Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1979, p. 3

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ma Arts and crafts were featured at St John Vianney School Friday as students learned how to use all paints play chess and do string art and macrame The cheery group above learn macrame from teacher Lucille Riesebosch Looking on are frontleft to right Kim Learning arts and crafts Newton i2 and Paul Barber second row left to right Jackie Clarke ll Marie Marchildon ll Suzanne Le Blanc and Carol Lynne Le Blanc ii back rowAleft to right Christine Davis ll Melanie Daley ii Margaret Kominek ii and Christine Rocchio l2 Examiner Photo by David Burcsik Fantasy about colonizingthe stars Barrie students collaborat By CARI leillSF TheExainiiitr Six high school students are making what they say is going to be the Star Wars of high school films Filming hasnt started yet but the six students have been working for more than year on model spaceships costumes and script When its finished the students plan to show the film at other schools and clubs charging people 25 cents to watch The project is appropriately called The Endeavor 21 2t minute long sciencevfiction film rwith budget of $400 Up until now filmmaking has been hobby Now were getting serious says Simon St Laurent one of the pro ducers The Endeavor is intended to break the barrier of cheap amateur films and should revolutionize student filnr making he says St Laurent trade 12 stii tent at Eastvuw Secondary School says the film will be successful because its dit fereiit COLONIZHSIAltfi The script is about mans at tempt to colonize stars by harnessing the power of light Space travellers learn to pro ject tlieiiiselve using light however tiiey get trapped on distant star because of galac tic imbalance When the spacemen finally return to earth it has been destroyed by nuclear war The idea was nurtured last year when the students were members of the Eastvicw Cinema lub Nothing much was ac complished last year because of lack of organization says Kames liavis Davis wrote the script and has since re written it four times We just didnt have die tatorship Everybody had too much of say on hat direction the film should take liavis said flat then decided to town country Dispute causes questioning TURUNlt tli dispute over plans for the second tower of Torontos First anadian llacc has prompted Sun Life Assurance of anada to re examine its participa tion in the project said it Mattibbon Sim Lite vice president The Bank of Montreal which owns an interest in the 717 storey Bank of Montreal building included in the downtown development has filed an objection to provisions in it of Toronto bylaw that allow construction of tthun Life tower Lawyers for Olympia and York Developments Ltd oi Toronto developers of the project said the batik was invited to participate in the second phase but passed up the op porlunily Sun Life requested design changes that would distinguish its building from the banks The debate is of great concern to us Maciiihbon said We have people to phase in The dispute has kept Sun Life from completing agreements with Olympia and York The company is con cerned that the delay will llllitltlt ith its plans to move to Toronto from Montreal lll thctall of lttttti Portable going to Bradford BARRHI portable classroom will be taken from St John Vianney school in Barrie and given to Marie of the In carnation School in Bradford The classroom will help increasing number of students in southern Simcix founty who want to attend fatholic school says the report from the transportation committee of the Simcoc County ltoman atholic Separate School Board The board applied for new school in Bradford when iiiak ing its capital forecast in October The ministry of educa tions decision has not been received City issuing fewer permits BAltltllC total of 2o building permits were iussed by the city in February down from five year average of 47 city of Barrie release Says The five year February building permit average is 3671446 In February of 1979 just titration worth of permits were issued by the city So far in 1979 the city has issued permits as opposed to the five year average of tit The overall value is up however to about $4 million worth of permits in 1979 from just over $2 million in the five year average Charged with careless driving BIG HAY POINT Big Bay Point resident is charged with carless driving after the car he was driving struck CNR railway sign on Ridge ltoad east of Barrie John Edward Tweedy and his passenger Shelly Steinholt suffered cuts and bruises said police About $2500 damage was done to the car Committee wants more signs BARCLAY Sixteen stop signs and three yield signs should be erected in the Alderslea lark subdivision by the ministry of transportation and communications the lniiisfil planning and development committee decided lhursday Coun Jack Young said residents of the subdivision have been requesting signs at intersections for the past two years and they should be up sometime next vear undertake the project lilyStll and got some people who could handle the work he said tinly half of the team is still at Eastview ltciio ltossi ir ren Hill and St Laurent l£tl and Bill tiucst arc at lnnisdalc David lerri is at North ol legiatc institute SIllllIlttllS In the past year the script has been polished and props have been built St Laurent estimates he has already sjittil 23o hotlts designing and building miniature siviccsliips out of plastic and balsa wood lrops include four foot high space station laser guns and control panels Red jumpsuits became spacesuits and snowmobile lltllncts arc now space helmets Filming will begin within the next few weeks to take ad vantage of the barren land scapes caused by meltiniI snow saidSt Laurent He said the project should llt ready for presentation within three months The group plans to use super ii mm film equipment borrow cd from St Liiurcnts father and llcn Andrews an lIast icw drafting tcachcr SIIIltlitt Sttll They say the equipment will allow them to use stereo sound and editing techniques such as superimposition and backwin ding whatever you do don write story that will make people expect llolly