7111 wanted Inï¬sï¬i Al SALES NORTHERN ONTARIO Join the sales force of company with good team spirit and large enough to offer ample scope and opportunities You must have proof of convincing track record in industrial sales and the ability and liking for handling tools Rofly confidence Sdu Manager WALTER COMPANY LTD 3280 Caroga Dr MISISSAUGA Ont NV This position requires versot Requires nursery workers Mu preferred but not essential Sta $364 to $4250n hour Applicati PRODOMAX INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION IEOUIRES BOOKKEEPERSECRETARY phases of accounting and usual office procedures FOR INTERVIEW CALL 7265841 SHERIDAN NURSERIES LTD ORO TOWNSHIP CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE 48 Owen St Barrie Ontario N12 ile individual experienced in all M12 st be physically fit Experience rt April Ist to freeze up Wages ons available only from 12salu help agents SALESPERSON Maiar building supply manufacturer is seeking salesperson to cover the Barrie Collingwood and points north area Send resume to BOX 185 The Examiner Barrie M14 76 employment wanted POSITION WANTLD Maturc pcrsoi wanting position 5Wi1ltb0ittf rccip lionist typisl or ricncral olhu dulics Fully qualilicct Availatilc lITllTltIliIIty Pleasccall 778 SoAWanytirric SE NIOR BOOKKEF PE and managcr Full set at books payroll in vcnlory pricngr salcs taxcs ilc to Box 186 Thc xaniincr narric 77fogal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of CORA MURIEL DEMPSTER late of the Township of Essa in the County of Simcoe Widow who died on the Ist day of October 1978 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned solicitors for the Executors on or before the 23rd day of March 1979 after which date the Estate will be distributed OIIICf chly ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $550 minimum 40 words additional words 10 cents per word Births 3550 In Memoriam no verse $550 Verse per count line extra 22 cents Coming Events $322 per column inch 81birttn 8560mm GOOD NEWS STORY thri you an nounu tnc birth at your Illl in ltxc Tlitlf clippings of tho notm arc availatilc for Babys Brink Family Troi Rocords and to mail your trionds and relatives in 1051 tar away plat cs ilau an dITfIULIfTLfIItITI altcr birth all Itlt Exiiiizncr Classrflcd IJH 2ttt gjnmemonh gtA MUSKA Mil Mr and Mrs Harold Huska ol Pansan arr happy to announic thr lorthrorrrrno rriarriaur of IfIIlr lauuhtcr Mary Anrw to vtiwart Millcr son of Mr and Min Donald Millcr of tin Bay ioint Wtlltltth to takc ptari Saturday Man it 21 litv at oclock in St Janitvr ltnrtml fittiilt Stroud 85deatfts FOOLS Arthur At lvrdvv Park IIUTIII Marrh 9th Diar husband it It Iato Fmin Catlinraw Woodman Fltlovod Idffttf ol Winnifrod lLIiIiILI and Glarty Mrs Harvcw Rita IMis JoltarilI illurnalit and tyilyn 1M tcwarl RoyciI Furiiral sorviriu wr It rrilil in IorontoVIontay tffilHIittIt IDMI IN friirly At xllttuf Manor Lirthriimooil on Saturn ty Mari tr Iltlll WW r11in vatIfIIty Iltllivttl NlIi ot Iflt IrIII liar Tomlin HtUtl oasml by oni BOW Harold On Saturday Marih lllltt 191v at tho Royal Victoria IIOSIHIHI Itaftlt Harold it TiltItll aor tib yiars ialtiir of Ralph itowdrn ot Oro Station Mrs Dorothy Slcvcnrnn 0t ffllilltll Arizona and William Llltwtltlt ol ollinuwood Also survrvcd hy StVllt tirandthitrtrin and two urcr orariilr IIIIITI fritlrr wantrt by his wrtc iNcc Atrnota Sirirniitir in 19m and tlr hrolhir ftltt Ilowdcn of lUlIfIfl in thl lrririrl may all at tho Rat ILftftl onwral fftilllt 111 Klmi St KIIltINIII tho VIIIIIIII iunrral and iomiiiiltal ilIVIt in thc Rat IIIIIItl ChainI Iltl IlItfIrIy Mari ti IIItti at In xpriuaml If sympathy may hr shown by tnrralrorrn to IIII tanartian DIiTIttflt Assnr ration i7 lr1£einortam BE NILE In Iovrnu n1tTlUi of Itar husband latticr qrandtattiir and trout urarrdlathcr Albirt Edward who pansid away Manhltt1lltll sadly misï¬tI alonir lifiis way Qorctly rcrriinihirtd ivcry lay No ltittutt ItI our llvvi lo shari But rrr our titart tu is always IIIffl Ithy ttlTlttflliiIlf hy Annro Marqarrvt inrl Sistor Pow coming events alliston Joan Hand 