Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1979, p. 13

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the examiner Saturday Mar 10 197913 televisiOn guide SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 EB NEWS REACH FOR THE TOP CBC NEWS AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN SATURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR SPORTS CITY 6230 INOUIRY SKI BASE CBS NEWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS SPECTRUM DONT ASK ME £8 SPORTS PROBE MCGOWAN AND COMPANY 700 HEE HAW Guests Johnny Paycheck 1119 Lee INCREDIBLE HULK NEXT STEP BEYOND mice of lh PAPER CHASE HERE AND NOW BJ AND THE BEAR 81 ma it manwrthanunnaturatinterestinecoiiinlulloldirt irom Transylvania that he wants transported to Hollywood to promote new Dracula movie WSIESItarfilahongiriradine 60mins ID THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER ED TEAM SHOWDOWN FOUR FOR ADVENTURE 730 SHA NA NA Guests The Angels EYE ON BUFFALO In GEORGE HAMILTON IV IE DR WHO OUIz KIDS re LAST OF THE WILD 800 CHIPS WhenangrthIISIdereSIdents complainolcarelessdirt bikersdlegally speed ing over their property creating tire hazard Sgt Getraer assgns Jon and Ponchtowork as iketeamto alrolthe area 60myns III HOCKEgNIGHTINCANADA Los Angeles Kings vs Toronto Maple Leals THE WHITE Thetowering Coolidge gets big head alter he wms tour namenttrophyandanunscrupulousagenlsends an alluringgirlto persuade him toturnpro 60 Rims DELTA HOUSE The Deltas and the Omega get caught In comedy of errors when the Omegas spyOnHooveI whostryinglohelp to With an embarrassrng problem STARLOST MOVIE DRAMAMYSTERY Se hire1959 ED GOIriG PLACES SHULMAN FILE 830 WELCOME BACK KOTTER When Horshacli learns his mother has rniiriied again and he will have to move Ieavrng tho Sweathogs behindhe decidostolnke his own giant step to the altar Pt 01 two part episode 900 BJ AND THE BEAR is hired by manwrthanunnaluralinterestinacollintulloidirt from Treiisylvanrathathe wantstransporledto Hollywood to promote new Dracula mowe final star John Carradine 60 mins SATURDAVNIGHTMOVIEDeath Wish 1974 Stars Charles Bronson HODO rine THE LOVE BOAT Three Vignettes Age Of Man Stars Paul Burke Patiick Labor teaux Families Stars Mark Serra Ellen Bry 3N Sarn Stars Michael Tucm 60 mins MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED GREAT DEBATE POINT BLANK 930 CITY LIGHTS 940 IECONVERSATIONSWITHELWY YOST 1000 in FANTASY ISLAND penlers desue to become towel thiel and womanwhowantstomeetthemanolherdreams are Mr Roarkes next challenge Guest stars Steve Forrest Meredith MacRae 60 35 SECOND CITY EDITORS 1030 FOR LOVERS ONLY as WITNESS T0 YESTERDAY 1040 YOUNG FILMMAKERS 1100 NEws CBC NEWS CTV NEWS LOTTARIO FEEL LIKE DANCIN CANADIAN 1105 In NASHVILLE SWING MOVIE WESTERN Shane 1953 1115 PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS 1120 NEWS 1122 NEWS 1130 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE MOVIE WESTERN The wed Hand 1971 MOVlECOMEDY Dont at Stand There 1968 SOUNDS GOOD 1140 MOVIE MUSICALCOMEDY Naughty Marietta 1935 150 MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMA Chairman I969 1200 in MOVIE WESTERN halako1968 INTERNATIONALCINEMA 1210 MOVIE ROMANCECOMEDY Minnie and MoskOWltz 100 ROCKCONCERTGutSIS WarJeDn Luc Footy Stormin Norman and Suzy Rick Pudell Dale Gririyin Village Idiots 125 MOVlEWESTERNP