flunday Aprll 1979 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 fulltime mayor for Barrie tioned increasingly complex public elected officials now changes city asked to dojust that Dear Sir am resident of the city of Bar rie having moved here from Toron to three years ago In the time have been here my affection has grown for this place usually go for walks in the night because it is safe to do so wrote something to this effect WALK 0N FERRIS LANE No obstruction mars the expanse of the sky where the stars pierce its blackness with their distant light nor the landscape of snow shrouded trees and unlighted houses their beauty highlighted by the blue shadowed snow of this winters night as walk along the stillness of Ferris Lane breathing the cold clear air of an atmosphere devoid of fear where darkness does not leap from shadowy corners where con tentment fills me with sense of wonder for this city which retains the qualities of its beginnings in herent goodness genuine friendli ness and the quietude an illusion not of peace Indra Sharma Barrie Dear Sir Douglas Greenwoods column Will the Free World Make It in Examiner March 31 cannot go unanswered His white supremist view at least AngloSaxon freedom runs so full in our veins as to dub all of us so descended with the bluest blood of noblesse oblige which is our birthright is pure unadulterated racism Ne want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ters but it you wish pen name will be used include your telnphane number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send yours to letters to the Editor II hooker Post Ofï¬ce Box 370 MIME Oat MM 476 It is the citys rate of growth Barrie is growing city and one that promises an incrcascd rate of growth for the future In that respect fulltime mayor makes sense as good in vestment in the future ofthe city Theres another reason too for fulltime mayor Paying full wages would open up the position to anyone in the city which is democratically just Ultimately of course the issue is one for the otcls to decide Perhaps as soon as the next municipal election they may be letters to tlhe edtor the eXaminer Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited mayor needed Alderman Bill Knowles has raised again the question of Speaking at general committee Monday night the ward alderman contended the mayoral ty was full time job and should be paid prowrtionately figure of $20000 was men Neither the mayor nor committee members came out in sup port of Ald Knowles suggestion Instead committee recommended the mayors salaiy for 1979 be increased by 86 per cent tt $13500 year Aldermen were recommended for 66 per cent raise to $1425 for 1979 surely reasonable increase The argument for fulltime mayor is not new one Cer tainly the activities of the mayor are many and the demands However we agree with general committee that now is not the time to proceed with fulltime niayoralty position We believe Barrie residents generally appreciate the level of municipal government that they are receiving The present modest remuneratii for Barrie politicians br ings them added credibility and respect from the general Indeed it has always been argued that more pay docs not always mean higher calibre of politician The truth is will to semi not money has always been the impetus for good Retaining the mayoralty as it now stands may be best for But the day will come when that will surely change Annexation if it ever happens would be the time to serious ly consider fulltime mayor along with other council Under annexation Barrie would increase to city of loooo Such greater Barrie would lll ily demand the services of fulltime mayor Council too would have to be altered to reflect the new city boundaries Whether annexation occurs or not the real factor in deter mining the need fora fulltime mayor is not just the size of thc Since Greenwood denounces every existing cause and liberation movement he must believe that op pression and exploitation arc figments of peoples imaginations The only cause he sees worth fighting for is his version of the so called free world Otherwise he claims the ne worlders whoever they are would make vir tual serfs of us all Yet in Greenwoods free world we are all serfs chained to the die tates of monopoly capitalism which is so insidious that it profits off the food we must eat the clothes we must wear and the homes in which we must live It enslaves workers at subsistant wages and slaughters thousands of workers yearly while destroying our environment This is the freedom that Green wood would chain us to But is it freedom for one think not