Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1979, p. 12

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MONDAY EVENINGVIEWING II 30 NEWS 2333232252323 1100 HOLLYVJomSQUARES HOCKEY Boston Brains vs Toronto News CAR to Louis CBC NEWS FRIENDS gi itibia3559Lsikgiiillim crv NEws POLKA Dofmon McCartney the Beatles provided fresh so EMPLOYMENT FILE phisticated direction to rock androll Film clips IN CONCERT nod sewan NBC NEWS include the Byrds the Animals the Monterey 11135RY v1 19 LEE0° S°w SING 50TH ANNIVERSARY THE REAL CBS NEWS GALAAcelehration ofthelateBing Crosbys 120 ABC News 50yearsrnshowbusrnesswilhguestsmcluding NEWS NEWS Hope Debbie Reynolds Sand Duncan 127 PARTY GAME wMOVIE MUSICALCOMEDY NEWS JEREMY WW and the Dixie Dance 645 Klngs 1974 1130 830 THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest host READALONG BILLY Beverlyllls Guests Phyllis Newman Victor WRITE 9200 n535 MOVIE THE ROCKFORD MONDAY NIGHT AT THE FILES TheFourthManAstewardessfriendof DATING GAME MOVIES Fast Friends 1979 Stars Edie Rockfords is nearly killed In an airport parking FANTASY ISLAND BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAc DOUGH BILLY NEWLYWED GAME IE DONT ASK ME GOOD TIMES PRICE IS RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE GENE TAYLOR SHOW HOLLYWOOD SQUARES MEAT LOAF SPECIAL noti sia Meat Loaf stars in this muscal special with singer Karla De V110 and composer pianist Jim inman SHA NA NA Guests The Coasters MAGIC SHADOWS Hue and Cry Part Alastan Sim and gang of boys have tun andthrillstrarkirigdownraoketecrsinpnst war don BOB NEWHARI SHOW 800 LITTLE HOUSE ONTHE PRAIR IE Laura and Albert runawayfrom hometo help dying boy realize his lifelong dream ol seeing Epfiflf Ocean 60mins THE WHITE SHADOW YOURE THE GREATEST CHARLIE BROWN Good ole Charlie Brown has to chances at disaster when he volunteers as decathalon contestant In his Junior Olympics competition SALVAGE1 lure of salvaging gold encased Tel Com satellites lead Harry historically Dick Shawn MASH Hawkeye undergoes drastic change when he beconiesatemporary commander of the 4077th and learns the mountanous bureaucracyIhatColonelPotter Is with daily lnbetweenIIUiIlesscltortstotind newiobsAliceFloandVeidtrygeiitlypersuad ingthe ever finicky Randolph Briggsto sellthe er backto Mel Concludinge Isode How THE WEST WON MOVIE DRAMA Girl In 23 VOYAGE OF CHARLES DARWIN 930 909 WKRP IN CINCINNATI desperate young mother leaves her baby Iii basketonthe doorstepofWKRPtorDr Johnny Fever Since she feels hes the only one In town knows ONE DAY AT TIME 1000 FOOD FOR THOUGHT An explorationoffhetruitand vegetableindustryiri North America with particular eniphaSis on the tionship with growers 60m1ns fiLoUGRANTInanews packedday Lou feels the pressure as he sets up coverage of tunnel cave in and human lly climbing skyscraper knowrng that resentful Donovan has been offered better paying iob 60 III SPEAKING OUT NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 BARETTA barries stog larcli l7 IIIIIII Art liarmcr Stanlcy Mclicaii Robcrt Whitc and Susan Whitc received their class Instructors ccr tificatc and badgc affcr attcn ding an Archery Clinic hold at the Barric YMVYWIA During thc last two wccks of March tlircc spccial aquatic clinics wcrc lIcld at tlic Barric YllIA Block by block cortsidcration of Barrics ncw zoning bylaw continued at city ball studcnt ncwspapcr that wcnt cilywidc wcnt homc Ihc IIastyicw Secondary School stu dcnt ncwspapcr Ihc oicc of Tomorrow was no longcr distribuch throughout scciin canadas stony Radisson Saved Jesuit Mission When Pierre Radisson was small boy in the Three Rivers area he was captured by party of Mohawks Fortunately for him one of the Mohawk families had lost son his age and adopted Radisson Otherwise he might have made succulent stew Radisson teamed the Mohawk language and customs quickly