Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1979, p. 19

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the examiner Thursday April 1979 19 emcee COUNTY OF SIMCOE SUBURBAN ROADS COMMISSIONS TENDERS FOR MATERIALS AND SERVICES SEPARATE SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to contents will be received by the un dersigned until 1000 am on Wednesday April 25 I979 for the following materials and services MATERIALS Prices quoted for materials are to Include delivery to any point In the County where applicable Federal and Provincial Sales Taxes must be indicated as Included or extra Bituminous patching materials anionic and cationic emulsions fencing and steel posts wooden posts calcium chloride in bags and bulk applied signs and sign blanks snow fence corrugated steel culverts according to specific list available upon request SERVICES Contract No 7901 Supply Crush and Spread 58 Crushed Maintenance Gravel Certified Cheque of is required Contract No 7903 Supply and Apply approximately 200 tons of Liquid Calcium Chloride 51113000 certified cheque is required Contract No 7904 Supply and Apply Bituminous Primer and Sand Cover certified cheque of is required Contract No 7905 Surface Treatment including equipment and materials Certified cheque of is required County Tender Forms and Envelopes must be used for item Services Further information and tender forms may be seCUred from the office of the undersigned The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Clark MASc PEng County of Simcoe Engineer Engineers Office County Administration Building MIDHURST Ontario LOL lXO A5 so public notices WHAT lZYEAROLD BUSINESSPERSON CANT LEND MONEY Answer Your Barrie Examiner Carrier on collection Day TODAY COLLECTION DAY PLEASE PAY YOUR CARRIER PROMPTLY ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Ms $600 minimum 40 words additional words It cents per word Iirths 3600 Memorlam no verse $600 Verse per count llne extra 23 cents Coming Events $343 per column Inch 81births Mondays Child is lair at face Tuesdays Child Is lull of grace Wednesdays Child islullol woe Thursdays Child haslarta go Fridays Child is loving andgiving Saturdays Child works hard tar its living And child that is born on the San bath Day Is lalr and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day at the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs tuture An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day ol the week month and year at birth the weight and other vital inlarmalion printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $550 PHONE 728 2414 85dealhs ROWELL Edith Claire At Grove Park Home Barrie on Monday April 1979 Edith Claire Crawford widow of the late Robert William Rowell in her 89th year Dear mother of Gordon of Hull Quebec and the late Wilmer Rowell Survrved by one brother Victor Crawford six grandchildren tour great grandchildren nine nephews and 12 nieces Resting at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley Street Barrie Com plete service in the chapel on Thursday April at 30 Interment Barrie Union Cemetery Biscard of thanks WANT to thank the Dalston Cubs neighbours and relations for fruits lovely cards llawers and visits recciv ed while in hospital and stall on 6th Hear My sincere thanks to all it was very much appreciated and Will always be remembered Leona Maxwell 874in memoriams TODD HARRY In lovrng memory of dear husband and dad who passed away suddenly April 5th 1078 He left us so sudden His thoughts unknown But Iell use memory We are proud to own Sadly missed by wile Annie and daughters Mary Shirley and lamilies DEKLEYNE In loving memory at dear son and brother Ronald who passed away April 1975 little tribute small and tender Just to say we still remember Sadly missed by Dad Mom and family 88 coming events ANAF LADIES AUX Tea Bake Sale Bazaar Sat Apr 7th 00 to 330 pm ARMY ENAVY CLUB GEORGE STREET A6 BINGO REBEKAH AND ODDFELLDWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm I00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot $100 refreshment booth ThTF COLLIER STREET UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL RUNMAGI SAL Saturday Aprl 7th eel neon the ellercll Ital M2330A5 600$ SHOOT unison arm lo moon lies seetll of land Need West of Nidleey 27 M29A5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE pr 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for