IENISE GRAY of H7 Bayfield St says the ser vices and hours should in crease firstnot the fares The services dont justify fare increase They dont give you enough for your money use the buses sometimes but when need them they arent running HARLEY ALTY 0f Well ington Sf calls the fare iii crease necessary would like to see increased govern ment subsidies for transit systems personally but if bus fare increase is the only alternative then it is necessity You have to try all the avenues before imposing an increase but if it has to be doncit has to be done JOAN IIRIIIIER 0f Shan ty Ray doesnt usually take the bus she says but added Its cheaper than taxi when you need it It depends where am if take the bus From some places can walk home before the bus gets there About the in crease itself she said she was undecided on the urgency of the need for an increase City Editor lan Mulgrew7266537 Georgian facilities now at funding stage By DENNIS LANTIIIER Of The Examiner Actual funding and specifies will be the next step in plan by Georgian College to expand its recreational facilities says Wayne Cunningham principal of the Barrie Campus meeting was held Wedncs day between representatives of the college city and Simcoe County to discuss the college proposal Cunningham said Still in its initial stages the plan would include 25 meter swimming pool double gym nasium and other facilities related to weight training An outdoor facility possible even velodrome is also being considered No cost estimates for the proposal are available yet said Cunningham There has been no actual drawings made he said Simcoe County and the city may join the college on joint funding venture Barrie is interested because of the lack of indoor swimming pools in the area says Mayor Ross Archer There is one indoor pool in Barrie at the YMYWCA and it is taxed to the limit said Mayor Archer The city has done little to provide for swimming facilities said Mayor Archer There is not enough tune for groups to practise Arnold interim language chief The Social rcdit Party has temporarily appointed Bruce Arnold of Wasaga Reach its of ficial English language spokesman the partys official interim leader said recently harles Gauthier iSt RobervalQuc said Arnold president of the party will hold the position until Social redit members meet in Saskatoon on March it to select an official candidate to lead their next election campaign in English speaking ridings iauthier said the partys need for campaign spokesman in English anada has become obvious because the present government and the present prime minister are Morley Calvert of Barrie Central First Canadian director elected alvert is graduate of the Morley Calvert music teacher at Barrie cntral olv legiate has become the first Canadian high school band director to be elected to the American Randmasters Association Director of the entral olr legiate concert band alvcrt considers his election the highest honor band director can achieve The association includes 23o directors of high school univer sity military and municipal concert bands It is fraternal organization of the elite group of band direc tors on the continent he says McGill Imvcrsity Music School He was founder and first director of the McGill lnivcrsi ty band established lll liiiio and formed the Lakeshorc tonccrt Rand in Montreal in too alvcrl has done extensive adjudicating for band concerts He has been Involved in school music for the past 17 years and composed number of pieces specifically for high school hands He came to Bar rie in 1972 alvert will be inducted into the association next March in Pheonix Ari just as unpopular in the west as they re in Quebec ianthier said Prime Minister lierrc lrudeau can only be removed from office if he loses seats In lllS Quebec stronghold The only party capablc of challenging him in tgucbcc is Social trcdit he said lauthicr said Western ana dians may want to support the partys efforts to unseat Trudeau by endorsing its can didatcs in that part of thc coiiii try Someone is needed to lead them in that campaign hc said Players charge dismissed charge of assault causing bodily harm laid against Richmond Hill soccer player was dismissed in ltarric provin cial court Wednesday Judge illtSl dismissed the charge on lack of Lltltlltt when ltarric player who said he had been assaulted did not appear in court lirancis iibncy Bit of West Hill was charged after an inci lent during Sept it soccer game between Rarric tity Soc ccrluband Richmond IIIll Steve Knight 20 of Rarric suffered broken jaw whcn hc intervened in fight bctwccn two players iibney and 19 year old lar rie player lcrry losylck were suspended by the Ncwinarkct and llistrict Soccer Leagnc as result of fight during that game Barrie man jailed for trying Harrie man is in jail today charged with attempted rob bcry of Rayshorc Motcl lett llunlopSt Edward ccil llarvcy It who resides at Queens Hotel was arrested about midnight said police Police said man indicating he had weapon tried to rob the motel about llzilo in but the night clerk refused to hand over any money The man fled llarvcy will appear for bail hearing Friday said police Breakin reported ity police report an over night II£IIIII at Town yclc lotlTiffinSt llrive chains spark plugs batteries tools and gauges were taken said police What do youthnk About the bus fare icrease II doesnt Barrie at fault Ity DENNIS LANIIIIIIR NIIIIIIIIIN The Examiner If lnnisfil takes its anncxa tion argument to the Supreme ourt of anada it will be Rar rics fault city alderman Rill Knowles said Vtednesday Harri has until Vednesday to accept lnnisfils