Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1979, p. 1

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TORONTO CP An Ontario Supreme Court Judge granted an injunction Sunday preventing the presentation of 40minute in tervtew with Mar aret Trudeau hours before it was to be broa cast on the CTV television network The interview was to have been shown on the CTV program W5 During Sundays show Henry Champ the reporter who interviewed Mrs Trudeau said the shows producers regretted the court order We feel the interview we have would have added some reason and some Canadian perspective to the many stories now appear ing outside this country about the wife of our prime minister It would have revealed important and in one case extremely relevant insights into our political system and its leaders He said that in view of the judges decision the only choice we have at this time is to withhold valuable and rare contribution to Canadian public affairs because of this ac tion Mrs Trudeaus lawyer argued that both the interview and her book discuss relationship Mrs Trudeau had with another man ARGlEI INFRINGEMENT Lawyers for Mrs Trudeau and the publishers of her book Beyond Reason argued that the interview infringes on the publishers copyright They said Mrs Trudeau could lose up to $50000t if the inter view was broadcast Excerpts from the book are to appear in newspapers April and the book is to go on sale April 29 The injunction was sought by Mrs Trudeau Paddington Press of London and MARGARET TltldWIAl talks about lover the holders of the serialization rights New York Times Syndication Sales Corp and Op timum Publishers of Montreal The injunction granted by Mr Justice David Henry is in effect until the case is settlr ed at trial or until April 22 which ever cotncs first No trial date has been set Cassidy suggests laws to keep MDs in OHIP TORONTO CPt Michael Cassidy 0n tario NDP leader says laws may be needed to stop the flight of doctors from the Ontario Health Insurance Plan Cassidy told meeting of the partys pro vincial council Sunday that even if the government only threatened doctors with such action suspect this effort by doctors to undermine medicare would come to halt He said 18 per cent of Ontario doctors already have opted out of the health in surance plan and in some communities such as Peterborough more than 50 per cent have left the plan Doctors may have legitimate complaints such as delays in receiving payment from the plan but their grievances are not serious enough to justify doctors opting out and soaking the people of this province He said sotne doctors who have left the plan are charging fees tttpercent higher than fees under the provincial plan ls there any point at which the ilrcmier William Davis government will step in to dc fend our public healthcare system tassidy asked He said the government is eliminating 45m hospital beds without any assurance that adc quate community services will be availablc as an alternative University lecturers strike seeking 146 wage increase MONTREAL itlt Parttime lecturers at the Montreal campus of the University of Quebec seeking tttrpencent wage in so for SALE This is real steal It belonged to an oil shlek who couldnt keep up the payments inside today lifestyle entertainment sports comicsw guide 12 classified 13 15 upplement Sears 24 pages Hello puck Boston Bruins wing Terry OReilly found himself in predicament and chance for closeup look at the puck as Minnesota North Stars bore down on him In Saturday afternoon NHL action AP Photo Hornets sting Kings it took four hours and 45 minutes but Alliston Hornets finally came out on top iti second game of their Ontario Hockey ssociation Junior playoff series against Penctanguishene Kings Sunday at Alliston arena hris llcaulev scored at 1703 of the third suddendeath overtime period to give Hornets their second win in the bestof scycn series Ball meeting tonight An organizational meeting of the Barrie and District lllttllllttllillt Fastball League is scheduled for tonight at the American Hotel The league lltSlS that all represen tatncs of returning tcains as well as pro spective teams attend the meeting at which the 1979 evecutiyc will be elected and other nit or tlitl1 ill be discussed crease have begun strike that could have national repercussions The issue is salaries for parttime lcc turers who handle about half the teaching at the 15000student institution The rest of the teaching is done by fullt ime professors Last week the parttime lecturers hosi union is affiliated with the onfedcrzition of National Trade Unions INltt walked out after six months of negotiations closing the university Management is offering them an eightperccnt wage increasc Most of the lecturers get $1740 for each ti hour course they teach Abotit tworthirds ot them teach only one course per scmcstcr New protection for farmers OTTAWA 1ll New tariff protection for domestic fruit and vegetable growers will bc announced today says Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan The measures will be llllltKltll in om mons motion to be tabled by Finance linstcr Jean hretien Whelan kicking off threetlay seminar on the horticulture industry in thc Nikos said the new tariffs should be real boost