tin examiner Friday March 979 1A MAX HAINES Toronto Sun Syndicate ll IilllilwillA illl Thesexysexagenaï¬on Just as some horses run faster than others and some birds fly higher than others so it is with men some are better lovers than others Walter Lewis Samples ranks right up there with the all time champs in the amour department Walt was qtiiet list yearold bachelor who lived down South Memphis way As retired civil engineer who owned few rent producing pro perties he didnt indulge in any excesses with of course one exception ladies You might even say his hobby ended up killing him On Feb 27 1941 our heros doctor received phone call to come right over Walt figured that the pains which had plagued him for the last three days were not your average tummy ache He told the doc to shake leg otherwise he figured he would be cashing in his chips Walt proved to have natural gift as prognosticator He died in hospital two days later Before he departed this world Walt had told his doctor about the severe pains It sounded like food poisoning to the medic The deceased had described his last meal as being breakfast of bacon eggs toast and two glasses of milk He had also mentioned that the milk lid not come from his regular dairy different company had obviously left free sample on his front porch in an effort to gain new business Fortunately the half filled quart of milk was still in the refrigerator The doctor took one smell and sealed the bot tle It smelled of phosphorous Poisoned After Walls death the milk was analyzed and sure enough it contained phosphorous crystals and starch the main ingredients used in the manufacture of rat poison An autopsy revealed that Walt had indeed been poisoned Police investigating the murder were surprised to find scores of letters and photographs in the Samples residence All were from women The letters should have been mailed in asbestos envelopes They were almost too hot to handle describing intimate relations the senders had had with our boy Walt Some begged to renew old alliances which for some reason or other had smouldered and died Others con tained pictures of the senders in various stages of undress All of sudden the Memphis sleuths had more suspects than enough Each woman was questioned in the strictest confidence for several had husbands who just wouldnt understand Without exception the women all claimed that Walt the old rascal was terrific lover Many couldnt wait for his calls but all professed that they had had nothing to do with his murder The investigation wound down to standstill Police meticulously checked back into the records to see if Walt had ever been in any trouble with the law The best they could come up with was the fact that he had once been the defendant in minor suit involving washing machine man named Leroy House had brought the suit against Walt in order to get back washing machine his wife had given to Walt Sold out Invesitgation also revealed that House had owned pro sperous trucking firm in Memphis but had recently sold out and bought plantation in Mississippi some 150 miles away Midhtrrst College Junior School Grade through Private School in panic Qualifled teachers inIsrTiall classes lndividual program for each student at his own level of achievement Special attention for students with learning disabilities Contorms to Ministry of Education guidelines Coll Ursula Kiffmeyer 7371434 Home 4589355 The police interviewed former bookkeeper of the trucking firm and found out that House was extremely agitated when he discovered that his wife had dipped Into the till to the ex tent of $7000 In order to pass the ntoncy along to Walt When detectives questioned Mr and Mrs House they told all well almost all Mrs House admitted haying an affair with Walt which had lasted for years She had tried to break off with the older mail but despite her promises to her hus hand she found that it was impossible Finally House sold his business and moved out of Memphis so his Wife could get away from Walt Hoth denied killing the aged asanova search of the Houses plantation uncovered several niilk bottles front the same dairy as the one found in Wall honie containing the poison Both Mr and Mrs House were taken into custody for questioning While being searched Wlll signed by Walt Samples was found iii Mrs Houses shoe The will left everything Walt owned to Mrs House lnfortunatc ly the signature on the will proved to he forgery oiifessed With the bloodhounds closing in Mr House confessed that he had placed the poisoned milk on Wall porch His confes sion completely exonerated his Wlfl Despite the confession Mr and Mrs House were placed on trial for first degree murder In June l941 Both were found guilty and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment The couple appealed and the state Supreme ourt ordered new trial During the second day of their second trial Mrs House got up from her seat and rushed toward the presiding judge She shouted cant stand it any longer My husband is in noeent ldid it alone and hes been trying to protect me The courtroom was cleared and the true and final story was told Mrs Hou5e confessed She knew of Samples habit of drinking milk at breakfast and had planted the poisoned milk bottle on the porch Despite attempting to be faithful to her husband she could not resist Walt who seemed to have an unnatural hold on her In order