and then managed to escape to New Amsterdam New York and eventually got back to Three Rivers This experience saved the lives of an entire Jesuit mission few years later Ten years after the massacre of the Hurons and Fathers Brebeuf and Lalemant the Jesuits agree to establish mission among the Onondagas an Iroquois tribe in New York The Jesuits asked Radisson to accom pany them because of his experience with the Iroq uois It wasnt long before Radisson realized that the Iro uois were planning to murder the Jesuits and he devised plan of escape although it had to be delayed until spring He had two flatbottomed boats built secret ty in the attic of the mission and then be an to spread word among the Onondagas that the blac owns had received spiritual warning of an impending isaster One of the Iroquois customs for wading off disaster was to hold an allout feast It was an excuse for an orgy that was probably used more often than necessary The Onondagas were enthusiastic and helped the Jesuits gather the food for the feast venison bear meat wild duck fish and many other essentials The party was held outside the gate of the mission on March 19 1658 There was singing dancing and then the food was served The Iroquois custom at an allout feast was to keep eating until they fell asleep It has been sug ested but not proved that the Jesuits helped them by ding some drugs to the food In any case when the Onondagas were all asleep the Jesuits dragged their boats to the river where the ice was breaking and managed to get home safely several weeks late OTHER EVENTS ON MARCH 1623 Quebec had violent storm of thunriir lightning and hail 1810 More than 90 citizens of Lower Canada were arrested for sedition 1825 Hudsons Bay Company established Fort Vancou ver on Columbia River 1922 Vilhjamur Stefansson claimed Wrangell Island for Britain Here coddled felons dont want to leave LANCASTER England CPI Theres penitentiary ncar here that has cells with no locks an allwcathcr football pitch one of thc fincst launr dries in Lancashirc and hcatcd handrails on the stairs Wymott penitentiary offcrs thrcc square meals day and wardens say the food is so good that no prisoner is likely to at tempt an escape typical breakfast includcs porridgc bacon and egg fca bread and jam whilc dinntrs rangc frorii roast pork to chicken pic with chips and roast potatoes Tea or suppcr may be salads in season mcat pie sausages or fish cakes Then thcrcs thc fivcmetrc high fence around the penitcn tiary We presume this is intcndcd to stop people breaking into thc prison says one sarcastic local resident Ive never bcen in troublc with tho policc and for this reason it sccms have to suf fer the frightful austeritics cn dured by lawabiding Britons in the worst winter on record Im sure most of us would hc much more comfortable in jail numbcr of town councillors have bccn invich to visit thc Xinifcntiary which cost £14 million to build and has capacity of 800 prisoncrs and ZSIIstaff IIIISIINSIIIIINIIY Governor Stanlcy Nash cxr plains thc ncw conccpt of pcrial servitudt at Wymott pcnitcn tiary The idca is for prisoners to be able to kccp thcir dignity and not losc faith in thcmsclvcs It is hristian conccpt lhc only locks insidc arc on cupboards in which tlicy kccp thcir posscssions Nash says many local residcnts have complaintd that thc pcnilcntiary is too cotii fortablc but he stresscs that only lowsecurity prisoncrs of good behavior arc mount for Wymott Since the prison opcncd recently most of thc prisoncrs have been sent from jails in Leeds Durham Liverpool and Manchester Sonic pcoplc thought wc had an outdoor swimming pool the governor says This is not What thcy saw was just stretch of water acting as fence around the hospital lot andRockford discoversthuther assailant Is cold blooded hit man MCMILLAN AND WIFE Love Honor And Swmdle Stars Rock son