Name withheld by request Dear Sir It has been reported Examiner March 28 that will be candidate in the forthcoming Federal election In 1972 and 1974 attempted to tell the people of GreySimcoe that our money would decay until they would need strong light to tell the dif ference between quarter and nickle and that hamburger would cost $200 per pound was not able to persuade many people of the difference between Social Credit and socialism and will not be candidate this time The Social Credit candidate will be Mr Bruce Arnold Five years from now when ham burger is $400 per pound may again be candidate May take this opportunity to re mind your readers of the Easter Concert in the Meaford Opera House on Saturday April 14th Featured artist will be soprano Irene Salemka who has charmed audiences from Vancouver to Vien na and from Berlin to Tokyo Pro ceeds will go to the Big Brothers Association who will use it in their excellent work of helping single arent families who need even more elp in these days of inflation and unemployment McGillivray ollingwood NEWSROOM Craig Elson managing editor ion Mulgrew city editor Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor ADVE RTISING Len Sevlck manager SALE Bert Stevens Peggy Kavanagh BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM Marlon Goughaccountant Jack Kernev foreman Delve Mills Glenn Kwan asst toreman Gall McParland Don Saunders Vikki Grant Lorne Wass Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WE EKLY by carrier The Examiner is member of the Canadian Press iCPi and Audit Bureau at circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Pressc and local news stories published in The Examiner The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertismo material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Copyright registration number 7038l5 register bl Brian Marr 680 National advertising otlices Queen St Toronto as tho 640 Catncart Claudia Krause thestyle editor Wayne Hay Kathie Mitcheu WI Cadoqan YEAR3I dsmwmunv 253552 swam at Stae hen Nicholls we Skinner Mge eo Altcnby SYMML Deg Lemme BBb 300 Steve White assistant manager Jame Hamel Nancv Figueroa CLASSIFIED grayraaghlm Susan Kitchen SIMCOE COUNTY St Montreal I6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Lorl Cohen Ruth etas supervisor Lizaitwarran Ron Gilder 39 0° Richard Thomas Freda Shinner Eamegorer gamma 5mg Bruce Rowlomd publisher Stephen Gauer entertainment Peaev Chane Chem Aiken PRESSROOM MOTOR meow OFF Gary Forbes Dana Homewood Don Near woman $4150 year ADVEIIISING CLASSIFIEDS BUSINESS Betty Armer camera operator Janice Morton rm prim my mum ELSEWHERE CANADA 726 6537 7282414 7266537 Dave BurCSikphotographer Harris Blanchard uiOanear The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable tor damages ans ing out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space at tualty occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error oc urred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or other WISO and there shall be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid fer such advertisement Frankly Sir after the onogainoffagain election dont think you should push the fact that youre man of decision Your business Hy VINCENT EGAN Business andtonsumir ffairs nalyst lhotnson News Scry icc Spring docs more than stir up thoughts of lovc Stanley Cup playoffs and new bascball season Its also tlmi whcn pioplc goslightly mad about buying cars Try to kccp your fcct on lhi ground and usc common scnsc whcn you shop for car dcspilc that spccial giddiniss that can conic ovcr pcoplc all too casily at this tunc of ycai thlhcr you Imy new or used car will di pcnd to largi cxtcnt what you fool you can afford ncw car will probably incluilc numbcr of standard tcatuics that were iitlicr options or unavailnblc fcw ycars ago Warranties on ncw cars arc usually mori From the legislature My DEREK NELSUN Quccns Park lturiau Thomson News Scrvicc ItlltilNlil lhc Psychotic Personality of Our Times is poctry book that likely wont makc the anadian bcstscllcr lists Its thcmc is madncss which may be why author and MPP Pal Lawlor lNII Toronto Lakcshoril Iiad to have it privately printcd Ina sense the book is testimony to thc cc centric Lawlor who retires whcn this parlia mcnl coils and one of the few politicians around hcri wholl be sorely missed measure of the man is the press release hc sent out announcing the books publica tion Its about dcmonic possession about hcalth and sickniss in ourselves and in socic ty rcciplocally influincmg onc anothci about many kinds of lc$lh and lllt hopc ol rcsurricllou about