Wednesday Mar 1979 NEWSROOM 7266537 CIRCULATION 7266539 the examiner serving barrie and simcoe counfy Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited I6 Baylield Street Barrie Ontario UM 4T6 Biote Rowland Middle industry boon to Barrie For years now Barrie has been fortunate to have stable economy At the heart of that econ oiny is the success of our medium sized industIieswlndustlies generally employing from 50 to 250 people Barrie has been good for these medium sized industries and medium sized industries have done Barrie world of good Managers of successful medium sized industries are eu thusiastic in their praise of Barrie as an ideal location site Two factors are often sited as reasons An obvious factor is location Situated just 90 kilometres from Canadas major city Barrie is wellconnected to the rest of Canada Road and rail transportation is excellent and major international airport is one hour away hie manager describes Barrie as springboard to the rest of Canada certainly an apt description Theres another more important reason Its people What is industry after all but people working together Barrie workers tend to be happy where they live tonse quently they are happy Working here too That makes our Workers more productive and more stable in their work In industry as elsewhere its right attitude that counts Barrie workers demonstrate that daily Together people and geography make Barrie blue chip prospect for medium industry Barrie residents have every reason to be happy with that At the same time medium industry is good for Barrie It provides our city with employment at good tax base and unique kind of stability Barrie is not one industry city the way Oshawa and Sudbury are As result we are not subject to the cycles of boom or bust common to these cities Medium industry means diversification of industry And diversification is the key to llaiiies continuing and stable industrial development We do not forget for one moment the contributions made to our city by both small and large industry Both are in our corrimunity and both have played significant roles in our develiniinent But it is as middle industry city that we see liarrics future We must provide for that kind of industry as the key to our future success Dear Sir We are small group of people who are very concerned about the evergrowing use of animals for research purposes in connection with the production of cosmetics and hoUschold products Surely in an age hen the nations of the world can share techniques of space e71 ploration it should be possible lo develop some form or testing or commercial FUIUC which does Your business By EV Inf Business and oiisuniir tlairs ftlil sl Thomson Scry icc Ask the managers of small litilli name their greatest irritant Many if not most would say ll iic burden of paperwork for gov ii liltillil This week and suicly no lll bet mi or election is coming the lcdcral gowii menlss Board of IIcononirc Inyclopnirril Ministers announced series of rIiItiSlIIt to reduce the paperw ork burden The new measures will probably rcsult in initial savings of molc than $10 million in ad dition to savings of an cstimatcd Sit million flowing from other paper work changes an nouiiced earlier this year according to Na tional Revenue Minister Anthony Abbott But it isnt just the money as anyone will agree who has tried to fill out an iiicoiiic tar form and its various StlltflllltS There are also tremendous psychological costs according to document from Abbotts other department tllc is also sccrttary of state for small business These costs are more difficult to mcasurc but they exist and are expressed in terms of anger frustration disillusionment helplessness and the prevalence of general attitude that it is them against us the docii ment said TRADITION Thc bureaucratic insistence upon multiplicity of forms is traditional As the size of govcrnmciit operations and of government budgets grow the bureaucrats bccomc farther removed from the private sector mort arrogant iii the usc of thcir legal authority less sensitive to the interests of business The trend IS rt iiitorccd as public policy sw tugs gradually toward the socialist view that govornmciil knows best and that business IS up to no good and must be ever more closely controlled Over the years the principle has crept into more and more of lllt democratic systems that the uutlioritics have llISI claim on all the wealth produced by individuals and by businesses From that principle it follows that It dividuals and businesses must he prepared to write down and submit any information that bureaurrafs may tiIntuit Canadas rcd ta has become notorious In 1978 when two su isidiarici of llritish firm letters to the editor not necessitate the use of animals Very often the identical product is tested in several countries over and over again thereby causing needless suffering to hundreds of animals If anyone would be interested in joining our group to hpr light llllS practice would they plcasc call 73gt 73 Yours sincerely Mary Ictrowitcli larric Redtape burden under attack BMic to planned to incigc flitii Vcr not doer tinnabli About It lays to 111lhil lictiiii ion lll would be grintwl by doc