Great Day in the Morriirz3 1956 CHALLENGE 140 1972 GOODIES 150 MOVIE WESTERN Tim beriack 1954 200 ABC NEWS 215 MOVIE N0 INFORMATION AVAILABLE Deadly But Beau tiful 1973 220 MOVIE WESTERN In When The L86235 Die 1972 BMOVIE MYSTERY Lucky Stiff 1949 SUNDAY MORNING VIEWING 830 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR JIMMY SWAGGART BY THE PEOPLE COMMANDER TOM SHOW TREEHOUSE CLUB In ORAL ROBERTS POLKA DOT DOOR OUEENSWAY CATHEDRAL MACEDONIAN MAGAZINE 900 OLD TIME GOSPEL HOUR SUNDAY MORNING FLOWER SPOT IT Is WRITTEN IE JEREMY 15 IE GET IT TOGETHER 925 BARBAPAPA 930 ORAL ROBERTS RH HUMBARD In HISPANOVISION SESAME STREET 93 SEARCH THE OUIET HOUR JEWISH SHOW 1000 REx HUMBARD PEOPLES CHURCH CORONATION STREET WOODY WOODPECKER In ITALIAN PANORAMA GREEK SHOW SOUNDS OF THE EAST 1030 ROBERT SCHULLER KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO DAY OF DISCOVERY KIDSWORLD 83 PORTUGUESE SHOW 1100 OPEN RAP REx HUMBARD MEETING PLACE PEOPLES CHURCH TOM GRATTANS WAR 1130 REV JAMES ANDREWS FACE THE NATION ANIMALS ANIMALS I2 LES JEUNES STOUTES DES Fous voz DA PROFECIA 1145 FESTIVALITALIANO ANIMALS SUNDAY AFTERNOON VIEWING 1200 CHAMPIONSHIP FISHING GREAT NEWS FOR THE WORLD MOVIE DOCUMENTARY ou arCountrg 1971 SICTOS MOVIE DRAMA The 1962 ALBUM TV ITALIAN CONTINUES LA FEMME ENGAGEE DANS SON MILIEU Produit par le ministere de IEnvironnement IOccasron de IAnnee Inter nationate da la lemme ce lilm presents plu aieurs Iemmes qui sont toutes engagaes ditiarents niveaux clans Ie milieu des scrences Ienvrronnement PORTUGUESE FIN DE SEMANA PANORAMA 1230 MEET THE PRESS HERALD OF TRUTH MONEYMAGAZINE NEWS EN SE RACONTANT LHlS TOIREDICILesAnneesZOdesanneesde prosperite 1245 AGRICULTURE REPORT 100 NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP PEOPLE TALKING BACK ITALIAN COOKING ADVENTURES IN RAINBOW COUNTRY 130 99 HYMN SING TROUBLE WITH TRACY MOVIE DRAMA Say odb Ma ieCole1972 ALL OUNEEDISLOVELeBIues Avec la partiCipation de Ray Charles Muddy Waters John Mayall Dr John MEMORIES OF GREECE 145 NBA BASKETBALL cas swim televise an NBA Basketball Game today How ever the exact teams were not announr ed at presstime 200 FARMINSIGHT THE COLLEGE GAME Men gas kelbatl Final Ted Reynolds Don WIIIle and Jack Donohue GESCIIDF play in the Men Can edIanCoIlegtBasketbaltChampirinahipatan hrs WTHE SUPERSTARS The SIanrBOwl III champion Pittsburgh SteeIrrs send Inn man squad against the Dallas Cowboys Illt secondpreliminarymundil anQiipmirums mins FAMILY FINDER 700 CLUB 230 YESTERDAYS GLITTER JOYCE DAVIDSON SHOW THE ART OF HEALING ai paintingsproducedbysmallpatimtsritthosii Childrens Hospital In which the yllingilll$ unmask emotions well beyond their power oi 85h 125 ITALCINE 240 LET US Go LAUGHING 300 NCAA BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP El CANADIAN EXPRESS RED FISHER SHOW mHEEHAWGueStS GeorgeJorios Edd Rabbitt Gunilla Hutton Stormy Mountain Clog 60 miria OPTIONS New Canadians at School lnIUStIces of the provmcral school system arr revealed by young Irnrnigrants unlarrly ltflttjal edlo non academic VOCaIIOnHISCIanISIllifltlly lack oiEninsh PEOPLES CHURCH 315 WORLDSERIESOFAUTORAC ING International Raw 11 Chflnlplllll dozen of the worlds top drivers in three categories NASCAR USAC arid internatioan RINIII ltiicivig impale in IIllllllrll 112 on thr rond course til the Riverside International