lhc gods and scicncc and dark nights and our true Self anil scrcndipi ty This mind you was going to the desks of jadcd press and cynical politicians In 10 same rclcasc Lawlor toppcd himself SCOOPS 1le IS THE LAND OF IIIE RISING SUN FOREIGN AFFAIRS TllE RISING YEN ciimprchcnsivc and miiri binding than lhosc ll any on used cars Ilcwari llll Bil Till gllaranlcc oflcrcd by sonic uscil ill diuilcrs You arc told that tho lcalcrslnp will pay half tlic cost of any rcpans within slatiil tiluc they forch to tcll you flint lllt doubli lllt pricc of those repairs Not all the pioplc that you ill cnciiuntcr as car buycr will use ilcciptivc littlli such as that of course lint iiniiinbii that the arc the prolissionals you arc tlic itlllilltlll II this cow and you had bcitcr take every ail vantagc on can including lots of timc lt IIIItItY lakc tlic lunc for mstancc lo lllqllllt Hmong tricnds ind rilativcs about tlic rcputa tion of the dealers you may bi considcring Farewell book from poetic MPP Willi farewell to thc book ilsilt So goodby my song tlllltlltli you arc Illiiltlltil now You arc on your own and must go out and makc your own way In quotiilian unpoct ic world You are wcll informed and contcntful and probably will survivc whcn llic bcitcr half of Ilansaril is long folgottcn Ilansard llic record of parliamcnts pro cccdings is dry tomi littered with the lust of politics past But it is also the record of few gcnumc oc casions whcn MPIs cscapcd the narrow con fines of partisan politics and rosc to issues in thoughtlul way And lcailinp thcm from the darkncss would morc often than not be Pat Lawlor YISII MAN For he is wise man it philosopher lhinkcr not just knccjcrk politician who thinks by FDIC and spouts clichcs In fact as his book indicates Iic is pool lior mc thc quintissinal Lawlor shonc it committcc discussion tlircc ycars ago on cell sorsliip by thc provincial govcrnmcnls lhcalrcs Iiranch MINISTER OF FINANCE Buying new or used car take lots and lots of time and pay close attention to thosc who havc iloni business with them llhcrc is pulilicrscivicc bureau with of ticcs all across Canada that is supposed to bc ablc to tell you about the linsincss record of any merchant but II has bccu years since havc bccn able to get anything othcr than busy signal from ll Pay particular attention at the outsct to thc ilcalcrs standards iil scrvicc lont buy car from ilcalcr itli an unsatisfactory record even if that dealers prlcc on the car Is thc low csl Dont give in to highprcssurc salcs tactics You will always rcgrct thc purchasc you arc forced into making Ilcrc arc some surc signs that you arc bcmg high prcssurtxi dont do busincss Ith anyone who uses thcsc techniques The sales rcprcscntativc tells you tlicrcs no nccil to wrilc down his oral guarantees warrant ics or commitments to make repairs wllc or she rcduccs llic trade in allowance that you havc carlicr acccptcd on the prctcxt that the manager has disapproved You are told that thc kcys of your olil car have been misplaced by an appraiser or some other cmploycc of tlic dcalcrship IliSIH TO APPLY chcr makc an offer to buy car until you have cxamincd it caiclully in daylight anil takcn it for road test both lll traffic and at highway spccds Unless you are an expert yourself takc the used car to an independent mechanic or ex amination centre for check If the vendor wont allow ll walk away immediately If you are dealing with private vendor check at the county or provincial registry of ficc for liens in the name of previous owners and also by thc cars serial number iNamcs of previous owners can be obtained from the provincc for small fee Before buying from dealer read and re read the contract and insist that it show tlic prcscnt mileage of the car You dont have to finance your purchasc with the dealer you may be buying your car from Car financing is competitive busincss so you should shop around for the lowcsl ralc available IIic samc applies to car msurancc As in choosing dealer howcvcr clicck among friends anil associates regarding an insurers rcputai ion for claims handling ling SM The world today Bitter pill forUganda By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Ugandas tragic and bitter course under the murderous clown President Idi Amin Dada could be even worse when he is finally and mercifully overthrown This is because Amins long legacy for his own country includes not only almost com plete economic collapse and total corruption of its public services but the escalation of very old and very bitter tribal differences The larger tribes which have suffered under Amin chiefly the Bagandas who