wood film St Laurent said in an Ill tcivicw llie llndeavor is student film and we oiin have builgii of Moo lcoplc lime to realize that hcsaid Hut thcrcs never been student film like it in lntllll as lransportation for the physically handicapped in liar rie is must right says the president of the Barrie and District Association for the Physically Disabled There is great need in Barrie fora special transporta tion service says liill Kerr association president The service Kerr said Fri day should also help the men Mirabel Airport near Mon treal and lickcring Airport ill be twin white elephants if thc proposed loronto area air port is constructed says local member of Parliament Sinclair Stevens iltI MI for York Siiucoc said lhursday Simon St Laurent examines one of the spaceships he built of plastic and balsa wood for the film The Endeavor The film is being produced by six high school students St Laurent estimates he has spent 250 hours building props for the sciencefiction film Examiner Photo Tax credit system explained by MPP Its that time of year for in come tax returns and tintario taxpayers should bc fainiliaii ing themselves with the pro vinces tax credit program says Mll itllfltill Smith ilt Simcoc lIasti Smith said the tax credit pro grain is designed to give iiiiaii cial benefits to many tintario residents especially scnior citizens and those on moderate income but many are still llll sure of what cicdits are availablctotliciii Smith said thcrc are three basic tax credits property tax credits winch are available to homeowners renters and rooincrs sales tax credits available to persons not already claimed as dependent on another per sons income tax return pensioner tax credits which apply specifically to those age it and over iociaim any of tlicsc tltlltls residents must fill separati ta cicdit form as well as the federal incomi tax return men it they have no in able income Smith said These forms are included in every federal iiicoiiic ll kit llt said Smith said about per ttlll out it of pensioners who file tax returniicciviaticiidit About tit per Illl of pen sioncis get back moic than the amount they pay towards education in llltll property taxisSmithnaid Smitlisaid llI lttit oiin liooo of the otiliitio tintario pin sioncis who filed ti return imidiiicomcta in thc sanic you the thiarantccd Annual liicoinc System itiAlNSi ensured no single pcnsioiicr received less than Siktitit in income and no pensioner coltplc less than Negotiations on project await ministry approval rather low key approach to the downtown improvement project is being kept at the mo ment says Millet Salter developer lintil the project has been ap proved by the provincial ministry of housing little negotiating with prospective tenants will be done says Salter The city submitted the im provemcnt project application to the provincial ministry last week Some negotiations with pro perty owners are going on says Salter Its being done on strictly volunteer basis he said Discussions which have taken place were lltlllitlttl by residents he said Negotiations with major store owners are at standstill right now said Salter If we reached an agreement and the province came back not approving wed be in bit of spot litsaid Salter sid there is likely to be an t1l hearing into the mat lcras wcll Salter agrees with an earlier assessment by city official that project will likely be com plit lby iiti NLlJlf be said spent over Moo million to pro Itlt trcc drugs iintario llealth lnsurance llan coverage itilllli and subsidized acr commodation for senior citizens in 1977 Smith said addition the province Schools problem Drug committee not started yet If all llctillfhll The lib aniincr school board committee set up more than four months ago to study the use of illegal drugs in Simcoc ounty schools hasnt started its investigation yet toiiiinittec members say they have been too busy with the human relations program to begin the llllflllStSlllly At meeting oi the Simcoe ounty lioard of Education on Nov ti lift the members of the boards moral education committee were appointed to the drug use committee The moral education committee is also ltSptHlSlllll for the human relations program controversial course being field tested in some schools which has been the subject of many public meetings Normally it would have been done already but weve been so busy with the human relations meetings nothing has happened said trustee Audrey lroltcr ol iillord memberofthccomniittce It just sort of slipped Im glad you brought this up Mrs lrotti said Friday She said she is going to bring the matter to the attention of the other committee members at budget meeting Monday itlicr trustees on the committee are Stewart Fisher of Stioud Dr Allen Fisher of Harrie Wendy Mackenzie of lIlmvalc Alvin tiravclle of lcniitangitishenc and William ltlack of toldwatcr The committees mandate from the board was to investigate the question of drug tlsc in oitr schools con sider all raiiiilications of the problem and make rccommcn dations totlic board The decision to form the coniiiiiltec came after statements by spokesmen for the Addiction ltesearch Foun dation and llairic city police saying illegal drugs are easy to obtain In elementary and secondary schools in the county tally retarded and elderly citizens confined to wheelchairs Beginning luly the provin cial government will share with municipalilim 30 per cent of the cost of providing public transit for the physically handicapped Ald Hill Knowles said lhurs lay ltarric should support tiic concept lotipcr cent lhcrc are too members oi the lickering Airport is not need ed not wanted locally and will wastcmillioiisoi dollars lickciing Airport would be built on Al igriciiltural land and would create sound pro blcins for local residents he said In addition the new airport would take traiiic away from Toronto International airport one of only three tanadian air ports cptclcd to make profit this car said Stevens llltill tLlllI The nature oi airports ls such that they require hiin volume of traffic to make money or lll to break even he said If lickcring gcts the grccn light not oiin will there be the trcmcndous cost of building it but the profit