGNATURE Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 71help wanted FULL OR PART TIME couples or in wholesale relairl726n957tt gt Simcoe Condominium Plan NO Michigan Charlie ol Barrie Fred at TOP NOTCH sales erson rEJirEd to istered in the Land Peterborouoh Marlon TOVOMOr mfg ntarlo overnment Ten er es elm dryiduals tor business oi your own resales Top commission lor right per 78hour 78tenrlm The land comprises All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the City of Barrie In the County of Simcoe Province of Ontario and being composed of Unit 27 Level shown on Registry Office for the Land Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worslcy St Barrie Service in the chapcl on Monday April 9th at Interment ivy Presbyterian Cemetery MASON Duncan Suddenly at his residence on Sunday April I979 Dun can Mason in hissvth year Beloved hus band ol Elizabeth Morrow ot Thornton loving lather ot Harvey Junc Mrs Sutton Dolly Mrs Suttotll predeceased by Fred Dcar grandtathcr at 14 grandchildren and great grandchildren Dear brother at John at and Florence at Toronto Resting at tho 820 outside the Groton shipyard to protest the christening of the nations first Trident submarine the USS Ohio Followlng the christening of the USS Ohio Mrs Rosalynn Carter participated in keellaying ceremonies for the USS Georgia AP Photo Heavy draft locomotives are back as crowdpleasers son Chance for advancement Call Tmes Division of Simcoe at JennettFuneralHome1528radlordSt rr 71211V Barrie Visitation lrom Tuesday at WeORyMJ PICKEggoRealtyttdW ROOFING CONTRACTORS some and appurtenant pm 58 nndcommnmcompmc Just two main pattern partsL Defiance necessary vvygnaeeacrgpï¬enxg ReRooflng builtup the Hunters Examination common imam being me the chapel on Wednesday April llthai7 stitch up this sundlessyumpei run time applicants and syudems Centre at the Southern Research Station wholw of the said parcel ZTrélf2m°3LBZfffg°Cgï¬jggf to wear and enyoy now and now WWW Auglralh The app ig linked to in farms where they were weekend duties now in preparation tor MAPLE 0m on Pick pretty thrifty cotton onccthc rimcs 11 as the result at an accident on Sunday it SUFECDCC 0f ulllC lnltlLSl in ourceo pu mg 3sgriosyggigggmgwngéfggggp NR66932 OP l° P°°l° by °P April 81h lwv David Lucmil Rntcllc light inflation save 333 Hf drm hfnssg Auqtmhtm phiumrv md power harnessed for plowing ween ends This is work on potntment eleven clock AM on his 24th year beloved husband at lsabel punted pane 4543 Mlsses Eiiiilllinll imiitlilt iidnlS lhdl lieRootingbuiltupotthoOPP 50 mm my Tum powered industry through an harvesting in teams EJXVPEQIVEVNCED HAiR gTYLiéT Headquartersin BARRIEOnt theday of the sole and Tracey Dear son at Henry and SIZES 10 12 14 lb 18 century of Auqralhn develop revival of more rural eight to 14 or moreafew horses salary plus commission Apply House 5666912 F° lurll Formulars mm Ram 83 80 20 319 12 WW 34 lakes wcrc saved by some breedch ot Bellini Baytield Mall or call 726 4621 9L7é°79°i162l THE CHESTNUT INN in Cookstown re quires person to cook lrom 10 am Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 2Dpm local tlmeon Thursday Combined Tenders will not be accepted MeyJ1979 arrangements to view and in spect the property and to obtain the conditions of sale apply to Jerry Rene Pat Theresa Lewrs Bar bara Boake and Rose Friends may call at Stecklcy Funeral Home 30 Worslty St Barrie alter rn Tucsriay Cont plcte service in 1P hapnl orl Wrlitc 38 yards 45lnCll fabric $150 for each patternecash cheque or money order Add 35l mcnt arc rccmcrging as crowdplciiscrs at country fairs and horsc shows Aflcr 4o ycurs of rclittlvc oh lifcstylc Bcforc the cm of bulldozcrs and carthmovcrs draft horses draggcd iron scoops to cut irri and enthusiasts who suc cessfully maintained the typc and standard of their animals any daiy pay commensurae Wm ex lay April lltti at in lnliTlIltftl lattr WC perence9Please telephone for appoint Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario zines50 osmE BIBarricUnlonCPnlrtory 23 ggalgll Mugs £26213 SUN MIR QM Chmlwls md mils 1102 in tile ï¬lth Wm 75 Ministry of Government services Georgian Bay Regional man lolonlotllrs till pu lhry wcrr uscrl in thc lu1lllll ERICK LAVERS wanted s5 50 per hour Cali collect 519 653 5567 nights 653 6159 1315 NEE MONEY Fuller Brush Company provides llexible hours Iield support Office 24 James Street East L3V 6K7 Box 790 Orillia Ontario NOTE For further information regarding the tenders please Barrie Ontario LAM 4Y6 Phone 7057261181 DATED at Barrie this 5th day of April 1979 add 11 sales In Print plainly Size Style Number your Name Address Send to none Adams Pattern Dent wagons plows zinrl hzincslcrs arc sparking lhc lnlcrcsl