TO these pages must be received by at day AND preceding publication with the exception of In the Estate of JOSEPH MARTIN BURKE Trucker deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of JOSEPH MARTIN BURKE late of the Township of lnnisfil in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario who died on January mm 1979 are hereby notified to send particulars of some to the undersigned on or before April 19th 1979 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 23rd day of March 1979 Leo Dykstra Barrie Stanfield Executors by their solicitors WESSENTERMCCREARY Owen Street Box 544 Barrie Ontario M29A5I2 NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay In forwarding such replies however other wise TF Classified Display advertisements which must be In by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES AOwords $600 Additional words cts per word CARD 0F THANKS 40 words so 00 Addi tional words cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 With verse per count line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS $343 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 74 word mlnlmum 77 Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions l0c per word insertion Three consecutive in sertions cents per word Insertion total $634 Six consecutive Insertions 9c per word per Insertion total SI296 Multlple Inser tions may be ordered subiect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 21 words count as 24 words Each Inltlal abbreviation set of numbers etc count as separate wordl PHONE 72824 are station by Bessie Cravuford 4873921 Sympathy is expressed to the family of the late Mrs Katie Lough Hamilton who passed away on March 20 at Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie The family include her daughter Barbara and husband Bill Crawford and family one son Warren Lough and wife Audrey and family The funeral was held on March 22 Recent Visitors with Mr and Mrs lloward Crawford wch Mr and Mrs Doriand lotlcr RR Waubaushcnc Mrs Alvin Drennun of Hillsdalc Mr and Mrs Lovcring of Barrio Mr and Mrs Roy Lavin Tam my and Michael of Midland Mr and Mrs Jack Wuddcll Leanne and Lori of Sarnia and Sean and Kristy Lavin of Midland Tammy remained for few days visit Lori and Leanne spent the holidays with their grandparents who took them back home to Serbia Underground nuclear plant would be safely measure Ontario Hydro believes OTTAWA CP proposed underground nuclear power station now being considered by Ontario Hydro likely would pre vent radiation from leaking into the environment if dual mishap occurred in the Candu system hydro spokesman said Tuesday Ronald Oberth of the gener ation development department said the facility would use dif ferent kind of containment sys tem than now is used in the two largest nuclear power plants He now is completing study on the technical and economic implications of building an un derground station The Pickering plant just east of Toronto and the Bruce plant about 70 kilometres southwest of Owen Sound have large vac uum buildings as containment systems to keep radioactive material from being released into the atmosphere Oberth said in an interview from Toronto that an under ground facility would instead make use of the rock interface to prevent radiation leak from escaping into the en vironment if reactor failure together with safety system failure occurred There could be some poten tial benefits of the soil and rock which could retard radiation leak Ontario Hydro began study in April I977 to determine the cost and advantages of building an underground station WOULD OST MORE An interim report released last year suggested such facility would run $1 billion above the cost of conventional station because of extensive shaft drilling and rock cx cavation However an underground power plant would sccurc against mammadc or natural hazards and reduce the risk of radioactive said the report final report expected in June will include details on layout design construction and more accurate cost anaylsis contamination Oberth said Increased pres sure from social and environ mental groups as result of the accident at the Harrisburg Pa nuclear power plant may mean the government will have to take closer look at an underground site Michael Bein of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsi bility said an underground