at wagraw yawn it 1o the oxamlnor Tuesday April 1970 TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING £0 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEws MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cos NEws ABC NEws NEws PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 HATTYTOWN TALEs 655 It WRITE ONl 700 DATING GAME LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW Tic TAC DOUGH HEADLINE HUNTERS Ill NEWLYWED GAME KIDSWORLD GONG suow PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MUPPETs SHOW Guest grave NEWLYWED GAME CONLONS ONTARIO FAMILY FEUD PATSY GALLANT SHOW cum Ohio Pia ers Dwayne Ford III ONE CANADA MAGIC SHADOWS up erice BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 CLIFFHANGERS HAPPY DAYs ThoFonzgrap pleswith an owl torcewhentha gang setsuptha Cunningham home for an exorcrsm to break Old ladys curse on CBS REPORTS HOw Much For The HandicappedT mounting contlict between conscrenca and costthecostot making public facrlrties available and acceaaibie to the handicappeds the subiect of CBS Reports mrns TWOS COMPANY historically FAST FORWARD WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT an MOVIE COMEDV Par adlae Lagoon81035 88 RENE SIMARD SHOW LAVEFINE AND SHIRLEY Two bank robber hold Laverne and Shirley aa hoa tagea after blowing up the mena room in the Fina Bowl in order to gel to the bank next door TUESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES The Dark Secret of Harvest Home $6 Stara Bette Davla David Ackroyd THE REAL STORY Jamee 900 JESUS OF NAZARETllrnocontin ued dramatization ot the lite and teachinga of Jeeua Jeaua leeda the multitudea rateea Laxarua from the dead delivers the Sermon on theMountandproclaimahimaelttheSonolGod StareRobenPowellLauranceOliviarPt illOt ur rt in hra lit l5 THREEs COMPANY Mysterious phone calla and aecrat meetings lead Jack Janet and Chriuy to believe that Helen Roper to having an affair with her hue do but friend TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE The Darker Side Of Tarror i979 Stare Robert For Adrienne Barbeau GRAND OLD COUNTRY Guasla Allen Jr Dallaa Harmea Stella Parton VISTA The Pill for the People GONG SHOW 930 HASANYBODYHERE SEEN CANADA This documentary traces the hiatory of tilmmakrng in Canada from 1939 to I953 primarily through the creation of the Na tional Film Board oi Canada in l939 90 TAXIThacabbieeembark onalrantic race against time when they team up on wild nonatop drive from New York to Miami a0 Alex can apend 20 minutea between planea with me Ioatdau hter 13 oulsENs BLVDEtainequitaner Iobtormoremoneybutendangeraherreletion ahipwithelrciaWhan aheacceptaapoaition that could make her boas oi Feiiciaa husband 1000 THE ROPERs ourNCY ROLL CALL NEws UPDATE NEws Jeroma 1001 BARETTA 1030 13 QUEENS BLVD Elaine outta her lob for more money but endangera har relation ahlp with Felicia when aha accept poaition that could make her boaa oi Feliciaa band OUTREACH ONTARIO Krtchener Bach Choir 1100 In NEws CBC NEws cw NEws PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED MOVIE DRAMA Ride the Wild Surf 1004 1120 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHTSIIOWeurorCr aOn Gueale Cloris Leachmen Ronny Graham ith Btegen 90 mlna WI CBS LATE MOVIE BARNABY JONES The Deadly Jlmi The Dollars at rich youngwomanareallkitledandBamabyainvea ligationleadahimtothenowwhealchairbound former boyfriend of the girl MADIGAN The MidtownBeatStaraRichardwidmarkï¬harlaa nin It OVIE DRAMA edi us the Kin rear STREET TALK9 ID QUESTION PERIOD 145 WORLD ATWARInideinaneicnAa the Germana began to auiler defeata in Europe and Ruleia Allied bomberebeganbombrng the ReichandGermancivilianabeganlorealizethal themightyGermanfightingmachinewaavulner able 60min 150 MOVIE SUSPENSE See The Man Run101I 1200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE ADVENTURE Fever Heat 1060 1210 