flank of lungland and lllf liili iin or and fli Ilny in tho came of the id rtf Itiidiifi iulboi Ill lli litlfri ill of illirllit Ltd iinii laut inonl icbinid iioiin hit ll now lllf high fox and Iiiihlji of alipplying data ic pituteri ll thc IIlll loi lhi liiily ol lllllil lion and liodui livitj Wmllr iimiii Miniblci chin Ihicliin limpoirii wax to iiiband II and fffiilf National founiil of Inflation with gitalci powci tocn forccdiinand for information ltlltlhtll lllllll Anthony Abbott IISImllSI to the problem of papcr work has been morc constructive in xrsuading sonic parts of the federal bureaucracy to reduce their demands upon thi public Customs and ILxrisc air area of Abbotts own responsibility as lllllllSItI of national rcvcnut says that MS year it IS eliminating 2100000 forms arid siriiplitying thc forms used in two iriillioii transactions at an cstiinatcd annual saying to busmcss of $4 million fine way of accomplishing this has been to drop the requirement for complex forms on imports valued at less than $500 and reduce the paper work on exports worth under $500 Statistics Canada has eliminated 110 business questionnaires and simplified another 30 according to Abbott Efforts to simplify tax forms and instruc tions will be stepped up by his own depart ment Abbott adds And the Treasury Board says it will ensure that any forms that the respondent is not legally required to complete are clearly idcn tificdas voluntary Business people wishing to contact the If ficc for thc Iteductioii of Iapcr Work should callcollcct01309579107 bible thoughts ast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thcc he shall nevc suffer the righteous to bc moved Psalm 5522 lod lis made the invitation but we must lake the initativc to respond Tasting all your care upon Him for lie catcth for you 7266537 Bill McFarlane wire editor Dave Fuller sports editor Claudia Krause Lifestyle editor RE POR TE Cart De Gursc Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Bert Stevens Julie Franks tan MacLeod Aden Smith Steve Skinner Barb Boulton CLASSIFIED Freda Shinner publis her Stephen Gauer entertainment Peggy Chane Gary Forbes Dana Homewood ADVRTlSING ClASSlFlEDS BUSINESS Betty Armer camera operator Janice Morton to 726 6537 728244 Dave Burcsnk grap er NEWSROOM ADVERTISING Craig Etson managing editor Len Sevick manager tanMulgrewcity edlfor SALES Ruth Blais supervisor BUSINESS COMPOSING ROOM Marian cough accountant Jark Kerney foreman Delva Mills Glenn Kwan asst foreman Don Saunders orneWass Wilt Cattoqan Stan wrny Bill Raynor ffthttenby 1min Harml Susan II lien Ron ildcr Barbara Striiil PR SSROOM nn Near foreman Gail Mc Partand Vikki Grant Kathie Mitchell CIRCULATION Bill Halkes manager Steve While assistant manager Andy Haughton Alva LaPlanfe Lisa Warry Elaine Porter Cheryl Aiken rcct Iriitrc hast foreman Harris Blunt han ItriniiMnri The Examiner is member of The Canadian Press CF and Audit Bureau oi circulations iABCl Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stones this newspaper credited to CF The Associated Press Reuters or Agence TrancePresse and local news stories published in The Examiner Publishcddailyexccpt Sunday and statutory holidays Wf Kt by carrier VF ARL by array 30 Copyright registration number 703815 rcqwter BY MAIL Barrie $46 80 National advertan offices 65 Ouccn St Ioronfo Bod lilo bAOCafhrari Sf Montreal thCOf OUNI 36 50 the advertiser aqnos ipai the publisher snail not be liable tor damages arts inq out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount pmg to my Spam tuatly OCUDNU by that portion ol the advertisement in which the error urni whether such error is due to the ncqliqenri of its Spryan MOIOH IHROW Olf SlVa year tif WHE IN ANAIH Slit 506 car Erluais Your Majesin ex eating the new resident of Scollaml Parliament Hill its ll SlllW Itl lailljtll llttaw Bureau Thomson cws Scri lit Whcn laudc Wagner last tll icccpicnl the generous offer from liiiiic Minister Trudeau for one of those red leather seats Ill thc Senate good many loiics bitallied dccpsIghsof relicl Wagner might havc been Tory Ill llllltt he still is and llt might havc llttll the iuiiiici up to lmlark til the Icadii Slllll inicc bill III was never really party Illrtfl Iltl lic had llllS annoying habit of saying thc ruin thing at the wrong iinc From the legislature It llliillllK NELSON tutens laik lliiriau IIioiiison News Scrv ici lllllleltl lhc last SlSSltlll ot the legislature was one of those llt occasions when the government never got llStll into trouble IIvcry tlllllISltt pciforiiicd at least ailc quatcly under opposition tllllllSIll and neither thc Liberals nor New Democratic Party could find any tltlllkS III the Tory ai llltlt When youve got winning coiiibiiirition licniici William Ilavis must feel why llltilk II tip So weve had no cabiiicl shuffles llllf llllltt and the same ministers will face the opposition benches in the leSI started current session llut thcic IS one wrinkle on US smooth pat tern of succcss Leeds MII James Auld IS both natural rcsourccs minister and energy minister and its commonly accepted here that he doesnt want to handle two portfolios All his interest IS concentrated on natural resources