Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1979, p. 4

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Tlursday Mar 1979 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 the eXaminer serving barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baytieid Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVERTISING 7266537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 The worlds worst sentence The Simcoe County Board of Education stresses concise effec tive English for students The board however does not always live up to that ideal Sometimes it dispenses with plain English in favor of another language That language is Bureaucratese Bureaucratese is spoken but more frequently written during board business sessions The language responds to no logical syn Most laymen find it completely incomprehensible motion tabled at recent board meeting is classic example The motion reads as follows That subject to specific approval of the Board should the pre sent facilities at Penetanguishene Secondary School be altered or new complex constructed in order to prov1de Frenchlanguage instructional unit for the Frenchspeaking students at Penetanguishene any reorganization of programs which might be required be designed not only to meet the requirements of those French speaking students desiring full Frenchlanguage program but also to continue to meet as well the requirements of those students desiring to have part of their program in the English language and part of their program in the French language That kind of gobbledygook rates surefire contender for the worlds worst sentence But the public is left to wonder what was really said To be fair the Simcoe County Board of Education is not alone in often making their intentions as clear as mud Many council resolution and government document falls into the same oblique category Surely public bodies can write public documents that get the message across in every day English Or are the documents saying that we think they do Which is When in doubt mumble By the way the resolution means students at ienetanguishene Secondary School will be able to take the same subjects they are now ifa French school is built Dear Sir have in front of me copy of The Examiner of March Right on the front page there is an article which reads Not worth publishing report say trustees Trustees on the Simcoe County Board of Education say its not worth publishing their annual finan cial report because the average newspaper reader wont understand it The ministry of education dictates the board must publish its annual financial statement in paid prescribed format newspaper advertisements realize its required by law but still think its waste of time and money said Frank Prothero trustee The average ratepayer isnt able to read the statement unless hes chartered accountant Prothero said Surely there must be some or The world today By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service An interesting and informative booklet from the Africa Institute in Pretoria and dis tributed by South African diplomatic missions tells story of South African economic involvement with Black Africa which is unknown in North America it reveals that as recently as 1974 half million black workers from five neighboring black states worked on migrant or seasonal basis in the South African Republic major source of these from the then Portuguese colony of Mozambique now Marxist republic and ideologically com mitted enemy of South Africa are still employed by the republic in 1977 there were 382900 blacks from such neighboring countries as Lesotho Botswana Rhodesia Swaziland and Malawi of which oncrthird continued to come frorri Mozani bique After Mozambiquean independence we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it an original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned int tors but if you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste the Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Sand yours to letters to the Editor Ilabu Port Office In 370 BARBIE Out letters to the editor dinary mortals who are quite capable of reading such complex and difficult piece of paper Oro are the trustees in fact giving us message that we the ordinary taxpayers are just here to pay but dont dare ask any questions Or could it be that they have something to hide from us However if they the boardi should decide to publish the finan cial statement after all suppose we could always go to our local trustee in any case Frank Pro thero to have the statement ex plained to us intelligently and in detail After all the trustees are our employees paid by us the tax payers and do not believe that any one would be so cruel and turn down the request of us poor uneducated people Mrs Brinkman Lorrctto Ontario Black migrants still play role declared With all the fanfarc of ncwlyarrivcd Marxist nations in Africa the new govcin mcnt made up of the former Frcliino guerrillas found themselves without government transport Whatever there was had bccn destroyed in the long civil war or had been cvacuatcd by the departing Portuguese colonialists The car fabrication plant of Volvo in South Africa through quict ical with Mozam biquc has helped meet the pressing need for ground transport in that country SiENIIAiiI Perhaps more impressive since the South African booklet docs not discuss the low pay levels for imported black labor is the existence of the founcil for Scientific and industrial Research of thc republic and the associated South Africa Bureau of Standards These two agencies have supplicd technical aid in the form of tcsts and inspections to It black states Some of them like Zambia and Angola are committed enemies of South Africa on its race and political policies The range of such South African ac ceptancc by these countries has included calibration of testing machines for Marxist Angola work on efficient corrugated boxes for the vital export of citrus fruits developing foreign