Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1979, p. 21

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monday tv EVENING 600 on NEws HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS POLKA OOT DOOR 630 NBC NEws MARY TYLER MOORE snow cas NEws AaC NEws NEws PARTY GAME JEREMY 645 REAOALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME FANTASY ISLAND GROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH BILLY NEWLYWED GAME DONT ASK ME GOOD TIMEs PRICE IS RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME GENE TAYLOR SHOW HOLLYWOOD SQUARES FLATBUSH Presto becomes the In nocent dupe at baldheaded hoodlum who usee his ten as the getaway car In bank 31 III SHA NA NA IE MAGIC SHADOWS The cm rt Patti BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Charles lngalls and Jonathan Garr vey set out on desperate search tor medicme when members Oi their tamulies are tailed by an at olanthrax 80 mins Reevesgoes oneononewithMaInstreemInq the Federal law that allows tor disabled students to be worked Into normal student ulations 80 nuns BILLY SALVAGE1 Harry launches the Vulture rocketona rescueMIsSIonInan attempt to save Stop and iellow NASA crew members trappedintheirspacestation Pt otatwOpart sode 60mins Ifi ALL YOU NEEDISLOVE Ftockend Roll Film clips Include Elyis Presley Little rd Cliti Richards DOCTOR ON THE GO MOVIE SUSPENSE Rus sian Roulette 830 FLATBUSH Presto becomes the III nocenl dupe OI baldheaded hoodlum who usea his texn es the getaway car In bank E3 ONE DAY AT TIME An Schneider desperately asks Barbara to lino someone tO help out while hes IncapaCItated but he never espected her to bring home someone like Jackie 900 NBC THEATRE TOO Far To 60 Stars Michael Moriarty Blythe Danner An adaptation oi John Updikes popular Maples short stories contemporary suburban couple hayeto tell theirlourchildren that their 20 year Is ended hrs BARNEY MILLER While rest otthe 12th precmclcombatcrimeWoIOiatorn between the lreedom ot bachelorhood and ms tions tor taiten woman 60 nuns ALICE Melsellstheoinersohecanrelax In early retirement Guest star Hens Conreid atwo an episode 81ft Ho THE WEST WAS WON Zeb drags times out OI the mudtlals where he was Iett tor dead stter an attack on riverboat tscmg the pirate band that plans to put the kid napped Molly and Laurie up tor ransom MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCED VOYAGE or CHARLES DARWIN 930 SALUTE To ALFRED HITCH COCK The AmericanFilmInstitutepresentsa tribute to one at the moat prolitic litm makers ol the century the master at suspense directorwriterproducer who has terrItIed audiences the world over tor nearly 60 years Celebrities ot the motion picture world will par ticipate in the tribute to Hitchcock which will also include tilm hIghlights lrorn his career 90 man 1000 86 NEWSMAGAZINE SPEAKING OUT NEws 1030 MAN ALIVE Host Ray 301 intervnewstormerCanadIarI Ambessedortotho United Nations George Ratio 11 In NEws CBC NEws CTV NEws EMPLOYMENT FILE infidel April 91 Bayfield St THE WHITE SHADOW Coach NASHVILLE GRAND OLE OPRY heerved seat at trd 010 on AHsIee 115A hters trspertettea iris meter coach Ihtctau We Otyteer stepstMuIcIIeleI Pelee mflb PricePerPerson 3wreern$I3o 2wmrn$I39 per reeIII $169 For Reservations Cdl 13790340 BRISTO IRA VEL MOVIEWESTERNP Blte the Bullet 1075 1115 THE REAL STORY 1120 NEWS 127 NEWS 130 THE TONIGHTSHOWBeiousu sun Guests Steve Martin Kenny Rogers Fer do Lamas and Moos Earle 90 mine CBS LATE MOVIE vmenocxpono FILES Foul On First Pley Lou Goasett guest starsassparoleDtlIcsrtumedprIvatedetective who uses his old triend Rocktord Ft MCMIL LAN AND WIFE Attershock Stars Rock Hud Susan Saint James MOVIE JUVENILE mok wee ST EET TALK OUESTION PERIOD 145 THE aODYINOUESTION HowDD You Feett Host Jonathan Miller shows that the aches pains rumblessnd Other sensations or lack oi them that we experience are Otten dramaticdistortionsotwhatisgomgonbeneath the stun 60 nuns 1150 MOVIE DRAMA That Lady From Pegn 1971 In MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE COMEDY Trea sure 01 Sen Gennaro me 12 10 MOVIE HORROR To the Devil Daughter 1070 100 TOMORROW Host Tom sum Guest Barry White Singer and composer 60 mBMARCUS WELBY MD 130 PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 EB MOVIE HORROR Blood Mania 1970 GRYPH HON 0H BOY MISS TEE QUEEN Conversion to jazz brings rising fame MONTREAL itlt the Bug Allcy Band switchcd over to jazz Vcars ago it was just anothcr folk group contcnt with doing hoot nights at local coitcc houscs Now thc tivcmcmbcr band is playing in top jazz clubs in Montrcal and Halifax and soon will cut rccord at jazz bassist icnc Icrlas studio in Wood stock NY Bug Allcy didnt find its win Iiing formula until bass playci laId Ihompson and vocalist Ixrcussionist Karcn Young nicl guitarist Stcyc olc and wmd Inan likc linsonncault it was Instant musical mcnagca quatrc Mikc was thc onc with lhc ABC baiiles NBC for morning hours 108 ANGIILIIS iAIt In 1952 NB tclcvision introduccd now kind of TV show