facility would be more ac ccptablc Certainly it would be lot safer to put them under ground But the question of nuclear waste disposal remains an out standing issuc he said Boise strike probably lost in union officiols opinion KENORA Int CPI strike begun last July against Boise Cascade Ltd is probably lost Terry Codling an official of the International Association of Machinists 1AM said Tues dav Codling whose members are crossing picket lines of two other unions said the plant is running at 80 to 90 per cent ca pacity and thc lengthy strike likcly will end in company victory He also said Kcnora policc and Ontario Provincial Police act as strikebreakers by escor ting woodbczlring trucks through pickct lines outside the plant Thc lAM votcd 63 to 43 last Friday in favor of buckvto work zlglccmcnt that odling callcd only acceptable Mczln while the Lumbcr and Sawmill Workch Union and the tunzr 835231 Thu annual lnccting of the was held at llll hnmc of Mrs lrcnc MacDonald on chncs day cvcning Iur prcsidcnt Mrs Marian lrcnnnn opcncd thc mccling with thc dc followed by the lllstltutc rcld The motto If All The lhngs You Wear Your Snnlc is thc Most Important was nnsncrcd in reading by Mrs Blanche Douglas Roll nll Wcur Somtlhlng irccn and To an Irish Joke was answcrcd by lil membch Paymcnl of fees thcn took place Mrs Ruth Mrs Mary Morrison nttcndcd the District llxcculivc inclting at olrlwzllcr on March 12 Ar rangtmcnts Wtlt madc to entertain thrcc olhcr bronchis and the ladies of the village at the April mccting This motting will be hcld zlt thc Presbyterian church Tth is going to collect for the canccl socicty Mrs Ilrcnnzln declared of fitcs vacant motion was madc that Mrs Dorccn Ruilcy bc acting sccrctury Mrs Iarlylc Mucholulld conducted the clcction of officers Officers for 1970il0 arc past president Mrs Ruth Thompson of llillsdalc president Mrs Marian Drcnnzm llillsdalc first vicepresident Mrs Mary Thompson and Morrison llillsdzllc second vicepresident Mrs Dizmnc Nelson llillsdalc secretary dian Paperworkch Union arc continuing their strike Codling recording secretary of the IAM Kcnora local said the agreement cnsurcs IAM members wrll retain seniority and pension benefits for tin timc they were off work TAKEN OFF JOB It also guarantees those who took the place of AM members during the strike will be taken off tbcjob The company opened 12 doors locked since the strike bcgzln to allow the mechanics to return to work Meanwhile Will McIntyre steward of thc Lumber and Sawmill Workers Union said the machinists union had sold cvcrylxxly down thc drum but that 142 mcmbcrs of his loczll arc continuing thcir strike rlll Stephens president of paperworkch union Local 238 said his lotnls 137 members trcusurcr Mrs Doreen lizlllcy llillsdrllc ilSSlSIillll Mrs Mnurccn Welsh lllllsdulc PRU Mrs Mary Morrison llillsdulc district directors Mrs lllnnchc Douglas illltl Mrs Ruth Thompson press rtpoltcr Mrs Ruth Lon iclfrllc Mrs ituth lholnpson voting ltlillillls to district un nuul Mrs lllunclll Douglas Mrs lltllcl Watson and Mrs Mary Morrison voting dclcgntcs to arm convcntlon Mrs Lolnsc Rumblc zlnd Mrs Ethcl Watson curator MB Ruth Lon assistants Mrs Mary Morrison and Mrs EtlnI Watson rcsolutions ull mcmbcrs auditors rs Dmnnc Nclson and Mrs illlul Watson brunch lllvttuls Mrs ltllllll lzlmItson and Mrs Elhtl Watson hawkestone bv Muriel Hart 4872030 During llll school brcuk Mr and Mrs ltobcrl lugslcy of Toronto spent day with his parents Mr and Mrs Albtrl lugslcy Ml illlll Mrs laid Mtlllldt of Toronto spcnt lust wctkcnd with tth cousin Mrs Lisllc lcrmcy In March Ill thc lncmbcrs of the United hurch choir con ducted the morning worship service Diffclcnt mcmbcrs read the lessons and scriptures and Morris Shclswcll gzlvc llll addrcss lhc choir sung an nnthcm undcl thc lcndcrship of Mrs Richardson are still on strikc He refused to comment on the machinists de cision to cross the picket lines The strike was started by lumber and sawmill union members to opposc the com panys llllillld that they be come owncropcrutors rathcr than hourlyApzlid workers Sincc then almost every union connected with plant operations has been on strike for period of time odling said to win the strike tllc unions would have had to dry up the supply of wood to company plants and stop WP and town police from escorting trucks drivcn by nonunion members across thc picket lines He