IIIMoerIORAMAiw Thief 1011 100 TOMORROW Hoat Tom Snyder Guaet Eileen Stevens whoae eon was lulled aternrt hazin incrdenl 80mins III MARCUWELDY MD peaking today in history THE CANADIAN IRlISS April It lititt anada paid thc linitcd Status $108 million on taking ovcr the Alaska Highway 33 ycars ago today in 1946 Ihc sum covcrcd airficlds flight strips tclcphonc systcms buildings and othcr asscts but not construction of thc highway itsclf Ihc 153milc highway was built in 194243 at cost of almost $140 million to thc US with anada supplying lhc right of way 1x65 Union Icn llysscs Grant occupicd thc onfcdcratc capital of Richmond Va mil Iiitlcrs Afrika Korps capturcd Banghazi liltit An RCAF raid brought the Krupp armamcnt works at Esscn Icrriiany to ncar standstill IIIIIS anadian Parliamcnts Iongcst scssion pioiogucd on thc 248th day lint Forriicrl prcsidcnl Richard Nixon announch that hc would pay $432787 In back tafcs owrrig for his first four ycars in officc barries stog April liltio Barric Rccrcation Comr mittcc pullcd out of thc Simcoc County Rccrcation Scryicc and planiicd only payasyougo participation in any county canaclas story Most Hated Man Was Most Applaudcd thn John Graves Simcoc becamc the first lieutenant governor of Upper Canada in I791 he transferred the capital from Newark Niagaraonthclake to Toronto In those days Toronto was just camping ground for Indians and furtrappcrs In fact thc namc mcant cct ing placc Simcoc did not like the capital having an Indian name and changcd it to York after the Duke of York Simcoc left in 1796 and it took the citizens of York until 1834 to gct the name changed back to Toronto when the tiny city was incorporated The next step was to choose the first mayor Toronto was dividcd into five wards each being rcprcscntcd by two councillors and two aldcrmcn On April 1834 thcy clcctcd the mayor from their own ranks and WL Mackcnzic got thc most votes lie was also mcmbcr of thc Lppcr Canada legislaturc whch he had thc reputa tion of bcing the most hated but most applauded man in thc placc Iackcrizic was given thc honor of bcing the first mayor of Toronto bccausc he had been onc of thc leaders of the campaign toch thc namc changed from York to Toronto Thc choice was also deliberate insult to thc establish mcnt IIis tcrm was only for one year and charactcristically ho was responsible for tumult whcn hc raiscd taxcs to build drains and sidewalks There was riot in which six pcoplc wcrc killed It was hardly good start for Toronto thc Good Latcr of course Mackcnzic lcd thc Uppcr Canada rcbIIlion and fled to the 18 when he was dcfcatcd TIIER EVENTS ON APRIL 1831 WI Mackenzie ws chosen to be first mayor of Toronto 1875 Construction of CPR transacontincntal began at Ihundcr Bay 1907 Univcrsity of Saskatchcwan rcccivcd charter I910 Earl of Athlonc bccamc Governor General 1916 Canada bought Alaska Highway and airficlds from US for $I08 million 1965 Parliament prorogucd aftcr session of 248 days and reopened April rccrcation actiyitics Ihc withdrawal promptcd vigorous protcst from thc couir ty body Aftcr ycars of almost fruitlcss cndcayor plans for thc additions to Royal Victoria Hospital Rarric mum in thc drawing stagcs Ihc start of an cxtrnsion pro gram that would cost morc than summon was schcdulcd for thc fall of that ycar At thcir annual mcctirig Lloyd Cummings managtr of thc Innisfil rarrncrs frcdit nion niadc his rcqucst to thc mcmbcrs to put Iiioricy no mat tcr how small wcckly or mori thly in thcir sharc account At council iiicctrng Rarric Firc hicf It Irwin was in structcd to obtain cstiinatrs from not lcss than two coiitiac tors for rcnoiations at thc Firchall including thc construc tion of lIt hnfs officc iiIi prmcrncnts to Inciis quaitcrs rid rcdccorating thc voluntccrs mccl ing room Afttr cartfol scrutiny ity ouncil acccptcd tlic rccorn mcndation of thc financc corn mittcc