are uide SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING REACH 10ng NEWS CBC NEWS AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN SATURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR SPORTS CITY 630 SKI BASE CBS NEWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS SPECTRUM DONT ASK ME SPORTS PROBE MCGOWAN7A3I COMPANY HEE HAW Guests Jim Stllford Zella Eddie Low INCREDIBLE HULK NEXT STEP BEYOND MARY TYLER MOORE HOUR HERE AND NOW BJ AND THE BEAR EIN PROSIT THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER Final episode II is Coronation Day and Tom realiles he is helpless pawn in Sudbrokes plan to use Tom to seize power for himself Ed wardsndMilesarrlveatWestminsterAbbeyiust intimetorEdwsrdtDprovehisidentitybyproduc the Great Seal TEAM SHOWDOWN so FOUR FOR ADVENTURE 730 CONVERSATION WITH EYE ON BUFFALO In GEORGE HAMILTON IV DR WHO Pyramids OI Mars Final H5 OUIZ KIDS re LAST OF THE WILD 800 THE CURSE OF DRACULA Count Dracula vampire posrng as San Francrsco college professor is Obsessed With thwarting attempts by yearold woman and an enth ropologiattodastroyhim Stars MichaelNouri it aHOCKEVNIGHTINCANADA ChrcsgoBIackHawksvsTorontoMapleLeals3 BAD NEWS BEARS Jack Warden stars as Morris Buttermaker former mrnor leegue baseball player turned protessronal swimming pool cleaner When Morris is hauled into court for driving clients csr intothe mans pool theiudge gives him choiceofgoingtoiail or volunteering to coach at special school for kids whove exhibited behavroral difficulties emiere PAUL LYNDE AT THE MOVIES Paul Lynde takes very specral look at the movies of 1978 especially those in contention lorAcsdemyAwards Gueststars RobertUrich ty White and Gar Coleman 60 mrns STARLOS CHIPS MOVIE Ws Down East 1920 POINT BL NK SHULMAN FILE 830 BILLY Arthur fills out an application for computer dating service but Billy tells him he must stratch the truth little it he wants to attract thegorgeous irls 00 BJ AND THE BEAR SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE No OtherLova197QStars Richard ThomasJutie nor THE LOVE BOAT masked kissrng bandit stalks the decks at night witness to gangland crime takes crurse so hewont have to testify and businessman finds what is rm portant In life through his son Guest stars Billy Burst Marilyn McCoo 60 mrns MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED GREAT DEBATE POINT BLANK 925 CONVERSATIONSWITHELWY YOST 930 CITY LIGHTSGuesI AnttionyPerkins Partl 1000 THE ROCKFORD FILES Moreno returns In her recurring role of prost tutefriend ofJimRocklordwhoischarged with the slaying ole customer who was actually nated mobster 60 mrns 3T0 FANTASY ISLAND meek 25 yearold clerk dreams ol being best selling authorandanarchaeologistwhowantstomake great find gets the opportunity to investigate thetomb ofKing Tuts twin brother Guest stars iArnaz Jr Barr Sullivan 60 rTIins SECOND ITY so EDITORS 1030 FOR LOVERS ONLY WITNESS To YESTERDAY 1100 9000 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS MOVIE Blood and Send 1022 LOTTARIO FEEL LIKE DANCIN 1105 In NASHVILLE SWING as MOVIE DRAMA The World Of Susie Wong 1930 1115 PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS 120 NEWS 1122 NEWS 1130 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE MOVIE DRAMA Mary son of Scots 1971 MOVIE HORROR Night as 1939 N05 6000 1140 MOVIEMUSICALROMANCE Ma tlme1937 MO IE MYSTERY Murder on Flt h15021075 50 MOVIE DRAMA Secret World 1969 1200 mMOVlEADVENTURE Ga 1976 CONVERSATIONSWITHELWY YOST INTERNATIONAL CINEMA 100 03 ROCK CONCERT 130 CHALLENGE MOVIEDRAMAm SOWOII Remembered 1047 200 MOVIE ADVENTURE latTo 1952 ABC EWS 205 GOODIES 210 MOVIE DRAMA Va Tito Arrangement tees 220 mMOVIESUSPENSEPli Slt ting Target 1972 SUNDAY MORNING VIEWING 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR JIMMY SWAGGART BY THE PEOPLE COMMANDER TOM SHOW FLOWER SPOT ORAL ROBERTS ID POLKA DOT DOOR OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL MACEDONIAN MAGAZINE 900 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR SUNDAY MORNING PARADOXII IT Is WRITTEN ID JEREMY 915 GET IT TOGETHER 925 BARBAPAPA 930 ORAL ROBERTS REX HUMBARD HISPANOVISION SESAME STREET SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR JEWISH SHOW 1000 REX HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH CORONATION STREET WOODY WOODPECKER In ITALIAN PANORAMA GREEK SHOW SOUNDS OF THE EAST 1030 ROBERT SCHULLER KIDS ARE PEOPLE Too DAY OF DISCOVERY IE MINICOLLECTORS ED PORTUGUESE SHOW 1045 WALK WITH GARY 1100 OPEN RAP REX HUMBARD MEETING PLACE PEOPLES CHURCH IE MAGIC SHADOWS 1130 REV JAMES ANDREWS FACE THE NATION ANIMALS ANIMALS LES JEUNES STOUTES DES Fous voz DA PROFECIA 1145 FESTIVAL ITALIANo ANIMALS SUNDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 CHAMPIONSHIP FISHING GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD MOVIE MVSTERY Bevanng ISM Destiny1971 MU TO EE MOVIE ADVENTUREROMANCE The BandttOfSherwood Forest ALBUMTV ITALIAN CONTINUES ID IMPRESSIONS 16701970 PORTUGUESE FIN DE SEMANA PANORAMA 1230 MEET THE PRESS HERALD 0F TRUTH MONEYMAGAZINE NEWS ID EN SE RACONTANT LHIS TOIRE DICILaVenueAuPouvoereMaur Ice Duplessrs 1245 In AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 FISHING WITH ROLAND MARTIN COUNTRY CANADA Marketing is prime concern of food producers and Tom Chudleigh an aggressive apple grower has turned his pick your ownorchard Into year round enterprise to sellapples1uicecider and to res IiALiAN COOKING In ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY 130 FISHING HOLE HYMN SING TROUBLE WITH TRACY FOREST RANGERS ID ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE wYMEMORIES OF GREECE 145 NBA BASKETBALL KIPLINGERS CHANGING TIMES 200 AVON WOMENS TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS FARM INSIGHT CANADIAN SUPERSTARS tinelweek otcompelitmnteatcres1hr hall rniiir run and obstacle course rumputitiori Brian Budd Darryl Sittler Mike Murphy and Tony is brielheadtheresteronSCanadian Superstars vyingforprizemoneyolSdSAOOandtherightIt representCenadaintheWorldSuperstars man In the Bahamas 60 mins INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION SHIP BOXING ABC Sports willteiewsii im WBC Welterweight Championship light between Wilfredo Benitez and chalimiqw Hur Weston Jr from Puerto RICH 9P mics FAMILY FINDER You AND YOUR INCOME TAX £29 700 CLUB 230 CANADIAN EXPRESS MOVIE WESTERNCARTOON The 11 From Button Willow 1965 EVERYBODYS CHILDREN ITALCINE 300 SUNDAY SPORTS SPECIAL ProgramwiilronSistiiCDnadmriJiss Country Skiing Championships trrirri Morin Heights Ouebacand1978 Toronto Blue Jays season hlrghts baseball 111111 60 nuns HEE HAW masts Bill Anderson Mary Turner Lonzo and Oscar Jana Jae IN CONVERSATION WITH no Beltelrieim PEOPLES CHURCH 310 LET us GO LAUGHING 330 CANADIAN SUPERSTARS linalwoek ofcompetitionleaturesthe halt mile run and obstacle course competition Brian Budd Darryl Sittler Mike Murphy and Tony Ga briolhuadthe roster ol 23Canadian Superstars VVIIIQIIJI prize money olSAï¬dwandtherightto represent CanadsiItheWortd Superstarscom ition II the Bahamas 60 mma JOHN DENVER CELEBRITY PROAM SKIING FESTIVAL star studdiid group of entertainers ioms the worlds premier Skitrs in an Iling competition from Heavenly Valley California Among those par limpetirig will br Clint Eastwood Kristy MCNI Itril Mir 0100117 and Richard Hatch 60 IDSOUTREACHONTARIOSO9 In this one man 0061 an old man tests that all gorid things are in the past 400 SPORTSWORLD TOURNAMENT PLAYERS CHAMPIONSHIP PIERRE BERTONS CELEBRI TV DINNER TINY TALENT TIME €23 IN PRIVATE LIFE 430 PEOPLE TALKING BACK Today program focuses on what Canadians wantniilrttlrli whatariithrirraspectationsand wt Rt rriIi will the or rinumy have to play in lulfill thvistRl entailunit I2 WID WORLD OF SPORTS It WILD KINGDOM Why