Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Apr 1979, p. 5

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cv aveawrurautaimuutmmm isms In Alberta 192772 Iifes Editor Claudia Krau 2500 persons sterilized on WASPish notions study EDMONTON Pi In March 1927 the United Farmers of Alberta govern ment introduced what was to become one of the most notorious pieces of mental health legislation in the coun try Until it was repealed by the Progressive Conservative government in 1972 the Sexual Sterilization Act provided for both the voluntary and involun tary sterilization of 2500 people The fourmember Eugenics Board which administered the act dealt with total of 4500 people discharged from mental institutions Those sterilized castration was done in few cases included children and adults suffering from mental retarda tioii psychoses epilepsy lItlll tingtons thorea Ia nervous disorderi and neurosyphillis Tim hristiaii an assistant law professor at the lniversity of Alberta did study on 43o iii dividual patient file cards listing basic data such as sex age and occupation as well as religion race origin sex reac ROSE LTN l3 URCIAI BARRIE ONTARIO TH FINEST IN TAB RUFFIIEI CURTAINS roa ram SIIOPATIIOME SERVICE CAL 728 mrv tioiis social and moral reac tioiis and IQ scores The 1974 sttidy was funded by lllt lberta Law Foundation and the federal justice depart ment hristiaiis central conclu sion was that persons presented to and approved for sterilization by the hoard oc cupied socially vulnerable posi tions in Alberta IIIIIIIt lttltillflID helped repeal law v0 ROSSEAU LAKE SCHOOL ROSSEAU MUSKOKA ONTARIO POC 1J0 AN INDEPENDENT BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS GRADES to l3 Rosseau Lake School provides wellrounded education by offering programme Special advantages include complete academic athletic and activities Full academic preparation for university and college en trance Studentteacher ratio of to 0A full range of recreational activities including skiing hockey soccer soiling canoeing tennis etc Excellent Outdoor structors Applications for the 77980 received ROSSEAU LAKE SUMMER SCHOOL July offers Education facilities with skilled in academic year are now being August I979 They tended to be female rather than male young and iii exmrienced unemployed and dependent on employed in low status jobs residents of small towns members of ethnic minorities single rather than married and were sometimes defined as sexually deviant ne finding in hrislians random sampling was that lay dian Metis and east IJuror peans including Ukrainians Poles and Russians were sterilized disproportioiiately to their populaton in the province The most extreme discrepancy occurred during the last years of operation of the hoard most1972 hristian says Although person of Indian or letis ancestry constituted mere It per cent of the Alberta population they constituted 13 per cent of those patients sterilied in that time period In the time periods lttllllrlttll 19591963 and lllflllllIIll disproportioiiately hiin iitiinbcr of atholics were dealt with by the hoard hristian says that the lIugenics Board was given authority to impose its self rigliteotis ASIish notions of normalcy on those person least able to define themselves Native and east European pa tients did considerably pooretr than ltritish or west European patients on It tests employed by the board thristian says this was because the tests were cultural ly inappropriate oi tliscriiiiuiatoiy He also found that in the earlier years of the board so called abnormal sc reactions of patients played morc sigiiiticant role lll sterilization decisions and that cbstrations although few were intended as means ol modify lllLl behavior The majority of titsrations erc of less serious nature salpingectomies removal of Fallopian tubes in women and vasectomies in men Dr harles Ilellon director of medical services in Alberta says It was rigid moralistic law which attemp ted to deal with most difficult problem llellon says there is evidence that mental disorders such as schimphreiiia and retardation nervous disorders and epilepsy are genetically transmitted and tend to run in families Receives plastic surgery TURthlt tll This week Dr laii Munro of Torontos Hos pital for Sick hildren broke the skull and facial bones of grotesquelyrdeforined infant and reshaped them into the ap pealiiig features of normal baby The plastic surgeon and as sistant professor of plastic sur gery at the University of To ronto is one of the few persons in the world who dares to break take apart and rebuild the skulls of infants such as