Raceway in Part iii II the Finals in mime 330 UNTAMED WORLD Iiiiiiiwunm priigiam doviitvrt 11 Ill allllnitlfi birds rind In sectswhowIiledependsoriIhnplantlito oltha variousregmrisotAIIIruiindhowtheyditlerlriim thr crratiiris thlil loud lirpliiir depends III iiillirig of other crralures £5 OUTREACH ONTARIO Nilll nun 111111 rcumta 400 06 WORLDCUPSKIINGi OIdWHhIlI and trmutlylr Sli ling 1pIIIIIIlII5 iit Whistirr zlilztill ri llritrsht UIUITIIIIII whiI ti ti Ik cr Ii Mn hljniiiis JACKIE GLEASON INVER RARY CLASSIC TINY TALENT TIME EB IN PRIVATE LIFE 415 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS today sh lN will trrituro the Wgrld Rotialao gnampmiistiipu 1mm Wont iirmriny 10 ll 430 It WILD KINGDOM iii ii down REQUIEM FOR LITERACY drii umirilriry iiii Itiii Illlly ut litteriir how it drvixlripnd lirirlltlly irrt whiit rhnngiru have or iirrrit Sllli Irii 15rllixinil1rll III llltr Ironic ltrt KIDSWORLD 500 SPORTSWORLD SHOW BIZ CBC NEWSANDTHISWEEKIN PARLIAMENT LAWRENCE WELK SHOW VISION ON 223 BUGS BUNNY AND ROAD RUNNER Ha MOVIE DRAMA Hell town 1917 530 MUPPETS SHOW I9 BIG BLUE MARBLE SUNDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 NEWS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY The Young Runaways Stars GaryCollrns Sharon Farrell policelieutenant in saddled with the task of finding couple of runawaykidswhoaccrdentallygetmixedupwilh robbers Part ll 60 rnins AMAZING WORLD OF KRESKIN WILD ANIMALS OF THE RLD Wolves POLKA DOT DOOR ea GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 630 WILD KINGDOM Elephanl Shikar CONSUMER BUYLINE LETS GO TO THE RACES NEWS NEW FACES SPORTS GAMES PEOPLE PLAY HERE COMES THE FUTURE 700 aBIGEVENTMOVIEAirport771977 rank Lemmon Lee Grant NEWCOMERS The Present The atory oi Gurdo Vitelli anttalian rmmrgrant who came to Toronto in the early 50s and is now ready to retire He finds the Idea difficult to no ceptanddecideatorelurntoltalytomake up his mind about his plans tor the tutura Starring mnfiaruui and Martha Henry 80 Rims 60 MINUTES THE OSMOND FAMILY SHOW Guest atara Ruth Buzzi Ron Palilto Debbie Reynolds 80 mm SMITH AND SMITH CELEBRITY CHALLENGE OF THE SEXES Twenty Six ielevtsron and movte Stare take part in the IIIOIODIIIIBG heed tohead Iporta competition Celebrity contes tants Include Valerie Berlinelli Lou Ferrigno Suzanne Somera Dan Haggarty and Sammy DIVII Jr hrs 730 In SALUTE TO ALFRED HITCH COCK TheAmericanFilmlnalrlutepreaentsa tribute to one DI the moat prolitic tilm matters at the century the master of auapanaat directoriwrrterproducer who has territied Iudiencea the world Over for nearly 80 years Celebritiea of the motion picture world Witt per ticipata in the tribute to Hitchcock which Will lilo include film highlighte lrom his career 90 PEOPLE ANBDOPOETS Emergency SUPERSEECIAL Karen Kain The Pleuure 01 Your Company Centered around the talent and beauty 01 ballerina Karen KllflIIIRDOCIIIIOIIIHOIRWIUQIIIIDGOIYIMIBI and muaical oxcrtamant with dancers Jelt HyllopandFrankAuguatynoperutarMauraen Forruter arid Slrutiord actor Douglu Camp 00 mine ALI IN THE FAMILYArchiaarocgnt good leelings tor his eatrangedbrother prim shortlide when brother Fred shows up with who Is yriun er than Glenn SATTLESTAR GALACTICA When Adamo loses IIIS Space fleet command and tails prey to Baltars deadly priqon revolt Apollo and Starbuck rush to the rescue