to free herself she had killed him What the heck she figured the whole thing might as well pay Thats why she forged Walts signature on will which she had typed House broke down and admitted that he had confessed to the crime in an attempt to save his wife He had had nothing to do with it Mrs Hotise was convictml of murder and received 20 years imprisonment The charge against her husband was dismissed MBRC DRAPERY MILL OUTLET HUGE SELECTION OF ODress Fabrics °Drapes Upholstery and Drapery by the yard OSewitig Accessories AT REAL SAVINGS 547 Bayfield St Barrie 726255 north or Georgian Malt thursday tv EVENING 600 9min NEws HOLLYWOOD SQUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS IE POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS in PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 HATTYTOWN TALES 655 WRITE ON 700 DATING GAME CHIPS CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH ANGIE Alterllowdayaallotsureondone day out shopptnq with her SisterInIaw Angie longs for the good old days when she was tress NEWLYWED GAME IE ORWHO GOOD TIMES PRICE IS RIGHT 730 MAKE ME LAUGH NEWLYWED GAME EVENING OUT FAMILY FEUD LIVE IT UP 61 $198 BEAUTY CONTEST MAGIC SHADOWS up rt Part IV Front 808 NEWHART SHOW 800 In LITTLE WOMEN CHARLIE BROWN YOURE THE GREATEST Good ole Charlie Brawn has 10 chance at disaster when he volunteers as decathlonconlestant In his schools Junior Ics com otitton FHE LTONSJIMBOD sllla dream crumbles beloro his eyes when he Iinds out his Importsctvlmon willkeephimtrombocommoan Force pilot 60 mms MORK AND MINDY Mort IS at the mercy ol Mindys neighbor who hurt stolen the OlkanAnaMachinecapoblaolreqreasmgMork aboriginal state SOAP Jesutca Tate brings Cheateund UBleCllVe Donahue together to tell them which man she has chosen and the Tatas band toaalhnrtolrytoexorcmeaspirttltoanrtnneS mYBEST KEPT SECRETS r12 RAT PATROL tE MOVIE DRAMA Obses sion 830 In PEOPLES CHOICE AWARDS The nations Iavorites In televrsmn motion pic turesnndmusrcwiltbonamedonIhebroodcaat wt Dick Van Dyke hrs THE GREAT DEBATE Jaao PatonKittsDn and Nicholas Cannon Resolved Adopted Children Have the Absolute Right to in Who Their Natural Parents Are WINTARIO LOTTERY 930 SOAP JOBBICB Tate brings Chester and Detective Donahue together totell them which man she has Chosen and the Totes band toqothortotrytoaxorcrsoaspirttIromCorInnes ayTEAM SHOWDOWN 1000 MRS COLUMBO deadly game of cat and mouse untold as Mrs Colombo stalks deranged ventriloquist who believes htl ac tions are controlled by his trendioh dummy 60 36 DALLAS SusanHowardguest stars useyoungIodywhomRoyKrebbomoBtoinabar and they discover mutual attraction to each other except that she to not telling all about 60 mm BARNABY JONES Barnaby Jonosconductaapuzzlingmurderrnvootigntton that leads him to the ominous workings of powortul religious Cult headed by Bull annomtodmautahWtIotatwopan episode FAMILYWilliadoeantrealtuitbut thenowgtrlinhislilotantamouaprtmnballorina whownntsiothrowawayadazzltnqcaroortolivo with him in the Lawrence guest house 60 a3 SEIJI OZAWA NEWS UPDATE NEws 1001 MRS COLUMBO deadly game of cat andmouse unloldsasMrS Columbootalka deranged vontrrtoquisl who believes his AC tIDna are controlled by his trendish dummy 60 ml 1100 on NEWS 06 CBC NEws CTV NEWS IE EMPLOYMENT FILE MOVIE DRAMA Race With The Devil 1976 1115 REAL STORY 1120 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THE TONIGHT SHOWaw orc sou Guells Malta Wallace Lola Fulana Erma beck R90mins CBS LATE MOVIE The 4077thhasnparticularlydtllicultnrqhtwhenthe verybusyooalntingroorms wrackodbynmllory lire Alrom American guns MCCLOUD Fira rs Dennis Weaver Cannon Fl MOVIE ADVENTURECOMEDY eat the Devll1954 STREET TALK KING OF KENSINGTON QUESTION pERIOD WhitetaceGlovasIstheKinqhnmryinnsIteot the murders at all at husbands at the horrible Hannah Smith and has her ghost come back tr Bill Larry and GlsdyaI 1145 POLDARK 1150 ANGIE AlteralewdnysolIIisurenndone MOVIE DRAMA 11 Man day Do shooptnu with her sister in law Angie longs lor the good old days when she was Haisém WORLD FIGURE SKAT ING CHAMPIONSHlPS Amateur rRterslromacmsatheworldcompeinlurtitles to Vienna Austria Johnny Esnw Otto Jelrnelt and Debbie Wilkes Darroch host Tonight the nsFreranI in scheduled 90 mms JUST DO IT YOURSELF ED WHATS HAPPENING 9200 Called Adam was 1200 In MOVIE DRAMA Green OS 1076 MOVIE COMEDY Mag niticont Deadly Sins 1972 12 10 aMOVlEWESTERN Mn Sundanco I974 100 TOMORROW rm Tom Snyder OUNCY 0ka mu awn Guest BarbaraJordanlormerDancroticCon Quincy when he tries to prove drill Instructor who won Medal oi Honor In Vietnam Intention killed Marina recruit 50 mung LOU GRANT SSWOMIH 60 mins PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 HAWAII FIVEO SuspectmgthaiOr MEDICAL CENTER Harvey Danwonh is illegally supplying drugs to addicts Steve McGarrBtt knows he must nail Danworth In order to save him tromthovenuelul lather at one at his alleged victims Guest star F61 Weaver 60 min CANADIAN EXPRESS BARNEY MILLER room den extra cable are ideal Aim Wï¬mnnmhtm tttiitmflmttï¬tflhtï¬ï¬itmt El MOVIE DOCUMENTARY World Satarl 1970 300 In MARCUS WELBY MD 400 in BEWITCHED Now is the time to consider extra TV outlets in the kitchen sewing room living workshop and bedroom If you have portable TV set or more than one set Call Barrie Cable TVFM for details 7283644 circuit tryrm TV outlets rmuwmumunmnrmrrru