Eric ierken four month old child It is an awesome task that may involve breaking up to so per cent of the skull and fa cial bones Weighing in at just eight pounds eight ounces Eric was born with rotizons disease rare facial deformity in which the bones in the forehead checks and jaw are caved iii ward giving the face concave appearance The child appears grotesque with jutting lower jav and eyes protruding beyond the forehead and ey socket bones wedding in intuit Slltlfilu iiAi An academic programme for enrichment preview or sup plemental study recreational programme of swimming soiling canoeing tennis and other outdoor activities Boarding and Day clossesfor boys and girls For further information about either the regular session or the Summer School please contact Douglas Campbell Headmaster Rosseau Lake School Rosseau Muskoka Ontario POL UL 706 7324307 Olnterest calculated every 24 hours on the daily balance Paid Quarterly 09V Interest BARR TOMMU ITY CREDIT UNIONI IE ONT 7285191 CampbellFelepchuk Mr and Mrs Donald Campbell of Barrie announce the engagement of their daughter Sylvia to Cal Felepchuk of Barrie son of Mr and Mrs Lenard Felepchuk The wedding is planned for April I4 AGAIN INQUIRE SYSTEM FERNDALE THE SOLAR ENERGY PIE IS NOT ONLY IN THE SKY ITS BENEATH OUR FEET THE EARTH IS GIANT SOLAR COLLECTOR AND YOU CAN TAP ITS CONSTANT ENERGY SUPPLY WITH GROUNDWATER HEAT PUMP FOR MODEST INVESTMENT YOU CAN HEAT AND AIR CONDITION YOUR HOUSE WITH WELL WATER AND NEVER BUY GAS OR OIL GROUNDWATER ENERGY se7266537 Preparing for fashion show The stores in Barries Downtown Centre on Dunlop Street West get together Wednesday to present spring fashion show Here Susan Bogardis at left of Susans clothing store adjusts accessories worn by model Laurie Cann lng while show coordlnator Joan Parker member of the Quota Club of Barrie looks on Miss Cannings black cotton dress is from Desiree Lingerie in the background is from Undercover About l5 stores are giving out door prizes at the show which begins at prr Refreshments will be available Admission is $2 50 Examiner Photo people and places IZaster cantata lriiiity Anglican tlinrcli in Thornton ill present an llastcr cantata IIii tinspcl Song of IIastcr lll April IT at to in All are UItolttt irow iiig roses ttro Township Ilortictiltiiral Society meets at no Township Ilall April at Ill Intorma lion about giowing roses will be ayailablc and miniature rose bushes Ill be tor tlt Law rcncc Leigh will speak about starting Stttl Spring dance Iiarric Ys Alciiettcs prssciits Spread our Wings spring dance on April at Sunnidalc oinmunity tcntre from it ltt in to lit Tickets at Sl cotiple are available at lllt tarric YVlt or by phoning TLti ti Ill Art rented liarrie Art lub announces its art rental service will be open April from to it at its new location in the Downtown ciitre on lltinlopStriet Vcst Iatntitigs are rented or sold by the club on the lirst Satiir day oftvery month Branch meets Tlllic anadiaii Iliblc Socic tys llarrie branch meets luis day in the Resources liooiii ol Andrews lrcsbyterian the St 374520 Iiititli on oriny Street at top in Annual meeting lnnisfil Figure Skating lub hold its annual meeting tonight at the Stroud Innisfil liecrea tioii tentre new lVtIlllt will be voted in Photos from the recent cltib competition will be on display Fashion show The Quota Iub of liarrie is sponsoring Welcome Spring fashion show in llarries Downtown Centre Wednesday Moira lltiiit is commentator tor the show which begins at it lashions are supplied by the Downtown entre merchants Door prics can be won and refreshments will be available Admission is fit ourse on bread summary day for the adult course Spotlight on llread presented by the itiiiiislry of agriculture and food will be Iicld Wednesday at the on stiinersHasto building The vrapup session for the course held in seeril com munities within Siincoc tounty over the past few weeks begins at toa in Display at mall llarrie and District larent toopeiative lrc school oip is presenting Look at the Young tliilds World lll its third annual display at Georgia lal Thursday and llltl£l Itooks and records will be illllilltlt from local co optraininurseryscliools Motion passed The liiiiisfil Historical and Arcliaelogical Society meets Saturday at in at Knock toiiimiinityeiilre At the last meeting motion was passed to itSk lllt Iowiisliip council to consider forming Local Architectural tonserva tioiiommitteetorlniiislil Also the meeting proposed that Siincoe touiity Historical Association be asked to place plaque to Andrew llunter at Knock tommunity teiilrc Ilolding dance