MANYQI llIlNS Ihif Davis doesnt want to remove him Iroiii energy which is potential source of trouble for the government Not oiiy is there continuing concern over energy prices and assured supplies heighten cd by the collapse of Iran but the minister is also responsible iii the legislature for Ontario llydro And with the utility mothhallmg plants and reducing its predictions of energy demand in coming decades some tough questioning can beexpcctcd from the opposition benches SCOOPS JUST WHEN SAVED ENOUGH FOR GUCCI EYELASHES THE AYATOLLAN BRINGvi BACK THE VEIL lhc tinc tiiiic judgi and former provincial lIlltlll cabinet riiiiiistcr just didnt fit in with the federal oiiservatiics the cxtcinal at fans critic hc rcally didnt Sllltli As thi tllltl spokesman on Quibtc ilfltllIS he was liss than enlightening and as backroom strategist he didii impress lllS pctrs lsllt lhciinoic many of INS colleagues didn like that Moo ooo loiy established IlllSl fund that luicd llllll into federal politics tltl they thought that Wagner who represented Illt Quebec riding of Stc llyacin the was poor ltlSll in the leadership racc ntil lllS tlthlllllll to the Senate he and loc Why break up winning team Ihc man to handle llmt challenge is James Auld who has been in cabinet longer than anyone except the premier lllllIStlI vthey entered together in lfltl and ho specialics indctlccfiiigopposition sliiigsand arrows Heres clnsstc example of an iild reply to an opposition barb As say until all the facts or as many of the facts as are availablc and on which one can basc logical decision and until these facts are known ll difficult to make 1ch sioiioiieway or another The Tories just love to see ud handling fllltSlltlIlS In the llllllSt lliit what about the work iii lhc ministry itself Should ll licjust lct slide Davis last week solved that piobleiii by ap pointing lcoige Ashe illurham estt to be Aulds parliaiiicnfaiy assistant on energy matters NIIW MINISIIIII Ashe IS widely touch as sure lirc cabinet minister the next time IIS makes it shuffle and his new rolc as Aiilils paihaiiiciilaiy assistant almost guarantees it In fact Ashe Wlll likely be IllllllSlil in all biil name once he does lllS apprcnt IttSllIll and learns the lctails of the extremely complex matters With which energy deals Meanwhile Auld by retaining the title ill continue to confuse the opposition III the legislature In theory Ilavis should win both ays The only hitch may come from what IS Ilt lcgral to the ministry itself tendency to overlap functions with Ullltllltl llydro air organization now run by Davis close friend and advisor Ilugh Macaulay WELL AT LEAST HES BEEN FAITHFUL IN EXECUTING lllS DUTIEti Senator Wagner tells Tories only one seat in Quebec tlaik had series of feuds the most notable in mid 1077 when agncr held lark respon sible for some by election losses After the losses in Quebec Wagner declared rather unhelpfully that tlark had put together lllS own organization III the pro viiicc and theyve produced what theyve prtxiuccd He refused to take part in the byclcctioii campaign The Wagnci tlark rumble had destruc tive effect on caucus ltoth IraSallc il llllltllt became llltllttl on the side of lark and he said that the attitude of theStc llyacuitlic Il as intolerable There were several riiectiiigs between laik and lIIS unhappy litutcimirt is they tried to maintain uiiicd lront llll tiynig to pioneer new ground to iimkc surc llrc party hangs togctlici saul the party lcmlcr following ttltlllltl meeting with Wagner ihit not long after that the prime minister announced that Wagner was iiioy ing on to lllS reward iii the Senate iid lllllS Tory lls arc Sllll wondering who engineered the mine Was ll Iiudcau who wanted lllS Liberals to win that Slc Ilyaciiithcseat in byclcction which they did or did some considerate Tory suggest Il because Wagner was suffer ing from long bout of ill health In any went all lorics assumed that with Wagner safely in lttS senatorial siiiacurc ill IllltlllJl hostilities would cease They didnt even seem to mind whcii Senator Wagner had few kind words to say about liudeau in one of INS speeches Iliit they clearly did mind when the dignified senator chatted on an Ottawa radio station about electoral prospects in Quebec soiiiclhing that no longer affects his personal future The timing was at best rather tin fortunate because loe tliik was in Quebec that day try iiig lIIS dariidcst to ignite spark of ciilhusiasm on that bleak Tory landscape Were ciiiipiiguiiig across the country and going to bc it lot of nomination meetings here in Quebec and erc hoping to win on scats here iii the pro iucc he ilitlJltxl Okay so it was otifiagcoiis optimism but plll leaders lime to be optimistic nd if US optimism is going to be effective it must appear to be shared by supporfcis So hat was Senator Wagner saying at that SIllli liinc lll was declaring that thc lolics wont In more than one or two seats in Quebec they are not going to make great gains iii Quebec Sllil the Tory senator If they can hold on to one or two seats that will be the maximum would like to pass on the commciits from all the Tory IIs talked with about Wagneiiaii coiil ributioii to the campaign But