Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Mar 1979, p. 6

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the oxamlnor viigaqo ay Ma 1979 27 fyff$lf ll Ililllllllil1l The lilllllllll lheies ltltiti than one MeKenIlIy In the Iiius llltNttltch lIllaniia llelun¢h sister at Alex ot the Ne York Islanders as named to the anadian lnter university lllltll Union all star volleyball team at the ttllltlllhlllll ot the national eliiinipioiislnps III Hamilton on the weekend nieinbei ot the York University Yeouoiiien MeKentlry Is seeoiiil ear physnal ediieatlon student ork tinished the lAl tInab itli reevrd only to lose to the llllHlNll ot Siiskalelieuan it in the plziyoll tor the tllllllilllllll ork lost Hi land ll Way ta iol2inna FIYerS Ca keep liytmltln FORBES Since that time however llliI Examiner some teams had second Aeeoiding to that old reliable thoughts about the idea and and undeniable indieator ot meeting was ealled to toss the sports performance the stair idea around once again dings the Barrie Flyers are That was when Flyers got the worst hockey eluh in the that ereepy feeling of possible anathan international lloekey rejection League It was pleasant surprise llut tollowmg meeting at ripps said Everybmly tex thetlntariolloekeyAssoeiation cept llanii said Okay well ottiees in Toronto luesday the trin llyer will be given ehanee to League leading Thunder Bay betlie best team in the league Twins had previously indieated the lllllilll eonien Ill be ehasnipI the national title In 1Titnsnrffi If 41 23£Thtrmtwmxlrmql all iliai lirelitt to naiiiebnl to York inners li1 $1135 wuL pqmomm The he to Yorks reputation ha thugs been the loothall Sim in Film mam mm glwrs Ruffled in mm VIM llmuTimlmfInllwllhrH oates January proposal that with rillia hut Terriers gain mm Him Emir Him in mm Hi all teams he alloued Into the the filth playoll spot due to Ilileelioii ot toIinII Hamilton liuei at star lIaIik osen Ylng hile iii on the Mllltl ot York lniversit llll old alnia Inateii llNll min that to ill attempt to right oi has replitat ioii loi heiiii an also ran sehool In the Innsit itliletle seene lhis not beeaiise the eonien or tltgttliltltllltl tiii anything Ii the eoiitrar this past Htkllltl alone Yorks Mare lIp pIielit ion the tanadlan lllltlll minnaslies title and tut ifiiitll tino Ilio no Ihreetoi ol the llllltl lIIliIeatioii program llfVlmlfi lXVlllV 5945 lll Millm ymk lhe Viesult eonlIiiViiation ot llaiiie lt onl em that yink should start to be spoken ot Iiit VVVtVlViiltVVSVVVlsVlthlVNEfl AlllfVVvIVilliVth W$5312VlnVLlithrn VthIVIVtViVVVIVm lillllllllilltllllhlllllllhllltllllltlljdhItllilllrjrttillplM mummmld evVeIitlIIllarrieMyers probably anibridee In the ILYIIMSV lit ll ls lltiltlLlSKlRT Imp win1 will mt pumpm MSPJPWV lhe matter iasnt VereVn first round oltheplanottx tl ttilltliltlltl round niatehup laboured lllltltl the llllllllttl Image ol York ithletie pro lktlt SHIV lVVII grain klnnllllfl all the tune that but tor the loothall llllll Hlmlill MHUL NH MW