to rcnurnbcr Itarric houscs on block syslciii Morc than too cnlhusiastic Boy Scouts tnrncd out and col lcctcd closc to So tons of wastr papcr in thc first salvagc drivc of thc ycar Harric in ouricil approvcd thc arncndalion of thc parking bylaw which would allow addi tioiial mctcrs to bc iristallcd on Dunlop Strch Cast and Ioyritl Strcct hairriian of thc traffic corn mittcc Aldcrinan II Ilcrscy imprcsscd on council that thc pririiary purposc of motors was to providc parking If thcic is no rcquircincnt for parking tthI out go thc mctcrs Alf lives in wagon loves every moment HILL SPRING Alta II Allrcd Rcdi Iiacli livcs in wagon and lows it His shcplicids wagon which hr built hiiiisclf sits on it of land south of this Illlllltl nity 7o kilornctrcs soulhwcst of Lcthhridgr Itach tilt is moch of thc sclfsuflicicnt man IIc looksoii cars and houscs as burdcns hayc iio usc for ihcsc lat cstniodcl invrntions cars and fancy houscs hr says You darcsrii walk in urilcss you lakc your shots ott Ilach gathcrs wood to fticl lltr stovc that hcats his wagon and cooks his mcals Ilc Iriclts snow in thc wintri and dips into an irrigation canal loo inctrcs away in thtsurnrrici for his wa ll supply Although hc has built wind mill to griiciatc rlrctricily it docsrit work flillt right yrt Ill says it riccr an alirrnator rathcr than lit high spccd grn eralor hc iristallrd havc wry good gardcri spot In fact givr away lot of vcgrtablcs buy most of Iny food and wrar iiicc clothcs With his choscn Iifcstylc Bach has no complaints about inflation aiirl thc high cost of living just dont fch sorry for Iriyscll Lifc is rcally iiitcr cslirig As long as can livc out in thccountry Im happy llc has hcrdcd sliccp for vari ous farincrs siricc 1924 whcn tic camc with his parcnts two biothcrs and sistcr to Canada from Switzcrlarid Now Iic kccps sliccp as hobby IIULI FOR THE IIIISI In 1976 lightning bolt kilch to of 20 shccp huddch around shcd Bachs approach to thc in cidcrit is pragmatic It was sad but bcncficial for thc llltl shccp bccausc thc paslurc was so low that ycar Ihc wall of his wagon is markcd by worn spot Iocatcd dircctly bchind his hcad whcn hc sits at his tablc Ihc spot is cvidcncc of many hours spcnt as host to fricnds bors lot of liirIids conic up oftcri loicollrc His first job in aiiada cairn at agc ill thc fall of HIEI wlicri hc workrd for Siriillioflxayitt Alta Ihats whcrc lcarncd lltc shccp busincss That was good job would sit lhcrc watching thc shccp and fall aslccp and slccp and slccp and slccp And whcri wokc up thcy would still llt llitlt Willi cycs shining with pridc tlic shcphcrd says hc is rclatcd to Johann Scliasiirrri Ilacli thc lltth ccnlury classical coin postr My fatlici and lilllllltIS arc musically inrlinrd My brothci Ilanicl taught his wilc from Calgary lo yodcl Roy shr can yodcll As for hiiiisclt cant hold turic Iiach may lovc his lifcstylc but his hcart is still in Switlcr land whcrc hc rcrncmbcrs tlic sun rising from bcliirid onc rangc of mountains and sctting Ivc got very good ncigbuéxttiiridanothcr not yet known By PAUL I12 IIUBLII Ml llcar lr Ruble Mother is 83 Two years ago she had blood ing ulcer and had two thirds of her stomach removed Since then she has had daily bouts of nausca or physician calls it tho dumping syndromc Ilc says nothing can bc donc for it Poor mother is rcady to climb thc walls Is thcrc such thing as thc dumping syndromc ls thcrc possibly something that can bc donc for hcr RllW This dumping syndrome occurs in about to per ccnt of pcoplc who havc had part of thcir stomach rcmovcd Ilic causc of discomfort is not on tircly clcar It is thought to bc rclatcd to rapid emptying of thc stomach particularly of car txihydratcsi and thc buildup of fluid in thc intcstincs Ihc rc sulting Iowcr blood circulation is thought to causc tlic nausca swcating irrcgular hcart cramps and wcakncss This is