to thc lll dustry irowers should find solid llittllttH with the new tariff schedule Men now less macho TORONTO ICPr Andrology thi study of the male reprixluctivc tract and its diseases soon will be as wirlcsprcad as gynecology thanks partly to womens liberation Toronto physician says Science has so long been dominatcd by men perhaps it didnt occur to them that their own reproductiye system would bc in teresting Ir Jerald Haiti director of thc reprixluctive biology unit at Mount Sinai Hospital said in an intcry icw He said that Slllt women hayc been asserting their identity mott mcn hayc begun to look at themselves with less con certi for the macho aspcct and morc for thc human aspect Fertility testing as an example It Used to be if couple couldnt concciyc that only the wife was examined Now wc know that the problem may rcsf with lllt man in up toBo pcr cent of the casts Dr Bain president of tllt taniidiiin nr drology Society will scryc as president ot the first laiiniericaii oiigrcss oi in drology to be held March lilo lll aracgis cneucla Herbal remedy denied WELLANl tint itl Kimberly ticrada stricken with rare cancer weeks after her Second birthday in Septemlwr died Friday without receiving the herbal remedy her father had wanted doctors to administer Kimberly was sent home from lclistcr lniversity in Hamilton on Feb after be ing treated for neuroblastoma rare form of cancer that strikes only nine persons in million but kills 88 per cent of its victims over the age of two Tony Geruda 31 said doctors refuscd to give his daughter Essitic herbal rcniidy named by chc aissc Hixicchridgc tint nurse who obtained thc recipc from Northern Ontario Indian band ieradgi an unemployed laborct said doc tors should adiiiiniscr tln rcmwly on rc quest hen there is no titlltt hopc He said he finally obtained Essao eck ago from St tatharincs Hut miin bow wife died of cancer but that he dtdii gtyc to his daughter bccausc was too llt to help her 115th year No 80 Monday March 1978 the ex 15° Per Copy aminer serving barrie and simcoe county Carrier Home Delivery 90 Weekly Government gives approval annual seal hunt underway ST ANTHONY Nfld Pt With south wind bringing the kind of weather that keeps helicopters on the ground the annual seal hunt off northern Newfoundland was started at dawn today in isolation from protesters Federal fisheries officials decided Sunday night to allow the It anadian and Norwegian ships already among the seals 160 nautical miles north of St Anthony to begin the kill ing today Four members of the Greenpeace Founda tioii which has been protesting the hunt for four years were in St Anthony Hut bad weather grounded the helicopter of their ex pcdition leader Ed havics and two other members of the organization iii coastal community tto kilometres south of St An thony lohn Frilcll Ureentxacc spokesman said the groups protest plans will remain under wraps Frizell said the Rainbow War rior vessel used by irecntxuices European branch to entry otit antiscaling protests in Norway two weeks ago now is at the East In lia dock in London and will not appear iii New totiiidland waters The possibility that the Rainbow Warrior would show up at the Front the drifting icc area north of Newfoundland where the main seal hunt takes place apparently led to assignment of five or six officers to the government scictit ific ship Hudson along with an undetermined number of ltthll members The Hudson was near the scaling llcct late Sunday iltllAS REALIIEI Meanwhile the southern litiiit 111 the tiull of St Lawrence north of thc Magdalen Slillltls was winding down during the weekend thic of the two ships liccnscd to fish the area thc lechno Venture reached its tpiota of mono pelts Sunday and the other ship thc ltranilall had 8600 and was expected to reach its quota today or by noon Tuesday The protest ship Sea Shepherd illllttl 111 port at Sydney NS on Sunday afternoon with its remaining crcw doing dotiblc diity because eight tiicti from the ship were 111 Vlilll at apauvftleulcs Qiic cliicf town oii tlic Magdalen islands The eight were tlWSlttl early Friday after scvcral htindrcd seal pups were sprayed with red dyc to itiakc tlicir ltll iisclcss to lnintcrs Hospitals can negotiate cuts EXlIllIlt hit Itli Hospital boards can negotiate with thc provincial goviii llltlll over possible bcd cuts says the minister of consumcr atid commercial relations Frank lrca said that while health itiinistry formula to reduce hospital beds may not mcct thc needs of every hospital it ill be tip to the boards to provc thi new ratio ill interfere with the quality of care provided Administrators of lcnctangiiishcnc icncral Hospital atid Huronia llistrict Hospital lll Midland said rcccntly thiir institutions may bi iotccd to low ltttlllt of tlic lititlgct cuts The hcalth ministry announcwl in January it wants to litllltt tho niimbcr ot activcttcatiiiciit bcds lll lllt provinci to ratio of pcr Lotto pcoplc from tho pti ioiis ratio or per Lotto deadfine An environmentalist from the Fund For Animals of New York City sprays red dye on fur of white seal pup on ice floe 50 miles north of Magdalen Islands in Gulf of St at Photo Lawrence Canada last Thursday The almost indelible dye destroys value of the pelts to seal