Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1979, p. 9

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No longer considered uac the oxamlner Thursday Mar 22 1979 Chiropractors gaining respectability If Illtll IH IIItHI if The Illllltltl During the past tltl years they have been called quacks and bone crackers and the medical profession has given them reluctant any llut in their cltorts to gain respectability and recognition tor their ancient practice ol diuglcss medicine atid spinal manipulation chiropractors ttt rccogmt too it anada appear to be making steady headway Each year members at the graduate trotn the about 15o protession tanadian Memorial hiropractic ollege in loronto the only training Spring day camp at YMCAYWCA Now you do the knives and Ill dry the spoons says Christine Colucci of Barrie left to Kim Van Leeuwen of Barrie as the two join number of other YMYWCA Spring Camp day campers clean up after cooking ses sion The spring campers at the from am to pm until Friday par ticipate in activities ranging from educational films to playing games Ex aminer Photo Aluminum siding trade Sharks invade county By NANCY IIllIIltt The Evaininer Caution Siding sharks have invaded Simcoe ounty tn the spring of 1978 some Simcoe ounty residents were conned by low prices and had siding put on their homes Reputable dealers in the area think the sharks have invait ed Sirncoe ounty again this spring The sharks says Terry Kerr of Painswick Aluminum Painswick are men without much experience in siding She warns lie wary of who youre dealing with She advises it the person isnt advertised or isnt local dont deal with them She says the sharks are out oftowners Their prices might seem cheaper than anyone elses in the area but dont tool yoursell she said You only get what you pay for Mrs Kerr said older people are most easily conned lnce something goes wrong with the siding theyre stuck shesaid The workers have long since gone llut if you have the work done by local person you know where to contact them it you have problems Sharks like buds on trees come out in the spring time Thats when most people think about making repairs to the home said Mrs Kerr Most often sharks put up siding but dont use proper trims or tools To someone who doesnt know about siding they might think the job looks good she said But believe me it hasnt been done proper ly Ilefore having any work done advises Mrs Kerr get estimates froin various com panies If you get low estimate from someone dont automatically assume the other companies are charging too much she said Find out what kind of materials all com panies are using Then make choice Mrs Kerr and her husband Peter have been in the siding business for five years She says prices are higher this year than last but only by about five per cent Even with the rise in prices she says aluminum siding definitely adds to the value ot property But thats not the only benefit of it With aluminum siding youll never need to paint your house again she said If you have wood however youll be painting every two years As well siding adds to the insula tionot the house Although lrs Kerr doesnt advise buying lirtlryolltStll siding kiils many Stmeoe oun ty companies say sales ot the kits are good ardinal ash aiiil tarry Inc at Highways 2i and 27 report sales of do it yoursett kits have been good aiiil customers have been pleased with the results if you can cut straight line with either liaiiil or power tool its simple operation to do your Own siile siding says Don Smith of ardinal ash and arry The critical thing is making sure the starter strip is level around the building lt its on crooked all the rows will be crooked All kits come with easy to understand steprbystep inr structioiis he said Other than being particular about the starter strip doing your own siding is lairly simple deal Masonite and aluminum are the most popular types of siding in Simcoe ounty said Smith Although they are similar in many ways iiiasoiiite siding is dent proof anil aluminum siding is not he said Aluminum siding isnt com monly used out west because it cant stand up to the bad hail storms they get he said At the end of vicious hail storm siding in the west looks like its been bombarded with golt ballssaiilSiiiitli Smith had masonitc siding in stalled on his home to years ago It still looks like new he reports Although vinyl siding aiiil steel siding are also available they arent as reputable as either aluminum or lllilsiiltllt siding Steel siding is very expen sive said Smith And we dont sell vmy siding It used to crack under extremes ol temperature it wouldnt be good in this area Although siding is available iii variety of colors white is the biggest seller ltut no mat ter what color you choose always choosecitlier aluminum or masomte siding they are by tar the best said Smith For those doing their own siding Smith otters this ad vicc liont work along when cuttingaliinnnum The do it yourselt pieces are ti ft long He says unless