The Exarmner is member of The Canadian Press C9 and Audit Bureau at NEWSROOM ADVERTlSING BUSINESS COMPOSlNG ROOM Published daily rep circulations ABC iny the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in CralgElsonmanaaing editor Len Sevlck manager Marlan coughaccouniam Jack Kerncy lorcman Sundavaad this newspaper credited to CF The Assooaled Press Reuters or Agence Ian Mularew city editor sALES Dena Nuns vlcnn Kwan asst foreman Mum holdays France Presse and local news stories published in The xamincr BlllMcFarlanewireeditor Bensmvens GaiiMcparIBnd Don Saunders gt Dave Fullersportsedilor pewyxavanagh Vikkioram Lorne Wass WFFKLYhycarrIcr TheExaminerclaimscopyrignlon allonqinalnews and aavnriisinq mammal Claudia Krause LllESleOEGIIOF WayneHay Kathie Mitchell WI Cattouan 70 created by its employees and published in HS newspaper rvin R¢P°RTER$ SlanWrav VEARLYtycarricr Fridgy Mar 18 1979 se orre and Sfmcoe couny cl De curse éï¬izssziugcr CchULATlON Bill Raynor $46 30 Copyright registration number 703815 register 61 Stephen Nicholls Barb BMW 505 nale EdAllonby NEWSROOM 7266537 CIICIJlATION 7266539 Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Brute Rowland publisher ADVIITISING 7266537 ClASSIFIEDS 7282414 Towards sensible pay proposal Politicians are paid to legislate But legislating their own pay is always thorny problem for politicians Barrie alderman Gord Mills ad some thoughts on the subject of pay this week He suggested that citizens committee be set up to help set pay scales By so doing the onus of raising pay could be largely shifted from politicians to citizens without personal interest The suggestion was not accepted by Barrie council There are good reasons why such scheme may not be practical including the fact that by law politicians are required to vote their own pay Alderman Mills suggestion may or may not be an answer But it should not be dismissed entirely We see it as point of departure beginning basis for fur ther discussion Our contention is that politicians generally deserve the pay they get and more Running municipality in Simcoe County is not parttime job any more It is demanding job which demands good people and complete attention Decent pay for good politicians is not waste of money It is an investment in the wellbeing of the municipality On the other hand politicians do not want to be seen helping themselves generously at the public trought Indeed they have responsibility to practice restraint if the rest of us are to follow their lead In looking at guidelines for sensible pay proposal for elected representatives an important consideration should be com parative pay levels That means one council should not be earning appreciably more than another council For instance why should Essa Township now be paying coun cillors $6500 year while Tiny Township councillors are likely toearn $1000 less The two townships are very nearly the same in population and assessment Are their duties that dissimilar to ac count for the difference Essa may be more than justified in paying its councillors what they do In fact we think good councillor is easily worth $13021 week By the same token councils of similar size should not be worth less Obviously there is no easy solution to the question The pro blem of pay rates however should be kept in the open That way justice will not only be done but also Will be seen to be done Dear Sir When reporting on matters concerning Canada and Canadians the media frequently refers to the Constitution of Canada and specifically The British North America Act It occurs to me that we should all be more knowledgeable about this Act that forms the foundation for our nation Section 133 of the British North America Act states as follows 133 Either the English or the French Language may be used by any Person in the Debates of the Houses of the Parliament of Canada and of the Houses of the Legislature of Quebec and both those Languages shall be used in the respective Records and Journals of those Houses and either of those Languages may be used by any Per son or in any Pleading or Process in or issuing from any Court of Canada eStablished under this Act and in or