exchange carncr for Mozambique and proper safety helmets for Zambias vital copper mines The South African Weather Bureau par ticipates in an international datagathering function which includes Zaire Zambia Rhodesia and Mozambique The booklet quite rightly emphasizes that none of these high technology activities will ever be supplied by socalled advisers from Cuba coming from very poor country at home or from the Russians whose aid is often on niggardly and certainly chaotic basis All these and other activities lead the authors of this booklet to propose that they represent 24 per cent of South Africas qurcnt gross national product for foreign ai BUSINESS 7266537 NEWSROOM Craig tson managing editor tan Mutqrcw city editor Bill McFarlanc Wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Claudia Krausc Litcstylc cditor ADVERTISING SALES Bert Stevens Julie Franks Ian MacLeod Aden Smith Steve Skinner Brenda Woods REPORTERS Carl Dc Curse Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Stephen Gaucr entertainment Gary Forbes sports Batty Armor camera Operator Dave Burcsvk photographer CLASSIFIED Freda Shinncr Peggy Chapcll Dana Honicwood Janice Morton Am NATO To ammo sun Your business fly VINfllNi Ilfi Business and onsnincr Affairs Analyst Thomson Ncws Siii ici in thc beginning of inflation tiicrc was tlic iiiccs atid incomes oniniission undcr loliii Young lhcn thcrc was thc liood iriccs itcvicw Board headed by Bcryl iluinptrc cht catnc flic Antilnflation Board ltAti with Jean iuc icpin as chairman fcw months ago the cntrc for thc Study of Inflation lfSiiI was born its fxttllllYt director was itobcrt Douglas This months successor is the National Commission on inflation iNtii undcr thc chairmanship of Harold ltcnoul iatc of llic Alli Whats ncxl An inflation watchdog of thc inontli Apart from ciciiting cinployniiiit tor burcaucrats nothing has llttfl accomphshml in an anti inflationary scnsc by any of thc various bodics cxccpt the it it was givcn lhc Icgai authority to ltSliiIIll wagc incrcascs to frcczc uivcstois lllItllIItS and to roll back corporatc profit margins lhat brought Inflation down to an an Illlitlllttl rate of ii pcrccnt at thc cnd of lttTii But irimc Ministcr iicrrc iiuilciius cnthusiasm for ccononiic affairs IS iiiiiiltlllti otiII lllll lift lli iRANlAN AliHRS OFFICE 0i iEHRAN ii Len Sevick manager Ruth Blais supcrwsor cwva WmMormimyxw lltltlllltllrltwlllil liliiillllffil BUSINESS Marian Gough accountant Delva Mills Gail McFarland Vikki Grant Brenda Woods Don Saundch Lorne Wass Wilt Cadoqan Stan Wray Bill Raynor EdAtlcnby Janie Hamel Susan itchcn Ron lldll Barbara Striul PRESSROOM CIRCULATION Bill Halkes manager Steve White assistant manager Andy Haughton Alva LaPIantc Lisa Warry Elaine Porter Chcryl Aiken Harris Blanchard Brian Marr notorioust short Incd liorcd with Mic proinni llf allowcd lItS iwrscvcriincc to lag and inflation rcsunicd llS upward path Nil MYSTIC it hardly takcs an army of rcscaichirs and illlllllllleItllttlS to diagnosc our inflationary sickness although the SlltttSSlttil of ill lizition iigciicics may have Stilllt illllltll aluc ttnc obvious catisc of Inflation is thc dcchnc in thc valiii of tlic iinsidian dollar Slittt litlt 1976 No public inquiry lS nccdcd to show llill that IS doing to priccs of llIlilttIfS nor to con cludc that thc rcasoii for tlic dcclini IS forcigncrs colicclivc assessment of our fceblc economic and industrial ttlltltS and llic tlliczit of Qucbcc StttSSlttil inolhcr causc its clear IS llit StIllJlllttll or cvcii multiplication of oil prices by the Arab dominatcd cartcl Spttlilll in toil TI and again iii litTti lhcn thcics lhc massivc illiltitStS of rcccnt years lll goiriiiiiciit spcnding lit public debt and of coursc in thc burdcn of intcrcst IhlitltlllS on that public tltlll Still inotlicr ltStilI IS thc pri ilcgcil status that has bccn conlirrcd upon stroneg organ lltfl unions incn undcr thc 191 it Iilll inflation ItSlIitIlllS thc lrudcau goycrnnicnt cnsurcd that lillltilllItl workcis iltt would tisc by its much its thc inflation mic or nioic if lift ii COMPOSING ROOM Jack Kcrncy foreman Glenn Kwan asst toriman Don Near forcinnn red Prince asst toriman ilgtii iii iijfii UlltQIllNllllll ll The Examiner is member at The Canadian Press CP and Audit Bureau of Circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in H5 newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence France Presse and local news stories published in The Examiner Published dailycxccpt Sunday and statutory holidays WEE Kt Ybycarricr 90cnts YEARLYbycarrior 546 80 Copyright registration number 7038l5 register at BY MAIL Barric M6 80 National advertismg ottices 65 Queen st Toronto 864 tito 610 Cathcart SfMontreat SIMCOE COUN IV S36 50 MOTOR THROW OFF SJra ycnr SEWHERE IN CANADA $38 506 year DON CARE lSlltt GETA CREEPY FEELING WHEN iii GIVES SERMON ON BROIHERLV LOVE llfii YOU SAY Who next for inflation watchdog of the month Sinci twill Statistics iinada rcportcd riccnily iciigc liltlllSliliIl wages rose by So ptl ccni liilc ttlflSlllllti IlllttS went up to ptl cciii iiilliilttltili llic govcrnincnt abrupt decision to tciininiiti Sii and to crcatc Nti scents to hic bccn triggered by lhc public refusal of liow thcniiciil of tanada Ltd to supply sonic cotpottlt data that Sii had riqucstcd ihc Sarina based company chargcd that lSli had bccn issuing grossly misleading re ports on profit incrcascs ihc Sii reports highlightcd big ltITtt profit incrcascs from lltpltSSttl lc cl of 1907 till onc casc using an Iii nioutli illtlttlSt riithcr than lJl but wcrc siltiii on thc fact that corporate profit margins lliltl liccn icduccd by law for lhrcc yciirs ind on thi fact that costs cspccialiy iiigcs had bccn rismg rapidly lmancc Ministcr lcan lircticn didnt bothci to dciil fill the pttllllS raised by Dow litltltl hc Stillpl icplaccd Sli with Nfi liicli lS to hiivc tltc Icgiil authority to cxtiact from coinpiiiiics such as how thc information thiil lt Sli could only