there here IiIIII llllttllllllt llllllll on the tuition tltit flVVlilltVhVlelVVVIV Illiimm Allandale Golf and Skis Bill Thurow tires slapshot toward the and 8th mm WWW Masonry goal during their Huronia Senior Hockey League final series game slhptlltlttl general iiiaiIagIi turnout imirex llau ttaua tltltIllltl lxiiwaoii II Tuesday at Essa Township arena Allandale hit the mark enough times early ltlt lliVIHVVV VV V1 VV Satiirila to llt the tintario ieizion ariinil lIiltI lll1klV in the game to beat the defending champs 64 and take 2l lead in the HVVV VVVVVVVVVVVUlVHiNJVHH eliaiii lltlllil is VV gt HVVlVVVVV VVVlVVVV HHWVVI Hum lwwn Mm best of liveseries Examiner Photo by Garry Forbes VAiiiVi QViiiViVIVIVIaiVR VLIIIVllIVtVVaV In Km VHHWHH 1m MV KWan WA VVVVJV IIi the national llitlllllllilllllll to be helil the last ieek III lllltlilllflllhlltllt lllilt entran troni rill lie rnbnj lltllC ol lohii MAW 11 ll mm 111 tor in the reeeiit Mineoe eoiint lie lp Mamm yfitytflL llvl lllllil llvl lltllllll Llili ltltlilril ll ttllll UH mug Ud my H1 ituilyilglilhanimal yetiii IKVVV VV VVV VVV VV VV VV by Md HHmi Ila tll London and team tron national Iletenee lieail llVIVlVlV VV VVV tion bonspiel helrl Vgii thpi VVVVE VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV VV fwmlpni mm Iiiiaiteh Ill litaua paitIeIpatIIl lit the round robin toinna 1V VVl lVttlillitltlHthfl HI litl Vi VH ii win tame iZIlll Iiient lltltl In IIaia MHHHMH Hm =I Wk 13 wt lit Elan mum llll PM ttllitl Iiieziiliei II he lmv lt ilttltttlliltlttlllltllliithldli ltlJ lLiiiiIe lowable piotexaonaI hoeke team the linen nini pk lt Vt VVV VV VV VV ended their Ietlilai ea on loiiila Iiili Ifitll xtllulltl gtl Wl Htlriiti ltt alwp HV Ii VV VV HHH Allandale in ml map tllll reieixeil imile troiii teriz ttlilIItllIit Ii Iin plaj llia Vpiopii til hail been WM WNW +4 VVVV hmva ml UH MVP Am yV VHH Hi MHHV tltl It pem Huimini llillllll till mo ltii lVLoIIi lIIl ii lliltlt tr new galay lVt earqu VV VV IV tor tlii llei to mine anxulieie iieai lllllitl til the SiIiioi Hoelugx leILIIIe eliaii llilll Itoi lilt iatt Illlll lll Hll=l tow ll It Vtltlllltlilliltltitzii IheainVn vJHIVVVVVVAH WV PLUM pmimnpmnMagptommpg litllttllilll like minty 11 ViVHHianlymax omitting mm VVVINHVVVV INN VVVVV Hlmwl In HM Ht pu le to the min til Helol ttll lllltlitf lill li IIIIV iilJIl llia llllll Itl till eiiii liniitiiiwleeixiiiii the ljeI ltlll lltlt lllitllitllt tllltV lltlli1llMitttl lilit been iiIeiI ltthtll on then peitoiiiiaiiie ittziiiixt liix pi lsf lIM IimHlHllillh£ Urillia leiiierx llltlil Ill It rw llt HWl ldlltll New Illil not to ltn ttltllli liltl am one ot VlVtrll tot llithLlilitVJlHl lZI the ltl lam oe that thentIIitateot litll lita anti Itil17 in lll Ie In til lllltllllillltttlIlltIttlitlllitlltil an leiiutliot lti tlVVIV mp Himl iiani itlli entity lllltII NteIe ltll ell IiIeiiIIiiiteI tlieplroit lligt lll Hi lion get It wont llitiltLll llli In lltllltltli supporter llttl lllt ltt llWWtr hi the hoiiie teaiii itNtllllt kiio tHtl