there are two people working on it the pieces will saunter like snakes Most people think theyll ruin their saw it they use it to cut aluminum said Smith but it you just rub bar of soap over the saw first you wont haveany problems Archer surprised at ministry stand tartie Mayor Itoss Archer is siiipiisiil at the provincial government attitude regar ding pollution control grants lt scims municipalities that dont ilo anything are given iiionitary assistance Mayoi Archer told The llxamiiier Tuesday It you do something and are up to date they say tliistiiic boys tarryon lIaily this year the mayors ol lie Simcoe outity municipalities lHarrie idland tollingwood lenttanguishene and trilliav submitted bricl to the Ontario premier The iiiunicipalilies asked for funds which would help them reach lllt growth capabilities lorecas by the Simcoc teoigian task toree report letter received recently by Midland Mayor Morelanil Lynn said that Midland oll ingwooil and lenitaiiginsheiie would likely quality for special government grants to improve treatment lacilities tiriltia and llarric can not peel to recene grants says the mayor because it has adequate treatment lacilities at the mo iiieiit larrie recently added digester to its pollution control plant lacililies last year This year the city will llti shirooo worth ol work which includes new administrative building and roadworkonlliesite llarric as all tintario municipalities has been eiititl ed to per cent subsidy from the government tor the recent work liit other municipalities by lttllts ol the incentive grants can receive tip to per cent subsidy said Mayor Archer The mayors have met number at times during the past year to discuss the growth designation imposed by the government brief was loriiiiilatcd and presented to thc priniiiic earlicriiitlieyear lacility of its kind in the coun try Although the fourycar course ipreceedeil by at least two years at universityi otters diploma and not degree graduates are altorded the courtesy title iil lloctor The can also treat patients without medical doctors tllttttl which physio tlicrapis lorcyamplc caiiitot The battle against sccptictsiii is not yet oci but there is better understanding ot this practice ol manipulation liich iliis luck to lltc IIgypllittts sotltc tooo years ago say sotiie local llltllllil ol the ptolcs ltlll lliiiigs are lot dillctciit now than when started says In Hartley Iuck Lt years in tlicprolcssion tooperatioii lrom those in the lielil ot iiiciliciiic was tar less then but it has vastly im proud and there is better itiiderstaiiding between the two professions ltr liick says The sceptisni in the past says ltr Tuck has been tradi tion with the medical proles sion who condemn anything they do not understand The questioning looks at the profession liie been ongoing ttttt Itaiiicl lalnicr the touiiiierot itioileriitliiiopiictic and iiatic ol lort lerry tint became lasciiiatcd with iiiiiiipiiliioii in the ttltto says lit licltael llockridge also ol iiiic liliiici who lied in the timer taes hc tiiiie sold Lllttttttt and tisli ttl small pioyisioii sorc iiid the lltttltttl profession has always claiiiicd chiropractic was discocred by lislitiiongci saysltr llockridge The power struggle between chiropractors and medical doc tors should not be matter ot who is right or rong tiiit sitiip ly ditlirciit poin of view hcsays llie chiropractors point ot view is to treat the patient as complete um rather than try mg to curi piiiciiir illness with drugs or lt one part ot tliebody li llockridgcsays The concept is known as wholistic Itiillttlltt and ccii tres around lttlptlnlll the bodys tuiictioii to resist disease ltiiy lhc lie corner stone ol the oticcpt are proper ticic sltpp ly blood supply dict ttltlsl and rest Some ot llicsc are obiousy the responsibility ol the pa tient but when illness doesnt strike lltt prcmise of chiropractic is that it stems from neurological distunc tion or breakdown in messages from the brain to the body through the nervous system says Dr llockridge The spinal core contained in the spinal column is the main trunk of the system and for this reason chiropractors consider this area the probable root of the problems and concentrate on it through manipulation rather than medication lti addition to the more com mon complaints of back an juries chiropractors also treat patients with persistent headaches neuralgia aiiil even personality psychiatric or disorders which have been observed in many accidental cases of whiplash says Dr llockridge Some painful heart diseases such as Angina which have not responded to medication have been relieved through manipulation he says However the prolession locs Attended Junior Farmers conference Among the 350 participants at last weekends Junior Farmers Association provincial conference at the Inn on the Park in Toronto were Ray Kleingeb binck 22 from RR Elmvale and Donna Strachan l9 of RR Oro Sta tion The theme of this years conference was Dare to be different March break poses