Barrie Siio Voyageurs will hold spring dance Saturday at the StroudIiinisfil Recreation entre from It in until in ltruce Laffm will provide music for the evening Dress is semi formal Tickets are $10 It couple For tickets call Tit tillIii Annual bourse Barrie District Stamp lttbs annual bourse anti exhibition will be held Saturday at St icorges Anglican Parish Hall on lturton Avenue from Illa to filo in Admission is everyone is welcome free and Chair to entertain The Allistoii branch of the tanadiaii ancer Society is holding an evening of enter tainment by the Sweet Adeline hoir on April at It pm at Ranting Memorial High School in Allistoii Admission is $2 So for adults $1 35 for students and children under arc admitted free Annual dinner lrniity lnitcd tliurch in Thornton will hold its annual mens roast beef dinner on April that it top in Tickets are $3 each and children under to years old are admitted for $2 3o Actor speaking llan Macdonald past chair man of the anadian Actors litmin and himself an actor of more than all years is the scheduled guest speaker at ltiiiclieoii in ltairic on April II The luncheon marking the beginning of the subscription campaign for the iryphon Theatres lttth season will be held at the ltarrie ioll and oinitrytltib Tickets at St per person must be purchased in adancc and are available at the theatre otticc lint liiinlop St on the Sttlllllllltttll litest speaker The April meeting of the Thornton District Horticultural Society will beheld April II at it in Trinity lnitul thurcli Thornton Itcv Itlllil Speers of liai ric is the scheduled speaker Meeting announced La Icclie League of llarrie will hold morning meeting on April at It at the home of ill ltllistoii lit irgilwood tcs Ilattic Mothers seeking advice from members or assistance 34 hours day may call 7269974 TItTrtllEll 72378717 4240840 or Tilt 7713 Museum display Itird illustrations by Allan Ilrooks are on display in the cultural wing of the Siincoe County Museum until the end of April The travelling exhibition is from the National Museum of Natural Sciences in titlawa It includes til paintings in vivid colors Ilrooks who lived from Itititt to lthi was not oiin an artist but nattiralist woodsmaii author and taxidermist lloriiin India educated in England he came to Canada at the ageof 12 with Iiislaiiiily the oxamlner Tuesday April 1979 ner Too many beers Dear Ann Id like to address my remarks to Still Boiling who is so upset about her husbands friend who urinated under her kitchen window Well Im 27yearold mother of small child and my advice to this lady is Cool it you aint seen nothin yet lived in Europe for few years while my husband was at tending school Boiling would have been beside herself if she had seen as did men urinating on street corners against the wheels of cars and telephone poles anywhere and everywhere they felt like it So tell not to fight with her husband over this small incident Americans are very fortunate to have so many toilets conveniently Icated Also tell her that when the clad unzipped his jeans she shouldnt have been wat ching SeenltAIl Dear All My original conclusion still holds The guy must have had too many beers agree however that once he unzipped she should have put her eyeballs back in her head and busied herself with another project Dear Ann Landers started talking to myself after read that letter from Worried In the Midwest Thirty years ago before Worried was born gave birth to right baby so beautiful so perfectly formed physically bright and precocious that people would stop to stare She was so lovable and happy at the age of four that our pediatrician complimented us on how well we were raising her Everything was fine until high school then our world exploded It wasnt drugs that sent our dream child to the first of series of psychiatrists four months in psychiatric hospital and as of now ten years of psychotherapy The problem was caused by an inherited weakness which proved emotionally crippling Would we have given this child away if we had known God not The mother who wrote to ask to whom she could give her child if he wasnt right must be subhuman We are At Peace With Ourselves In The Midwest Dear At Peace Subhuman No Just frightened and illin formed great many people wrote to give her hell but ac tually the poor girl didnt know any better urged her to get some outside help and sincerely hope she did Dear Ann Landers loaned my small home to male friend who decided to separate from his wife It was com pletely furnished and quite nice He was so deeply in debt that charged him no rent but he agreed to pay all the