sorvalirin THE HOTTEST SHOW ON EARTH €23 KIDSWORLD 500 SHOWBIZ CBC NEWS AND THISWEEKIN PARLIAMENT In LAWRENCE WELK SHOW ID VISION ON BUGS BUNNY AND ROAD RUNNER IE MOVIE COMEOY 15 Nothing Sacred 1917 530 MUPPETS SHOW BIG BLUE MARBLE SUNDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 NEWS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY Born To Run Dreamrng of res toring hrs rundown farm to glory an Australian racehorse owner plunges his already mort gaged property deeper into debt on the chance that his yearling will be champion Pt of part episode 60 mins AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN WILD ANIMALS OF THE RLD Animals of the African Veldt POLKA DOT 000R ea GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 630 WILD KINGDOM Dilemrna icon CONSUMER BUYLINE LETS Go To THE RACES NEWS In NEw FACES SPORTS GAMES PEOPLE PLAY HERE COMES THE FUTURE 700 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEYBcrnToRunOreaming otrastoring his rundown farm to glory an Australian racehorse owner plunges his already mort gagedpropertydeeperintodebtonthechance that his yearling will be champion Pt of episode60 mins BEACHCOMBERS Tha Pa triarchPan Two Nickispledgedtoreturntohis native Greece and Relics effort to prevent this brings the skeletons out of the family closet 60 MINUTES FRIENDS comedydrama series about life as seen through the eyes of three ttyearrilds Peter figures Its time to start datinglike his pal Randy and goes Ona Satur day date with Nancy whorsleter upsettolearn that shes not the only girl In Peters life Stars Charles Aiken Jill Whelan Premiere 80 SMITH AND SMITH ALICEAltersellingthedinerMeladream of the good tile is shattered when he realixes that he made mistake in selling and the girls are all fired by the new owner 730 SCIENCE MAGAZINE Topics Shrimp tarrning the great egg race and art entificntion COMEDY SHOP PEOPLE AND PETS PROVINCIAL LOTTERY 800 THE BIG EVENT Soonor Or Later buoyant and snitious 13 yearold dreams of being grown up and with little help Irom makeupmanagestopasafora IGYBBPOIdBnd fallsinlovewithahandsomarock ainger Stars Barbara Feldon Judd Hirsch his SUPERSPECIAL Wayne and uater 80 mins ALLINTIIEFAMILYArChrestightrng instinctsareerousedwhenStephenresderelict lather returns and uses blackrrlail to try and get daughter back SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE The Ten Commandments 1957 Stars Charlton Heston Baxter BATTLESTAR GALACTICA In LEAFCANADIENS OLD TIMERGAME UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS rd OlHDnor LIVES Alexander lttaig Arid Sumo Of Hercules Host Robert MacNeI speaks to General Alexander Haig about his brilliant mIII tarycareeriustthree monthsbeloreheresrgns as Americas supreme allied commander inchief at NATO forces In Europe Harg des cribes the precarious balance of world power heldbytheSowetsChmeseandAmrrrrcans fit SHULMAN FILE 830 ONE DAY ATA TIME Ann tarifftrod the career opportunity of lifetime and then questions the price of her new success 900 ADVENTURESIN HISTORY Vorce ol the Fugitivo This spemel dramatires theundergroundrerlroadaIreedonilreitasteb ed during the days of slavery in the ALICE Neill morning in the review of Cinderella Alice is stunned by faint praise but gala rave notices VEGAS Americas most famous model an 0MISS America goes to Las Vegas for fashion layout and becomes the Victim of an extortion plot involving ohscone photos 60 THE WAY WE ARE ROOTS THE NEXT GENERA Simon Haley finally lands his first teaching Iob at black college in Alabama Not contenttoaimplytearharidignorattiuinnqurtres thatarecrippltngthetenaritfarmersrn thearon Simmon urges the farmers to take advantage of Pres Roosevelts new subsrdy plan an idea which arduses the angrir of NIH landowners Episode hrs 930 QUARTERLY REPORT Referendum The Power Play ThtB documen taryontheOuebec ReferendumonSovereignty Asaocration withhostBarbaraFrumei1amines