cxpcricnccd aftcr mcals For somc lowering of sugar in takc can Iiclp thc problcm Ihcrc is really vcry Iitt lc clsc to do to changc thc ncw chciii ical ballgariic going on in thc intcstincs but shc can makc living with it morc plcasant Shc should Iic down for about half hour aftcr cvcry mcal llcr dict should bc high in protcin and shc should cut smallcr morc frcqurnt mcals spacing thcm cycnly during thc day crtaiii drugs iiniisclc rcla xcisgt might givc hcr rclicf bchcvc though that with thc tips outliiicd abovc shc might avoid much of hcr prohlcm lrI Icss copcd with pltptll thc condition cart lcad to fcar of cating and malnutrition In time lhc patient adjusts and dict and symptoms become less of problem Dcar Dr Rublc am 73 ycarold lady read in your column how to prevent Icg cramps at night by wearing pair of Iightwcight socks tricd this and it really works bavc not had cramps sincc hopc you will print this itciii again so others can benefit fromit Mrs Glad it hclpcd you It might othcrs Ilcar lr tttihlc What is niacin havc heard it is hclpful for hcadachcs Iruc LL Niacin is onc of thc Bcom plcx vitamins It may havc slight dilating icxpansion ct loci on blood csscls of thc skin incrcasirig blood flow thcrc It is valuablc in many conditions as in cholcstcrollowcririg dict and in trcaling pcllagra which is niacin dcficicricy dont know whcrc you hcard of Its hcadachc rclicvirig qualitics It may causc hcadr achc iii somc pcoplc Anothcr iiamc for niacin is nicotinic acid Iliat Iiamc was droppcd to avoid confusing it with nico tinc with which it has no con ricclion IIIar III ltuhlc ridc an cxcrcisc bicyclc about io miIiutcs at tinic cach day was woridcring il thc cffccls would bc thc samc as walking amTSI lltl Ilic cxcrcisc bikc Is finc and should lIc as cffcctiyc as walking Rut dont dcny yoursclt tlic grcatcr plcasuic ol walk out of doors if you arc up toIlIat congratulationsonyour 79 ycai old igot NORTH iIlA VJIIISIZ 0863 10543 StilITll 1091 Vulnerable Neither Dealer South Wcst North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead BRIDGE ilOswaId Jacoby and Alan Sontag chtcrday we saw dc clanr rcfusc thrcc firicsscs bccausc hc dIdrit want to risk giving thc ItftlldtlS chance to ruff soriicthing III todays hand South is looking at two fiiicsscs but rcfuscs both of thcrri for thc sirnplc rcason that hc docsnt nccd thciii Wcst starts Wltll thrcc rounds of diamonds South ruffs tlic third and is rcady Ignore unneeded finesses for opcratiori contract No is Iookirig at that good club still to dummy and sccs thath can afford to losc oric truiiip trick and furthcr iiioic that oiicc trumps arr out hc is horiic with tlic bacon So South promptly plays acc and king of trumps Soiiictiiiics thc quccn drops but this tiriic it docsrit so South simply lcads ariotlicr truriip Wcst takcs his quccii but South is surc of thc rcst of tlic tricks Ilic play was really clc iiiciitary but thc bidding worthy of riotc The hand was playcd III fairly strong duplicatc gaiiic and only about till pcrccnt of tlic NorthSouth pairs rcaclicd thc spadc gaiiic Ask the Expatts Yoti hold ft it You opcii onc spadc arid rIbid two spadcs oycr your partncrs two IIIarts Ilc coiitirirics to tlircc clubs Icxns rcadcr wants to know what wc do now Wc iiiakc tlic siiitplc bid of four clubs Wc liavc no iiitcr cst In tliicc riotriiirip arid Iiitcnd to pass if partiicrs ricxt bid is four licarts iTIIl daily crossword ACROSS aw my 43 My st outrunLi isr win Wlihl lifiIil Hunt1M mmv ll Utorztwr sit itiiliIirilt Via urrr OMHI 55 lttllI 1Illli 14 it MI l5 Mi Illrt BMW 16 Witiitlni imrnrti titlrlr sr llllf Ill 58 Du 59 liIIlrsli pill IIIIll WWW ti WIII Hill 24 Iio Intiii MW 26 DH iIIwstinpur 56 lmpninrriclrn lord two plltltllvl tilt ti DOWN wort 30 FusscstJI pronoun flll ll 3i BrlsclialIIr pm me Pack In cm Scriiinolc predeccssoi Im4 33 Jackie 2nd CIYB31l husband