4355378 Ihc sympathy oI thc com munity gocs out to Roy lctcr man and daughtcrs Audrcy Upton Alliston and Donna lcro of Wclland in lhc passing of Mrs Gladys lctcrman in Slcvcnson Mcmorial Ilospital Alliston Sunday afternoon Gladys lcavcs brothcr Maurice Hayward of IIspanola Mrs Margarct King rcsidcnt of Itrccdan Vallcy Nursing Ilornc rccmorc cclcbratcd hcr 98th birthday on Sunday Fchruary 25th Ircscnt for tho occasion wcrc mcnilicrs of hcr family Katc and flillord tampsall John and Winnic King Brucc and wilc Kathy and laughtcr Varcssa King and Lucy Wadas Among many good wishcs shc rcccivcd wcrc oncs from our MII iLtli Mc Caguc and Edward Schrcycr iovcrnor icncral of anada licv Norman Vclncs of Win nipcg Manitoba ministcr at St Iiigal Ilnitcd hurch visitcd low days last wcck with his fricnds ltcv Iclcr and neighborly news Allan and Linda Slolt of ant bridgc laniily dinncr party CIOltlitllllll thc liith wcddinp anniversary was licld last Sun day cvcning at thc Whispcring Iincs rcstaurant for Ictcr and arol Hand of larric Ihosc includcd in thc party wcrc Ictcr and arols two childrcn Tarri and chlrcy Lawrcncc Hand Joy McMullcn Marjoric and Elmcr iallauizlitcr Hill and Lavina Bates Roy and IIvclyn onncll oI Alliston arc spcnding Icw days as gucsts of Stcwart anrl Annc llcndcrson who arc holidaying in Wakika Oahu Hawaii Ihc lonicns World Day of lraycr scrvicc was hclrl Friday altcrnoon March 2nd in Knox lrcsliytcrian church Ihc thcinc iiiint Spiritual Growth in Kowlcdgc Faith llopc and Low the examiner Monday Mar 12 1979 15 Gods Business is Your Business Full Gospel Businessmens Fellowship Breakfast Best Food for Body and Soul Hear Hubert Ireland lndian Pastor Gods Man of Music and Song at his Hammond Organ Delivering Gods Word with Power at Continental Inn March I7th 830 am Women Welcome KIWANIS CLUB OF KEMPENFELT BAY PRESENTS son John Hrulrritr at ilirkliy flittt ral ADVANCE SALES OF 19791980 HIizalwth Moflat and son Rcv having regard only he claims Hum 30 Writtry liariw ttttiililt of which the Executors shall TliftVlrldllilml hlrillltlll Llillllllw Mllllllll V0le has been mumdnm ii It irrirr then have notice St John Vianney Hall sciï¬cml confcrcnccs at thc DATED AT BARRE ONTARIO comm Isothl At mmn v1 EVERY TUESDAY llimlmll humh hmllquarlvm In ftli If itl II frr II urn nonnoquB mnnnn thisziscdoyoirebmary1979 It f7 $200Jockpoi TK ETS STEWART ESTEN Itdt ftIrtItI Irf tiriir Ironintwlrl ittrr MTF Hm lullqu Stun rt varrv witr to at In BOX 248 littt Iirrilnlllntl Mhurir virrlul irir In anihridizi iialti visiting thcir ON SALE AT THE NEXT TWO TRAVELOGUES tvotiytivcirarrt lllllftfl ri lf 11a onono iall at Itfklty flllfttfrill lIlrlrrrl Runs and Ali SIOIIY and lntenancoMocIianlc Sol th Exe rs 23331grrliEl25113Shift7iit dl mum lm Hmdll SHOWINGS da 10 ors or c1536 M5 Wm in 8d 1119 3t 2888 red Iiltl billtllldtly party of hcr gran ur irm as an 1mme to opening ora quai re in in trrirtrry war Hill ornquc Hand Burl our MaintenanceDepartment 18ndn 78hnd 1ngton on Saturday Lclnvllilry ES TES The Indrvrdual Will be working In our factory operation on day All shift and will be responsible for various types of equipment and machinery repairs The incumbent has to be able to work at heights up to 100 ft and have the ability to work without supervision MACHINISTS Machiie Operator We also have need for four qualified machinists and two first class machine operators These individuals should be fully experienced on horizontal bore vertical bore and large lathes Besides competitive wages which include cost of living allowance we offer an extensive fringe benefit package DorrOliver Canada is rapidly growing Canadian company specializing in the supply of liquidsolid separation equipment to the pulp and paper chemical mineral food environmental thermal and to the underground mining industries for both domestic and export markets Please send resumes for confidential consideration to WARREN HOWES MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT ANALYST DORROLIVER CANADA LIMITED Mr and Mrs llalpli Laflcur and IIlmcr and Margarcl Stoltl rcccntly attcndirl