In gerous Ion masquerade 60 mini UP TAIRS DOWNSTAIRS Ftoses Pigeun Episode 26 Rose curripas aionate otter to hide former Rnrvanl Altrrert plunges the household Inltl nrghtnirirn whrn police begin to make inquirins SHULMAN FILE 830 DUGAN Cleavrin ittlr stars 11 lootball hero turned congressman who dis coverelhallegislativeohstactesiriWashingtiin can be tougher than opprismg tacklrIB on tho gridiron Premere 900 FOR THE RECORD to Practices headstrong young doctor chril Iongesatop surgeon whose destrelurlanm rind power leads him to perlorrn dangerous rypir Iments which are endangering patirsrils livrs Slarring Richard Montitlr and Alain Scrirlri till ALICE MeleellsthpdlnrrsrihecHrirnlrix in early IBIIHHTIHVI Guest star Hans Crmrnirt of two part arisime SUNDAY GHT MOVIE Siiirsky Hutch Targets Without Badge DanTanna hecomesrnvolvedin bizarre Investigation when government agents Illegally involved in biological wartrim kidnap young man on his honeymoon leaving wile to rave he even existed 60 ruins KR FT ALLSTAR SALUTE BAILEY PCRTIBRilethccelcbrat ed woman 01 song and international good will wttlbe honoradbyahostoltop Starsperlmming With her In munCHI variety SDBCIRI Guist stars Jack Alberlson Sarah Vaughn Ellri FitzgeraldRichLitlleFuster Brooks and many 60 mins THE WAY WE ARE the People abec SpeakPartll ROOTS THE NEXT GENERA Willialmerhas replacedthelate Torn Harvey as the leader at the black community In Henning Bertha Palmer 19 OH to Lane College lhelirstIlhedescendantsolKuntaKiritelogiito college where she meets the young and mnbi tious Simon Haley Iaudalll his 30 STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS SusanHughesmakusthe diaqmeting discovery that shes consrdirrod badcradilrielibecauseolherHeparatrrdmarital tua CITY LIGHTS Guest Melvm Frank 1000 WEEKEND MARKETPLACE MARY TYLER MOORE HOUR Beatrice Arthur steps into the limelight as Mary Innons latest guest Star W5 LOU GRANT The City room hlértra that radical group In planning to kidnap aVlP at publishers ilriIVllIIlIn attended by Lou and $4 TIIDUYH ruwutivriq 60 mins LE TEMPS DES iNCERTITUDEs ED MC GOWAN AND COMPANY 1030 99 OMBUDSMAN LAUREL AND HARDY 1100 00m NEWS 09 CBC NEWS CTV NEWS INTROSPEC EB MONEY TALKS MARITIME COUNTRY 1115 06 NATIONS BUSINESS 1120 99 NEWS 1122 NEWS 1130 MISS TEENAGE AMERICA PAGEANT MARCUS WELBY MD MOVIE HORROR as cho 1960 COD NEWS LA MANGEAILLE 221 IN PRIVATE LIFE re PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED 1140 BMOVIEADVENTUREIWEs 3191940 QUESTION PERIOD 1150 THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO 1200 In MEDICAL CENTER 89 MOVIE DRAMA The rk An el1935 INT NATIONAL CINEMA 12 10 DAVID SUSSKIND SHOW 1220 MOVIE BIOGRAPHY Fin est Hours 1230 MOVIE COMEDY Amor ouaAdventuree otMollFIandere CDNVERSTION WITH 130 SUNDAY SURPRISE 145 ABC NEWS 220 ED 100 HUNTLEY STREET 230 WITH THIS RING TIME TENTATIVE The doctor says Some herbs used in drugs By PAUL l1 RlllllJrI MI 0111 Dr Rublc am qllcS tioning the usc of ginscrig tczi Is it potcnt in any way Does it havc ziriy adverse effects Lil Iinscng is one of many hcrbs uscd by thc hiiicsc for zit least 2001 yczirs for it variety of ziilmcnts from cxccssivc sweating tn convulsions Hcrb mcdicinc and acupuncture arc two hincsc arts that have not bccn thoroughly studicd in ncstcrn countries know of no itIViSt cffccts from this particular hcrb