the political repercusmons ofthe referendum votewhichthe PartiOuebecoissrpoctslohold In the neiit t2 months 90 mine STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS CITYLIGHTSUWSI Anttioriyiorkina Part It 1000 WEEKEND MARY TYLER MOORE HOUR Dick Van Dyke meets with Harry Sinclair and Mort Lipton the producer and writer respec tivelyof TheMaryMcKinnonShowtoworkout acceptable comedy routines with Mary 00 w5 LE DES INCERTITUDES Mc GOWAN AND COMPANY 1030 LAUREL AND HARDY 100 in NEWS CBC NEws CTV NEWS INTROSPEC o2 MONEY TALKS MARITIME COUNTRY 1115 NATIONS BUSINESS 1120 99 NEWS 1122 TEMPS NEWS 1130 MOVIE COMEDY Madness 1966 MARCUS WELBY MD In GOOD NEWS IE LA MANGEAILLE IN PRIVATE LIFE NIGHT MUSIC 1140 MOVIE CRIMEDRAMA Bohnn E1 or 1041 cu STI PERIOD 1150 THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO 1200 MEDICAL CENTER ED MOVIE ADVENTURE The Adventures of Marco Polo INTERNATIONAL CINEMA 1210 DAVID SUSSKIND SHOW 1220 9MOVlECOMEDY Fast Lady toss 1230 CONVERSTION WITH NEWS 100 MOVIE SUSPENSE The Sunshine Patriot was 130 WITH THIS RING TIME TENTATIVE 200 100 HUNTLEY STREET 300 SUNDAY SURPRISE 15 ABC NEWS The doctor says Xroys mi help here By PAUL RUBIJI MI Dear Dr Ruble am 64 years old male and today had an extraordinary ex perience While urinating had terrible sensation The hairs on the back of my head pricked up and it brou ht tears to my es pass little bead out half the size of BB It plopped into the water If you think lead is heavy this seemed to times heavier imagine this was gallstone What can you tell me what to do about this situation WB You have passed stone but not gallstone Gallstones dont teach the urinary tract but may enter the digestive tract bowels and exit Via that route hope you saved the stone to Show to friends Now take it to your doctor Future treatment depends on the com position of the stone Based on chemical tests of the stone the doctor might want to do certain blood tests for uric acid and calcium for ex ample as well as xrays of your kidneys Always save any abnormal objects passed for your doctor They are very valuable in diag nOSIs Dear Dr Ruble Should person with high blood pressure get more sleep than other people ttt Probably Blood pressure tends to go down during sleep so in that sense sleep might be considered therapy Of sort Just how much sleep would vary with the individual For some no in the afternoon might be Viszrblc if its prac tical to do that Even lying at rest can be beneficial in the other hand the role of exercise is being emphasized more and BRIDGE OSWald gacgby and Alah $911397 ght more these days so its really twoway street blend of ap propriate exercise and adequate rest Dear Dr Ruble Please settle an argument between my husband and me He claims that eating cured meats will make him less potent He says they use saltpeter and that this was used in the food when he was in the armed forces disagreed tell him that once the meat is cured and cooked the saltpeter has no effect Mrs LII lhe saltpeter rumor dies hard and is heard from these days on college campuses Sal tpeter is the familiar name for nitrate salts used to preserve bacon cold cuts hotdogs etc It has no effect on potenCy whether in cooked or uncooked meats Nitrates are not It be taken lightly however even though the small amounts used in food do not cause poisoning The main concern now is the possi bility of nitrate being carcino gen tcancgflproduccri qucs tion the and Drug Admin istration is investigating as they did cariicr with Red Dye N0 and the cyclziniates tar tificial swcctcncrst Often in matters such as this the thought is the psychological fa ther t0 the fact If your husband has the idea lets hope this note sets matters straight Dear Dr ltublc hzitc to take your time with trivial question but is it possiblc for an arthritic condition to affect the running of wrist watch My husband has arthritis