notebook monday OThc Barrie Canoe luh holds meeting of special in terest to young people at 730 pm in the onsumers Gas Building Terry iucst principal of Grove School in Lakefieid will show slides of trip down the oopermine River Prince Andrew took part in the trip every monday OTotteiiham Lions Bingo at 7to pm in the lotteiiham ommunity cntic $250 jackpot must go each week early birds ShitttrllitWVltiIll rolling $200 jackpot consolation of $50 goes Blligtl at pm at thc anadian Legion liranch 147 St Vincent Street and undles Road Barrie Jackpot $500 con solt ion Sltltl Olhc Simcoc ounty hcss liib nicets iiom 530 to 10 pin in the Barrie Public Library New members are welcome Olhc hildrcns lillt of tiic Barrie Public Library holds French hour for preschoolers from to It tuesday Olhe Volunteer Service Bureau holds public meeting in the gallery of thc liarric Public Library at 730 pm everyone is welcome For nire informaton call Ella Neale at 7372238 0A St Patricks Day card party will be licid at the Burton Avenue tniteil hurcli at Tzilo pm Admission is $125 every tuesday OEuchre at the Bell Ewart ommunity eiitrc at ti 30 5t draw ill also be held Olhe ictlogcthcr Iiib oi liarrie will meet at iziiti pm at tiie ANAF liib New members are welcome Blighly ltingoat tiic Wycvalc raiigctcntrc at it Olhc Stroiid Senior itIciis meet at littl in the Siroud omplcx OIhe ltcllc lIwait Euchre iiib plays at ti in the Belle Ewart omiiiunity Hall For more information call Dave Davidson at i5li21i37 Olhe anadian aloiic ounlers meet at pm at St Marys Separate School on odriiigtoii Street For more in ioiiiiation call llo lioughtoii at 72615911 0A prc sciiooi story hour is iield at the hildiciis Annex of the Barrie Public Library from lit to it in every lucs day and ediicsilay registration is required Oihe Duplicate ltridgc lub meets every luesday at pm at the Yi lIyeryonc is clcoiiic For partners call 7iTHto Olhc Mello lilcnds practise every Tuesday at 730 pm at laklcy Park School Grove and Davidson Streets Women interested in joining the chorus arc iiiited to attend every wednesday 0atholic Womens lhiitt Shop at anadian Forces Base Borden is open liom to tifio Location is Building North side between the chapels For further iniormatioii call iBioTiiit Olhe iiiigliam Door liarrics Nearly New Shop operated by the May oiiri lub oi Barrie who use the proceeds for community projects is located at 74 Maple St Barrie and is open Tuesday to Friday from ltIiill am to into Satur day lti13tla 102 pm Meetings are held every cdnesday for iS Ilakc if Pounds Sciisiblyi non profit weightrwatchers organiza tion The incctings are licid at ioodiellow Public School in America meets at ti pm lunch is pltiltlttl OKnights oi toliiiiibiis bingo at TIto pm Hall St Vincent Slrcct and tindlcs Road liarric Alcona Beach for more information call losic at 43673779 Olhe Barrie haptcr of the Society for thc Preservation and lIncouragcnlent oi Barber Shop Quartet Singing in in Monsignor lair School on uiidles Road east oi St Vincent Men interested in joining the chorus are welcome to attend Oits and crafts are sold by Barrie residents from to pm at the Farmers Market on Mulcastcl Street every thursday Olhc ookstown lrc School May group iiiccts irom St to ii in thctimkstown Town Hall lllliit at the lliston tlrangc llall Admission 73 ccnts in the chion Star of rock play tries female moves TORONTO ili lcd icar son has been trying to learn to more and stand like woman Its whole new thing tiic way women staiid its all iii the hips and its murder on tiic back have to stop myscli from walking likc that on the street it becomes so iiiicon scious always seem to carry my roles over into rcal iiic Pearson is loronto actor who will play the lead role oi Frank Furtcr in stagc pro duction oi The Rocky Horror lictureShow The movie version attracted small audiences when it opened in 1973 but about two years ago it became