that seemed at the time rathcr tar Ictchcd in concept It was magazinestyle program that mixed ncws intchIcws and on tcrtainmcnt It was callcd the Today Show Its early hosts wcrc fricndly quiet man named Iavc Garro way and fricndly Icssquwt chimpanzcc namcd Mr Muggs And it bccamc what many on sidcr the most important tclcr Vision program In tho tnilcd Statcs Today contributcd to icic vision by unlocking thc morr ning hours and by introducing the TVmagazinc format But it was morc than TV show It became kind of national bulletin board on which thinkers artists and world Icadcrs hung their idcas The Today stages bccamc hangout for politicians wanting to mcasurc possiblc can didacy or to tout pct project Publishers and authors con sider an appcarancc on Today the most important stop on promotion tour is criticisms of thc popular arts Wcighcd heavily with tho public For more than quartercen tury NB owncd the morning hours BS NBCs strongest competitor through the years has tried to imitatc Today with little success But now comes scrious challenge to NBs morning dominance not from news strong CBS but from flashy ABC ATCIIES TOIM ABCs Good Morning Amcr ica has steadily grown in popu larity in its first thrcc years I5 I979 sperms$125 arrie 0ntL4M 3A7 and last wcck it caught up withltxlay in lhc ratings It is known to sonic as tho bluccolr lar Today but ill its approach and stylc it is starkly apart from Today iood Morning Amcrica was born from thc ashcs of thc old AM Amcrica show Somc sni ckcrcd whcn thcn ABC pro gramrning chicf Fred Silvcr man dccidcd to usc an actor David Hartman as host It sccmcd typical irrcvc rcnt movc Whilc Today was strictly within thc prthlr dcncc oi NBt Ncws iood Morning was joint ncwsr cntcrtainmont vcnlurc Whilc Today sccmcd scrious cry Ncw York arid cvcn littlc stuffy lls morning show trch or just plain folks appcal iood Morning produccr Gcorgc Mcrlis thinks thc Rona Barrett gossip column and other light approach teaturcs of the show hclp But Hartman ht says is thc show Thc iccling Is that slccpycycd vicwcrs can relate more easily to Iiartman than to Tom Brokaw of Today Littles llill Players IN CONJUNCTION WITH The Bayiield Mal presents CHILDRENS FANTASY 8V CAROL LAUCK Friday March at 730 Saturday March at It Inn pan pm Friday March at 730 pm Saturday March III at am pm pm Bcforc MARMAL AD GUMDROPS IN THE MEWS AT BAVFIELD MALL Presented by Specid Arrmgement with Samuel French ByEV CouLO HAVE won THAT WHEN was t6 IF BRAINS AND TALENT corn£0 THEN 0F NKSE 000 L00KIN0 AM LEARNED LOT Game To ALI KINDS or GREAT THEMRE wHeT Fan Suns uo5 THE cuouon ALREMY HA5 Snows Boone RtGHT HERE IN BARKIEJTHEATAE FOK Evektour Vision for thc group says olc As soon as thc four pcoplc got togclhcr hc saw right away whcrc It could go It was his influcncc IIIIVIIIEI TOIIAYING Ihc band was likc kinder garten class in room full ol ncw toys Mcmbcrs say thc joy of discovery was so swccl that nothing but playing sccmcd lo matlcr For limo Young providcd Ixrcussion with shakcrs and snarc drutn But hcr tantalizing sounds only madc thc group rc liillt what full drum sound could bring lhcy lound iary Lindncr Jan drummcr whosc cxpcricncc has madc considr crablc contribution to Bug Icys music Bug Icy mcmhcrs arc styi icd songsnnths illustrating IaI comtmsitions with tour and livcpart Vocal harmonics Ihc InstIuiricnlalion takcs back scat to thc twisting Inspircd Vocals gucss wc hayc ditlcrcrii oliicctiycs says Young onc oi which is to do what lohii Ilcndricks did to writc lyrics for Jill standards to gct thc voltcs SillilldlllL likc saxcs or trumpcls lith thc Sits bcbop Vocal tcam oi Lambcrt Ilcndricks and lioss as thcir mcntors thcy spcnd wccks rchcarsing ncw arr rangcmcnts Says music is first Canadianborn singer Gino VaneII shown here with his thick black hair In mass of Louis XIV Iike curls says Im not In to music for the per sonality business music Is first VaneII also con tends whotever his image he doesnt want to be compared to Engelbert Humperdinck or Tom Jones AP Photo IINI lI IN IIIIIII But succcss has its pricc Playing morc and morc club datcs mcans lcss timc for rc hcarsing it also mcans dcht lhc band rcccntly had to sink morc than $4000 min sound systcm Wcrc just starting to gci going and you buy sound sys tcm and yourc complctcly In dcbl says lolc But Young talks As soon as you lakc out loan it nicans yourc scrious about wtiat you do For Young all is procccding right on schcdulc much prctcr it this way slow and surc shc says Its litcl imc provich adds moncy SerVIce Electrohome thats us Well repair your TV whether its color or black and white no matter what maor brand It is Fix your stereos too Uur train technICIans really know their stuff Best of all theres just one number to remember Want1M w21mllon you SEFI VCE ELECTROHOME Telephone 705 7265982 49 Morrow Road Unit Barrie Ont MN 3V7 TICKETS $200 general admission party rates from LHP members epitome artists at the door II

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