itllltl As ginncsniiinsliip grciit As probably solititl As economics failiiic to tncc facts politics inot licr llil liilril il lll ll instrumiuu iiiiiiiiiii ummm il the Examiner claims copyright on all original nIws and advertismg material created by its employees and published in this spapcr the advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arts lllg out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid for the space ac tually occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or bther WISf and there shalt be no liability for non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement Knowles ramblings Big Joe big winner By BILL KNOWLES It is said that more people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than in any other cause The latest crusade to con vert or convince is being done in Iran under the direction of fanatic known as the Ayatuila Khomcni He is going around having the Shahs people killed by firing squad because they didnt agree with their new religious leader its the same old thing that has been used by most religious zealots in the past Believe in what preach or kill you it began before the birth of Jesus was specialized by the crusaders and refined by the inquisition in Spain and now this demented leader is do ing the same thing and of course the world is sitting back and ignoring what is going on in Uganda their particular maniac appears to be on the way to his just deserts at last guess we can thank our God for finally seeing to Idi Amins special demise at the hands of the revolutionaries in his country BIG JOE With our warm weather we may see federal election in the near future at last Chairman Trudeau appears to be finally ready to go to the pcoplc and the people are all looking forward to casting their ballots for or against our present Government The pity is that many will vote for the status quo because they dont believe that the alter native of Joe lark is viable alternative Joe has been working for his country since high school days while lucky Pierre has been courting Communists in China and writing on the glories of Socialism for the same period Joe could do it right but the people will pro bably give anada minority government with Pierre leader for the next year after the election Then there will be another elec tion and little Joe will become Big Joe at least think so in Simcoc South Ron Stewart will take the Tories into the hustings and retired restaurantcur and lucky Wintario winner Alex Manjuris will probably lead the Liberals now that lanicc has gone Who knows what the NDI will do for their sacrificial can didatc but all the nonNDPs can do is hope that it isnt Fred Rucmpcr who is that Partys best and probably only hope for credible candidate Fred is good friend of mine despite our absolutely opposite political dif ferences but Frcd will be great Mayor for Barrie some day and had better keep low political profile during this and any elections other than municipal ones pcrsonally look forward to the coming federal election campaign and again hope that all people of all parties will take serious interest in working for their par ticular andidate Democracy really proves itself at election time in anada and it is us you and that decide our countrys future at these events No one else has anything to say about who will run our Country expect you and and that is the way it should be Thats the way it is told you so is poor way to reply to peo ple when they ask you about some subject that is coming back to haunt them per sonally never use the cxpression Especially not thcsc days when our touncd in Barrie and thctouncils of innisfil and other ounciis are in the middlc of discussing their problems across the table The professional politicians have all along said it couldnt be done but thc new Barric ouncil is doing it at last Funny how peoples attitudes change isnt it Discuss annexation with innisfil you say if coursc we can now Something must have changid since the last Council ii wouldcr what lS is Perhaps common sense has fiiialiy arrived Interpreting the news UN Namibia plan as good as gone By JOHN WARD lNIiIII NAlItiNS itli The carefully nurtured lN plan for bringing independence to Namibia or Soutthst Africa has suf fered what may be crippling blow The announcement by the South African government that it rejects the latest proposal outlined by SecretaryGeneral Kurt Waldhcim last month coupled with South African raids into Angola and UN resolution passed Monday all make the outlook for successful lN operation pessimistic Diplomats have been working for more than two years to develop plan to hold elections undcr lTN supervision in the territory South Africa has administered the mineralrich former German colony since the First World War although itsjurisdiction has been considcrcd illegal by the UN for the last 11 vcars Last month Waldhcim outlined plan to scnd militaryciviiian force of UN personnel into the territory to monitor ceasefire and conduct elections guerrilla war between tiic South Africans and the SouthWest African Peoples Organization iSWAPOi has con linucd in the territory for years The UN recognizes SWAit as the legitimate rcprescntat ivc of the Namibian people ihc ccascfirc planned for March 15 was of prime importance to the UN plan The South African forces and SWAIt guerrillas would bcrcstrictcd to bases undcr UN monitorin Io South Africa that meantthe guerrifias would Withdraw to their camps in neigh boring black states and stay there under the cycof the UN in SWAIUs interpretation and implicit in Waldhciins pro iosals the clause meant that SWAIN would establish bases inside Namibia while its camps outside the territory Would be rcc of UN prcscncc That View was supported by summit meeting of the neighboring states and SWAIO last week South Africas foreign minister Botha sent letter to Waldhcim rejecting the suggestion that SWAIU get bases after fighting ended

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