bad and his wrist watch stops cvcry hour or so Mt No connection Gct hint it now watch for his birthday 321 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South IO INT Pass Pass Pass Pass NT Pass Pass Opening lead Pessimistic Pete looked over the dummy happily The hour was late It was the last rubber of the evening and Pete expected to win it and go home Can anything bad happen to me he asked himself Give East the king of spades and five diamonds to an honor He can get in and super safety play wins lead diamond from five to an honor Then if have to lose club can wind up two tricks down After this though Pete played the ace of spades from dummy Now he could count at least four clubs unless West held all four of the missing ones plus two spades two hearts and diamond Then he saw that If East held all four clubs he could get In trouble unless he made the sort of safety play that he Pete was famous for At trick two he led club from dummy and carefully covered Easts seven with the eight West showed out and Petes pessimism was wellrewarded He wound up making an overtrlck on hand that would have been set without the supersafety play ASK It EXDCIIS Wisconsin reader asks if we ever pass as dealer yvith 14 highcard points The answer is decided no When we have the equivalent of one ace more than an average hand there is too much Chance that pass will cost us game datly crossword ACROSS 50 Cassowary Answer to frevrous Punit 53 Vehicle rinter 55 Mother of measure pl pearl Aware 0112 59 Group of stl musicians Smgle me 62 Author 12 ConSUme Flemmg Vese 63 Directm Palm Preminger Causm 64 Concerning substance was Lay l6 Racc 18 Seed planter am 20 65 EIDIOSIVC ot OfWrHtl 21 Femali SdlflI 3be 66 Cat sound awn 67 Lab l7 Burmese 44 Part of the car 22 Fasten With be CUWICY 46 Erivrrorinterit stitches 68 momma CUVY mm agency alibi Zd Motoring sel95lee 23 Subbed 48 81mm association 25 Exclamation 26 Types DOWN til triumph kngdm 30 Base mam 26 Smmudm 50 Esau Utlfllfy home plate Electric fish 27 Eumgm 51 COmffltIt 34 C8 Splke Month Sp 28 heck deny 52 Biblical 35 Etude MUIQa 29 Uses needle preposiIIOri 37 Region Pesecme and thread 54 Performed 38 Battle Negative 31 in song 40 Small branch IIU 0111111 56 Oume as Honey RM fruit vapor amhom pharrri Um 33 CIIILng 57 43 Au mtg Nebraska Iin My 000de but 45 Ni iiriilrirrti IIth 36 AIIIIHIIIII 58 mm 47 Infiriity of Ntsgttlivtw 19 EititilliiIri 60 Bovrw timt IO Ellflfltht qiIiiiml DCDQSSU 49 Cliancr ll DIIIfftfIl dl tirrri Iials NJ UV 07 03 to 01 to Lo r9 L11 171 ASIIOGla Bernice Bede Osol March 25 1979 Tlevup loose ends on pending progects this coming year be fore Involving yourself in new ones Things youve already started will produce good return if you complete them properly ARIES March 21April 19 Rather than lending for your self today you are likely to look to others to handle your bur dens of responsibility Your tactics wont be appreciated TAURUS April 20May 20 If you have ulterior motives in deal ings with friends today theyll be readily discerned Keep everything above board so yOu wont have to apologize later GEMINI May 21June 20 You may lack the drive today to achieve difficult goals Be patient Proceed step at time Within your capabilities CANCER June 21July 22 It may be trifle difficult for you today to harmoniously cope with coworkers Youll be look ing for the faults Instead of their virtues LEO July 23Aug 22 Be ex tremely careful in your financial involvements today You could be drawn Into Situation where youll pay the tab for someone who outmaneuvers you Bugs Bunny Short Ribs 00 DICTIONARY VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Should you find Others unwill ing to cooperate today it could be due to your insistence upon having things your way This wont OCCUr if yOu compromise LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Take care today that you dont per mit your overactive