of pcoplc who havc ncycr hcforc sccn lltcnt of rcscrvoirs and railway cm bankmcnts lhcy clcalcd thc land and haulcd limbcr Whtill and wool long lislitnccs hournc Show part of record cntry of about 2300 horses and ponies of all types and Classcs nominach for Show ring hur gggwgsommlsion Cameron BOWG call Mr Mclsoac at the above address Telephone No A9 And thy mg Survfonlpd madS that we gimp who 55 and riding This EARVRIES LARGEST BODY SHOP re Owlnsnm vï¬rh4rr www ml beasts ilrc wclcomcrl today its tracks loop in dust during Hill hOISCS DOW at firmly Wires ePeienced 990 Persons ThelOWOSIOI Onylendfl newswlilY OCCBPIOd onc hopr for cncigy and ccolo summcr and ill mud to thc Islamsth as regmar femur Telephone 726 0481 GM FLEA MARKET gt tc urc at rural shows and on numitcr MANAGER WANTED 70 NOTICE gllrll 11illl111 rflI flt XmSaniI11lr Th 95 Evcnthcirstrongest support The horsc iv arms 0y are ICil ptpu dtlon of all Eggnggrgï¬mmgdemasfgédrigfn anpaer Mlnlstry Of DBBdInelOiCleSStï¬ed crs do not bclicvc that thcdrilll brccrls pcztkcd in Australia it lake ham lid Job requrllnlg ment Must be bondable Write Box A7 word ads horses III rcvcrsc lhc tlrlc of lull in 1918 And lhcn th Swngl an some TheExaminerBarrie0ntario EXNTASTWC OPPORfUNTY or Government ppm AbeCORSIGtIMEIIT AUCTIONS Printed Pane nill1dl11dll11 on tht land but displztrrmcnl by motor trans Swingingtheisfzimsomo mechanic or ambitious person Cookstown service station Try and earn betore you decide to lease Canoco Petroleum Ltd 1116 669 4322 1416 293 091 416 789 3903 vNIGHT WORK Mature person to look alter children and do light housekeeping Nights only Telephone 726 6277 WAITERSWAITRESSES lor coffee shop and dining room experience preferable own transportation Apply in person to Nottawasaga Inn Highway 39 Alliston MATURE RESEPONSIBLEPerson to Ontario Services A10 day previous noon Saturday Reserve your spot vile they last for further Iriforieetleil Call 7269512 MWFA30 BINGO St John Vianney Hall thcy do fccl Ihc animals can complcmcnl thc work pcrform ed by mnchincs Bil horscs from England llclgium and Francc ligurcd in tllc curly dcvclopmcnt of draft horscs in Auslralia Thc main litfllicncc on lhc typc probably was thc lyrlcsrlzilc hrced lit inilizir to Scottish and lrisli scl llitS which proved ildziptzihlc port and trrtctorpowcrcd farm muchlncs bcgan By thc end of thc Scconrl World War horscs had almost disnppcrircd cxccpl for few lczims and wagons retained for advertising or scntlmcnl KNEW llllC lilIlTF Som of their last strongholds wcrc in thc lclivcry strihlcs of city milk distributors llorscs On way out OSHAWA Ont CPl Anglican Bishop Benoni ngull of northern Uganda says fighting in his native land may end with the downfall of Prost babysitin my home Surrey Place area 0m pm am Please leave to Hit l111 mil lllliittlt of illIlil llllll lounrls somr dent d1 Ammwho forced EemonenumberatQMHIr $200 Jockpot southcrnAustralia thing motor vchlclcs could gwan to flee to Canada in FARRAH FASHIONS LIMITED re mHr do and wcrc inorc cf 1977 quires sales representatives to sell MTF lingerie on party plan basis Top com rvv M7 777 Ir Shf vdnfl CLOll0nv For gall said In an Infor mission please can name tltc 60th anniversary of tllc mlll Ms lipillililxd View he has spoken with fellow $355 SALESEPER Tommonwcalth lydcsrlzllc it way through SWINS 95 mmmy 311 there5 it experience SON tor the hottest heattransler line in llilt Stkltll 111lillrdllti last itlrziglsï¬liflttSzoéliiiflil kuiit Iotnot lloiit that the Situation the Tshirt industry Highest commis clr 1l cr ii Durarc lliiiift wl rcsut in Amins over stringentfie A9716019r491 our PUT OUR WANT ADS lliiltllLll tllc city of ltlclbournc WSOIWM itlliiiilï¬ throw DENTAL ASSISTANT wanted tor months ol July August September Four handed sitvdown experience andor training essential Apply DR BSOUTERSDuniop StreetEast DENTAL HYGIENIST position available lor six months possibly per manentl beginning July Preler ex perience but not necessary Applicant must relate easily to kids Apply in per son or send relerences to DR SOUTE Dunlop Street East Barrie 12sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timelull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens ottice supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa SALES REP tor territory in Barrie area Media experience prelerred but not essential Telephone 519 S99 7050 deys1 705 737 1909 evenings 76employment wanted DRUMMER seeking work years ex perience years on the road Rock and tau preferred some guitar and vocals Call Rick Bobbette 726 42171 evenings BABYSITTER AVAILABLE Excellent care tor child or working parents Good play facilities and meats Experienced mother Phone 7372581 COCKTAIL BARTENDER temale years experience