problems landscape for parents with children My ARI IllEIRSII ill The liaminer Some parents liiiil it hard to get as tlll about the annual March break as their children For students the litday holi day that ends Monday is Wtltitltlt relief lroiii the end of winter blahs It means long empty days without wor ries such as classes and homework For some parents the break Mall petting 200 number of hands reached to pet young chicks this week at the Georgian Moll petting 100 which is at the mall until Saturday Christy Cook managed to touch the tail feathers of one Children of all ages turned out to pet the animals ltExamlner Photo is no break at all The prospect of maintaining order in household with vacationing students underfoot is enough to instill tear in even the most pa ticnt homemaker Area organiations ltave come to the rescue itli special March break programs design ed to keepchildren occupied Ihe llarrie YM YWtA is holding spring camp every day this week The camp in cludes activities taking place at the building on trove Strict for children from live to years In the mornings activities are swimming and an open gym with basketball and floor hockey Afternoon events vary but some are scavenger limits scrafts cooking and movies Wednesday the movie Jungle Book was shown lree Friday at 12 Stop in there isa penny carnival at the Following at so pm is magic show ltoth are tree and open to the public Daily at the troni to ii piii there is open recreation swimming aiiil gym activities Activities are supervised by stall and Jt volunteer high school students There is public skating today at IIastview Arena tioiitt to to it in tcdnesday trom to at the llairic childrens library tlier was basic macraine workshop tor school aged children Saturday trom to put also at the childrens library there is doll making workshopusingjuteandyarn Also available at the library during open hours from it to iii to are the usual selection iil books records video tapcsaiid cassettes Meat prices rising anailian beef prices will continue to rise this year say Keith Lcckie consultant with the Meat Iackers ouncil ol anada Somewhat like the oil sitiia tioii there is no instant magic formula for luring around beet supplies and prices he said Latest figures froin Statistics anaila estimate there were 12 It million cattle and calves on Canadian farms as of laii Will This marks four percent decrease froiti tttTtt stat istics As well steer numbers one year and oliler dropped five per cent with call numbers also down by five per cent Speaking on declining cattle numbers Leckie said Price will no doubt rise still further lriee will simply have to balance the reduced supply with demand The short run solutions for consumers said Leekie Ill cluile using restraint taking advantage of retail specials and buying more of the less tender shoulder cuts rather than choice loin cuts not claim to cure through manipulation The one thing they taught us at school is that the only things you can cure are beet and pork he says What chiropractors do claim is that gcat number will res pond to inaiiipiilat ion lr llockridge says almost an per cent of his patients obiaiii some kind ol relief and almost all ot them have tried other avenues in the medical lielil betore seeking the services ol chiropractor He says the tiicdteal prolcs sion claim the relicl is psycliosoniatic They say we talk the pa tients into it lot If chiroprac tor is quack why do people go back loliim chiropractors do admit it is difficult to prove how they relieve their patients from pain even when they see the end results lanipulation ol the spine works but we kont know ex actly how says Dr luck ltut no one can say how an aspirin works either Much ol the false impressions of chiropractic as more niiuiiliojunibo than scientilic method is based on the idea of one cause one cure which is not alid sayslr Tuck out right Illness doesnt come from onccause We as chiropractors feel that the structural part of the body affects its function Spinal manipulation is basically painless adjust ment and the descriptions such as bonccrackersf are due to horror stories which have been blown all out of pro portion says Dr Ken Robin SOII You still hear those terms but its not something get upset about any more hiropractic is not perteci science and has its lair share ot ailures says Dr Robinson but their intensive training makes them much more than quarks At the end of six years graduates front the college in Toronto have shared much ot the same grounding in sciences such as chemistry physic biology and psychiatry as medical students You have got to have something between your ears before you can complete the program says ltr llockridge Some members ot the medical profession especially in the field ol neurology have come to recognize the validity of thechiropractors view point Researchers have been going through the early writings and theories of lalmer with less scepticism lr llockridge says The old boy wasnt as cray as they