eheei to he PIHL It WV ltl llllllll to the lttllt ot tll tvstitlali Lea liittt li flilll1=i Lill il Hi purl eiinlotfiIita litlIIT Iiotlie Se tn liii lIItleI olii lqiiiiiite llt wi tI ltIiltlllill liilllilll lIawi mll It liiIIiIioIi thi Hell it lie lfiioail liltllti wt ltIli ItiF lil lliilaililphia haxe liIllttl IIiinpaii will tor the lllN1 ll IM ll Nomi wI ioIiI IIiiIIwn ltItlIlIlll Iii miniuioiioiiii IveMIN neer IM wittinrii HIVJ tllltll tiv form vi lea Ha Howl ot iii the teaile peIl Ioi ilepuiim am lloiiie ti tinatl Ii pm p1 34 Wi Ttllllt InIlInei IIIIIIiII l5 TitVI iV lion llttlti tinivt IVPI all ltitiiii liilii lllril lllllill thereth tiw 21 iiu tail ll llititllilllllliitl rit lIlr leilii Manqpuappv Htll1flilV iWttllhll AV Champion ChamplOn Champion RADIAL SU PRBE LT® POLYESTER it lit VV EEgfslrlfimgéMmm DOUBLEBELTED HIGH OUALllY 57 LOW PRICE RADtAt EXCELLENT mam TEACH llfifjfi REPLACEMENT QUIET HIDE PRICE new I3 Tt Ill xreri itl In A7515 lot eII lta to to zetlt l2i in Igzrlfx huh itii lillil lit lytl111vrvy Ii1 ave at UC 1ff loililiiin Ittlrv Iilci titfl wlfiii iii in Whose iraitwi lt flf rhinitw lviii itipii llJll ltt pziJ tit ltiiII ltiiinli lill Hm lim litMhItliiitlt83 few Ipiru rt ll Itlltiltltlililiiil it 4V 41 Haw lino 42 III Linda to litt Wait titlIIIIJliIIlIfll lii ti we III lifiiill wt lie iiiitl JIIIII tiiill iIlJ fvvt II llillillrildllui iiaiivlilv ti JZ Ii Iiiiitftiniei luillif IlIIl tiiiil il vlivl if iie liar li it IIi it iZIJi lavirl tin IIIllliIIlhlilt ii Irl tii WE USE iU tin Hniil iiiIit Allitiitl It lIIIIN lneliittes Oil lllltl iii error lI than pla evl oit toi llt the lltlil wane It the oil qtsl latioii time lam ii ilii liaiiie ttlliit liiaine neiiex plantIt liinll llIii Nl Vl ll Ni WA ll ADUl UNUI ll VV MOST CARS AND lligfV VtVVVIV VVV HVgfiVflrflIVZVfVVyn° NORMA oNnIIIoNs FROM 95 nemmucxs tame net Zn Ili iie IiwilIJJI Sabres down Pauleyanna l°gl° 60 95 WEUSE 3mm $6 58 tom Iit lf oppoilviintie In the Pugh 48 VV nxgcoi OH PRODUCTS Tfl In lnnishl semifinals MOST CARS Wm MOST CARS AND LIGHT TRUCKS third game ol the Htlltx Mllfa 36 selieduled tor SatiiiIla at llxxa lariII Sitllll elIIiiInatIIt reeent ll toi at letio lownship arena Angus lame uley ill its ii it Ln AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION nil FRONT DISC BRAKE WHEEL DRUM WE USE DRU DISC BRAKE RIC CV RUSS I$ll ll iarrie Green and Ross Minor ltltl2llll5lllil linhllililih itllh lhtlflAtltlll llIIllitiiillt WE USE SI WE USE liwlalt viii tie it pan new uni lleiiaILM New 3i twin we gt Iteviiatpiw txliiitein tnteiti M051 twain ii innmu oli toutall new Itia pate llllldt tioiii ilillll ellTin wlieelteaiiiiw lllvt lilltlli tIiiIiIIilIiiei InaliI man Inim lIliivItl letioieiiin itlltl hoppeis llrtiit Mart lear oelt tool learl in the tlt xiith ti IIi on the xietkenvt Nieo lioe lat letl the leaeoel REAR WHEEL DRIVE we it to Itl In IonI it ii in tie It IIIIl ivw IotaI ninin mun llistalliiew tiiiiiigx cum lleparkhootnntei In wheel beat ig tiispertkhakiinumaw InII UVUIII Iii