held much of the political power in the preAmin era will demand major role in Uganda aftcr Amin and his savage supporters have either fled or are executed But many of these have come from the same small tribe in Uganda as the President In turn they will represent an instant opposi tion if and when represenuative government is again attempted in the shattered East African nation President Amin assumed power in 1971 by overthrowing the civilian and freelyelected Ircsidcnt Dr Milton lbote Since then he has languished in nearby Tanzanian exile with the promise to President Nyercrc he would not make his presence centre for Ugandan exiles nor speak out publicly against Amin That requirement has long since passed with the invasion of lanzania by Amins ar my last fall and now the full invasion of Ugan da itself by the Tanzanian armed forces and Tgandan cxilcs Nt CLEAR LE IIER lnforiunatcly not cvcn llbotc is now accep table in second rule as lgandan President Ilc too discriminated against the dominant litigandas having sent their king into exile in lltoi bcforc assuming thc presidency of new East African republic still within the British tommonwcalth of nations It is interesting that the current head of the councilm cxilc is not only the former rector of Makerc Imvcisiiy lgandas chief academic institution which Amm has also savaged but also Baganda further factor for more disruption of another kind whcn the buftoonpresident is finished is the prescncc of radicallyminded Libyan troops with their Soviet cqtlipiiitnt Amin asked thcir assistance against the lanzanians and ifgandan exiles But their presence this far from home could suggest that dcstitulc lganda might be used as an East African centre for the kinds of world tcr rorism which the Libyans openly support and finance Givcn all this more than any emerging African nation should havc to bcar the coun trys elite of small shopkcchirs and its coni mcrcial class mainly East Indians were ousted cn massc by Amin in 1971 72 they represented an irreplaceable section of the population about moon lll addition to the estimated Jooooo lgandans who Amin has butchcrcd lll cighl years of savage rule This is truly devastating figure for country of no more than ninc millions small in population for its size comparcd to other African countrics What lganda docs have is its generous lcsoulcc of nnncral and farm products the latter coming from some of the richest farmland in all Africa Tourism which has ithcrcd to nothing could lic mainstay of country liicli is con siilcrcd to be one of thc most bcautilul in the world But developing tlicsc resources takes inter nal peace and managcmcnt skills neither of which are currently prcscnt ill Iganda Interpreting the news Thatcher snubs election debate LllNlNlN iCli Conservative Leader Margaret Thatcher has refused television dcbaic with Prime Minister James Callaghan The argument lll Conservative quarters is that the opinion polls already place Mrs lhatchcr wcll ahead of the Labor leader in thc May general election and there is no nccd for her to risk debate in which Callaghan may have certain advantages British vicwcrs have never becn treated to head on clash between the leaders in any gcncral clcction The style in Britain is to hold daily ncws interviews tour the country for local spccchcs each leadcr trying to steer scpara tc coursi In the current situation Callaghan as prime minister would linvc distinctive ad vantage as the man still in chargc of the coun try liut Callaghan has become the challenger straining to catch up to Mrs lhatchcr who has spurtcd ahead in the opi nion polls Callaghan was brought down by singlc vote in no confidcncc motion in the House of Commons llc has been besieged by rcbcllious unions which normally would sup port the Labor party Voters have been upset by unions which have closed schools and hospitals allowed garbage to pile up on streets crippled transport and commuter services Callaghan has personality that has been known to charm the public 0n television he comes through as fatherly figure depen dable man of ability and trust Conservatives maintain however that Callaghan is not truly representative of the party he leads television debate might mislead the public In the Tory view the Labor party is loaded with undisciplined radicals seeking to destroy democracy To some extent Callaghan realizes his par tys faults Both major parties are preparing their manifestixs Callaghan knows he not on ly has struggle against the Conservatives but light within his own party to keep it on philosophical track that would appeal to as many voters as possible