Susan Saint James MOVIEWESTERNP One of In Hell1960 STREET TALK OUESTION PERIOD 1145 THE BODY IN QUESTION Breathless Jonathan Miller shows us that unaccountable breathlessness may be caused by defects In any one of three physiological systems the lungs the blood or the heart 80 mms 1150 9MOVtEDRAMA Whistle Down the Wind1952 1200 in MEDICAL CENTER MOVIEROMANCE Imper lal Venus 1963 1210 MOVIE DRAMA Ordeal 1973 1230 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 100 TOMORROW MARCUS WELBY MD 200 MOVIEHORROR The Skull 1965 peaking dary schools in Barrie duc to loss of moncy arid low singlc copy salcs Simcoc ounty board of education supcrintcndcnts and clcmcntary school principals conducch inlcriicws for pro spcctivc tcachcrs to fill IH ya ca ncics Ihc Barric YMYWtA corr ducch spccial boys fitncss appraisal program Ray Atkinson dirtctor of tlic Ilttronia lottrist ssxiation was gttcst spcakct at thc rcgular mccting of thc Lions ltib An cxcrctsc to train Iiiilitta fortcs III tlIc rolc of light artiior was run at Basc Botdcn daylong contcrcncc scs Sltllt to plan for thc Kcy lub onicntion was tIclIl at cntral ollcgiatc Barric lrlycrs playcd thc Iault llorncts at thc Barrio Arcna in thc sccond gamc of tlic Scnior Icagttc finalsof thctln tario Ilockcy Assixiation cht wtngcr llavc Lucittk was back in lItt tincup for lhc third ganic of thc Iritario llockcy Association Scnior finals at iault bitt thc Flycrs wcrc wt thout right wingcr Bob Forhan lcc tints on Lakc Sirncoc had rlcadltnc of March iiI to bc off tticicc Barric uring lubs Knob by lark rInk camc within onc shot of winning thc Ontario lntcrmcdiatcs champion ship lhcylost liio Barrio boys wcrc Icsporr siblc for thc flying sauccr rcports In Barric lhc boys launchcrl candlc inflatcd gar bagc bags Sunday cvcning lhc Barric Art lub scticrlul cd IllS tour to Vicw ltcm brarirlt exhibition at thc Art tallcry of Ontario in Toronto Lois Stccn Toronto artist was thc gutst spakcr at flic Barric Art lub lhc Barric Kinsmtn had llIcir annual lublic Spcaking contIst at tlIc Miramar iardcns Barrit oIlp Midgets ad vanccd to thc sccond round of tlic Richmond Hill tntcrna tonal miilgct tournamcnt with Victory oycricorgctown lim flay 17 HIGH champion of thc Barric lcnnis lub was rankcd fifth in thc provinces by thc Ontario Lawn Tennis Association Barrii Iity Scnior club slartcd training at St loscplis High School gytnr nasittm on IVIItlcastchtrctt ltobcrt llartog was rcclcctcd prcsidcni of thc Simcoc Noth Libcral Riding Association at thc associations annual mccting hold in lcnctang llic Barric Arnatcur Radio lub mct in fhc EMU officcs to plan for campaign to collcct uscd citvision and radio cqttip tncnt Wcatlicr for thc Barric arca was sunny with fcw cloudy pcriods anrl mitdcr lcrnpcraluics Socccr ADVIS Sfrllltl IIIItONlI Itli Ton sumcrs should tic wary of claims Inadc by mailordcr nur scry product companics On tarios Iniriistcr of consumct and commcrcial rotations said in rcccnt statcmcnt Tonr sumcrs orrlcr tlicsc products at this timc of your cxpccting tlicyll prodttcc IIII pound ViattIInclons or yard long cucumbcrs Frank llrca said llc arliiscs buycrs to clicck whcthcr thc companics offcr moncyback guaranfccs and whctlicr advcrtiscmcnts statc how loiigdolivcry will lakc The Doctor Says Allergy track may be right By PAUL I12 RUBLII Ml Dear Dr Ruble Ive been having problem with the white part of my eyes The are red and sometimes woul call them bloodshot was checked by an ophthalmologist and he recommended glasses to ease eyestrain That did not correct the problem Could this be due to an allergy am 35 and am wondering if this might be an old allergv problem was cl Iergic to many foods child also have headaches occasion ally What should do next Mrs MB You arc probably on the right track the allergy track Reddcnwi eyes with drainage may be due to allergy and since