from all or any of the Courts of or From my desk letters to the editor Quebec The Acts of the Parliament of Canada and of the Legislature of Quebec shall be printed and publish ed in both those Languages It appears that the foregoing Sec tion 133 of the Act provides the only authority within the Act for Mr Trudeaus bilingualism policies Provincial powers relative to education are described in Section 93 of the Act It is apparent that there is little or no requirement within Section 93 for the furthering of the French language and culture beyond the borders of Quebec At the risk of appearing red necked Anglophone would point out that this historica document is indeed the British North America Act and not the British and French North American Act as Mr Trudeau and Mr Levesque would like us to believe Yours very truly Doug Reid Stroud Whod have ever believed it By IAN MULGREW People wouldnt have believed it possible 10 years ago They wouldnt have accepted it even in science fiction novel Theyd tell you it couldnt happcn in real life it couldnt But it does The story is about group of people who do queer things Not questionable or shady but rather ec centric goingson appears to be the norm with them Consider some of the tales These pcoplc gave color television set to gorilla in 200 because thief made off with the original After the set was delivered the police returned the stolen television and the gorilla had two The quccr people thought cute Then they paid for the emergency surgery ona small child ENDED WELI The child had problem with his digestive tract however his parents were unable to pay for the corrective surgery People wherc the child lived also refused to help So the child was brought to hospital doctors operated and all was well And the queer people paid the bills They thought Truly Christian Then they rallied around their children Pornographic literature written by scurrilous authors like Margaret Laurence Sal inger Lawrence and Mitchell were banished from the classrooms Sex parlors topless dancers and sexploita mm were forced from the streets to They thought Decent While this was happening childrcn were condemned to be dwarfs as the saving lllglOA dient lay rotting with corpses There is severe drug problems in the pco ples schools ALARMING venereal disease is reaching epidcmic pro portions and tecnagc pregnancy is occurring with alarming frequency Sexually aware young men and womcn are becoming rare Native peoplc continue fighting to get high quality education and medical facilities Prisons are overcrowded and closc to million people are unemployed And in the cities many families are still struggling to get by on only one black and white television Few think Indecent pornographic or tru ly abhorrent No whod belicvc it bible thoughts And Hezekiah received the letter of the hand of the messengers and read it and Hezekiah went up Into the house of the Lord and spread it before the Lord Klngsl914 We should be as wise with the burdens of life take them before the Lord and leave them there before they take us under He careth for you BUSINESS 7266537 Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Stephen Gauer entertainment Gary Forbes Betty Armor camera operator Dave Burcslk photographer CLASSIFIED Freda Shinner PeogY Chapell Dana Homewood Janice Morton Parliament Hill Hy SIEIIAHI Mucllit ll Ottawa llurciiu Thomson Ncus Scri Itt ldonl want to bccoiiicobscsscd vitli lii lil but that $10000 lciidlincd wall that has hocn crcctcd bctwccn lhc rcscznchcrs of thc cu Democrats and Iorics lti fascinating picci of business Granlcd $10000 is iiol much is govcrnnnnl petty cash paymcnls go but surcly ll uorlh wondcring whclhcr cithcr lhc Ncw Dcmocrnts or Iorics huvc rcscurch Sttltls worth that much And if llicy do should yc pay thc bill for prntccliiig this privacy Thcrc is litllc cvidcncc lo suggisl that cvcn thc govcrning Iiibcruls could hustlc up $10000 worth of sccrct data am sorry if fill gclling zihcud of niyscif hero but you might not huvc lltflld thul lhc public works lcparlmcnl had to put ils in gcnuity to work to dcvclop this 310000 sound proof wall so thc Iory and Ncu Dcniocrnlic rcscarch