hunters who slaughter the seal pups skin them and leave the carcasses AP China Vietnam bickering but withdrawal continues HANHKt tl bailand Ali ictniitii and thina acctiscd cziih othct of ncw attacks Ill thcir bordcr war today but cstcrn in tclligcncc olticiis 111 Bangkok said tlic slow tliiniscwithdrawal isiotittniiitig ltadto llanoi Mini tliit is of latc Sunday thi tliincso wcri slit11mg lllllllttL and pliindci int arms of all iciiinnsc prounccs along lllI iioitlicrti littltltt Xinblia llllillit tlic official thincsc llts tLllt said Victniiincsc tori cs slicllcd litllttlillitllllttilt1tlttlllSHllllltt tliina Playing to full house The Huronia Symphony orchestra played for full house Soturdoy during family night which featured excerpts from the theme music from Star Wars Also featured was Robin Bunker Horn Concerto No fOrillio who was soloist in the Hadyn Margaret Davies of Toronto led the orchestra in performance of Eastern Temple Chimes her prizewinning entry in composers contest sponsored by the symphony womens committee John Montague lead violinist concentrates on his work Examiner Photo iiid attacle withdrawing hincsc troops in sidcictnitii hinisi forces responded with an itn mcdiatc counter attack on cntniy positions said Xinbua in every instancc hincsc troops inflicted heavy losses on the ict nannsc Hanoi had counter claim for the castcrn end of the bordcr it said thinisi artillery tlicrc fired more than 30041 rounds into an area of Vietnams coastal Qtltttti iitli pro vincc Andras calls us crabby Ellt NTt iN il tanadians arc sul lcring from crabbtncss when positivi outlook is necessary for healthy economy ltobcrt Andras president of thc board of economic development fllllllSlltS said Saturday We wail about our weak economy we talk about too much govcrii mcnt and inflation and unemployment hc told provincial Liberal convention anii dians have had good reason to bclicyc in thc countrys economy especially during thc last coiiplc of years in the ttilltltlt fcdcitil clcctioti thc Liberals would oftcr con titnicd stable pridictablc hand UHl economic matters Dangerous way to ride lilt FALLS ttnt tli Zillcts Ltd security guard was taken for thrcc kilonictrc rltlt by two tliicycs hanging on to the titlt1tlt of car as it how away from tho department storcs parking lot Hcgina turran 23 who was not iithiiid during the ridc Friday through city strccts said shc would not hac hung on to thc car had slic known it would lcayc lhc parking lli lrs urran said shc followed man and woman into the lot alcr watlt hing thini takc Sio lll mcrchandisi from thc storc when lhc car finally stopped lrs tiirian followed onc of the occupants on foot and rccoy cred lhc merchandisi lolicc charged Paul Taylor th oi Niagara Falls with dangcrous timing and theft under 51 His wifc Nicolc was charged with hcft undchJIIt Gets building contracts itll federal contract worth SHItTU has bHn awaidHl to Span onstriic tioii of llSlIttl to pro idc thc national deftncc dcpartnicnt with washroom tctioya tions at FH Hordcn the department of sup ply and scry ices announced Monday Anothcr contract worth $2121 has also lass the official Soviet ncws agciicy 11 dispatch from Hanoi said the Victnaniiw Hid tross accused the hltlfsc of thc tiiassacrc of hundreds of ll511 lllltlltll women and old peopli Another lass report from Hanoi said tin hinesc were moving frontier niorkii this to the south deep into Victnamcsc itlt itor in Lang Son province and won rcscttlnt cthnic htncsc thcrc ho had llcd from tin area earlier it said in one instaiiii 1mm ethnic thincse had been resettled been awarded to tilsniiWright Mccliami of Harrie to provide similar services The contracts were two of 2m unclassit itll contracts worth $10000 or more that Jli awarded by the department to tanadian companies during the week cndcd Feb it Total value of the contracts aiiiouiimi 511033661 Brought home the bacon lARlZlUI Uni CPA Sonicotic has taken his displeasure with rising norm prices to the extreme making off with tic amounts to truck load of mcat with wholesale value of almost Station min packing house during the weekend lhirhatn regional police said that at in rent prices the rctail value of the nitat 2m tlloti than toooo lhc nicat takcn from altotiil li lackcrs included five sides of bcc cacti wiighing 6m pounds six sides of cal weighing 150 pounds each tout pit wcighing no pounds cach and Sidc oi wt cut into roast beef slitcs lhc thicf also brought honic thi 1111 on Lino pounds of it and 15m pounds ham burger 3m pounds of satisagc and pounds of stcw ing nitat larcniont is 311 kllttllltflfts iiottlons oi ttshawgi Cosmonauts get mail MttStUW P1 The Soyict liltth scn up an unmanned space freighter today to take supplies to the two cosmonauts bcgiii ing their third week aboard the orbttiiii Salyut spaci station The Soviet ncw agency lass sail tbc sup ply ship Progress was cat ry iiig finl lot llit spaci station and other cargo livSliiiialJy this included food and mail for iligli on mandcr Vladimir Lyakhov and ltLtlittl alcry Hyuniin weather Mainly sunny this afternoon with diminishing winds high to low overnight lO to Mainly cloudy and milder Tuesday with brisk southerly winds high near

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