River of ice heads inland Chunks of ice left behind by the Credit River jam Auto plant bidding war Urgenr talks with US planned llt rtli lhe gov ernnient said Wednesday it ill hold discussions with tiic on an urgent basis to end the bidding war between the lti countries for new autoplants But at the same time In dustry Minister Iack lloriiei said the government will con mine to ofter incentives to the industry until agreement is reached llorncr said that although ltll tial discussions on the prohleiii had been held the anadian government lll not stand by while substantial investment is lost as result of liittllllhs availableinotheicouiitries The discussions began last summer after tlniaiio success fully persuaded the Ford Motor to put plant in Windsor nt rather than iii the with the help of $01 million incentive grant The state ot Ford announces recalls DICTRUII vlr tor announced ricalls Icdncsday oi almost motto lttTSt Ford Mustang and NIH cury apri cars ltill might have steering problem and of 904 lttTtt trucks and buses so air brake tubing can he replaced The cars involved are equipped with pov er steering Fewer than one per cent of these vehicles may have littll produced with an incorrect steeringAgear coupling flange said irant have service pro grams manager for Ford parts and service division It the part should fail reduction or loss of steering control ioiild result The problem was discovered during vehicle assemth and there have hecii no reports oi onrroad trouble he said tmners of an estimated tom such cars in the and mori than 12m iii tanada and other export markets ill be iiotilied by mail to see dealer to ha the steering system inspected If necessary the part will be replaced tree Ford wants to replace sec tioiis of air Iiiake tubing on model 700 and Ill trucks and on model it Too buses Ford Io Ileat radiated by the muffler may yiakeii the tubing which could rupture and cause loss of air supply in the secondary air brake system If that happened huni dashboard light and gauge would indicate piohleiii and the primary brake system would continue to operate until air pressure iii the system was depleted by additional braking Spring brakes oiild tlicii acti vate automatically to stop the vehicle First of kind HAMILTON ttli Canadas first centre for oc cupational health and safety will be in this city Martin OConnell federal laboi ministcr and John Munro Liberal MI for Hamilton IIast said lencsday the centre vi ill promote safe work tll vironments Funded by the federal government the LIlllt will have an annual budget oi $1 million but this eventually will rcach$8 million tiliio had also been dangling iii centnes The federal gmeiniiieiit picked up Ho million ot tiie grant toFord lhe goyeriiiiients position is that its iiioleiiient In coin petitivc siihsidiatioii llt the ledeial state or iiiiiiiiiipal governments is costly no will proposition for the gmern iiiciit Iloriiei said in speech prepared tor delivciy in Wind stil Mich intervention ll he in estinent decision making proi ess ill lead to iitiecoiioiiiic llfls1ll III1IIIICI IIIIIIIIS The Homer speech as ri leased in advance in tiltii Atdtlt It out 5409 CAIIIOI CHV llf The Babys HEAD FIRST CAPITOL ANRI IOlil Max Webster MILLION VACATIONS CBS 353i Toto TOTO 85K 376i Rod Stewart BLONDES HAVE IN MORE SAVE ON LL your mum NEEDS AT tn lt mien All THE TIME GEORGIAN All against Tony Taylors family cars in Glen Williams near Halton Hills Ont CP Photo along ith package of federal proposals for the automotive in dustry The package is response to recent royal commission headed by Simon Heisman for inerdepiity ministerof finance as kell as to labor manage incnt study group in the in dustry The package includes iic in centies to encourage research and development by parts man iitactureis in anada and the announcement that there would he no attempt to renegotiate the It year old auto trade pact in spite of large trade deficit iiththcl lteisiiiaii had said basically the same thing it his report Mum IF Mot Mum an CAPITOL UALA 934 Kenny Rogers THE GAMBLER LOW PRICES LIMITED QUANTITIES OI PER CUSTOMER WHILE SUPPLIES LAST SALE ENDS SAT MARCH I7 I979 PI Pointer Sisters ENERGY titticials said the deticit de clined to $700 million in 19724 from $1 billion year earlier and the decline is evpectid to continue llorner also proiiiiscil to tilt prove statistical reporting on the auto industry llll an an nual report on its pciforiiiaiice recoiiiinendatioii oi the labor management study group Officials said that although the government Ill seek an end to the bidding war tor auto and parts plants in such places as Windsor here large lllllll her of plants already are lo cated grants to encourage location of plants iii regionally tllllllltLttl areas vyill continue guarantees sogqht on foreign labor the examiner Thurday Mar 51979 13 Growers air thorny issues OTTAWA tCP Fruit and vegetable growers have served the federal government plat tcr full of thorny issues they would like resolved to give their products bigger place in ev ery home The farmers want guarantees that foreign labor will continue to be available at harvest time the transportation system will be improved that more cold storage facilities will be con structed that farm land will be protecth and more research into mechanized harvesting un dertaken The requests were presented to senior agriculture officials during the closing session Wednesday of threeday na tional horticultural seminar Farmers also wanted the gov crnmcnt to commit itself to pol Cullen defends