officcs would bc prolcclcd from each othcr ll appcars that thc shouting itt companying sonic grand statistical discovciy could be hcard rattling through lhc iliinsy walls CLASSY COMPLAINT And sincc thcrc was sonic structural pro blcm about simply insulating thc walls ihc soundproofing of that onc partition lurich lll toa $10000 cscapadc Its rttllltltl pity thcjoh had to bc donc inimcdiutcly bccziusc just noticcd that thc govcrnnicnl has owiirdcd $24000 contract to icmcng lld of litxtlillt Ont for thc dcvclopmcnl of it liglilwciglil fibrcrcinforccd concrctc sandwich Hlll panel for farm buildings Presumably this would Ililvt donc lhc trick SCOOPS Ruth Blais supervisor Steve White assistant manager Andy Haughton Alva LaPIanlc Janie Hamel Susan itchcn Ron Gildtr Lisa Worry Elaine Porter Barbara Striql Cheryl Aiken PRESSRQOM Don Ncar lorcnian rcd Princc asst lorcnmn Harris Blanchard Brian Marr Sthlllt SlEVlIVS IIll1lllill critic Anyway vliul lcully fusciiiulcd inc about this particular partition was lhc ouc upniunslup of llic Ncw Dciiiocizils lbvious ly llic niosl llllptlllilnl clcincnl in llic wliolc busincss was to bc llic first colnpliiiiiunl just us iiiiporlunl is cslziblisliuig your scniorily ovci soniconc having sccrctniy REACT lONARY HOW RUDE BY MAIL Barrio $46 an National advorhsunq oilices 65 Queen St Toronto 864 1710 640 Cathcart St Montreal SIMCOE COUNTY 536 50 The advorhsrr agrees that the publisher shall not be hablc for damages ans mg out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid lor the space ac tually OCCUDIfd by that portion of lhc advertisement in which Inc error oc curred whrlnor such error IS due l0 lhc negligence ol ils servants or other Wisc and there shall bc no liability for non insorlion at any advertisement bcyona llw amount paid for such advcrliscmcnl MOTOR THROW OF 5391 ycar ELSF WHE Rf IN CANADA $18 50 your gct IllIll on llic linc Iltltllt you how to pick up lliclclcplionc And Ill this misc must udnnl thc Ncw Dcliiocrzils liilttlillttl Illllllilllll llicy not only got tlicii coinpliiint 111 first lhcy said llicy Hlt licing dislruclcd by all this lltllltl iilllllll loiy rcsciicli lliil clziss asking for privacy to prolch you from tho insights of tlic iffltltil opposi tion iid llic cvcn singch out individual an llll£llllt such Sinclair Slcvcns tlic lory tinuncnil critic discussing cconoinic issucs SONIC Il Vtili What it conic down Just lust ycui thc loiics wcic charging lIlill somconc pcrhtips cvcn llic libcruls vcrc cngngcd in clcctronic czivcsdriniping lhc most sinislcr dcviccs wcrc licing tlllllt cd to pry oiil lIllll1l1tll11tlSl loiy sccrcts And now on llic cvc of tin clcctioii lll1 rcsciircli commanding prcninini rcspccl lhc lorics vcic sullcring thc indignity of having soinconc clsc complain lIltIl llicir sccrcls vcrc ii nuisuncc lf thc Now Dciiiocriils conir llllllttl lllill tlicir own scclcls ycrc sccping through thc nulls ll wouldnt bc so luid But its quilc unollici mutlcr to trcul Sinclair lslcvcns ccononnc vicivs us sonic form of iioisc pollution Sonicliincs know their lcud of qucs tion tlllllplillllltl NDI rcscnrchcr Marc Elicscii lliiits lIlt kind of iiifoiniiilloii tlic Libcriils would givc llltl right arm to gcl And hcrc vcrc lhc chccky Ncw Dcinociiils lrciiting it with lhc coiilcinpl usually icscrvcd for noisy wulci pipcs lhuts what you coll classy onc upniunsliip Sn THATS NOT THE Your business New era infhght By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The question as to whether the airships will ever come back is one that arises as often as that other perennial about whether the big bands will ever come back Paradoxically despite the fact that the air ships like certain big hands have never altogether gone away the answer is that they are hardly likely to come back They havent gone away because Goodyear Aerospace Corp in the United States still operates four blimps tairships with no inter nal skeleton that it built for the US Navy during the Second World War But when the president of Goodyear Aerospace Morris Jobe appeared recent ly before the US Senates Science Technology and Space Committee even he didnt sound entirely bullish on the