they wouldnt be good influence on the children NOT TO MENTION HIS PREDECESSORS The xamnner claims copyright on all original news and advertismq malPrlal 90 13 rreaied by its employees and published in this newspaper WISI and tnire shall he no liability for non insertion of any adw Diyand the amount paid for such advertisement or other rhscmcni the evening Byll10NARINfBIrE The emancipation by Canadian woman has moved forward considerably during this past decade Nevertheless the Federal Govern ment has in my opinion taken retrograde step with respect to bill now before Parlia ment concerning certain class of profes sional women As you no doubt have read the Federal Government wants to pass bill against pro stitutes the worlds oldest profession as some might say The problem is that the Courts have leaned in favour of the prostitutes in few leading cases in their interpretation as to what con stitutes soliciting Briefly stated the Courts have held that wink or sly come hither look is not soliciting The more knowledgeable ladies of the evening made the most of the Courts decisions on this point Consequently police departments have gone complaining to their respective members of parliament that its almost impossible to make pinch because of the narrow interpretation of the word soliciting INTRODUCED BILL As result Justice Minister Marc Lalonde introduced bill in Parliament that would make it unnecessary for police to prove that the soliciting had been pressing and persrs tent in order to get conviction Now dont think the girls are taking this lying down if youll pardon the expression Not bit theyre up in arms about this at tempt to put them down and theyre doing some lobbying of their own In addition to the prostitutes the National Action Committee on the Status of Women have demanded that the bill be given closer examination and spokesman ior is it spokesladyi speaking for the National Associaton of Women and the Law said that the passage of this bill would have the effect of making it crime to be prostitute You see its not against the law anymore to be prostitute The criminality involved is for the prostitute to solicit Consequently Ottawa Lawyer Peggy Mason speaking for the said Association minced no words when she said of the bill This is step back into the Nineteenth CenA tury when the criminal law was used to im pose particular code of moral conduct on everyone Ms Mason went on to state The real ef fect of this regressive bill will not be to reduce the nuisance value of prostitution but instead will merely be to subject the poorest street prostitutes to potentially unlimited and legal police harassment ll IT AGAIN As consequence can hear two street girls talking now Waddaye think Shoily those creeps in Parliament got nothing better to do den passin laws dat only make it harder on us workin goils Never rirind ioity says Shoily Weve fought them in the Courts before and won er and well do ll again hope youre right ioity because the way the economy is going its becomin harder and harder to make buck Ye dont have to tell me Shoily Why just the other day some smart Alex of guy ask ed me for fifty bucks for cuppa coffee Fifty bucks exclaimed Goity Tali acknowledng Shoily So sez to him sez llow come ye need so much money fora cuppa coffee And ye know what he says te nie No says ioity What did he say He says Im heavy tipper Interggting the news New peace bid in Middle East WASIIINGION itli President Carter is putting his political prestige on the line this week with bold new initiative to breathe life into stalled Mideast peace negotiations After four days of apparently fruitless talks with Israeli Prime MllIlSltl Mciiachem Begin here tarter announced plans to fly to Egypt and Israel Wtxlnesday to try to salvage tropes for peace It is gamble for arteix whose Xilitical fortunes have been reflected in the progress of the on again oftagain peace talks between Egypt and Israel When an accord seemed near last September after summit talks between Israeli and Egyptian leaders at Carters ainp David retreat the presidents popularity soared But as months dragged by with no treaty signed artcrs public esteem weakened artcr gave Begin secret proposals during the weekend for breaking the stalemate in talks with Egypt and the Israelis reacted posit ivcly according to White House reports Illtrillion President nwar Sadat wasnt commenting on the Washington developments Whatever the proposals taitei must judge chances of wrapping tip some kii of agree ment by personal mediation to be aiily good He is unlikely to risk second failure after letting hopes build up for successful couclu sioii to peace efforts Kli ll lTIItlt tartei has taken heavy battering on his handling of foreign affairs On top of puwa disappointment about thc Mideast came the sackingot the embassy in Iehranduring the Iranian uprising and the public scolding by Mexican lrcsidciit losc lope loriillo during tarters state ml to Mexico The bloom went off after diplomats recognition of thina after that country in vasion of Vietnam and refusal to heal urgiiigs to it hdraw lillillial iitlliS at home ltionxl in with sharp blasts against the president handling of world affairs