thought he was Elevators dot area By BRIAN BAKER MIDLAND We had seen them from distance The grain terminals better known as elevators surround southeastern Georgian Bay were large but we still were not prepared for the Tiffin Elevators owned and operated by anadian National Railways on idland Bay In his office John Seymour elevator supervisor explained that this terminal receives most grain from the Lakehead at Thunder Bay by freighter during late summer and fall This grain goes out by the train load to Eastern Canadian sea ports for eventual shipment to Europe and Russia STAYS WIIII IIARI WHEAT At one time corn oats and other grains were handled here said Mr Seymour but now we stay with regular hard wheat summer soft wheat and barley which present virtually no storage problems and we can readily obtain huge quan tities The elevators resemble gigantic honeycomb of circular concrete silos in solid block of sidebyside rows So large are these elevators that they cover four and half acres of land and have storage capacity of over four and half million bushels of grain LICtl ItthIlt ttltl FT IIIGII The leg tower is un unusual structure about the size of barn but it is built straight up over hundred feet high and is built on forty railway wheels This thousandton freighter unloading unit or building can be pulled by two hundred IlttlStpUWCl winches back and forth on tracks along the length of the waterfront side of the elevators From this mobile building sixtyton bucket elevator the leg can be extended out and down into the holds if the ships to unload the grain into the elevator bins Believe me that elevator can move grain fast remark ed Williams It can unload boat at the rate of better than twenty thousand bushels an hour seven bushels second We can empty small boat in nine hours ne of the big bulk freighters is little different because they carry anything from twenty to thirty thousand tons and might take up to forty eight hours to unload In fact four or five of the biggest freighters could pretty well fill our storage thats how much they can carry per trip He explained how the machinery in the leg tower elevated the grain from the holds of the ship to the top of the tower dropped it back into scales near the botlo of the tower then reelevateil to the top of the tower and then piped it across to the main elevator storage complex hope you are not nervous of height said Mr Williams Shipload of wheat to arrive next week and so some of the bins are empty and it looks long way down to the bottom iii them IlRIIIlIIAKIti SIGHT The sight as we stepped out from the elevator room onto the catwalk leading from one side to the other across the top of the battery of cavernous storage silos was breathtaking to say the least The sheer size of the building covering the storage bins four and half acres ii size was overwhelming It wasnt so bad looking into the full bins but when we crossed over the yawning black pits of the empty bins despite the safety of the catwalk tending we gripped the guard rail lit tletightcr The regular of full sie bins circular in shape are tliirtyv two feet across and eighty feet deep and hold fiftylive thou sand bushels while the spaces in between which are also used as storage bins hold sixteen thousand bushels Along the waterfront side of the top of the elevator building runs great 360 foot conveyor belt onto which grain coming in from the leg tower is dropped This fast moving belt carrying the grain in its sagged centre carries the grain along until it reaches system of roller drums around which the belt nuts in machine called trip per This diverts the grain onto another conveyor belt running at right angles to it which in turn carries the grain out across the tops of the storage bins on gantry system another tripper being used to deflect the grain into which ever bin is to be filled The grain is travelling so fast that it acts like fast moving water so that when it goes over the end of the tripper it keeps on going straight out until it strikes the deflector describ ed Mr Williams You wouldnt believe it until you see it When you are underneath an empty bin and the grain first starts hitting the bottom it soundsjust like thunder He explained how when bin is being emptied through the bottom hatch it does not empty the bottom grain first but forms natural tube through which the grain descends from the top of the bin down through the centre Any work is com pteted when no grain is being taken out of the bin or when the bin is empty and can be readily entered through the bottom hatch safety feature in every bin is toptobottom ladder The inaniiy contains iiicti and uarter heiin ropes are used to rive machinery between the bottom and the top of the elevators These rope belts have continuous lengths up to 1800 and two 2000 feet long and run over sixipulley sheaves bet ween motors on the ground and machines in the top of the We are cxpectng another elevater

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