at laton could disappear as traffic from it is drained off to lickeriiig said Stevens Mirabcl has cost taxpayers millions to build and Slim million in losses during the past thrcc years Many passengers today City Editor Ian Mulgrew7266537 Transit for handicapped the examiner seturday Mar 10 1979 association in Barrie Fifty three are physically disabled Kerr says As well there are probably over 20o senior citizens in liar rie who need special transpor tation he says Its serious problem he says get numerous calls from people who just cant get out It you dont havcsoniebixly New airport not needed says YorkSimcoe MP who dislike the inconvenience of using Mirath use other air ports including lltilll ports such as Boston he said Kork on lickcring has already cost 511 million and tiic government plans to spend $1 million month further land acquisition administra tion and propcrly iiiiiiiagcnicnt tlicrc hesairl Such heavy losses at lirabel and the high costs in curred titlawa in the lickcr ing fiasco have hit the coir sinner and taxpayer resulting in measures like the recently announce $11 per passenger air port departure tax said Stcyclis liiiilding lickcring Airport is risky because no one can predict future transportation patterns he said llancs are now carrying more passengers than to years ago and fuel shortage has rcduccd the numberoi flights No major North American centre is planning airport ex pansion said Stevens Resource ministry centralizes offices MlltlllltSl iStaffi The ministry of natural resources has reorganized its local forest management program ccn tralizing operations from district offices here Hob Brandts District forest management suixrvisor said Friday in creased workload and budget constraints have made the ministry centralize district wide forest management for moreefficieiic OHRP funds run out liAlttLAY lnnisfil township hasa backlogof thiap plications for not including deferred applications liogram Ittllltll not including deferred applicants and no money to giveout lluriug fhc past two years the township has given out more than Sttoooo loug ltcid building inspector said llesaid although the program is of great value to those who could not bring their homes up to reasonable living standard without assistance it is generally not good for the township lluronia lhc lluronia office manages about i2ooo acres of county owned forests and about Biotin acres of private lands under the Woodland Improvement Agreements lndci this act the ministry agrees to take care of private woodlands including free plan ting and thinning said lirandes Forest management locally has been conducted from work centres in oldwatcr Angus and near Mansfield Brandis said the ministry will now direct the ojxrations from the district offices at Midhuist lack ireaves is now district forest operations coordinator ircaves has been private land technician at thc Angus Work entre sincc 19433 All technical staff will report totlrcaves said lirandcs loliii taston formerly to dwatci area forestry technr cian will coordinate private laiid forestry management for tliedistrict liraniles said the new cenr tralizcd operation should pro vidc consistent service throughout the district When the management was fragmented the program lll feicd slightly between work centres said liraiides to drive you stuck at home TIilllflll How can you tell how many people really need it when the people who do cant get out he asked around youre The needs in Barrie fall into two primary categories said Kerr There are children in wheelchairs who have to get to school each morning he says The school board now sub sidizes taxi transportation for handicapped children Kerr says In addition there are those persons who would like to work he says There are some peo ple in Barrie who might be cmployable if they were able to get to and from work he says Kerr estimates that bus ser vice iii liarric would cost about $5oooo it would thus cost liar rie Saloon year Kerr proposes one bus which would primarily service barrie The bus would also frequent other areas of Siincoc county depending on the need he says lIVllt IISIATlllIR Handicapped persons could tiicn join the transit associa tion which would have cen tral dispatcher Persons who wanted to go shopping or travel for pleasure would have to plan activities two days in advance he said survey is now being done in Simcoe ounty to establish the transit needs of the physically handicapped he said There are about 2ooo survey forms that are available through Kerr Best fishing starts now lce huts must be off Lake Simcoc lhursday but some of the best ice fishing starts now says ministry of natural resources spokesman Lake trout and whitefish angling ends with liiit removal said Alex Smith fish and wildlife supervisor but theres year round open season on perch and herring Some of the best herring fishing comes at the end of March said Smith lierring catches iii north Lake Simcoe usually increase in early spr ing he said in south Lake Siincoe perch catches improve Fishermen will continue to fish for these species alter the ice breaks up said Smith lerch and herring catches are also good during spring open water fishing Hospital may close doors MIDLAND tint itli In sufficient provincial funding may force lluronia District Hospital to close its doors the hospitals chief of medical staf says The ministrys bureaucracy does not unders tand the significance of small community hospitals said Dr llollistcr King lie said he will ask the ministry of health to re evalute its budget allocation because the llirbed facility cannot continue to operate with an increase of only 45 per cent Cpl Wes Prosser OPP communif fiscated pipes and instruments meeting of parents of Ma the peak drug here and is available in schools pubs theatres and restaurants The Simcoe County Board of Education set services officer displays variety of con sed to smoke cannabis Prosser spoke at pie Grove students recently He says marijuana is committee on Nov to investigate the use of illegal drugs in schools but the committee hasnt started its investigation yet Examiner Photo must says district rep as

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