nor llitVl sccn any spccific bcncfits in litcruturc Ivc Studicd Notwithstanding this hcziltli food Storcs zirc Iizlppy with an apparently booming busincss in ginscng products capsulcs powdch cxlruct and cvcn lo tions for thc Skin Ihc Ollltll Itilltd cxtiact is cxpcnsivc about $25 In nunccl As tcei Im told it givcs plczisunt swcct tzistc suggcstivc of lico ricc It has no cziffcinc You can use your ginscng tcri frccly but dont cxpcct to bc ItjLIVOIIitItd or curc Iny discasc with it As far as ciin tcll it is mcrcly zIIi cxpcnsivc bcvcriigc Iict Inc add that hcrbs uscd by lncicnt civilizations i11 cluding Illill of thc Anicricun Illtlliltt hch bccn the basis for sonic of our important drugs uscd ruutiiicly today Itziuwulfin in blood prcssurc rncdicincl is inc Icrhups thc rccciit rcsutiiptiini of political rclntions with Mainland hinu 1111y upcn thc door for closcr study of hincsc nicdiciric including tlic usc of hcrbs Icstcrn Incdiciiic ducsIIt liuvc IlII thc ainswcrs it nccds ctl tzlirily llcur II Iziuglitcr was ItIIbIc My ifizigniistd its having heart trouble Now shc is pregnant and wc arc worricd to death about her Should Shc be hospitalized What arc tlic dangers to her to thc buby Mrs TS It is unprcdiclziblc from thc scanty information you give What is hcr zigc Wlliil do you Intim by liezirt troublc Mziny hczirt patients can carry on right through to dclivcry Willi propcr homc czirc IlIc problems if any bcgin to Show thcmsclvcs ziftcr thc third month whcn dcnitinds on thc hcairt by the fctus incrcusc sharply If the doctor Iiotcs any dramatic charich in lican pcr forniuncc mcdicinc and cvcn hospitalization might bc rt quircd until dclivcry 0r hcr Ic tivitics might bc shurply cur tailed So long as IicI hcurt can with stand the prcssurcs of prch Iizincy and dclivcry thcrc Iiccd bc no cffcct on thc biiby llcr own doctor can be more spc cific in your dutightcrs case IiIr llr ltublc lttivc Iiiccc in thc huspitnl Shc is ciglit and has hcrpcs and chick cnprix Ihcy clziim thc hcrpcs Is hcrcditziry Wlizit do you Ilith to say about this Mrs Mfl Iiickcnpox is licrpcs in fcction This virus is thc Sillllt mic that causcs hcrpcs mstcr lshinglcsr IIic virus is coir tugiuus but is not hilitlllill IIirit is it can bc trunstcrrcd from 0111 pcrsnn who has it to another but IE not pnsscd ill to thc unborn through gcncs 511s pcct you niisundcrstmid tlic doctor IiIr Ilr ltuIIIIz Whiit Is thc bcst tcst to find II it Iiilin IS stcrilc MM Ilrilyuncwziy IIIIIIISIII thc quantity and quality ll his spcrni BRIDGE Oswald Jacobyand Alan Sontag The perfect Opening lead II 110 EAST 910954 43 v5 65 91073 Q9764 SOUTH A16 vAJ1072 K84 9103 Vulnerable Neither Dealer South Oodoi xgtng 09L West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead V3 There ought to be law against an opening trump lead complained South Any other ICitd and would have been home free We have too many laws mm replied West In any event trump lead is clearly indicated with my holding It certainly was indicated and it certainly cooked Souths goose He had to lose spade two diamonds and club Now lets see what could tirippin With various othcr Iczids club Icad would be won by Easts quccri Later on South would firiLssc success fully Igziinst Wcsts king and get to discard diamond diamond lcad would givc South two diamond tricks Iristcad Of just one spadc lcad