uliiiitei tiialxiutmaw M081 wheel yliiiiterx CARS FILTER SERVICE 595 sports calenda HililHl llorkm Allistoii lloiiiet lrarlloill lllllt Sixth ifiaine til then ii II on niv It iiiit Lani in MOSH JARS IIHJHUH Iiialeiial illltl lallllilll noon imam MOSl WE OROlHlZH as altarl not iinw llllills one USE3 1QUALITY PRODUCTS 32000 Wmdmy 31000 32000 km wammy ot 1tti Mitt intaiio JIInIoI holly teaitlie lltiIl MM hV Vh VI Iiittrrt WH1lhhH wlllll and tilllll goals Sere hail bj laIII lltlltA Iohn till bon and liai naiiiideis laarl illtllltil Slit Mehen He and ltalpti laiin replieil loi whoppIra lrIiIe Saiiiiileiu Hittiltlttl the Home net and ltei Howard tlltl the Itoaltentlinit Ihitie loi Shop per lii otliei playoll aetion lillltiltl Illtented lltlllllilll Automotive IJpl to take ti lloekex iii In llIllllIll hull and Ski and Ma oniw Illllli flatti ot then beat ol line llltltilillt Taeiiioi llolke llittl lIInipioIIhip Jl ll lama lomeliip aieiia Angle Allandale leml the 11 ll two paint toone Illitrin lloinel v2 lIIvllIiIIl lilirn ll Iii4 euxai eeiitli Vanit ul llilll litmt ol eeIi VlItl Untoiio liIiiIoI lililli leauiieIliainpirinuliipeiie lliarltoirlaiena lairiel oIniIiIIIiil llll lnioii lIiioi PM lb Iihtll lUllllll Home ol llllll lietnl lt tintaiio Minot Hotkey iioltIalInii qiiaitei liIiIl neiie llinintiill aiena Sei Illll at one Win onetie apieee llllkktlliall itll lillll Vi itlllJtlti tilltlfl litIiiiil iiirm tounty Meir lntII Inerliate li laetliall twathe Iei llltll eoiwanJolleife PARTS BAG We respect your car so much we want to make sure you know exactly what we repaired so we return all its worn out parts in bag for your inspection FLOOR MATS We like to keep everything neat so when we work on your car we put in floor mats Firestoiies Natniiiwule Me and 52bit ee waIIaIity l5 lioiioiiieil at ltitl stores coast to roast In Canada that innitare ion receipt lIiI woik iliiiie lllil iiiy liIiutiiiie VStoie Wlll lioiioiii yooi lttiltll an tlllll leail in then beat Iil lth em 3357713431IlilVTl1751 BRAND NAMES YOUVE LEARNED TO TRUST AND woman FIRESTONE FOR 05 APPLIANCES ovII filineoe llat iIii III the Iitliei lation xeiie fililVVllll MIJII AllisJon MaIaIIrJui Jun at UM OUR then iiiir oe tolintv lenu lnteIiIIIIliale Hazlettmll lJlVlll Illllr VWH Tiretone iM nlllll lain fiiov iit IHVIVVVH ltltt iIII llt In llt iiiioiiil Ill hoil VVVVVVV VVVVV VVhVVVVV WI mommaAN Will In lair olau lilltl Home llIiI la lulltl lltttilletl aiiitliiwfi liieli ll nil llllll Menu ltei Notional llaulietliall Leanne ifaiiie lll PAYMENT PLAN 88 Dunlop St Barrie Momw in to In WI IMRUIX JV JV MI llihmiiiliall ljl IIlLVI lwlm lm Iymlflhlr3Nn 980 fl pm laolejaiina fpoit tanattiaii lone humJill I1 Pd IIiaikIt tIIneIal Itlinioaon to Hm ld liuiio lirasione Canada Inc Hegd User Exeeiit Sup Bell Retidl lueslmii Canada loi by the lull Ie ltevnlvei luh Mfiuflawm milli livav llltlllltl laooiiiliall League itlllllHLII playoll Maine llvte llJill llll lloitleii Sat Ste pan

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