seeks lull or part time position with busy bar or hotel stand up situation prelerred Telephone 726 1448 MATURE WOMAN will babysit while you work preler small babies Charlbrook oil Cundles area Telephone 72975102 With the significance of Easter Day in mind consider an In Memoriam as tribute to your loved ones It is beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of mother father wife husband daughter son or those beyond the immediate family L0 VED ONES circle faithful friend or kin In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memoriom notice for Easter time the Classified Department of The Examiner will publish SPECIAL MEMORIAM TRIBUTES To ensure that your message appears at this time telephone 7282414 or write SATURDAY APRIL 14th BEFORE WEDNESDAY April llth TO YOUR vo a°o All vvovcvoot YOU PHONE 7282414 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Gmsllled advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Clmllfled Display advertisements whlch must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $600 Addltlonal words ll ctI per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words $600 Addi tional words cu per word uIN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 With verse per count line 23 cents per line Its the blouse above all in fashion this spring Fioni peasantpretty gathers to classrc to ruffles to bow tiesall the top styles are here Printed Pattern 4771 Misses IO entices COMINGEVENYS Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 Mpeblc notices navtrï¬olvmnh Size 12 bust 34 basrc shirt SIFIED ADVERTISING 24 minimum Cash Discount Rates apply It yads Strum abnc fgcdwwmibl 15 132T1 fw cheque or money order Add 35¢ 333t302121mWZJIOTIZJLLJolï¬l each pattern for instclass mall per Insertion total sins Multiple hear and handling OnL resident 12936 WASHINGTON Router tor predicts that below 1990 °m°vb°dd°bi°lt°lt°° add lit sales tax Print plainly Tuesday see The Barrie Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting on April 10 I979 at pm In the Council Chambers of Clty Hall to discuss the proposed site plan rezoning by Suburban Transport Ltd located at 141 Tiffin Street south of Tiffin one lot Even the frogs in the Calvcras County Jumging Jubilee an an nual event ascd on classic short story by Mark Twain arc the US will have virtually completed its conversion to thc metric system The Metric Conversion Act of when satisfactory results oblalned Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each Initial abbreviation set of hunters etc count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS Size Style Number your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept west of Anne Street goingdmflrlc lhlflyear 1975 established the board to co gymn31Igo3scgggg3 with 09 Mm MThe company is currently operating transport truck terminal and Eli Slthd Uy ordinate and plan use of the Chum Wm Dwmmm surh olh automotive repair establishment The applicant is seeking C4 erdmgImOV metric system in the United qulm ad advertisers to kindly recheck theli mm States toward the international States through process of vol odvortlsement Immediately altar llrill Inser T9 plan rezoning to permit DC 80 OIS IP on System of weights and meas unwry conversion Lonlnorder that any error or omission may he mg asmon property The sale of automobiles is not permitted use within ms the leggy amphibians at But more than 150 years ago moriepgzteitcseum with ogï¬Ã©ngmï¬ changes are in cm NEW SPRING present Industrial M3 zoning hterested persons are invited to attend or write to express their concerns and opinions Jones SecretaryTreasurer the jubilee in May will not be leaping in feet and inches says the US Metric Board instead thcy will be jumping in centimetres John Quincy Adams delivered comprehensive report to Can gross it was the first US met ric study COMMITTED ll METRIC publication The Examiner Is responsible for only one Incorrectly printed Insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent at portlon of ad that Involves the mlsprlnt Er rors which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc SUMMER PATTERN CATALOG Dresses tops skirts pants vests jackets plus $150 free pattern coupon Send 75C for catalog DimensionSizes 3856 $150 Storm flips planes at King City airport Claude Blmm inspects damage Friday to one of three light planes flipped Barrie Planning Board Ma US firms 3bvm°°i3°°d1f°3 lZSQuicIlEas TransfersSl50 No Malcolm OHagan the us havenygmd afï¬ne com atliil 128Ptchmk msmujo during fierce storm which hit the King City airport north at Toronto Metric Boards executive direc mitments to go metric PHONE 7282141477774 IZTAlzhans liss 3150 Sunday In its destructive route across Ontario CP Photo MM