thc christcn 111g of Mathcw ltyan son of day previous noon Saturday SEASON TICKETS $1200 ontario Government Tender GENERAL CONTRACTORS Tenders are invited for renovations to the laundry room and washrooms on designated floors Cottage Huronia Regional Centre Orillia Ontario The work involves demolition mechanical electrical and general trodes Tender documents may be obtained from Ministry of Government Services Regional Office 24 James Street East Orillia Ontario Telephone 705 3757403 Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office Room Ml 43A Macdonald Block Queens Park Toronto Ontario M7A INS Telephone 416 9651 IS $10000 Bid Bond 100 Performance Bond and 50 we Streef somh Payment Bond are required OTIIIIGI OMCTIO Sealed tenders will be received until 00 1liursday 13V 6L4 April 1979 at which time they Wlll be operad in puhlrr Tenders will be opened in Toronto NOTE For futher information please contact Mrs Sidney Public Tenders Office Toronto or the Regional Olfri above Each one your moneys worth in hp wound Please quote Project No CM55618 yUL OR VAR TW Cowl The lowestor anytender will not necessarily be arrhpiart IIVKIUcIr tor DUSIIIrS at your own TO377 ASHION Two TWENTY Wholosalc rctarl 726 9514 PART TIME cvcnrnu vork Monday to Head Beauty Consultants Full and parttime positions available Full training For interview call 13253220 M891213 MACHINIST For Georgian Bay area Mill Thursday 30 to It 30 in attrr day to 30 r11 Own transporta lion required Exclxllitit tor Stutraits Could load to tutl rrrric sunimir post honi Tclophoni 718 348 Help Wanted Barrio firm rrgrruvrca rcliablt NOTkrf on lot training with manautrnont posr trons Opctt tor DItCfltttlcrll nirrtrtwrt Ifl drvrduals Call 776 7407 Need Work Job openings available wrlI train Ministry of Government Services M1214 Ontario ITDUDHc hate to public notices and Lathe Operators cettcntearmngs Call In 7407 Minimum years experience Must be able to do own company Expanslon Immediate openings peoplv nrwJrt setups Excellent benefits REPLY TO BOX 179 THE EXAMINER BARRIE Skilled or unskilled Will rot train Abovr avcraqc carnian dtDllitIIVIi on qualityrnq posnons Call 7404 SALFSFE RSON FOR sinqrr Company Groruran Mall to soil scwrnq rrracrirnv The Barrie Planning Board Will be holding two PUbIK Moorings in the Council Chambers of City Hall or 700 pJTt on March I979 vacuum cloanrrs tabrrrs and notionsgt scwrnu TYDVITTC1 holptnl Apply lOdSCUSS Ihe f0 IOWng 53rf090l The proposed Weisr Industrial plCt of subdivision Ioroted EXPERIENCED SALESPFRSON for iaamswedr shop rn fiaylrcld Malt Parr north of Dunlop Street and east of Ferndole Drive The plan tittrfpOStIlOri Terrpnorw m1 606 proposes 20 Heavy Industrial M3 lots on 39 hectares 15 acres of land The lots along Duniop Street would have FLEMING PLACE Mt NT sr RVICE 728 3309 Ex cntwd work no man access to Dunlop Street as well as the service road bisochng the proposal M13 SECOND CHEF reuurrcd wvtnrng shill also part time and full flmt wart resswarter Apply in person to Port or Barrie Restaurant I8 Dunlap Strrtrt West FULLEP BRUSH COMPANY now has expandcd and nerds saIcspcrsons part time or full time tor DIJckaOrtti St VIanVIf Street and Tall Tram arna Lydt lddr ark was aqcr with mechanic oxpvramrr saIrn helpful Tcmporary drattsman ori Torriporarylrcnchtypist ghgh qual auammtw wow mp REIT pTIOMST Pop mm mm The other meeting is to discuss rezoning application for 55 Fun 529 ommssvons Sinusrv persons who Prcfcr background or sorrotarial Peel Street located south of Wellin ton Street East on thr want to work Will Do acreptrd Phonr mmvnu Donn hmqummdomldvmd Intumedrato bliidll all Cameron Bower 776 0728 tor tIIftIJIIW east side of Peel Street The application proposes to convert appointmcnt Belted but not essrnhat PIDI in writrno Steel Belted Steechltcd BABYSI TE two rhildrvn aqr land days per wrck protoranly in my homo Fcrgusonvalv aroa Trivphonv 377 307 SKATING PRO nrrItcct tor I9 with season for South Innrstil FIQUVL Skating Club Letroy Ontario LOL IWO PICaSn apply in writing stating relcrcncos to Box 287 trir aminhr Barrio 