said the unions should con centratc on winning the ncxt strikc by getting logcthcr its it unit not as individual unions to present unitcd front Mrs Morris Shclswcll and Mrs llilll wcrc luncheon guests of Mrs Fred oultcr of llarric IHlncsdzly last The occzrs IIOII was the lllllllil of Mrs lom irzlhum of Richmond Hill Also ultcndlng wcrl Mrs Blliln llughcs and hrlstlc from luIlrluo oro station by Bessie Crawford 4873921 Miss lcnnifcl rnwford spent it fun dnys Ill Mldlnnd vmtlng lltl hunt and unclc Mr and Mrs ltov Lavln Ktvln itllnrls of Snrmu spcnl the holidays with Mr and Mrs Doug rnwfnrtl illlfl family llutlnc 18 still being hold 211 lllt community ccntrc tiltll Mnndny night at it March lit ulnncls wcrc first Mrs sll Grand and Mrs Eunice irclnllzllgb Stttlllll Mrs Murlil Swzllnson and Karl iilcllrlsl third Mrs Elsic lizlltllolomcw and Mrs Norzlll Mould low Mrs Ilcltc Sprlllcr zlnd Wzrltcr ltoolncr lonc hands Mr and Mrs ltulph Swninstm lllt IIlslc In March 20 wcrc first Mrs tholomcw and Mrs llclcn Mckny second Mrs Flo Mulhollllntl and Bob llcllzlrt third Mrs Ruth lloomcr and Alfred irccnhulgh low Mrs lracc Mawkinny and llill lower winncls liar BhUTTOS SOTl comments on execution ExPresldent Bhuttos eldest son er Murdaza right photographed outside hls residence In Stonhope Mews West London Tuesday when he Spoke of his grief at hls fathers execution Today they have buried martyr he sold do not W5 it Sitting on bench the hard way Wrapped up in her gymnastics Is Rosalee Desantis of London Onl during meet held by 900 separate school children this week Educational 27 companies individuals Convicted of misleading advertising OTTAWA ll Canada Ltd in Toronto has been flncd 335000 aftcr pleading guilty lust Novcmbcr of selling rcpluccmcnt tires at higher prices than it hiltl ad vcrtiscd tirc warranties the federal consumcr and cor porzltc affairs dcpartmcnl reporch Tuesday The multinational tirc munu facturcr was among 27 individ uals and companies convicted in the ctobcrlcccmbcr period listed in thc dcpzlrt mcnts quarterly misleading advertising bulletin thcr convictions include Rlrcufcr To ltd Windsor nt $1500 on each of four chzlrgcs of falsely udvcrtis ing mortgngcs with cight pcr ccnt intcrcst rules which wcrc actually 115 per ccnt lltMJIIl unzldu Ltd Mon cton Nit $1000 for misrcpre scnting charges on photographic film processing William MatKay Syd ncy $1500 for falsely ud vlrtising the savings on color tclcvision he was selling Mint0 onstruction Ltd Ottawa $1000 for advertising garden home community with pool sauna and cxcrcisc room when an adjacent apartment compch had solo access rights IOlhtlthllllltS Adltitc Associates Ltd Cayuga Int $350 on catch of two charges of inflating cire culation figures for two newspapers ill Canadian Ad vertising Rates and Data Directory KMart Canada Ltd Truro NS $500 for inflating color film processing to cover Firestone want to say much They have tried to break my father for two years They have tortured him and tried to ruin hls polltlcal name They have now kllled hlm In centre Is ers I9yearold student brother Shah Nawaz Bhutto AP Photo cost of seculled frcc rolls given to customers iordon McConlb Ros smorc Int $750 for falsely saying at an auction that bed room suitcs regular price was $2000 when it was considerably less Spryficld Quality Furniture Ltd Halifax $1000 and $1500 on two charges of inflating rcgulzlr lltvs ol washer 191 gymnastics differs In that It places prlorlty upon movements devised by the children The meet ends today CP Photo dryer and Chesterfield which it had placed on sale LBailcys Furniture Mar kct of Sackville Ltd Halifax $2500 for inflating regular sell ing price of Chesterfield suite it had placed on sale Thc Walker Boys TV and Appliances Ltd Windsor $350 on each of two charges of in flating the regular price of microwave oven it had placed on sale Charles RClark doing busi ness as Clarks TV London $2 000 on each of six charges of advertising an air conditioner sale when it did not have rea sonable quantity in stock Nicholas Spencer doing business as Tarzan and Jane Club Hamilton Ont $600 for advertising use of registered masseuse and sauna when there were none at the club Legol oid lawyers to get more money TORONTO CPI We Ontario lawych participating in the Ic gal aid program are going to get more money AttorneyGon crtll Roy McMurtry said Tucs dzlv McMurlry told