Ballete 34 Alternatiw Petroleum word derivatives 36 Compass Hotrscconi pmnt Graduate of 37 Sown fr 39 Most IUIIPIII 42 Edible root ll Annapolis alibi Figurc AlszI Initial iiil ii It It II III llUII Al ll fllnriiiimii RH IrivrrtiriIIItrif ltml lintmy ninth if itll liIlIi 40 Chich yliilt 7i lvtiirr irIIlIlfl Al foolish tltflly toer kis NHIll 7d Slot High 24 Corrlirlcnt 75 Li Brings tlioo 28 DOCS on coritl giffiilliir 29 slaughter 49 low tidc 50 This Sp 51 Bashhnli plnyci Mtrl 30 Weslcrn hemisphorc ir lflllélllttlt Hillir 35 Brooks Coritrarl 53 Spanish article Lac Bernloe Bode Osol April 1979 Be sure tO explore all avenues of oppOrtunity no matter how remote their possibilities appear Something unusual holding big promise could un expectedly develop this com ing year ARIES March 21April 19 Be fore you throw in the towel today wait bit longer and keep trying There is good chance events will suddenly reverse themselves in your favor lNinthrop BOY THE R95I7VKAN GarMAD WHEN BIT HIM VESIERDAV Wizard SURE607 CAN You EIARE Pl14a Grantee F0 TEN Lot Short Ribs THE CADTAN is COMING Born Loser NOWDONTGOMAKINAmOF WRSELF PET THEYRE YOUNGER AN FITTERTHAN you ARE NSL NOR HERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlap St 737 3860 145 53 97719 Jam Stiff sVUA 6T0 acous iNGr You 60145 REPRE 59TH COULD ENTATIVE PAINTINGE BY THE GREAT TAURUS April 20May 20 There is problem brewing today among triends with whom you mix socially that might put you on the defensive However one youd least ex pect to do so will prove helptul GEMINI May 21June 21 Do your best to quickly resolve any problem that may arise at home today or you may have to face chilly atmosphere for time CANCER June 21July 22 If you are too set on your own ideas today youll fail to hear the suggestions of another who is trying to help you and who knows how to LEO July itsAug 22 Be extra prudent in management of your money and operty toda so OVER HEREAKE FRENCH IMPRES erouisr RENOIK TMTLL cosT You OLAMG HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH WHATS THE GENERIC EQUNA LEMT someone doesnt have to nail you out if you get into trouble VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 It may seem like everything you want to do at this time is stymied by something over which you have no control Be patient It Will pass LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 YOU can achieve success today it you resign yourself to the fact that what youre working on may take some real effort on your part Dont give up SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You dont want to play it solo today and you may push tOO hard lying to find people to share your day Relax An unex pected call is on its way SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Todays obstacle can be am an 19 LA6T OF THE NINTH fh rrrrwgtcn iii overcome it youre prepared to exercise lot of sticktOIt iveness Dont give up the ship too quickly CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Consider hasty exit It you run into individuals who have nar row outlooks and begin to rub you the wrong way its better than sounding Off AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Just because someone is friend doesnt mean you have to lend them something you know they may never return Politer say NO PISCES Feb zitMarch 20 To gain the cooperation Of others today you may tirst have to listen to their plans and be willing tO give them try If they tail theyll try it your way AND THE onnaynu Inc In MUSDIO Yx uuwcsvmr in at ura in and Cape Diet held Newpap Syndicate 07 Darty Mirror tieemu Ltd YOU BURY DistRAG UNDER DEAD QIUMP THE TROUBLE IS NOT WITH YOUR SEI 93 wrirr iHE NETWORK AND You Know NHERE TItnt LEAVES You FELLA no heart been III VHQMlO THAN ABOUTMAKIN Poor or MESELF SHE DOES THE JOB FOR ME Your wedding invitations an ouncements Headquarters We provide loanoul service