77 sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS irll anywhew part timr full time IItllrlf Calrnrlars ad specialties printcrt IanrIs tams hall pens olticc supplirs rtr Our 77th yrar Now catalaguc availatilr Alto Box it duplex residence to rest home use The exterior ol the building will not be altered but the owner intends to restore the interior as well as the exterior to its original state The residential population permitted in the rest home would hr approximately 20 Interested persons are invited to attend or write to express their Radial PR6 Radial 180 Fastrakï¬ 563 $4 285 $4 25 MATuRE pERSON Wman worm OHMd concerns and opinions regardingthese two meetings INSTALLED INSIALLTI lNSlAllfl INSIAIIHI INSTALLED 3323221tï¬iiidiiifï¬Ã©Â°032221 WANT ADS JONES Seceérv some $122 8R78x13 SIZE 1551212 srzr E78x14 SIZE A78xl4 SIZE 650x13 duties Pieasocaiina1967mrwrmnvioz pHONEn BornePlonnmg Board WHITEWALL WHITEWALLS WHITEWALLS WHITFWALLS WHITEWALLS 14 pm M13 Fit GM Ford Chrysler AMC and most imports safely into spring on mechanicallyfit wheels $29 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRIIII PIIUNI 77ft414 Drive serenely Get Uniroyals 12 point Clouified advertisements ind riotiirn for MOOI rheso pages must be retoivud by toy DOME pruodrnu publmutran With the oxiuption of CARS Classified 013le advertisements WIIKII must be In by pm two days prior to pubfu ntiuri BIRTHNOIICI 53 so Pans Labour as shown Included ENGAGEMI NIS Check brakes Remove 979 17 MARRIAGES DEATHNOIKES on change Supply 81 out rear wheel 8km Offer expires March Adirulwwu°rlilr3530wad install up to Quarts 0t inspect linings dSC drum rotors Check tires tire pres ARE OI THANKS 40 words 50 Addl tioriol words IO is per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verso $5 50 mumgrade oil New oil ï¬lter Clean check air filter 10 Check shock L0 VED ONES re With verse przgcailztclirgzlijysentsperlinn Front rear spa s3 TIPDIcolumriinrh Chassis lubrication CheCk IIUld mania 11 Check wiper Madras WORDMIHIMUM it ClASSItIED ADVERTISING Cash Discount Wheel alignment Adjust Trdnflllsfsmg master CYI 12 Clean Check ba Rates apply it pma wrthiri7duys Oriuor two Casyey camber toein 881 0W terminals insertions pm word insertion Threo commirrivu irisirtions units per word Ill leitiorr total 5648 Six rotisuuitrve insur ham per word per insertion total 31721 Mulftpll Insertions may be ordered subject to cancellation when satisfactory results obtriiriml Method of counting fewer than 74 words count as 24 words Em initial abbreviation set of numbers ell iourit as separate words ERRORS AND CORRIC IONS All plionu insertion orders our acteptltd as movements to the advertisers Therefore tho Classified Advertising Department re quires 0d odvarllsers tn kirrdly re hmk their orlvnrttwinent inimudiotuly utter first insrrr tron in order that any error or omission may be roporttrd before in ordlrr that amm rrxry be rmtrfiird for the following day pirbluatiurr lhr Examiner responsIIlo IIrf orin only irirorrnrtly priritml IIISIIIIUII of any oilveiruumwrr urid IIMtti only in tho intent of portion of ml tliot itivulvni rtm aspirin rots whltfi do not Iussun tho vulutr of tho advertisement are not eligihlrr for carrot tions by make goods The Exammnr resm vlt thought to lussify revisit or raliyrl any wont ods under battery Check tan belts rad heel Mn centre stcering chgck steering components torsion bar adjustment extra if necessary With the significance of Easter Day in mind consider an In Memoriam as tribute to your loved ones It is beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of mother father wife husband daughter son or those beyond the immediate family circle faithful friend or kin In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memoriom notice for Easter time the Classified Department of The Examiner will publish SPECIAL MEMORIAM TRIBUTES SATURDAY APRIL 14th To ensure that your message appears at this time telephone 7282414 or write BEFORE WEDNESDAY April Ilth vour Uniroyal Centre at BRADFORD ST VISIIIA Ilti liliiltllltrir uranium 7285965 PHONI Nil 74