popular across North America lhat popularity prompted stage producer Richard Brown to reyiic the play which begins thc week aftcr next it origi nally opened in New York Brown says hes not worried that the play will attract the same kind of audiciicc as tiic moyic an audience that par ticipates by throwing watci rice confetti and toast at the screen He says alidiciiccs probably will be reluctant to throw things are real people We think theyll lic iiicsiiic it theres in your future Welcome Wagon is planning Special Party for bridestovbe and their mothers Monday April I979 Continental inn Barrie WWWW 7236748 Youllln glad you dirt iilttl by thc action and the live actors on stage The pcopic herc ithc owners of the ltcx lhcatrcl know what tlieshow is about they know it will be littlcdiiiercnt The play is based loosely on the lrankciistcin story in ii the actors dicss in drag trade dirty jokes and gestures and sing series of funny songs that will be played by lit band ieaison says he is not con ceriicd about how the audience will react Its really hard to what theyll do but know think theyll tone down hope so be cause the show cant happen it they carry on like they do at tiic moyic Il ili Wliilc poll ticiaiis struggle with the iiicaii ingot thc liiitish North mir ica Act one sculptor cliisois litl interpretation of anadas con stitutioniiitostonc llltiliilil Milnc sculptor tor the iidciai goicriiiiiiiii ciir ieiitly is designing and tti seeing the production oi largc carvings to bc installed in thc oiiiiiioiis chaiiilicr oi lhc lailiaiiiciit buildings Facli tllliiL ilioii two metres high and one iiiclii widc reprcsciits scctioii ot tinconstitution is Milne 71 liiiiis llitli lating thc legalistic iricals ino art tough job They arc ilic iiiosl tlillltllll designsicccriioiic Ms Iliii was appointed in Will to iicad small tcam oi artisans iii the countrys most intcrcstiiig and ciiiiiiriiig tillllll works projects tack in llll whcii new tcntic iiiock ri placcd lllt onc dcslioycd by fire plan was toriiiiilatid to adorn lllt llliitsltilil walls and woodpanciswiliicariiigs lilIti litii Ms Nliliics currciit propct oi lhc constitutional caiymgs was begun in lSITi liiiiir carnngs weic iiistallcd iii the toiiiiiioiis cliaiiilici last siiiiiiiici and an other six siioiiid ltt iiady llIl this summer The design plans loi llit tJtl ings had to llt appimcd by Service Electrohome thats usI Well repair your TV whether its color or black and while no matter what rnaor brand it is Fix your stereos too Zlur trained technicians really know their stuff Best of all theres just one number to remember ELECTROHOME Telephone 705 7265982 49 Morrow Road Unit Barrie Ont L4N 3V7 Going my way Evelyn Hart soloist with th cial problems facing Manitoba CP Photo coiiiiiiitlcc that iiicitiiiwi pcakci oi lllt lvlllllllitill Royal Winnipeg Ballet dramatizes the finan the company and other performing arts groups in aking art from constitution creates challenge for sculptor lili ill icpiily iiiiiiislcr oi llillilll oil Lilltl llll ilciiiitliil il ill iii icsiiuiconstriii aii Als Killili llt iiiiw lb iiiisIllilioii tiiiiic ioi lic iii iiiis int iiic siic iillcil iioiilaiiytliiiiirloopoiiiioi ic Hllltllil ioi llllillit iiiiiiioitalic iitililtll icailci oi iisc iiiijioilaii ic1l lillllll itittl lil iii iii lliciiic llt may thought wlij iioi liJ lzc Sculptor Illlllttilllt7 lll iiiolici issi ls liiiit AOUlI ENTERTAINMENT Baillie CEdRoEmc SCOTT ARDCOKE PETER BOYLEl shining WAMNG Sauna MIMI hruqa may be marlin 7M Ontario ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS ELILMN am Ii ©1979 Columbia Pictures industries lnc FOR BEST PICTURE BEST ACTRESS BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY out rnlllly to lllill PAUL MAZURSKYS AN UNMARRIED WOMAN moat ilLl CLAYBURGH ALAN BATES MICHAEL MURPHY CLIH GORMAN liltlllltl lltt Iiltl litic ltiiill llI Iitiiilcti tllc fiuilii ls litiii llw