you have history of that it would have to be high on the list of suspects Have you started using certain makcu of late You would do well To avoid all sprays hair deodorant nose etc as well as eye makeup Thats good start but other possibilities bacterial or fungal infections should be investigated The opthalmolog ist eye specialist the allergist and the dermatologist are all involved in such ailments presume the eye doctor you saw checked out other possibilities such as glaucoma or eye cornea problems Conjunctivitis is nothing to foot with and symptoms as yours which linger have to be checked out closely Dear Dr Rublc What would cause my left eye to tear lot This started happening about three months ago figured It was hay fever but now that the season is over it still occurs Is there some medicine for this JVF Its usually caused by blocking of tear duct usually due to infection Can be bacte rial or fungal If it was prob lem that came on suddenly sus pect bacteria and if it was long chronic developmgnt sus pect fungus In this usually only one eye is involved Hay fever would have affected both eyes See an eye doctor The problem may remain after treatment in which case the duct can be unblocked by sur gery Dcar Dr Ruhlc From time to time blood spot ap pears on the white of my eye What causes this It is very un sightly am male 42 years old lRS These blood spots are prob ably tiny areas of bleeding into the outer layer of the cyball the conjunctiva They are frightening and unsightly but essentially harmless They usu ally clear in week or two They may occur in some people who have had severe spells of coughing or who have done some heavy lifting If yours do not clear you should have your eyes checked for other causes an infection perhaps in somc this may rep resent bloodclotting problem so tests of the blood for clotting factors is advisable if the condition doesnt clear in reasonablc timc BRIDGE Bug Bunny Oswald JaCoby andAlan SOntag Good strategy goes amiss NORTH 319 to WEST EAST IO SOUTH to 10 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South NT Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Alan What is there to discuss about todays hand South gets to seven notrump only to find that he has to locate the queen of clubs in order to make the grand slam He can run out his ten tricks in the other suits and find out that West started with four clubs to Easts three but he will still have to find the queen Oswald Alvin Roth played this hand some years ago in an im ortant match against real great player in the East seat and fine player with somewhat de vious mind in the West He never got complete count because Easts one discard made on the fourth spade was tow club Alan From what know of Alvin he made the hand and West must have given something away to him Oswald That is just what West did Alvin started out by running the four spades West had to make two discards The first one was very painful but West finally arted with low diamon The second was low club accompanied by even greater distress Alan So Alvin decided that West just couldnt have that club queen Ask IM IXDCMS California reader asks if It is ever proper to show fourcard suit before rebid ding one of six cards The answer is that there are many occasions when the sixcard suit is not rebid See tomorrows article for an example dain crossword ACROSS 4t Trousers pocket PianISI 42 Female Brubeck sovereign 45 Insect egg Crockett 46 Large truck Dog doctm 49 Navy ship for short prefix abbr I2 Sediment 50 Ship part 13 Continent 52 Fish Id Canticle 53 Noon suffix 15 Air prefix 54 Pennsylvania 16 Hart port 17 Hawaiian 55 Poker stake volcano 56 Before prefix Mauna 57 McNallys I8 Edible tuber partner I9 Oklahoma City 58 Sea 20 Judges 22 Questionable 24 Large tab 25 Not qualitied DOWN Normandy 27 Winged horse InvaSIon day 3t Sound horn Region 32 