would be won by Souths jack South would then draw trumps and play ace and Six of spndcs West would bc back on lead with the king and forced to lead diamond or club for South edenvale by Mrs Aubrey Giffen 7281857 Ncighbnrs IIid fricnds gntIiircd It thc Iionii of Mr Hill Mrs ltnyninnrl Wrird for huusc wurniing party rccctitly Ihc Wards wcrc givcn ii Izicc tublcclnlh Ind tuwcls Mrs ICIic Itrill tilld Mrs lur dun liflcn spcnt Icw days in Iurontn Inst wrck Mr and Mrs Aubrcy iitfcn visitcd Mr and Mrs William Iinnigzir and family in Toronto Icccntly Mrs Wurrcn Iilfcn and Mrs Rub lliiidncr tuuk tlIc coursc cn titch Spotlight on ltrctid Anyonc intcrcstcd in thc coursc can conic to Mrs Iiflcns hiIIiic ll 101111 March 12 Arinc Iiffcn is vacationing in Florida this wcck Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Aubrty IiIIcIi wrrc Mr and Mrs ltusscl Strcct of Icorgctiiwn and Mr and Mrs IIlgin Ilcziuitt of Ittivcnshnc ncc Igziin thc Edcnvzllc ill Iloiiicrntikcrs IIIb is in full sw ing with ii prugrziiii IIIII Ihc final touch Each nicnibcr iI ziskcd to Inzikc III IIcccssory such as hut pursc scarf tic or bclt Sliiricy Mullcr is prcsidciit Ind IlIIS Irc urricliu igjflcn and Wendy Ilncg 63 EXP Wiscoristn rcadcr asks if you can hziridlc opposite It so as to bc sure of two tricks in the su1t against any adverse holding Yes there IS 21 perfect and simply safety play Just lay down your 21cc and continue with the deuce If the suit breaks Il2 all plays work If there was singleton honor It would have dropped If either upporicrit Iicld four to thc kIIIgquccn hc would score his king and quccri but that would be ill ASIrO Gra Bernice Bede Osol March 11 1979 This coming year you Will tare very well ll you devote more of your criergics and Iforts t0 Situations that promise long raiigc benefits as opposed to those that offrr immediate returns Budd foundations for brighter tomorrows PISCES Feb ZoMarch As long as you are allowed to use your Initiative today you Will perform corripotcritty When associates Start offering advrcc or issuing 0rdch ItlI br an other story ARIES March 21April 19 BC wary of critICIzIng coworkch in Irunt of othch today Thoughtlcss remarks could Create Serious lllCldLlll TAURUS April 20May 20 It may be necessary to make some Clll$ilOfiS today IIJVOL Ing persons Wllll Wllfllll you thI be socializing rri lltlil to keep the peace Do so Willingly GEMINI May 21June 20 To day you could bi ambitioust motivated for all the Wrong reasons and ausc yourself frustrations 8c Ulllttll With what you have orlt rinvy anotth CANCER June 21July 22 You mayIniectavolatilcnssueintoa conversation With friends today JUSI to provoke rear Bugs Bunny CIiih Narnifli Short Rib VOUI EVIL CAREER IS OVEQIENDISH PROFESSOR FUONU it 29 Dunlnp St 737 3860 NORTHERN STATIONERY lion This proves to lremely unwise LEO July 23Aug 22 II at all pOSSIbIo avord Involveriierits With one you know from past experience to be rather greedy This person could be even more so today VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Se Icct companions with care to day because your Independ erice Is vci iriiportant to you It would lllllall you to have an other telling you what to do and when to do it LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Keep on schedule today With your IUIICS and responsetnlities Putting things off could