power use llii itli lmmigra tioii Minister Bud ullcn dc feiidcd Wednesday his use of exceptional powers permitting the government to decide in se ciet whether visitor refugee or immigrant is threat to na tional security Under the rarelyused aimed at screening out criiiii rials spies suhvcrsives and tcr rorisis the suspected persons are not told what the allega tioiis against them are or who made them The suspects can he deported llll no right to dr fendtheinselves In an llltll ullcn said the system has to work this way to protect the lives of inioi inaiits and to ensure police sources do not dry up He as commenting on state iiients hy observers who say the piiNedurcs are unjust iiiideiiio cratic and ciiihairassing trit ics include civil liberties spokesmen lawyers and the federal human rights tilllllils sioner Gordon Fairmather who terms the process abhor rent ullcn has invoked the proce dures in the case of lir liigrid liichsinger and her husband Itrcderico couple living in Hamilton who became political refugees here in 197 after fleeing hile in the wake of military coup ullcn and Solicitoricneral leaii Jacques Itlais have re Icired the Luclisingcis appli cation for landed immigrant status to tliieernieinbei security advisory board It the hoard after examining IttMl security or intelligence reports decides that the couple should he deported it makes that iccommeiidation totullen It doesnt mean have to ac cept the recommendation ullcn said In cases ihere he does accept recoiiiinendatioii to deport the person socalled Wise shopping Allmands advice till MI The gov eriinieiit has no quick solutions for bringing don food prices so consumers should shop wisely onsuiiier llttll Minister Iaircii Allmand said ed nesday in thctoinmons The government aiiiis to moderate or stahlie price in creases but there are no magic solutions to dramatically reduce prices Ilniand said his department has heeii sending information to lttspaptls on nutritional al tcrnatiycs to hiin priced toods and it is very helpful to con security certificate must he signed by iillen and Idais sumcrs in picking out good hiiys Allinaiid was replying to New Democratic larty motion condemning Illt Liberal government for its tailure to stop the rising cost of living Saskatchewan II Lorne Nystroni who introduced the motion described the govern inents new National toiiiinis sion on Inflation as an eco noinie ennuch because it can oiin investigate price increases and does not have power to roll them back Mums 7269944 NOW PLAYING AT PM MOVES TO CINEMA TOMORROW icies to make the country as selfsufficient as possible in food production laeten Lussicr deputy agri culture minister said the ideas will be studied with the in dustry But the fate of domestic fruit and vegetable growing de pends largely on the determinar tiori of theproducers The announcement Monday that tariff protection will be iii creased for growers and proc essors was the signal to the in dustry to begin expanding IAIIULII IIIIAIIIR The domestic horticulture in dustry has been on shaky ground because overseas com petitors blessed with longer CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION 7264606 growing seasons and cheap la bor have been able to undersell them Producers have called for six years of tariff protection from foreign produce especially dur ing harvest time Farmers have often found that prices suddenly drop when their crops are ready for market because lot of cheap produce has been imported Protection would lead to in creased fruit and vegeta ble production and that coupled with increased promotion could lessen the dependence on imported produce llank Vander Pot of the tin tario Vegetable Growers Mar SATURDAY MAR 17 am only VILLAGE PEOPLE Ups and Downs Crutsrn 17 more YMCA THE FOLLOWING II ITEMS ON SALE AT ADVERTISED PRICES WHILE SUPPLY lASTS FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY ONE EACH PER PERSON Moï¬huljnï¬ndw Onawa keting Board told the seminar the industry needs concerted effort to promote Canadian fro zen and canned produce over imported commodities He echoed several groups when he said producers will move increasingly to mecha nized harvesting in part be cause of federal manpower pol icics Producers are upset and frustrated by the federal gov ernment continually trying to force them to employ the unemployablcs Competitors in California and Europe are allowed to use foreign labor and Tanadian growers should have thesamcright FACTORY SEALED LONG PLAY STEREO RECORDS Writ 7267214 GEORGE SCOTT HARDCORE lPETER BOYLEI Ionith Ilat in Day it offalIn Mim°l Sela TA TOMORROW SAT SUN MATINEES 130 EVENINGS PM sruJI AaM Sad Cafe MISPlACED IDEALS Never have so few taken so much from so many POLYGRAM RSI 304 Bee Gees SPIRITS HAVE FLOWN DINO DE LAURENTIIS presents GRIN 983 MICHAEL CRICHTON FILM FM starring BLACK NOISE SEAN DONALD CDNNERY SUTHERLAND and LESLEYANNE DOWN IIIE DREAT TRAIN HIDE Iitttfntfd JOHN FOREMAN PRODUCTION Screenplay by MICHAEL CRICHTON based on his novel Music by JERRY GOLDSMITH Produced by JOHN FOREMAN Directed by MICHAEL CRICHION Famous Films Production PANAVISION TECHNICOLOR RtAOiiii BANIAMIltiiix my yit itm It titmu CBS Cheryl Lynn GOT TO BE REAL tout United Artists Httitdiy Ail dramrat Biased TIC44 AH UNMAIIRD WOMAN 9zl iiiLLr JOEL 52n STREET ioding UVIIH The Nin rm em Nniu at Illvls CHEAP TRICK STREETHEART Live at Budokan Surren Under Heaven Over Hell der Want You To Want Me Here Comes the Night and more Street and more 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