future pro spects of the airship Jobe told the senators that two types of air ship are within the bounds of technical feasibility 0nc would be heavylift vehicle com bining elements of the airship and the helicoptcr The airships helium would supply most of its lift and four turbinepowered rotorpropellors would supply propulsion The other would be longendurance surveillance airship akin to the four Goodyear blimps that are still familiar in their roles of telcvising sporting events and providing sightseeing rides for tourists in places like Miami Beach STRONG SllIORT If the kind of blimp that Jobc visualizes should be built it would be capable of carry ing up to 60 passengers on short hauls but would more likely be used by the Navy or oast Guard in dcfcncc or antismuggling patrols The first typc that is the larger rigid airship was strongly supported at the senatorial hcarings by witnesses speaking on behalf of logging and construction industries of crane and rigging company and of the IS National Aeronautics and Space Ad ministration Although Jobc was doubtful that rigid air ships would make comeback he testified that such heavylift vchiclc could carry useful load of 75 tons ithn thc 3N Tower in Toronto the worlds tallest freestanding structure was ncaring complction helicopter was needed to lift the final slruc ral components to the top Thc biggcst helicopters however can carry only about 1610iisi Without trying to raisc any false hopes about the prospects for passenger travel in cithcr rigid airships or blimps Jobc pointed to the outstanding safety record of Goodyear blimps Among thc millions of passengers thcy havc carried since 1925 thch have been no fatalities As one of those millions of passengers can testify that flight in blimp is unique and memorablc cxixricncc Goodyear blimps accommodatc six people including thc pilot When thc blimp comcs in for landing it ground crew holds it down with ropcs Thrcc pcoplc disembark three waiting passciigcrs board thc other arriving passengers disembark and the remaining two departing piisscngcrs go aboard Thc blimp cruises at about 35 miles per hour to the chagrin of privatc pilots who always sccm to want to fly alongsidc but cant fly that slowly Thc pilot uscs thc blimps small airplanc typc cnginc sonic of thc timc at othcr linics thc blimp floats in silcncc As in car passcngcrs can roll down the W1nl0 and loan their clbows outsidc Even smoking is pcrmitlcd Aftcr such flight its ciisy to bccomc an airship enthusiast and thcrc are some helium hcads as they arc called who cntcrlain romantic idcas about the return of big rigid airships carrying transatlantic passcngcrs morc comfortably if more slow Iy than jumbo jets and thc supcrsonic on cordc But cvcn ioodycar Acrospaccs Morris Jobc cant forcscc any major passcngcr pOltlllIill of that kind Any hopes hc has arc pinncd on new and biggcrcapucily blimps Inferï¬eting the news Carter critics held at bay WASHINGION WI The apparcnt suclt ccss of Ircsidcnt artcrs diplomacy in the Middlc East finally gives him something to throw in thc facc of critics of his forcign policics It may not bc enough however to assure Carter of reclcction next year Ihcrc is still public concern about serious domestic pro blems such as steadily rising prices and the energy crisis artcr supportcrs are trying to reap as much glory as possible from the prcsidcnts initiative in tlic Midcnst before he turns his attention to inflation and cnclgy Dcmtxrats including Scnatc Majority Lcadcr Robert Byrd Ilousc Speaker Thomas ONeill and Vicolrcsidciil Walter Mondale lcd congrcssmcn and other supporters to grcct arlcr aftcr midnight Tuesday night whcn he rcturiicd to zisliington Bcsidcs congratulating him they were also countering public impressions that artcr had bccomc incpt in handling Anicrican forcign policy If nutty is signcd and thc partics adhere to it Anicrican voters may bc rciissurcd and iirtcr critics hold at bay lhcrc may bc inorc public annoyance at homc howcvcr whcii lic starts dealing with an inflation rate that climbed one per cent in February making it the fourth consecutive month in which wholesale prices reached lgpcraccnt annual rate