force you Into very tight corner SCORPIO Oct zitNOV 22 Sicm clear of SUCldl cliques today The participants could create petty Situation you wont want to IlL llrlllllIPd With SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 To prove your pornt today you may do Soriiethirig opposed to your best Interests You gain nothing If you Win battle but lose the war CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Be prepared to have your Ideas severely criticized If you Start putting down the Views of oth ers today If you cant be complimentary its best to say nothing AQUARIUS Jan Persons who should not be be ex 20Feb 19 lack expertise permitted to manage anything for you today that could Wind up CISIIIIQ you money MUGW UVAP OPxA EAZOQNIT cYour CBirthday March 12 1979 Siiriiiririi wl1ltIWéiS lmpOP tIiit Ill yiiii tlltllll recriter your liti ttII tiriiirig your This Illlfilll timid titivt strong lIIlllltII ll wtml Wlll br occur lll llll yttU PISCES Feb 20March 20 U11 litre you attempt to see the Illllti pry 1illllIOIVIWIOIIHY whrit Is bugging you erI be Itlllwll Illtl of proportion and Iltflilti cxtrerTicIy ditlicult to llftllVlf ARIES March 21April 19 hrary Sthlul6 could make mu Illllalllt today Keep your mind on lltl rewards and your lot won seem so trying TAURUS April 20May 20 One mth whom you usually have difficult time getting along could cross your path again today Use past experience to play It smart GEMINI May 21June 20 Its up to you to put strip to an riutsulw influence undermining ht tranquility of your home Drill Irt it get foothold CANCER June 21July 22 Uri Ices you r11 tactful today you itllti Iiritl yourself or Chill Sum coursit With strongly riininriatcd person Things itll int litfalftl NOWSUPER CRIME FIGHIER J05 HOW DO YOU PLAN To END CAizEElz Your Wedding Invitations rmouncements Headquarters We provide loanout service LEO July 23Aug 22 Better put off buying anything today that is supposed to last for very long time You could pay too much and end up with lemon VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 There IS strong possibility you could have runin with your male or an aSSOCIate today Both must be Willing to yield it peace Is to be restored LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 An other persons problems might inconvenience yOU and mono polize your time today Take it in stride Do the best you canto help SCORPIO Oct 24NOV 22 You might be forced today to lace up to and resolve an old Issue that has been smoldering for much IOCI tong between you and friend Preserve the friendship SAGlTTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Try to see things through the eyes of your competition and you could come out the Victor Otherwise you could lose what yOuve already gained CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 GiVing someone piece of your mind out OI anger Will only further complicate matters Let your better Judgment rule AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Watch your budget extremely carefully You Or another mem ber of your family could Incur debt that would be difficult to pay off WHAT BREAK HES QQOPPEO OFF GLEEP l5t44 5ft 97 LC EATU RING RUSS Church Mobile Homes Leisurecraft Campers WHEEL INTO SPRING WITH THE NEW 79 TRAILER AND CAMPER MODELS BA YFIELD M4LL BARR

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