ll is and llilill Utlih iil llti iiiil iciiiiiic iiiiciisc coiicciitla liilll iili hours and soiiiitiiiics wc work latiiiilolliciiigiit riiiiiiiiis Editor Stephen Gauer By RUB IIIIIISN About year and half ago came away from phone inter view with perhaps my favorite rock band Steely Dan holding certain definite imprcs sions ilib geniuses of rock was one description used in the resultingcolumn But that was before Aja elevated the Dan to multi million selling status With the general public now holding Steely Dan in the same esteem as cult fans like myself who had been screaming about their pop music know how ior nigh on six yearsl Walter licckcr aan Donald itagcn seem to be set ting aside their reputation as silvcrrtonguml hipsters for the BEST in mow IMPERIAL BACKSTAGE iitisaii stoiic ciitlcis iiliic lllll ifliirlirothci ilt lia liiit inil tillti iii iill llt tiic lHiill 90 lil oiil lllt iiiiii iiio lltll lill slizijiIil liii cij tlIlliiilltlilll work ly liliic llt Illtlllitl iliii Yoii Ilt St 51 326633i 79 PM yr iwwVU mmn mi KRIS ALI 7269944 together or AT79ISPM mum IIARGLX en is now on The last time we offered our price special our response was greater than ever Maybe its because people like to do because Anyway its available to you now in rare series of interviews Becker and Fagcn show no signs of tiic savage tricks they have played on interviewers according to legend Face to face the sneaky looking Fagcn is mild reticent sort with just touch of sarcasm while Becker is open direct and friendly Aja has certainly gained us many more fans than other albums admits Fagcn who attributes that gain mainly to tiie fact that more people are buying records Then again he says it might have something to do with audiences becoming used to jam harmonies too with all this fusion business note oi CINEMA CE ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS BET SUPPORTINO ALTON BEST DIRECTOR BEST WMYAMHITI One of the years 10 best tilmsi °0Oooaooooa MIfliVlllE lilitliViiii IMPERIAL Recommended Adult Entertahinom THE SCRELNHAY 8V ELAINE MAY ANDWREN Bum WKbe WARM NA mm the egaminer Monday Mar 12 1979 tinmen No longer sly tricksters Steely Dan winning fans mild derision in his voice nl piiasizcs Fagens awareness that it was not Steely Dans own musical vision that caugiit on but that they were simply caught up in related trend But when we say jazz adds Beckir think oi jazz dont think tiic music we do rescmblcs jam that closely lhc spoiitancitys not there itsa different sort oi thing We use certain elements of jazz asirle from the Sptiillillitir ty says Fagcii But spon tancity thats the essence oi jazz And while Steely Dans music may be many things but spoii tancous it is not They spend months in the studio scarcliing mum mm meager for the right track and the right players switching around so much that the whole idea of band is what Fagen calls the optical illusion of band Or maybe we should say the aural illusion of band chimes in Walter Vieve been working that way for the past four years he adds Around the time of Pretzel Logic we started to shuffle things around and in thc studio at least for us its thc most successful way to go about things it theres any secret to their success Becker and Fagen atlt lrihtiic it to the timeh0nored vaiuc of good musicianship and good songs 40 SUPERMAN is hit RONA BARRETT Aec rv marvel of stupendous filmmaking movie extravaganza REX REED DAILY NEWS IMPERIAL AMI BARREL FITNESS CLUB THE WORLD NUMBER ONE IS NOW MAENIFIOENT FILM 41th Student $300 Clildmi SI 25 IN Pam Accepted BEST SELLER its Open Days Week for Men and Women THE non nub He Altlt BARRIES ONLY FULLY EQUIPPED FITNESS CENTRE WE CARE ABOUT THE SHAPE YOURE IN things economical CALL TODAY prica oNai Ioi man and woman in available Ior yoai mambauhips or longer IO 73 7228 BARBILBINESSCLUB 65 Collier Street Barrie Phone 7372281 Member of IPFA Over 1000 affiliates across Canada