Dell Rodentlike 33 Depression mi Personality tials Pop 34 Be mistaken On crurse 35 DaVId Copper Compete fields first Fabric Wife measure 36 Cultivates Meadow 37 Biblical mouse kingdom 39 Horns ll Beverages 40 Wine Fr I9 Back an 10 Esaus country 32 Ram wrfs Answer to Prewius IllIII 2t Arrival time 36 Center guess labor 38 Hail 23 PamVSm 39 Toddler 24 Constellation d1 Walkm In 25 American 42 Jam 26 Sign 43 Soviet Union Dolls House lam 27 South 44 Ancrerit Italian American family rubber tree 45 German 28 One who feels 9931 99 46 Weathercock 29 Animal waste 47 0le Chemcm records 30 Talk back 48 Privation 51 Period Father st 35 Cafe patron NJ to Bernice BedoOsol am CYour mainstay March 20 1979 Several of your hearts desires can be fulfilled this coming year longtime investment of patience will finally pay off PISCES Feb 20March 20 The compassion you always Show to others is the exact ingred ient you need today towin gentle stream can wear down the hardest rock ARIES March 21April 19 You believe in your Ideas and Show Winthrop HOW ARE VOLl DOING FREDDI WHERES THAT LEAKY PIPE YA PHONE ABOUT Short Ribs Born Loser MILD MSIEUR ARE FORWtklE WITH THATS ELSIE AN 82 USBAND FmM 101 only minor Nounoc nu AMy Out munn simian NSL 29 Dunlap St 7373860 NORTHERN STATIONERY such faith in your capabilities to Implement them that others cant help but be supportive today TAURUS April 20May 20 The tenderness and generosity you display toward all whom youre involved wlth today returns to you tenfold What yop sow will yield fine harvest GEMINI May 21June 20 Let those you care about have their way today Itll give you much pleasure to watch them have so much enjoyment from such simple gesture CANCER June 21July 22 Spend your time and energy over labors of love today fulfilling day can be yours when you combine that which Is both crtnmnu 3ulooushio YOU WILL BE STABBED IN THE BACK VESUVIUS WILL ERUDr AND THE VISIGOTHS WILL SACK ROME I7 LOOKS AT THEIR HOUSE THE OTHER NIGHT ELSIE ADA HECK OF WITH ER YOU WOULD NoT ANT wrw AmNé H4VE ACTED THE 5M5 Are MY CLIENT fitMAv ofi 473 LITERS TO 4535 smug IHI6 THAT Méieuizfi An creatlve and constructive LEO July 23Aug 22 You feel so relaxed today there Isnt too much that could upset you In fact youll turn the workaday world Into an enjoyable one VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 This Is good day to put those loving hands of yours to work at home Your creativity could save the family tidy sum LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Theres good chance youll be seeing someone you havent been in touch with for awhile Either theyll pop in on you or youll get the urge to contact them SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Something that could be profit able and thats been right un WA6 worzrzisv ABOUT MY eAsEMENT GETTING FLOOPED THATLL TAKE CARE THINGS TILI CN MAKE PERMANENT der your nose all the time may show Itself today Be respon alve SAGITTAntUS Nov 23Dec 21 Matters close to your heart have very promising chance for success today provided you handle them yourself Dont trust them to others CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Guide your affairs with kind words and gentle ways today Your associates wllI be more responsive to these tactlcs than to demands AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Your winning ways could charm even the most hard nosed today You do all the right things to evoke positive reactlon from others REPAIRS AND THERES rIiArs ORDINANCEM SOMETHING RIGHT ELSEJ KEEP THAT ENTREE uoia tint EVEN LENb HAND To CHUCK 52 our Your wedding invitations nnoun cements Headquarters We provide loanout service SURE IS WEIRD ElfELLEN WELL TAKE BEAREQS BAD ORACLE NEWS ARE FED TD THE LIONS OF SALT MINDY THAVIS r1 oimrmu tu no us on TOO LAZYIOCNLICK 15 MOTHERINIAW

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