annexation boundary offer before the township launches the appeal lnnisfil Reeve Rill libbins said today The two sides are about Looo acres apart on the boundaries following meeting luesday between the two sides Ald Knowles told The Ex amincr the city should settle the dispute quickly because of the industrial land shortage We should do whatever we liavc todo to settle it he said dont think iooo acres is significant at all said Ald Knowles cant believe we wont settle this thing before the end of the next week iarric must take the blame bccaiisc of its failure to ncgotiatc with the township last year said Ald Knowles cm Rarrics annexation line lics iii an am one mile north of II II llt llli says bus oftcii tlllltl but said with her car 5mm beginniin to ic llil troubli Sllt may rel on thc llllt lnnislil wants to draw the her only ltlllll oi transporta tion well because my tbrcc prc stlltmlcis lltltlltt reg SI 59 Now tltltl Atulttlllt ll SIIIIS rag to 339 NOW ONLY tcnrzmnu lmundary at the southerly hall lot line bctwecn oncessions and I1 That would include about lojoo acres said Rccvc hbbins lrcinciidoiis pressure would he placed on Stioud to expand quickly if it was located so close to llariic The growth rate in Stroud is projected to rise from titl ill litlll film I2 piece SIIIIS meannan pieceVested llis Hers JEANS by mand HMO famous Fashion Fit While they lust Not all styles sizes available in all stores Smartly Styled Mens BOMBER JACKETS wool melton Forltlie outdoor man Elks incredible prices iilt IIK ithf CARI AM for AN tptftt tattall to HARM Attli reg to $1 89 NOW ONLY l21lti to just over 21oo in the next few years said the recvc We made an offer and as usual Barrie wanted more said Reeve libbins There comes time when lnnisfil has to say there isnt any more If lniiisfil offers any more land to Rarric it will destroy our official plan he said Ald Knowles said he believes both sides should make equal concessions of aboug Boo acres each to settle the dispute dont think Boo acrcs or 1000 acres or 2000 acres is as important or as big as the pro blein in Barrie said Ald Knowles Rarrie general coinniittcc meets at pill Monday to discuss its strategy regarding any future developments says alderman Innisfils appeal to the Supreme ouit would argue Inr nisfil has the right to cross examine projected population figures by Darcy McKeough ntario cabinet minister McKcougb predicted popula tion of i25ooo for Barrie by the yearzotl At the original UMR hearing lnnisfil was not allowed to ques tion McKcoughs forecast Rar rie won the original hearing but lnnisfil had the decision reversal by Ontario Provincial oiirf In December Rarric appeal ed to thc thitarlo ourt ol Ap pcal and had the hearing lttlptllttl lhc ncxt tiMl hearing is April Ito Haliburton man injured in crash lthl SEVERN tStaffi Haliburton man suffered minor injuries early today when the tractor trailer he was driving went out of control and flipped over on Highway Git nine miles north of here Midland tlll said the highway was reduced to one lane of traffic for three hours while crews worked to clear the road of the trucks spillcd load of plastic pipe The driver was treated for minor injuries at lluroina District Hospital Midland piece Vested CUSTOM FINISHED You save NOW reg WW Come in and see our new spring arrivals at for that man about town About Strum damage was done to truck and trailer said policc Delegates llclcgatcs to rcprcscnt thc Siincoc East ruling at the an nual inclting ot the Untario Liberal Party in Hamilton March it ll include lrcd oopciz icorgc lcgg Mrs Audrey lcgg Mctiill Maltby Ralph McDonald Mrs traci Mcllonald Ken lclhcison and Mrs Katherine Mclhci Still INCREDIBLE END OF SEASON CLEARANCESALE INCREDIBLE V229 Jacket reversible vest pants Come early for biggest selection tuxumesuns I49 INCREDIBLE Loseour His Hers FAMOUS BRAND JEANS 0RDS uro boogie uoroo Rom Joseph GWG etc Not all styles and sixes available in all stores DE Designer label examirngerr Thursday Mar 1979 town country Labor relations seminar BARRIE Mayor Ross Archer and Gerry Taniblyn city administrator will attend labor relations seminar spon sored by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario AMUt The seminars instructs in negotiating for collective agreement says Mayor Archer The two day conference which starts today in Toronto lamblyn acted as chief negotiator for the city in its deal ings earlier in the year with anadian Union of Public Employees WE Luncheon scheduled ALLISlUN The Simcoc llairy llcrd improvement Association will hold its annual luncheon March 27 in Alliston Ray Maltby supcrwsor has arranged program including slide presentations and presentations of produc tion awards Corrigan elected president COOKSIOWN Ralph orrigair RR ookstown was elected president of the South Simcoc cltib leaders at the annual meeting lcb 34 in Roscmonf The area chairmen are John Dcn llaan Lorttto ltccton arca Mike Elines ookstown arca cil Mctlicral tiltil lluron Nottawasaga area len Mactircgor cxtcnsion assistant with the ministry of agriculture and food in Huron tounty led discussion on program planning ll rcsourcc material and teaching techniques MART CORRECTION In the mart March of Discounts ads of Wed nesday March 7th the price of the gal Wind shield Washer Antifreeze was listed at 000 It should have been 99 The Examiner apologizes to mart customers for any inconvenience caused and its FINAL 99 tt $25 no ttit ltiits ltl lllStvlt nin NOW only MENS SPOII Slllllls vim selections of patterns and fabrics mcw Not all styles singdvoilable in all stores While they last GEORGIAN MALL BARBIE