utility bills while he lived there Now he has moved out and just received the last months hills which come to $100 Although this is lot of money to me its nothing compares with the rent he would have had to pay Vtc life in Southern state and was under the impression that Southern gentlemen were to be trusted keep get ting disappointed in the South All the TV shows depict the Southern gentlemen as honorable decent and extremely wellinanncred Is it just lot of baloney Lost 88 Dear ss Deadbeats life in the North too Also the West and the East heapness has nothing to do with geography Pay the bill but dont hesitate to remind your friend often that he owes you $100 For what its wgrth Telephone friend or foe By MARGARET WORTH Im never entirely sure if the telephone is friend or foe It depends how you look at it Certainly think the Canadian telephone system is the best in the world Anyone who has experiences elsewhere will probably agree with me Recent ly tried to call my mother in England The operators here were friendly helpful and remarkably patient At the third attempt was still being told Im sorry but England isnt answering had mental picture of the whole of England refusing to answer the phone No love its Sunday and only answer on Tuesdays or Not likely mate answer questions about the phone and go to the phone once its been answered but dont actually pick up the phone Its not my job sorry got through eventually but not without few more frustrations including local operator in small town hanging up in sheer panic Ma Bell just doesnt do things like that However all is not entirely sunshine and light in my telephone world Any system is only as good as the people who operate it and that can lead to problems have friend for whom even the simple four line and hold button is an unfathomable mystery which she will obviously never solve Sometimes just trying to talk to someone on the phone becomes lot like running in ever decreasing circles call placed recently went something like this dial ring May help you Exension 413 please One moment ring buzz silence dial tone erdial ring May help you etc We do tend to take our private phones for granted though dont we student friend of mine just cant afford the lux ury of telephone and is constantly frustrated by its lack Shivering through the winter in call boxes and trying to make advance arrangements which have the unhappy knack of changing at the last moment have made him very aware of how reliant we are on our dialing finger Really have only one strong complaint If wonderful Ma Bell could come up with little gadget to fit on the receiver of the phone which would temporarily paralyze the teenage hand which is constantly using that instrument when Im at the other end of the line somewhere trying to get through Id be really happy fgllys Pointers Best to keep pies cool liliAR lllY How can slice meringue pie without having the meringue stick to the knife and ruin the looks of the pie Also should meringue pies be kept in the refrigerator MRS JR DEAR MRS IR The following letter from Mildred will answer your first question As to the second one Service Bulletin from the Department of Agriculture says Refrigerate cream custard or meringue pies and foods with custard fillings such as cakes cream puffs and eelairs not allow them to stand at room temperature after they cool slightly If such foods are carried on summer outings keep In cooler with Ice or reusable cold packs until served POLLY DEAR IIIY Sprinkle sugar over your meringue pies before baking It produces golden brown color and the meringue will not stick to the knife when the pie is cut Keep clean sponge in the vegetable bin of your refrigerator and it will absorb any excess moisture MILDRED DEAR READERS suggest you cut out the following two Pointers and save them for next winter so they will be handy when the first bad weather comes to your urea POLLY DEAR POLLY Most of us are not lucky enough to have snow blowers but discovered that spraying snow shovel with furniture polish and then wiping rag across the shovel will keep the snow from sticking This certainly made my snow shoveling easier and hope it does the same for others CLAIRE DEAR POLLY On very cold winter day had the misfortune to break storm door window so slipped summer screen into Iargeplastic garbage bag replaced this in the groove and had instant protection from the wind and snow HELEN DEAR POLLY To make string mop last longer tie knots in the ends of the strings before the map is used the first time think they last twice as long MARCIE

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