imagination to make mountains from molehitls This could lead you to believe your tasks are more difficult than they truly are SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Be nice to people for the right reasons today If you try to butter up person because you want something it may turn out Opposite of what you hoped for SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Try not to let your emotiOris be overly influenced by outside factors today It could make you rather unpleasant person to be around CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Reading more into what others say than they intended could cause you undue frustrations today Look at the world lightly Above all laugh at yourself AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Someone who is poor risk could place yOu In awkward position today by asking you for loan Let practicality tem par your udgment PISCES Feb 20March 20 Functioning as independently as you like today may not be an easy matter Be prepared for others to make demands on your tir and services Rinas 374 Frank and Ernest Born Loser NSL 7373860 NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St WALK ING UNDEK wvw tï¬h cYour Birthday March 26 1979 Some very unusual Opportuni ties will be coming your way this coming year Take the time analyze their merits but also dont let them 5le through your fingers ARIES March 21April 19 Some information youll be re ceiving today is better kept to yourself or you could get caught in the middle Of an intrigue youd be better off aVOIding TAURUS April 20May 20 Someone isnt being com pletely honest with you today However yOull get to the truth through pal who spontane ously volunteers the answer GEMINI May 21June 20 sudden shift in conditions after an ally has let you down turns things about again and gives you the opportunity to set It right CANCER June 21July 22 Un less you break the routine of things today youll not be productive Look around See what you can do about it then make the changes LEO July litAug 22 The truth could surface today in Situa tron that has had you confused Once you understand the un otllhIIA 11 119 us v1 or THERE WILL BE No DISCO DANCING DURING COFFEE What you do When you see big wave derlying factors youll cope effectively VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Quick insights should be heeded and acted upon today Otherwise you could talk yourself out of some pretty nifty ideas that would bring you happiness LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 If you have time to think about things today youll decide everything is too much work The best way to get the job done Jump in withboth feet SCORPIO Oct 24NOV 22 Your whims and fancies wont be satisfied if you lock yourself into present plans today Leave room to make quick changes SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Its good day to go off by yourself and do what your mood dictates Whats happen ing around home will bore you You could make others uncom lortabte CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 defeatist outlook will be yours today unless you attempt to get out with active positive thinking friends They can turn your head around AOUARIUStJan20Feb19An Opportunity to replace some thing that has been lost to you will present itself today It will have material worth PISCES Feb 20March 20 Those ideas youve been toy ing with are worth bringing to light today In fact they could get you Off the hook with authority figures OF COURSEDOU REALIZE THIS WILL PLAY HAVOC WITH OUR CRIMERATE lIIniil DONT KNOW WHGH NEIGHKOR 15 THE MOST ABCRA VAII one HA5 NOISY °LD CAR AND THE OTHER HHS Your Wedding Invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service mi VIN on sciasnmi 9015 New 0N5 THAKS 514 YOU CERTAIIJLY MAKE THE MOl WHAT YOU DO HAVE lt WHATS 1HE MATTER WITH WANDYP ms POT LIKE YOUD LET GET AWAY Wi flIATQRT IXI