the legislature the incrcnsc amounting to four pcr cent year is the first in crease since 1973 and would cost an additional $2 million this fiscle year The new tariff is retroactive to April McMurtly also announced number of ndministrativc changes dcsigncd to ensurc the most effective and official use of the public funds we allo cate to this important pro gram Thc plan which costs Ontario taxpayers more than $26 million year also introduces new system of fee levels based orl seriousness of of fences Lawyers for instance now will get more money for trying rape casc than for less serious offence such as minor theft The new fee structure also placcs premium on ex pcricnce REVISES PAYMENT The new tariff proposes three levels of fee payment for civil and criminal cases based on the experience of the lawyer in trial work as opposed to system based solely on the number of years at the bar Lawyers with up to four years courtroom experience will get the basic rate of $42 an hour Those with from four to 10 years experience will get $48 an hour and those with more than 10 years experience will getssl Among changes announced to streamline the plan is anew re search bank It is clear that as the plan has handled approximately 350000 cases since its in ception there has been obvious duplication of research McMurtry said The law society is estab lishing research bank to tap resource material build its content and provide it to lawyers on legal aid matters and for payment of fee to lawyers on private practice cases The attorneygeneral said he expects substantial reduction in costs to the plan for re search There will also be new meth ods enabling clients to choose experienced lawyers to serve their interests McMurtry said that in the six years since the last tariff in crease costs faced by lawyers have risen substantially and the cost of living rose by 55 per cent think by these yardsticks the increase is modest indeed he said Panelists attack barriers to freedom of expression TORONTO CPI Barriers to freedom of expression in newspapers magazrncs and the government werc attacked by panelists at the National Book Festival who have been af fected by censorship Cartoonist Bob Bierman of Victoria Times said during panel discussion sponsored by the Periodical Writers Associ ation of Canada that politi cal cartoonist like satirist has to be offensive to make point The British Columbia Su preme Court has ruled that caricature Bierman drew in June 1978 of provincial cabi net ministcr pulling wings off Ultimatum given on burial sites KINGSTON Ont CPI InA dian activists will dig up the body of Sir John Macdonald within four months unless the desecration of Indian burial grounds is prevented by law native spokesman said Tuesday Right now whites dont have to stop when they dig up Indian bones Alex Akiwcnzie said at Mucdonalds gravesitc in Kingston cemetery They can go right through without having to notify the local chiefs Akiwenzle leader of the Na tions of Warriors native or anization said Indians are rustrated by the reluctance of authorities to enact legislation We have got nothing against Sir John or against the people of Kingston he said But our graves should be respected even if they are 100 or 1000years old Before his death in 1891 Mac donald Canadas first prime minister had to move the graves his son and father when Kingston expropriated the cemetery where they were buried flies was libelous Since the judgment Ive had to soften my approach in order to sell my product and make living he said Monday My editor is checking my stuff if he isnt sure he takes it to the blisher who then takes it to islawyer VERDICT OVERTURNED second panelist affected by censorship was Peter Treu the Montreal electronics engineer whose conviction on charges of unauthorized possession and in adequate care of secret docu ments has been overturned by the Quebec Court of Appeals He was convicted at secret trial of violating the Official Se crets Act Treu said that Act was used as covert censorship means to entrapment Im still prohibited from talking about what happened in the trial and only recently was told to keep my mouth shut Toronto lawyer Clayton Ruby told the audience that concepts of libel or indecent material are so vague that the outcome of trial depends on their inter pretation by the presiding Judge

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